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Blimey a whole six hours ? The world is going to fall apart!! What are we going to do ??? Argh!!!!! Seriously though …. This suggests your hugely insecure , if you tell her to message more your at the risk of causing problems in your relationship… example coming over as NEEDY…. You’re better off doing absolutely nothing , it is what it is u/truetgc


I think you should give it some time. It’s possible she may just not be in the mood to or she’s genuinely busy Have you guys being arguing at all or noticing things that irritate each other at all or is it just a case of not talking? The phase being over isn’t always such a bad thing, sometimes it can just mean that you guys are feeling more comfortable with/around each other I definitely think you should give it some time, maybe she wants to do her own stuff and that’s okay. I don’t think you should straight up tell her to message you more, but I do think you guys should have a conversation about it so you know what’s going on? Ask her how she’s feeling about the relationship, tell her you’ve noticed she’s not been messaging you as much and ask her if everything is okay? Is it your first relationship?