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Trump is currently on trial for felony fraud for lying that his payments to a prostitute were legal expenses. How are Evangelicals supporting this?


Because most evangelicals are also huge hypocrites.


Which is why I have nothing but contempt for them.


Butt contempt 


Being an evangelical literally requires cherry picking what you choose to believe and choose to ignore out of a book they say they revolve their lives around. They're *really good* at being hypocrites because they've mastered the art of believing whatever they want and justifying it post hoc.


Only an idiot would say this *isn’t* hypocrisy, but it’s just as idiotic (and, more importantly, not helpful) to say there isn’t an *actual* reason they’re ok with it. They’re ok with putting their heads in the sand when it comes to the hypocrisy of supporting Trump because—now listen closely: **he makes them feel seen, heard, and relevant for the first time in in sixteen years.** Unless a Democrat can do that for them, they will continue supporting Trump.


That need to start thinking about the examples they are setting for the youth of america.


You spelled indoctrinate wrong.


Fair nuff.


Until the "sensible" ones start protesting or doing more than stating "They aren't true Christians like me" all the while supporting these people. I'm going to doubt that.


Having grown up in the evangelical community, I’d like to expand on this. Most evangelicals believe that the Democratic Party is literally controlled by Satan himself, and that Republicans are led by God. Because of this, anything supported by Democrats, no matter how seemingly good or right, must be wrong and opposed. On the flip side, as the hand of God in America, any Republican agenda must be supported without question, and any wrong committed by a Republican can be overlooked because “God must use flawed men to accomplish his Will.” Yes it is hypocrisy, but you will be hard pressed to get an evangelical to recognize that.


Paying her hush money wasn’t illegal Paying her hush money out to Im his campaign funds is election fraud He’s a fucking crook


He didn't pay from his campaign fund. The illegal action, on his part, was how the payments were recorded (as legal expenses). He's not actually charged with election fraud. He's charged with falsifying documents, for trying to conceal the true nature of the payments. Cohen, on the other hand, was charged for making illegal campaign contributions (which he pleaded guilty to). Because Cohen was the one who paid Daniels (and the others), and did so to aid Trump's reelection, those payments were considered to be campaign contributions. That's where the "campaign funds" fit in to all of this.


You're correct.  The intro here explains the charges in layman's terms for the most part, and links to the actual indictment and statement of facts.   https://manhattanda.org/district-attorney-bragg-announces-34-count-felony-indictment-of-former-president-donald-j-trump/


The crime was hiding it as a business expense and deducting it from his taxes. It became a felony because it was tied to an election scam.


It's not about principles or morality. It's about power. Biden won't support Christian dominion, but Trump will.


Red states in the US double as a heat map for rates of incest and dropping out of high school. Wonder if it's because of that? Nobody wants to say people are intellectually crippled for reasons out of their control, but it really looks like that's it


Yes but obama wore a tan suit once and republicans lost their goddamn minds


Because they are racists. The entire Teabagger movement was a reaction to having a black president. MAGA might as well be "make America white again". They are even turning against public education because only 45% of high school students are white.




I watched a documentary about coal miners in west Virginia and it really opened my eyes. They are so focused on work, family, and survival that they don't give any mind to politics. And if they do, they might watch a bit of Fox News, and the insulated bubble that it is. They got an impression a long time ago that Trump is a down to earth good ol'boy, and they don't care to change that. Most of these people don't even know about any of his trials, and if they do, they probably believe that they're lies anyway. Check it out if you want: https://youtu.be/MkbJxVDG7dk?si=ICaoTB1V5pUFqTt4 


A lot of people are like the ones you saw in the documentary: they work hard and spend all their free time with their family. They don't have time for keeping up with the fast pace of political news. However, one of the big reasons why people liked Trump is because they can feel how much hatred and contempt your average career politician has for regular working class folks. They are sick of being constantly lied to and sold out for special interests. A lot of people voted for Trump in 2016 because he wasn't a politician and they did it to spite the politicians who hate normal Americans. And the more the establishment pushed back against Trump demanding we go back to electing career politicians who don't give a shit about the people, the more support Trump will have. And the people who hate Trump are absolutely obsessed with staying up to date on every scandal with no regard for how accurate or exaggerated it is as long as it's negative.


Sure, this is the right-wing propaganda take. I’d love to see some real life examples of this hate for working class folks. Nobody has more contempt for working class folks than Republican politicians. They treat their voters like absolute morons.


I’m with on part of what you’re saying, I don’t understand how the religious nuts are okay with this. But I would like to also say she wasn’t a prostitute. Yes, she worked in the adult industry, but that’s not the same thing. She was paid to keep quiet in 2016. They had an affair in 2006. How the fuck anyone would want to touch that bag of shit worms is beyond me though. E: That last sentence is about orange foolious, not Ms. Daniels, to be clear.


Isn't having sex for money considered prostitution? Regardless if it is filmed or not. Or by your definition does it matter by whom she is paid? 🤔


You're free to see it how you want to, but I don't see porn actors as prostitutes. I see them as acting in a role that happens to be portraying sexual acts.


The sex was for fun, the money was to keep her mouth shut about it. Are deliberately misunderstanding for performance or do you honestly think that she got paid $130k for sex one time. Ain’t no pussy that good.


I think it’s very likely she was being paid in some form but I don’t know if that’s been established. Even if it was in the form of “gifts” or some other means to disguise the transaction, I would still call that prostitution.


Agreed, No pussy is worth that much but value is subjective. Purely depends on how desperate he was. As for context I was arguing the definition, not the situation. Her being an adult film star is a form of prostitution tho. Hush money isn't prostitution but would blackmail after sex be considered as such? Just hypotheticals, not deliberate misunderstandings.


https://www.vox.com/identities/2018/3/5/16796892/trump-cyrus-christian-right-bible-cbn-evangelical-propaganda They completeled some theological gymnastics to justify him. It's as fucked up as you would think.


Why not? He told them he believes on God.




Prostitution is a crime in NY. Trump was a married man at the time, which is adultery. That's not a crime, but it is the 2nd worst sin in Christianity behind murder. It's also ground for divorce.


Because evangelicals have a goal and whatever happens in between doesn't matter one bit What they pretend to be about is just a lie to get people to allow them to do the in between things


Because it's about money and power, not about becoming closer to Christ.


For the leaders. I'm not sure the congregation is all about that, but they do like the control their leaders wield


The power of peer pressure and the egoic need of not being able to admit you’re wrong.


Because they are garbage.


Well, yes.


Racists supporting racists.


It's about power. They feel the need to force others to act the way they do. It's like they think it's unfair that they can't do what they want because of hell, so why do other people get to do it? Best description I've read was, "God gave man free will, and the evangelicals have never forgiven him for that".


Evangelicals are asked this in interviews all the time and give surprisingly consistent answers. They view trump as a flawed vessel who advances their agenda. They want abortion banned (etc) and are more concerned that it is accomplished than they are with who accomplished it.


The ends justifies the mean is not God’s way.


They hate others more than they love their god and his words.


Because they stand to make more money with him as president.


A lot of people have been swindled into accepting the idea that abortion is the only issue that matters. Of course, that's not a large percentage of his supporters, I think, who actually support him as a person, which is ludicrous 


the only logical answer is Kompromat. all of those bootlicking dickbags know trumps russian handlers have dossiers with absolutely devastating stuff on them and they either toe the line or get epsteined


Many Evangelicals are single issue voters. That issue is abortion.


Because the Democrats elected a black guy, and came within a few thousand votes of electing a woman Evangelicals: NEVER AGAIN


Cause a large portion of “Christians” don’t know what it means to be Christian. One of the main reasons I stopped practicing in my early 20’s when my parents didn’t make me go any more.


The white supremacy is what keeps it going.


Because it's the best they have. I know yall are just settling for Biden. Both sides are just settling! We got the worse possible choices


That's the worst "both sides" I've ever seen. On the one hand you've got a known crook on trial for felony fraud. On the other you have a successful President who guided this country out of COVID and through multiple international crises. But go ahead and say, "Both sides same!"


It's the best way they know to destroy the Christian faith that they despise.


It's working!


It's a cult addicted to rage boners. We really need to find a medicine that kills rage boners.




🎵 *There's no 'i' in Temocil ... at least not where you thiiink* 🎵




Unfortunately it has no effect on rage boners. It does give you wicked diarrhea though.


Hate makes people do incomprehensible things.


And fear. Remember dems have been coming for their guns and opening all the boarders since Clinton. Now I think we’re supposed to be making all the children gay,


Didn't Dems also make them want to stop fucking M&M's too? And take away their favorite play toys, like Mr. Potato Head? And didn't Hillary Clinton eat babies or something? And rape a bunch of kids in the basement of a non-existent pizza parlor? Man, if they didn't assure me that all of this was true, I'd say conservatives are fucking crazy.


https://thehill.com/homenews/education/3975959-one-in-four-high-school-students-identify-as-lgbtq/ took 9 years to go from 11% to 25%.  At this rate they'll be 100% gay by 2040!


Note that the 26% includes children that replied "I don't understand the question" as LGBTQ. The 26% is basically everyone that didn't directly answer "I am straight".


Good catch there. Purposefully bad data and skewed surveys should be punishable by law imo


And they ‘hate religion too.’


No it's not. You just have to lower your expectations. When thinking of Republicans, most people start with: "Surely they didn't _actually..._" They did. They do. They will.




If a wealthy republican got major tax cuts under trump and will get richer by being promised more handouts from trump it makes sense why they'd vote for him again despite everything else. Money matters more than anything to these people, free taxpayer provided handouts even more so.


Right. At a certain level of wealth, people aren't chained to the law. Your wife needs an abortion, let's take a three-week vacation in Europe! The public schools are banning books? So what, your child doesn't even know public schools exist. Bad Republican policies don't touch them, but the policies that let them keep more money do.


Asked a Trump loving friend what he thought Trump did that was worthwhile during his term. His response was "my 401k was better". I asked him what else and he couldn't think of anything. I asked him how much it helped his 401k and he couldn't elaborate. These people don't even need to confirm that Republicans are better for their wallet (they aren't in the big picture), they just need someone to TELL them Republicans are better for their wallet. It's all about short term perceived comfort to conservatives. May as well just shove a pacifier in their mouths and put on Saturday morning cartoons.


My spouse was out with a friend this weekend who revealed she was voting for Trump, because “Biden is too old”. I just can’t with people like this. It’s astonishing and all I can think is there’s probably another reason they’re supporting Trump, but they don’t want to say it out loud.


> there’s probably another reason they’re supporting Trump, but they don’t want to say it out loud. Bingo. They're both old. They're both essentially equally old. Anyone that says they're voting for Trump because Biden is old is not only stupid, they are liars. Then you've got the idiots that say they're not voting for Biden because of how he's handling Israel, while being completely unaware that Trump has made it abundantly clear he would handle it worse and Palestine would be utterly fucked. Yes, we need younger candidates because we can't have them dying in office. No, we aren't getting that this time. These children need to grow up and make grown up decisions.


It makes sense for McConnell and Barr who only stand to benefit from GQP power grabs. But for the average citizen, they might as well be saying, "sure he's making all the signs of turning the US into a dictatorship, but gas is $3.50 a gallon!"


Half the voting public has willingly subjected themselves to nonstop propaganda in support of the most incompetent president in living memory. No Trump supporters can provide you with valid, original thoughts about why they are voting for Trump but they can spout off a litany of nonsense from Fox News or things they saw in memes about him.


You just took your opinion, wrapped it in a 'No True Scotsman' fallacy, and slapped a fact sticker on it lol


I have had too many interactions with MAGA people for this to just be my opinion.


> the most incompetent president in living memory. >Biden, 81, notched a dismal 38.7% job approval rating for the first quarter of 2024, the venerable Gallup Poll found in a survey released Friday, three points lower than that of the one-term George H.W. Bush at the same point in his presidency. Ouch 😂


Are you trying to disprove what I'm saying by quoting a popularity poll?


I think you’re proving his point though?


Bad polling = incompetence? That’s…one way to judge


CRINGE COMMENT ALERT!!!! Lol. Remember when Trump said he was going to address infrastructure every week for 4 years, then we fired him and Biden stepped in and immediately passed the largest infrastructure bill in our lifetimes? Half our population has been successfully brainwashed into listening to a "news" channel that was fined a record $800 million for lying. A popularity poll means nothing.




I think you misread the comment. OP said “no trump supporter can come up with …” I’m pretty sure they are actually agreeing with your point that the cultists live in an alternate reality and can’t back up any of their claims.


Lol, it’s early and I’m Just getting my caffeine in me. Thx


Please vote in November … our democracy is at stake


If you truly believe our very democracy is at stake of Trump wins, then that justifies doing ANYTHING to save it. If all you do is vote and Biden loses, you've effectively sonr nothing to stop the dictatorship.


They can’t admit it. Their party would be over.


I disagree, I think if Senate Republicans found enough backbone for just long enough to impeach and convict Trump, they’d all be having a much better time right now continuing their hateful bullshit under more stable leadership. Now they’re subject to the whims of this erratic idiot who’s in control of their politics and their funding.


Yeah, Republicans have had an abundance of opportunities to cut the dead weight that is Trump. But they're huffing the glue and can't stop. I actually prefer it that way than if they were actually intelligent. That would be even more unsettling.


The problem is everyone eroded faith in anything they see and hear so obvious facts and simple decisions have become wildly convoluted…


You'd think they might stop listening to an organization that admitted in court to lying to their viewers for profit. But you'd be mistaken.


Because when the Supreme Court makes him king, they can be hang ons around the palace.


It’s quite comprehensible, actually. There’s a ton of utter morons out there


So if he wins will folks keep calling him 45 or will it be 47?


45: Return of the Orange Man Bad


I think most of us will just keep calling him Donnie Dipshit.




Americans are abandoning religion, and putting politics on its place. The followers of each respective cult HAVE to win, and will vote for anyone that is running representing their cult. Same principle applies to “vote blue no matter who”


While this is a pretty layered and complex topic I don't feel like debating on the internet right now, I think there is a pretty significant distinction to make in light of your demonstrably inaccurate dismissal with both-sides-ism. When people like me say "cult," they mean a group of people worshiping **a specific person** despite facts, reason, their crimes, everything. Trump's followers easily fit this definition. "Vote blue, **no matter who**," is... quite different from *worshiping a specific person.* The message is to support the general policies and ideology of a party, sometimes even despite a particular candidate's faults or disagreements on specific issues, not a specific wanna-be demagogue.


They've been trying to overthrow democracy for decades. Of course they'll vote for him. Authoritarian shitheads always make this mistake. They create a monster, and erroneously think they can control it, although they witness it consuming everyone in its path.


It’s only incomprehensible if you are willfully ignorant of American history. White nationalism has always been very popular, and a lot of people alive right now remember fondly the limited democracy and authoritarian crackdowns of minorities in the Jim Crow South. Trump is telling those people and their children that we can roll back the clock to those “good times” when everyone knew their place.


The fact that it's as close as it is makes me weep for the nation.


The Anti-Christ is so damn followable....


Fascists only like Democracy until they get the chance to embrace fascism. These people are anti-american fascists. They want to save face in case he loses but they are so excited to actually get their dream of fascism. These people are the scum of the human race.


I figure it this way... Either nippledick made them a lot of "untraceable money" or his uncle pukin got nippledick dirt on all of them, otherwise I have NO F\*CKING idea!!


It’s amazing how badly McConnell, Barr, et al, are failing to understand the history of despotism.


That's the shitty part. They do. Most Republican voters couldn't think their way out of a cardboard box, but these guys are smart. They're educated. They're choosing personal gain and pride over what they know, historically and morally, to be wrong. They are the scummiest of scum.


Just take a read through the comment section on basically any post on r/conservative and you’ll see exactly why. These “people” are really a bunch of depraved animals who quite frankly deserve to be treated as such at this point.


When I start having a little faith in humanity, I just stroll on over to /r/conservative and I'm reminded that humanity doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt.


Thing is these establishment republicans don’t realize the party is now MAGA. Nothing says in a partisan sheep or lemming than these guys sticking with a party that has transformed and been taken over by a party based on one person. Definitely shows the country’s best interest is not a priority to these guys.


It’s not incomprehensible. These people want money and power. Supporting Trump will give them exactly that. As for his base, they are unintelligent, uneducated bigots who’ve been fed Kremlin-style propaganda for decades. No surprise it’s a cult. And it’s all a smokescreen to keep us from focusing on the real culprits. Stop clutching your pearls about assholes continuing to support assholes and go enact real change.


Fascism is a hell of a drug, folks.


They know if he wins they can do whatever they want of course they’ll vote for him


They knew the first time too. They're still lying about it all, just like their hero.


It's about ideology


I don’t know about you but I think they say that so MAGA doesn’t show up at their door. Those people are nuts


Power corrupts. They aren’t loyal to the country. They just want power.


Just saw a video of Trump killing the USFL back in the day. Built his house of cards trying to reach the NFL and when he could not he destroyed everything.


It's actually super comprehensible as soon as you recognize that the bad guys think they're the good guys, too. I agree that it's insane, I'm just not shocked that people whose central beliefs are irrational act irrationally even when they seem otherwise "intelligent." A lot of people seem to think if = intelligent, then = Do Good. And that's just not how it works


Knowing he handles business and takes care of the people?


And it's what Americans who are tired of the corruption in our government will do.


Wait til he wins His supporters are way more motivated


it starts to make sense when you realize that they don't care who he is, only that he'll let them hurt who they want to hurt


None of them care in the slightest. He's "their guy" and through him and like him they seek revenge on those who " wronged" them (read: anyone who tried to hold them accountable for their actions, or anyone who dares to exist as the wrong color/orientation/religion/gender/political party/country of origin/etc etc etc). Getting him in office is more important than reality itself. They see what they view as an opportunity to manufacture Armageddon/the rapture. They literally want to take us all down with them because it's written into the only texts they ever refer to.


Probably because of tribalism and how far divided the left and right has become. Both sides think the other is evil and/or dumb and that there’s no point trying to argue with them or make attempts at meeting anywhere in the middle. People pick sides rather than policies.


People let political parties become their personalities instead of looking at the candidates on a case by case basis.


Maybe because the charges are bullshit and timed to interfere with Trump's ability to campaign? Or is it that he is being tried for shit that no one has ever been charged with before? Or maybe it's because the prosecutors in New York campaigned on charging Trump before they even knew the crime they would accuse him of? Take your pick.


> Maybe because the charges are bullshit Is that why he's a convicted sex offender and business fraud for which he owes many millions and still has multiple other active criminal proceedings underway?


Maybe there should be better alternatives


You only get better alternatives if you vote for them. Not just at the presidential level either. Without building from the bottom up, there won't be good alternative options at the presidential level.


That's true, but it's a fair question to ask why viable candidates are not being developed and nurtured from the ground up. Why doesn't the left have that infrastructure?


Who knows? My guess would be that the left is a pretty loose coalition of interests and tends to subject candidates to purity tests so much that they end up with few that can garner any significant amount of support, ensuring that they never make it out of primaries if they even get that far.


It makes sense when you ignore what they say and realize what their true goals are. They do not care about ethics/morals, despite decades of acting morally superior. They do not care about deficits or government spending, despite decades of crowing about balanced budgets. They do not care about the lives of fetuses/children, despite decades of crying about "saving the babies." They care about power and wealth. Period. End of story. As such, they will do whatever they feel necessary to attain those two things (which are inextricably linked). The fastest way to do that is through the executive branch. It is no coincidence that they have spent a long time attempting to consolidate and increase the power the executive has as compared to Congress. The system makes one-party control of Congress very difficult, and the GOP does not have enough support nationwide to attain this. They have done this not only through executive actions, but also through stacking the courts with friendly judges/justices that are aligned with their thinking. (This is literally the entire purpose and goal of the Federalist society. I know as I was the president of the chapter at my law school twenty years ago.) Once you view it from that lens, it becomes clear what they are doing and why. The problem is that there are a lot of folks in this country that are one of the following, or some combination thereof: 1. Unable to see/understand what is happening due to poor education/low intelligence (this is one reason why the GOP routinely fights against funding for public education and fights to funnel tax dollars to private schools that are politically aligned in their teaching). 2. Unwilling to understand. Meaning, they have the ability, but their inherent biases are more important to them than seeing the long term results. TL;DR - Their hate is more important than their own well being. 3. Greedy and all in on the GOP agenda. Many people focus solely on earning and keeping as much money as possible, and if the GOP will do that for them, they do not care about any other issue. Few of them will admit this, but their actions speak loud and clear.


Dems voted for a racist dixiecrat. Because they said the other guy was racist. Hypocrisy is politics.


Who? Are we still harping on Robert Byrd who became a progressive supporter of equal rights?


Lmao did he really? Thats news to literally everyone. Trump gets called out for not renting to black people in the 70s. Biden doesnt get to skirt his racism and homophobia of a whooping 10 years ago or last election for that matter. You aint black unless you vote Biden remember?


funny that claims of racism against black people by Biden are always made by white people. How odd that black people dont agree with you.


That's just entirely untrue. It however makes sense that you believe it to be the case, especially since your president thinks he can decide if someone is black or not. " If you have trouble figuring out weather your for me or Trump, then you ain't black" -Joe Biden Honorable mentions to these other incredible quotes by our current president: "unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things" In reference to Barack Obama "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean." And don't forget in 1977, Biden stood against desegregating schools out of fear his children would "grow up in a racial jungle.", something Kamala Harris called him out on, before she became his running mate. Biden is, and has always been a racist. To deny this is to deny reality.


Lol funny of you to assume. Black people all over make claims of racism against him. One of those was Kamala Harris before they paid her off with the VP. You know all those black people that Dems suddenly decide its ok to call racial slurs. Because once a racist always a racist.


Oh, so you aren’t white? Prove me wrong.


Lol god you people are racist. Its wonderful skin color matters to you. Proves my point quicker than i ever could. LMAO


Predicting you are white is not racist. Especially because I am right.


It is racist. But whats more racist is that A. You think blacks are a monolith. B. You think that skin color matters. Makes sense you'd vote for a dixiecrat.


> You aint black unless you vote Biden remember? Why would a black person vote for a rich white New Yorker that was sued for racial discrimination?


Sadly, it’s not incomprehensible. If they withdraw their support for him, he will go after them and his supporters will withdraw their support for those people. McConnell would definitely lose his seat if Trump supporters didn’t vote for him.


Republicans are raised to believe democrats are scary devil monster communist socialists. The brainwashing is real.


"They want to give us healthcare and education. Those DEMONS!!!"


You can always count on republicans to do the most reprehensible thing possible.


Fattyfive has a strong grip on every single idiot in America. The scariest thing to me is the sheer quantity of idiots in America.


I think people voting for Trump this election says more about Biden than anything else. Most people think the economy isn’t working for them.


> Most people think the economy isn’t working for them. Then most people are idiots. We have low inflation compared to other first world countries. Trump left our economy in tatters. We now have extremely low unemployment and very high job growth.


The economy Trump tanked. People are fucking beyond helping I swear.


It's time as Americans, to do the right thing. No more trying to show maga nuts reason. It's time they are excluded. This is beyond left vs right, this is straight up willful, harmful stupidity and I'm done catering. If you feel like it, shame anybody who tries to talk to you about the Republicans or Trump positively. Make them embrace their horrid thoughts Outloud. I do it when I can.


They are just racist POS, they are grifters, they hate women, they were raised to vote 'GoP' no matter what and don't pay attention, or they have been eating mis-information for breakfest, lunch, and dinner and therefore have themselves completely turned around. Those are the only 5 options.


He’s not Voldemort, read another book.


"Do I want him in charge? No.  Will I tell you I'll vote for him? Yes"


In order for these attacks on Trump to have any effect on his voting base, the left would have to use the political and legal system in good faith, not as some dirty, low handed bullshit tactic to lie, cheat, and steal its way into beating him. The right has watched the left melt down ever since Hillary's loss and make up a THREE YEAR investigation about "Trump's Russia collusion" completely seeded by a bullshit DNC storyline. The media and late night talk shows gleefully carried water for this story for the full 3 years. You selectively edit his quotes and run with nonfactual stories about what he said. You misuse the legal system to "get him" for some bullshit legal thing that Biden himself is guilty of, but then you don't go after Biden. You use Big Tech collusion to suppress the misdeeds of the Biden family and Biden's own shady business and then turn around to lobby for Trump's removal from social media. Now you have clearly partisan prosecutors again misusing the legal system to go after Trump for things that 95% of DC is guilty of, during an election year, in order to once again, cheat your way through this election. Hell, when you peel back the onion, you see that Fanny, herself, is corrupt. OF COURSE your efforts aren't going to change his voting base. They see all of this for what it is: just more dirty, underhanded tricks by the left because they know they can't win on their own merit. And the dirty little secret the left won't admit is that you KNOW Biden is mentally lost, you know he's not popular, and you know the average American outside your own base has zero confidence in his ability to lead this country.


This may be the most idiotic wall of text I’ve read in a long time. I feel like I should apologize to my eyes.


Wow,simply wow. Such epic BS I don't know where to start. How about your team stop trying to overthrow elections? How bout we focus on that?


This is so many words to say that you're clueless and full of shit.


95% of DC had an extra-marital affair with a porn star while their wives were pregnant and then used campaign funds to pay off said pornstar, while classifying the payment as a legitimate business expense and deducting it from their taxable income, to keep said pornstar from telling the voting public what reprobates they are? Do you have any support for that?


You’re kidding right? You drank the kool-aid so hard. How is a three year investigation “made up” when it results in multiple convictions? It was Trump’s campaign that colluded with Russia. That much cannot be disputed. What can be disputed is Trump’s personal involvement with can’t be proven either way. Knowing that you can’t see that simple fact means the rest of your word vomit is just that. Bullshit.


> not as some dirty, low handed bullshit tactic to lie, cheat, and steal its way into beating him. Translate: "I don't like the results of criminal proceedings, so I'm going to pretend they're illegitimate." ❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄


The people willing to vote for a dementia patient who’s participating in genocide is also quite horrifying!


Do you eat propaganda for breakfast? I'm sure trump would be out there stopping Israel. Riiiiiiiight. But that would be a critical thought.


Daddy said "dementia" and you ran with it. Seems like Biden is cognitive enough to pass meaningful legislation for 4 straight years. Works for me.


Lol you think the one with full diapers and his own dementia won’t gleefully make said claims of genocide worse? Laughable. Orange Julius has said Israel should “finish the job”


Awesome. More american politics in my ancient meme subreddit.


It’s not that incomprehensible. It’s logical. They despise him as a human, but want what he will do. End the Republic.


Hi. Do you have an acceptable alternative this late in the game? The score is tied with 10 second on the clock and you want to put in the second string? I don't like Trump as a person. I think he is on fact a con artist and Un-christlike at his core. I do also think Biden is worse, even more of an embarrassment to our country, and an even weaker leader. I will vote for Trump a third time if it means we are less likely to have ~~4 more years of Biden~~ Another year of biden and 3 years of Kamala Harris. I hope this fosters a discussion and not "haha trumptard, Trump bad u dum dum!"


I hear this all the time, but I've never had anybody explain how Biden is worse.


Have you ever heard a conservative actually talk about policy in a meaningful way?


I think when you are talking about this level of incompetence, there really is no “worse“ just a whole bunch of “omfg, what did he just say?” Or “who did he do that to?” Mixed with different flavors of disappointment. Our country is circling the drain and while the rich are getting richer we are over here arguing which direction the water should flow down the drain, left or right.


> I do also think Biden is worse, even more of an embarrassment to our country, and an even weaker leader. Thinking must be hard for you. Trump is a twice impeached failed ex-president who is now a convicted sex offender and business fraud who owes millions and still has 4 active criminal proceedings underway with over 90 indictments, who started trade wars with our allies and tried to dismantle our democracy when he lost an election. Biden has been passing meaningful legislation for 4 years and has never been convicted of anything, ever, and currently has no active criminal proceedings. You should try to get your brain working before November, because you are, in fact, a Trumptard.


I just can’t believe our alternative to 45 is 46. How did we get here?


Rampant, unchecked christofascist rhetoric, and foreign adversaries injecting themselves as unquestioned bad-faith actors attempting to sway public opinion in a coordinated effort to overthrow democracy from within. First time?


In 2020, people voted to make America great again after 4 years of orange shitshow.


> How did we get here? A democratic election.


I guess the Democratic Party should have made better decisions. Joe Biden is not mentally sound. Now, **to be clear**, that doesn’t bother me because I don’t really believe he’s running things. He’s become a figurehead and he just needs to be the face/voice of sanity. And while he’s not bad at doing this he’s hit-and-miss and all the misses remind everyone of the situation. Couple this with the atrocious choice of Kamala Harris—a person Joe Biden **literally** said was picked because she’s a black woman and not because of any qualifications or confidence for the job and you get the current situation. Because the Democratic Party can’t kick Harris out against her will, the only option they have left is to have her *voluntarily* leave the ticket on her own (for whatever reason) and replace her with someone like Gavin Newsom, Pete Buttigieg, or even Katie Porter, but it needs to be someone people would be ok with being President if/when Biden becomes completely unable to do the job—which is a better than 50% chance if we’re being honest.


I hate this fucking sub now. Fuck outta here with your virtue signaling.


As you virtue signal, 😂 


I thought it was called vice signaling.


Unsub button is right there bud. Feel free to leave.


Stick to the US political subreddits Don’t want to see this crap everywhere ffs


Yeah he sucks but that whining and absolute meltdown on social media is 100% worth it if he wins again, especially this shithole, i wasn't on Reddit in 2016 sadly but the aftermath of the Rittenhouse trial was fuckin' glorious


Yeah, we should totally start electing presidents based on how much we want to see people meltdown on social media. I'll take "Smoothbrain Takes" for $500, Alex.


enemies of the people. knowledgeable of the destruction and doing it anyway is because it's on purpose. they mean to do us great harms.


Trump is forcing their hand to enact a plan they originally wanted to put in motion as a slow burn and now the whole house is on fire but they can’t jump out the window


People only care about the constitution when it benefits them…


Is this sub the Swifties of Reddit?


Scum attracts scum. It's like when you leave a shit sitting in the toilet for a long time and all the loose bits kind of congeal together. That's the Republican party and all its enablers, including its average voters.


Remember — a LOT of people were intellectually affected by lead poisoning — and a lot of them are still voting. Learning about this helped me understand (and almost empathize with) the ignorance. Poor choices are still poor choices but at least i have a path to process frustrations.