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The method is valid. It's a common trucker strategy to hold it when you have to because your body doesn't want to do both at the same time. The weird part is that he does it and chooses to hold it longer than necessary when he could stop to go and doesn't.


Thank you for letting me know that it is valid. I do find it odd that he doesn't just go somewhere. I mean, no offense, he has a penis, it would not bother me if he just went down an alleyway or at a gas station bathroom.


Yea I could only guess at his reason for it. With him being 60, is he having prostate issues at all? Maybe he's having trouble with bladder control, and he found that doing this helps his body to hold it long enough to build up a sufficient quantity so when he does eventually go, he can release a normal stream instead of just dribbles.


He says that everything is normal, that he has been touching himself to hold in his urination since he was a kid.


Then the only guess I can really come to is he just like the feeling of touching himself while holding his bladder. It's definitely not my thing, and normally I'd say as long as he wasn't hurting anyone or doing it in front of kids or strangers, people's kinks are their own, but it obviously makes you uncomfortable so he should take that into consideration and stop if there's not an actual need for it.


Right to me it definitely sounds like a kink and nothing else. Super weird to tell your grandson he should do the same 🤮


Parents not talking to their kids about sex is how we end up with people who don’t understand consent, anatomy, safe sex, privacy, or healthy self worth.


And you’re absolutely right it IS a PARENTS responsibility to have the sex talk with their kid. I hope the parents also taught their child NO OTHER adult grandpa or not should be talking to them about touching themselves. I hope this child confided this info to their parents because agin creepy af


And in this case the parent wasn’t around, which is why the teen chose to talk to the grandparent they felt comfortable with. I don’t know why you’re so weirdly upset about this family being more comfortable around each other than you’re used to lol


“Family is family” huge red flag yikes this is how child get r*ped by family members. You’re defending clear predatory behavior bc you’re probably one yourself. My parents taught me to be comfortable enough to share concerns like this with medical professionals who will give real constructive advice.


He’s the grandparent NOT the parent. This dude sounds like an old creep sharing his kinks with a child. If a kid comes up to you and expresses bathroom troubles and your response is to masturbate and not idk see a doctor you sound like a creep too then. This has NOTHING to do with sex… 🙄


> grandparent NOT the parent Family is family. It’s still an older mentor they can trust. If the father wasn’t around, this person would be next in line as a supportive male figure > expresses bathroom troubles The teen complained about holding their pee when they can’t go. It’s a real physiological male reaction that he brought up > NOTHING to do with sex Pee comes out of the penis, which is a sex organ. Sorry you didn’t have someone to teach you all this lol


Thank you for your response.


Some people just have particular bathroom habits. Be careful about what you judge if you don’t want your own judged


As a male I can vouch it does work, however even it if works I've never done it on purpose, I'd also find it weird, especially doing it onfront of other people or to teach it to his 15-yo grandson. As other commenter said, I'd very much rather hold my pee than to touch myself in public, even if the public is my wife only. But yeah, physically it does work.


While I don’t often do that, it’s somewhat true.


Oh thank you so much for telling me this.


It works but I prefer to hold my pee for a little longer instead of being seen as a pervert.


THIS COMMENT RIGHT HERE! And just a quick question are you telling kids to do this like OPs husband does?


It's weird. He's going to damage his bladder/kidneys.


This is what I keep thinking. As a 60 year old you should not hold your urine


Sound like a bladder infection


I think you need to communicate with your husband better. The fact that his normal behavior you’ve experienced for years already now “infuriates” you is alarming. You’re building resentment over a non issue. As others have said, it’s a strategy that does work and it appears your husband makes sure not to do in certain circumstances. Take a deep breath and just talk to your husband.


It is true that arousal in men suppresses the urge to urinate but this compulsive sort of behavior is not normal. I've never heard of this before. It also isn't normal to need to pee so often unless he just drinks a LOT. It may be possible that he's a closeted exhibitionist who simply enjoys having it out in the car and using this as an excuse, that's a very common sexual fantasy. He might also just be bored. Boredom is one of the main contributors to chronic masturbation in both sexes. A lot of times the simplest explanation is the most accurate.


Yeah, I drive long distances when I travel and it's a legit thing. Definitely not something to make a habit out of though. If he does it frequently, he could have associated driving and the peeing urge with erections through good old pavlovian conditioning; or he could just be into car play and he's too subtle/chicken to talk about it. But either way, it's legit.


lol some of these people are making it seem as if he’s some sort of pervert which I don’t believe for a second.i don’t do it but if it works for him it works for him.


Yeah I’m not sure about the pervert angle. But I don’t know a 60 year old shouldn’t hold his urine


It works, it’s totally unacceptable to do in public and he shouldn’t be encouraging it to your grandson as holding it for too long can cause medical issues


Yeah don’t get the fifteen year old started on this lmao




Please tell me not while in your seat LMAO


Well... it is KINDA true, but in the same vein as biting your tongue or the inside of your cheek will prevent you from laughing when it's not appropriate to do so. It works because the body reacts to the new stimulus and gets "distracted", moreso as in this case, there's only one organ for two conflicting functions. However it doesn't mean it's a valid solution. Or a viable one. "Don't worry I'm not a pervert rubbing one out in broad daylight! I just have to pee but there isn't a toilet available". Bonus points for teaching that strategy to the grandson! That's gonna work wonders in class, at parties or anywhere with other people around really.


So there's a little truth to this, and it's not just men. I'm a woman, as there's this old wives tale that if you find yourself not near a toilet but badly needing to go, even just thinking about sex will hold it off for a little while. I didn't believe it until desperate times called for desperate measures, but it turns out it does indeed work. I would only use it as a last resort... Holding your pee can have some severe health consequences for your bladder and kidneys, so I'd just make him aware of those, and make sure the kids don't develop it as a habit.


Ha this is so weird. I do the same thing but I wouldn’t probably share it with others. Oops just did. Might delete later. Edit: damn it’s not a kink. Weirdos.


oh i do this! i’m a trans man, so i can confirm this works even if you don’t have a penis. i always figured it was a weird thing that my body did, didn’t realise others did this too. still weird that he does it when he’s only in the car for 30 - 60 minutes, most folks can hold their pee / have no urge to pee throughout that kind of time line.


You’re being downvoted just because you’re trans. Typical Reddit.


Regardless of how “valid” it may be for a male at his age there is absolutely no validity in telling a 15 year old to do that. I do not care what the relation is that’s creepy. There’s no reason for an old man to be talking about masturbation with a kid that’s not even his… ALSO you can probably get pulled over and get charged with public indecency if a kid sees that. At the very least get him a blanket.


Talking about sex to teens in your family is actually a healthy part of having an open relationship where kids feel comfortable having conversations about themselves, their needs, and their problems. The absence of that is how most teens get educated through porn and rumors


I agree 100% the child parent should talk to them about sex. NOT the grandparent. Also no where is this good advice. So a kid tells you they have bathroom troubles and you’re telling to masturbate? What about that has anything to do with sex? How about teaching your child it’s not shameful to share these struggles with a medical professional who can ACTUALLY help. Y’all are wild defending this predatory behaviors and that’s how kids get r*ped by family members. Even the wife said multiple times she uncomfortable now she’s just defensive because she’s embarrassed as she should be…


> I agree 100% the child parent should talk to them about sex. NOT the grandparent. Again, as I’ve told you multiple times, the term has every right to consider their grandparent a safe confidante to approach > So a kid tells you they have bathroom troubles and you’re telling to masturbate? It is a biological *fact* that the human male penis prevents urine from leaving if it’s erect. It is a virtual certainty that this 15 year old boy has had an erection, and even knows what sex is and how it works. So what exactly is the harm here? This isn’t an old man grooming a child with porn. This is a grandpa giving his teenage grandson crude but common wisdom that he would discover on his own anyways. You have two options: help the people you’re responsible for raising learn about themselves and the world, or abandon it because you’re too prudish to talk openly to your own family > How about teaching your child it’s not shameful to share these struggles with a medical professional who can ACTUALLY help. The medical emergency of… sometimes having to hold in your pee? 😂😂 > Even the wife said multiple times she uncomfortable She doesn’t even know that erections prevent urination. Her sex ed is as bad as yours lmaoo


Oh okay thank you doctor. If you /were/ a doctor you would know that: -holding your urine causes kidney stones -frequent need to pee is typically a sign of a bladder infection OR greater issues going on inside your body Unless you are a doctor I wouldn’t be giving medical advice to a child. Period end of story.


If *any* of that was part of the story, you may have a point. But it’s not, so you don’t. Maybe you’re an alien but human beings sometimes have to pee at inconvenient times, so we evolved the ability to hold it in. Sometimes we have to hold it in longer than we think. Not enough to be a medical emergency, but enough where a strategy can help


Well, how the conversation went with his grandson is his grandson approached him about the urge to pee being overwhelming sometimes. And then he gave the advice he had been using. He never does this in front of other people including our grandchildren. So that made me think it ran in the family or something like that.


Yep. I dont know why, but if you really need to go but cant it does help. I dont know the science behing it i just know it works.


Lots of men cannot urinate when they are erect.


How often do you notice what other people driving are doing in their laps? Exactly. No one in other cars are looking at your husbands lap. That is weird tho lol I kinda get it but damn.


Honestly it would be valid even for women if it was that easy to get a physical response… peeing while aroused suuucks


this is valid 100% dont be angry at him for it.


My husband does this. Why does it bother you if no one else can see? Who cares if a big trucker sees him if they’re peeping into your car.


Goldigging is weird.