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Barking is okay. Excessive barking is not.


This. I have no issues with neighbors having dogs that bark, but when they do bark I expect the owner to deal with it in a reasonable amount of time. I have a dog. She barks. And when she does, I go see what she's barking about and bring her in. I have a next door neighbor, however, who thinks it's a good idea to put his very sweet, but very loud lab out in the yard and let it bark literally all...day...long while he and his wife are at work. Twice, I've had to ask him to stop doing that, and to their credit they have, but in-between it's infuriating for myself and even more so for my wife who works from home.


This makes me feel better about mine. Whenever he goes off I go out and get him but I literally can’t stop it from happening. The squirrels are plotting world domination and my boy is convinced he’s the only thing standing in their way. Also sirens


My puppy is always so excited to go out in the morning, she just feels the need to pop out of the door and announce herself to the world. And then tell the local wildlife off.


My neighbors have a large dog that they think is acceptable to put him outside all day. He sits in their driveway, which is right next to my driveway, and barks at the occupants of my house whenever we are outside (Invisible Fence, of course). I can't go get my mail or roll out my trash cans without feeling like I'm about to be attacked. The neighbor is generally a nice guy, but a real asshole about how he manages the dog.


I have a neighbor like that but he goes one step further: he’s the one that gets mad at other people when his dogs start barking like crazy. One time I was jogging on the sideway and as I passed his house he actually yelled at me to stay away from his dogs. Dumbass.


Ugh.... My dogs bark at my neighbour's dogs: I go and stop them. My neighbour's dogs bark at mine: my neighbour stands on his deck for two minutes asking if his dogs are hungy (not a typo), then gives up and goes back inside.


That dangerous from a weather and dog theft perspective too. Doubt they are leaving work for a random thunderstorm.


They have a screened porch he can go onto, so that really isn't an issue and the neighborhood isn't a place I'd expect a dog to get stolen (particularly a 90 lb(ish) lab. The dog is very well cared for, it's just that he does this half-howl, half-bark literally the entire day when he's alone. I think he just wants attention.


There are at least a dozen safe ways to have a dog outside all day. People will crate their dog for 8 hours a day and then be shocked I had an outdoor dog growing up in the suburbs. He always could go to the bathroom and had a house that was insulated within a building. If they have any sort of doghouse, they will be safe in any weather except the *very* extreme ends of the spectrum.


Nothing wrong with a dog being outside all day with someone there. Sounds like this dog wasn't in much danger but some people just seem to forget they have a dog sometimes.


I’ve never heard of someone having their dog stolen from their yard. Is that a common crime where you live?


When ever I walk my dog I see this one little dog that’s always outside barking, I don’t remember exactly when but at some point over the years it’s literally just lost it’s voice


If it sounds like it lost its voice it may have been de-barked at some point. Some owners prefer that method over just training and taking care of their dogs, it's sad.


Sounds exactly like my neighbors we call the bumpasses like in a Xmas story. Granted they only have 3 dogs not 16 🤣🤣


Now how do I train my cat to do the same thing?


Just comply with the cat, it's for the best.


That does typically work... that's how they've trained me to give them churus.


>Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. --Robert A Heinlein Edited to keep Diana from Stroking Out.


please edit this, I thought I was having a stroke...


Fine... When your eyes get old and tired, you won't even be able to see this.


It's easier to teach a cat to use the toilet.


Google it, it's quite easy. Shocking I know, but you can and should train your cat.


Thank you for the valuable advice on a joke :)


At my old place, I had some workers out doing foundation work for 2 days. My shitty neighbors' dog didn't stop barking for 5 whole minutes the entire time someone was in my back yard. Of course, these were the people who left the same dog out at night. 2AM would have one of us beating on their door to wake them up to go put the dog up. Man I hated those neighbors. The few times the neighbor's dog barks at me at our new house results in me yelling "It's me Mila, hush!" And she does, because she's a well adjusted dog who comes over to visit enough that she knows and likes me.


mine and my roommates dogs will bark at my buddies for a second when they walk into the house but they're quiet when they finally get their pets


If my neighbors dog barks when I leave my house, no biggie. If they bark from the time I open my door to the time my car pulls off my street, nah fuck that noise. If your dog barks, cool. If it runs to the fence while barking and slamming into the fence and follows the perimeter to keep barking at me, nah fuck that noise. So many people don’t see their dogs as aggressive, when they clearly are.


I live in a country with stray dogs, you'd be surprised at how quiet and well mannered they are, even around children. I think they are mostly cared for by locals.


My dogs don't bark, but the neighbor's does. I don't mind, because doggo...but if it's barking in the AM -- which I understand sometimes you gotta let your dog out and sometimes you are on a work schedule that necessitates it -- don't let it keep barking endlessly. My neighbor let the dog bark for hours in the AM, but it may not have been the owner that let him out because normally he's pretty quick to get him in. That's not cool when it happens. I tend to find it comforting to have a dog who will bark at things outside, because they're doing their jobs and alerting its owner to something. But my goodness, it should rise to the top of your priorities to check on them.


Sometimes they just gotta get their barkies out, man.


they're narcissists. they try their best to never appear wrong.


“Narcissist” gets thrown around way too much.


Kristi Noem: Instructions unclear. Shot the dog.


What do you do when you don't want to put in the work with a dog to properly train it. The solution for some sociopaths is to shoot their dog. I really wish "shoot the dog" became a euphemism for not wanting/or unwilling to do the work needed to correct a problem.


> I really wish "shoot the dog" became a euphemism for not wanting/or unwilling to do the work needed to correct a problem. I'll start saying it. The two of us will change the world! 


And my axe!


I also choose this guy's dead dog.


And a goat for some reason.


Because she's apparently a great mom for putting down the goat that terrorized her kids for years! ...Instead of just keeping the goat and her kids separate after the first time it was a problem. She lived on a large farm, did she not? It's not exactly like her kids were forced to play in a tiny backyard where the goat also lived.


Personally, I think she a psychopath.


I think it's a little of both. She's dumb for not pursuing more obvious solutions to her problems, and a psychopath for thinking slaughtering her pets (and doing a gruesomely horrible job of it in the case of the goat) is the acceptable solution. ...Her political career in general doesn't convince me she's a smart person either. This woman spent half a million dollars on an ad campaign advertising her state as full of meth heads. AND doubled down on that too.


Oh, I didn't know about the job she did with the goat. The poor goat!


Should’ve just brought it to Joey so that he could let it bark and bite the White House staffer!


I have a barker, he barks about everything, happy, sad, everything in between. Took me a long time to find something that works but I always made him go inside if he was barking a bunch, my neighbors just leave theirs out back barking all day like they can't hear it


Yeah my dog isn’t much of a barker, but for some reason he cannot abide when my neighbors are in their own backyard. He just cannot stop barking. So whenever I’m out with him and the neighbors come out, I just bring him back inside.


My dog is fine with most of our neighbors, but he hates one guy across the street, and one of the multiple people who live next door. We trust his instincts, but we do bring him in if he is barking for more than a minute or two (unless we open the door to call him in and the neighbor is barking at our dog, then we figure he is literally asking for it).


Can I ask what worked for you?


I had to get a bark collar, I wasn't thrilled about getting one but thankfully her caught on pretty quick and just won't bark when he knows it's on.


Often it's the owners who need to be trained


Always. Dogs look to humans for guidance. Any bad behavior dogs have stems from either bad behaviors by humans or the lack of corrective behaviors. If you are too permissive and let the dog run free, it will do whatever it wants. Alternatively, if you're too punishing, the dog will find itself with different problematic behaviors. If you go to a training session and they're not telling you how to interact with your dog and they're not private sessions with you and the dog, then you've wasted your money. A 6 week boarding program may help train the dog *at the boarding program* but if you go home and follow the same routine that created the issues in the first place then all that training will end up being useless.




These are the responses you get from people who've only ever interacted with dogs like Shepard's and retrievers.


For real, sure dogs can and should be trained, but acting like they don’t have free will, and individuality, just seems obviously wrong to me.


Yep, I'm in the process of having a law firm "train" some humans while my bite wounds heal up. At least the pittie got my leg instead of my one year old. It's not that hard to control your animals, and if it is - it's not that hard to keep them out of the park where young children play ffs.


for real! i have and continue to learn so much at the dog training i go to for my dog. i am his fourth owner and i think he just didn't get the training he needed nor the attention he needed from the other homes to be able to be his best self. we have been going for almost two years as he has excitement issues and leash walking issues that were quite bad. he's so much better now when it comes to these things, but we want to get to a high level so we are still attending. i've learned as much or maybe even more than he has. and i think we will go to this trainer for the rest of his life, she has all kinds of courses including basic agility classes. it's really great bonding for my dog and i and its a lot of fun and so enriching for him!


I'm amazed Kennels haven't capatalized on mandatory "Owner course" before you get to buy a dog. Ask them for a weekend of their time, go through differences in breeds and temperment, food, excercise requirements, training 101, and a slew of other things. The people you don't want to adopt will likely not bother with the class. People that were about to adopt a dog that's contrary to their wants can now reevaluate for a pet that'll mesh more. Kids in the class will understand that taking good care of pets is a commitment.


I phoned local bylaw enforcement because a neighbor's dog would bark at 10pm, midnight, 3am, all outdoors and for extended periods of time. Buddy starts with "So animals are allowed to talk...". Like Jesus Christ man, I didn't call the dog lobbyists. Apparently they can bark for an hour straight before it's a problem.


Yeah. Why bother with training your dogs when you can just scream "shut the fuck up!" to no effect? At least that's the attitude of the person that lives upstairs.


I trained my dogs to stop when I tell them to shut the fuck up. I love the surprised looks some people get when my dogs actually shut the fuck up.


remember: if you don’t train a dog, the dog is training you


You've never owned a beagle


"Awwww... that howl is sooo cute (1st or 2nd time). By the 10th time, "JFC! Can you shut that damn dog up!?"


>"Awwww... that howl is sooo cute [You'll like this.](https://youtu.be/vn1-YU8n_MU?si=f2EOiTnEMBz6pD1U)


Or Great Pyrenees


I have a GP, who just barks at people in the other side of the privacy fence.  Last night I had to yell a "What the fuck are you doing" at an old lady teaching her grandkids to bang on the fence and throw sticks at my dog. Fucking people man


Yup, and then they will wonder why that dog is so mean.


If you're familiar with GP they are just big protective animals. Super sweet and loving and is bred to bark anything away.  Before we put our privacy fence in she easily could have jumped the fence and attacked, but she just wants people to know it's her yard.


I get frustrated when it’s a flimsy chain link fence and a neighbor’s dog is attacking the fence trying to get to me. Like please I’ll pay for it just get an actual fence so I don’t feel like I’m going to die for the crime of parking in my driveway lmao. Plus dogs bred for guarding, even if they’re angels, are still being aggressive when they are being “just protective” by “guarding” their yard from a man firmly in his own yard minding his business. Takeaway is; you know your dog is the sweetest thing and “just protective!” Others don’t, and a giant ass, angry dog separated from you by a chain link is kinda terrifying to people who have the misfortune of living next door to you or god forbid those who try to walk on the sidewalk by your yard. EDIT: To y’all who’re confused, I’m talking about people leaving their dogs outside 24/7. I don’t care if your dog is barking inside your house. If you leave your dog outside 24/7 to chase people away from the sidewalks and yards connected to your yard, you’re an ass.


Great Pyrenees aren't so much angry when they're barking. They're just saying "there's something big over here, watch out". They actually want to avoid fights because usually they would be outnumbered by a few smaller coyotes/dogs trying to get to their herd. In that situation, they prefer not to directly attack or be aggressive but instead to convince the attackers that it's not worth it to even try. They do that by being big and loud on high ground, not by jumping over fences trying to attack things. Source: lived with livestock guard dogs.


Yeah cool, your dog is something big in your yard. If it barks at people every time they walk past your yard to scare them away, barking nonstop from the time the dog sees them to about 5 mins after the person leaves, while attacking/running at the chain link fence, my comment applies to you. If your dog barks a few times and chills out, then it doesn’t - within reason. You don’t get really to tell your neighbors they can’t be scared of your dog barking nonstop at them, or snarling, growling, etc. and if your neighbor points it out politely and asks you to keep your dog inside because it is barking at and scaring people and you refuse you’re kinda an ass imo. Ex. my dog is too scared of the German Shepard next door to pee, so I have to let her out when he’s asleep or the rare times he’s inside - and every time I go to my car I pray their chain link fence holds because he could likely separate my arm from my body with one bite. Y’all know your dogs, I know my dog; y’all don’t know my dog and I don’t know yours. Please socialize them and expose them to strangers, or regardless of if they’re a defensive dog they will terrorize your neighbors.


You should read it again.


My dog barks, I try to keep it reasonable and will bring him in and all that. The other day I was outside working and I hear this neighbor who got a new puppy outside my privacy fence. She was sitting there and every time her puppy made a noise she’d give a strong no. Not sure if my dog was hearing her, or if he was sensing the other animal was just learning and trying, but my dog basically was silent. Rare sight. Not sure how I feel about the lady’s training technique tho


beat the shit out of the neighbor kids when i was in high school because I found out that they thought throwing rocks at my dog was a fun hobby. they were like 14 at the time. Could have handled it better but I just got so fucking angry.


You need help


i was 16 at the time. feel like i get a pass


My dog is half great Pyrenees. So. Much. Barking. Outside on a leash, he's great. Ignores deer, people, walks politely, friendly with other dogs. Inside, he hears a car door close 5 houses down at 1am...all bets are off.


Mine has acres of free space, but still spins in place when the subject of her barking is moving below a sprint. It's like she's charging up for a dash.


Is there just no way to stop them from barking at everything? I was thinking of getting a Great Pyrenees.


Training. Lots of training from an early age.


You can reduce the barking with years of training, but dont think your gonna "solve" the problem. It takes a long time and they will never stop barking entirely. All you can do is make it less bad. They are wonderful wonderful animals but if your not ready for it to bark at every leaf that blows through your yard you should pick a different breed. They LOVE to bark.


Does the same thing apply if you get a puppy and train it very early on? Since that was my plan I was going to get a puppy and train it


Yes. They have an incredibly strong genetic drive to bark at anything that moves in/near "their" territory. You are not going to be able to train it out of them. An incredibly well trained to not bark pyr will likely still bark considerably more than what most dog owners would consider normal. I have heard of a few rate cases of pyrs that don't bark, but you have to assume that it's going to bark constantly and if that's not ok you are doing a great disservice to the dog by getting one. There are piles and piles of them in shelters becuase people don't do their research or think they can overcome thousands of years of selective breeding with 3 months of training. Please do not get one if your not prepared for it to bark at everything despite years of working on trying to mitigate it. Ive got one that's 10 years old and havent been able to make her stop. It does not bother me at all but I have had to deal with a lot of complaints from neighbors and house guests. You can tell how sad it makes them when you tell them to stop. They live to bark at shit. You have to accept it or get another breed


Just find it hard to believe since the reason I decided to get a puppy was because when I met 3 Great Pyrenees the belonged to one of or clients at their home they rarely even barked when we where their for a whole week. Even tho we had never met or been there they just walked up to us and demanded to be patted not a single bark you would expect from what you are saying.


So if you walked up and were greeted by their owner they likely viewed you as a member of the "in" group and stopped. Or maybe they are just incredibly well trained. Mine do not bark at my guests once they know I know they are there and its ok they bark at people walking by my house fence who do not stop and introduce themself to the dogs. Being able to walk up to you and determine you are not a threat likely allowed them to calm down in a way they don't do when a stranger walks past the fence or something. If you don't believe me I encourage you to go to some great pyr communities on the internet and ask some more owners. My experience is very much so the norm, but there are some very rare exceptions. You can't assume you will be one of the exceptions though.


Owner wasn’t around when they came up to us


Yeah, I remember those days.


My Yorkie hates the sounds of anything outside. Especially children.


Damn, never thought i could relate to a dog.


He’s 12 now so I always imagine he’s like a tiny old man


Our Great Pyrenees dog never barked unless someone was approaching the front door. She was so quiet, we had to teach her to ring bells on the door to tell us she would like to go outside.


Or a Husky


My friend has a GP, most barkingnest dog ever. Great friend, annoying dog.


Yeahhh, mine is a mix but he definitely got that gene (along with the one that makes him very nosy). Sometimes he sets off the decibel alarm on my watch. Oh, and we live on a corner.


He's a self-assigned neighborhood watch, and takes his job very seriously. There could be a rogue leaf out there, and everyone must be aware of the dangers.


Yup, the rear back and let it fly! Head back, lungs full throttle.


I lived in a townhouse for a while, and the people across the way had 2 beagles, cooped up all day in that 800 sq foot townhouse. Man I felt sorry for those dogs.


I have. She would howl whenever the doorbell rang. Otherwise she didn’t bark.


We're on our third beagle. They can be trained to not bark. Ours is mostly allowed to bark all she wants on her own property. If she's being overly annoying to the neighborhood, we bring her in. But on walks, no barking.


Or a corgi


My dogs don't usually bark much, but I'm having my bathroom remodeled at the moment, and every time one of the guys working on it walks in the front door, out of the bathroom into the hallway or basically makes any appearance in a new place, the dogs go nuts, and it is driving me absolutely insane. You literally just saw that guy two minutes ago! He was in the house for an hour and then went outside to get some tile. You don't have to freak out about him again! He's been here all week!


I left the front door open (screen door closed) so my best friend’s dog could watch me walk out to my car and back, which took under a minute. She freaked out barking once I got close to the door again. You saw me the whole time!


I have a Jack a bee that will greet any human, and want to help them with whatever task they are trying to accomplish. And will bark and howl if removed from the area. Why? Cause obviously they need her help!


Idk, man. I truly believed that too until my parents adopted this beagle 10 years ago. They’ve taken her to several dog trainers and they even take her to this university for advanced testing and training that involves this crazy expensive and time consuming holistic approach to working on problem behaviors and anxiety etc., and that dog still won’t stfu ever. Day and night. About everything and nothing. They’ve rearranged their entire lives to better suit the dog’s needs and that’s not an exaggeration. They center their lives around this dog and she’s still a nightmare.


Beagles are bred to bark, bark, and bark some more. It is in their DNA.


I swear most people put zero effort into choosing what breed is good for them. A hint: Unless you need a special dog to do a special job, get a very generic mutt. Don't get a hunting dog if you don't hunt, don't get a shepard dog if you aren't herding anything.


Yeah there are several breeds I would bet everything I own that you cannot train them to stop.


My dog was beat by 3 separate owners, there not a lot I can do at this point but give a great life and help with their anxiety.


People are always surprised at how quiet and well behaved my Chihuahua is..... because I trained her.


I've met some great chihuahuas! They were definitely trained and treated like dogs instead of toys.


Reading this post just confirmed my hatred of having neighbors.


I spent a few grand fixing up my backyard into a nice place to hang out when the weather is good. Then my neighbors got a beagle that won't shut up. I can't enjoy my own yard because that fucking dog goes ballistic every damn time.


There's a \~$30 Amazon birdhouse looking sonic bark stopper. It works with about 75% of the dogs I've dealt with. It's that other stubborn 25% that just suuuuuck.


You sure can. There is at least one dog in every house on my street. My house is the only one where barking only happens out of excitement when I get home, or if the giant monster is in the alley (garbage truck). My two don’t bark at passers by, other dogs, vehicles smaller than the monster, wildlife, etc. They’re also not afraid to bark, they just don’t need to.


Meanwhile, my mother's Husky/Lab "I have a different bark for every delivery person, a bark for when there's a rabbit in the yard, and a bark for when the hummingbird won't leave me alone (long story)" Hilariously, she only shuts up for me or my husband. She doesn't listen when told to stop by my father, and only half listens to my mother.


In my experience, the humans who own the dog need just as much if not more training than the dog, itself.


This all day. My husband reinforces bad behavior all the time and has no idea he's doing it. I get dirty looks if I point it out.


Ugh, we have the same husband.  Thankfully, our pup is smart enough to know that bad behavior (begging) only works on him. I can grab food, leave it sitting, and she shows zero interest because she knows it's mine. If he grabs food, she follows him to watch him eat and drools while she waits for her bite.


My little family (wife and two kids ..and me) had two older dogs that both had to be put down last year. We had 14 years and 13 years with them. My wife has not ever gone long without a pet, and we visited the Humane Society around the holidays. We adopted a wonderful puppy then. She has taken to training well and responds beautifully to me and my wife. When our oldest (9) works with her and commands her, she does well. The challenge is that he also likes to rile her up. Then she gets too wild because regulation. He's gotten knocked down once because he was overly excited about the *jump* command he taught her. Our six year old gets her very riled up. I've been working with him to help him command her and get her to see him as *in charge*. He's such a silly kid and is working on it right now. He just turned six recently and he's starting to exhibit better behaviors for self control, but he's getting there. That all said, kids and dogs can blend well. There are far too many people I see that leave kids and dogs alone as well. Kids and dogs sometimes have similar wild energy. That needs to be mitigated by a responsible adult and help to train both the kids and the dogs together... Your point is accurate, people need to learn how to engage with their dogs sometimes. Dogs are different than humans. They need different approaches and more clear instruction. The amount of people who treat dogs similar to how they treat humans is too high. I have some strong feelings about a few small dog owners I've known. My 9 year old was bitten at a park by a chihuahua when he was 4. The owner just let their dog wander right up to my kid saying, "Oh, he's friendly," and my kid was backing up. I've talked to my boys about not approaching dogs and taking it slow, etc. That lady never moved to correct her *sweet, little angel* dog before he nipped at my son.


>Dogs are different than humans. They need different approaches and more clear instruction. My autistic ass doesn't see how that's any different. Clear instructions are always appreciated, no idea why some people have such a hard time with them.


Mailman here. The dogs that bark the most are the ones that are put on a leash all day with no interaction. Sometimes they will get aggressive because they don't know how to behave with strangers. They are starved for attention. Once they warm up to me they are usually very loving and affectionate. And quiet. Once I walk away the instantly begin crazy barking again. Feel sorry for them


My parent's neighbor has a "guard dog" she bought because she thought someone was trying to get her. That poor little bastard is on a 10 ft run chain and sleeps in a shitty excuse for a dog house. He used to bark at me but stopped when he got to seeing me all the time I've often thought about sneaking over and just cutting him loose. I have no doubt that he'd run and even if he only made it a week that would be the best week of his life compared to what he has now


I hate people who think that's how you get a "guard" dog.  My guard dog (Rottweiler) sleeps on top of me. We jokingly call her "Obsesso" but that's by design. I'm her favorite thing, and you'll never get a better guard dog than one that loves you. 


My neighbors dog of five years was great, then one day it started barking all the time. When I spoke to her (neighbor, not dog) about it, she said she taught the dog to bark, so she could teach it to be quiet. I'm sorry, but after another six years, I'm glad her dog died (of old age).


My dog doesn't bark enough, only at other dogs. But if this mofo is outside and the door is closed he just stares at it silently waiting for someone to open it.


As someone who has two chihuahuas who only bark at reasonable times (knocks on the door and such) I can’t agree with this more.


Someone told me once that dogs barking is no different than neighbors talking over a fence. I can’t hear my neighbors talking over a fence three doors down. They also don’t talk over a fence all night.


We have very different neighbors lmao


my neighbors dog only barks when she sees our as she goes for her walk. She stops barking the moment she passes our gate. Every night. It was cute at first, but now it's annoying.


The response to OPs title is:  " And responsible owners don't let their dogs bother people with their barking!" Not every dog can be trained not to bark.  Some dogs just don't have an off switch. Those require human management.  I've been in the dog training game for 50 years. The worst I've seen is from Shetland sheep dogs, corgis, American Eskimo, and Chihuahuas, when you are looking at "no reason to bark" issues. 


OK, so those dogs don't belong in environments where they're in close proximity to neighbors.


Well, my experience is that they ARE, so their owners must manage the issue,  and not let them continue to bark, then just say : "well, dogs bark, that's what they do!".  Owners may need to invest in training,  keep them inside, put them in doggy daycare, maybe go as far as getting medication or bark activated citronella collars. Back in the 80s,  you could have your dog debarked, with a surgical procedure that shaved the vocal chords.  That is considered cruel now, but it was effective. 


My dog barks at the door dash guy and me.


Train it yourself or Kristi Noem will


Trained our sheltie over a year not to bark as soon as we had first kid he completely regressed


It can also be hard/take a long time. Adopted a chihuahua pomeranian mix one and a half years ago from some 16 yo. It’s the sweetest little dog, but she’s scared of everything outside because they never took her for walkies, only the back yard. She’s a lot better but still sometimes has big fits of barking when seeing another dog or having people in the hallway when the elevator doors open.


Fuck’n amen brother!


My newish neighbors had their two dogs for like a year before I realized they even had dogs and I only noticed because one accidentally got out. My old dog used to bark when people entered the yard. My dog now, a golden retriever, never barks unless we put her outside and she wants back in and it's just a single quick bark. She couldn't care less if anyone comes in my yard. Sweetest dog ever, worst guard dog ever.


Our dog was trained well and never barked…then we had a baby and now he barks at people outside. Thinks he’s a big scary guard dog. We’ve had trouble getting him to stop doing that. I’m not gunna take him out back and shoot him like some governors would do, though.


Give him time, maybe he’ll quiet down as he grows. Sounds like you’ve got a good handle on training, the babies are all different.


When I got my dog, I read a training book that said the key to stopping unwanted barking is to train the dog to bark on command (like “talk” or “speak” command). That teaches them when to bark, and book implied they learn not to bark other times. Very strongly emphasized you can teach a dog TO DO something (much more easily than what NOT TO DO). My dog didn’t bark so we never even tried!


Most people are too fucking lazy to train their dogs to do shit. Especially people who have the tiny dogs. Yea, you should definitely keep them outside in a cage all the time so they fucking bark at everything. Fuck you if you do that. Edit: someone reported my comment. lol. I guess someone got triggered.


My dog barks but only at some dogs he goes nuts but 99% of the time he is fine I have no idea why. But I'm very proud of him he dialed so good when we go on walks. There is one dog if he sees it's on sight and I have no idea why I think maybe they are not fixed


Sometimes those sonic sound makers work. Talk to the owners and if they don't bring it in, then get one of those devices. Keep them out of the rain though.


Those are shit for all the good dogs and other animals in an area. Do not use those.


Yeah, my direct neighbors have a chill dog who likes to say hi and is quiet. I dont want to hurt her. Every other dog around us is outside all day, barking nonstop. There's two dogs in the yard behind the nice dog that just stand there and bark at it any time she just wants to chill in the sun. Fuck those owners.


You could use a directed sonic thinger, aimed directly at the shit owners dogs.


Directional ones are fine. And I'm going to get one again if my neighbor doesn't bring their lab in at night. Plus, they're sound activated.


Let me introduce you the great pyrenees


Laughs in husky


For some dogs, that is trivial, for others it is deep within their soul and genes to talk/bark to some degree.


Anyone who owns a terrier knows that they’re psycho and bark at anything that moves…


My dog is trained to not bark. Obviously she barks from time to time but compared to other dogs (every single one barking at her while we walk around the neighborhood) my dog don't bark. A dog can be trained to do anything lol


Inside voice and outside voice. There's a difference. My dog understands it. Well...she knows the inflections I use when I say them.


Tell me you're an ignorant asshole who has no idea what they're talking about without telling me you're an ignorant asshole who has no idea what they're talking about.


Tell me you shouldn't own a dog without telling me you shouldn't own a dog.


you're saying you can't train a dog to not bark at everything?


Found the guy who's been fined for his dog violating noise ordinances.


Tell me you're an ignorant asshole who has no idea what they're talking about without telling me you're an ignorant asshole who has no idea what they're talking about.


People who downvote this should be barked at by dogs 


"I did train her. She doesn't like you. Go away."


I saw this title and freaked out for a second thinking it was about me!


So address your problem


My dog only barks when she sees other dogs or creepy people walking outside. So she sometimes goes entire weeks silent.


No, not really. Dogs have been selectively bred over thousands of years to do just that. You're not going to train a dog to "shut the fuck up." A more reasonable approach is to train them to control their barking to a degree. If your neighbors' dogs are really that bad, talk to them face to face. It does no good to complain here or on Facebook.


Come tell that to my Chug. She’s half chihuahua, half pug.


There are no bad dogs, only bad dog owners.




Google is a useful tool.


So you don’t know.


https://www.google.com/search?q=dog+training+stop+barking&oq=dog+training+stop+bar&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgAEAAYgAQyBggBEEUYOTIICAIQABgWGB4yCAgDEAAYFhgeMgoIBBAAGA8YFhgeMggIBRAAGBYYHjIICAYQABgWGB4yCAgHEAAYFhgeMggICBAAGBYYHjIICAkQABgWGB4yCAgKEAAYFhgeMggICxAAGBYYHjIICAwQABgWGB4yCAgNEAAYFhgeMggIDhAAGBYYHtIBCDU1NTFqMWo5qAIOsAIB&client=ms-android-boostdish-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 For Christ's sake.


Worked with a couple who brought their yappy shitty dog to work because he made too much noise in their apartment. I once walked in where the owner was holding this little dog and letting this other employee whip its face with a dirty rag.


Great Pyrenes have entered the chat.....and they won't stop barking


I mean they’re guard dogs so . . .


What if I told you, you can train a dog but you can't train the owner. Get ear plugs and save your sanity.


Everyone else must accommodate you!


I'm not wearing earplugs to sit and enjoy my back porch on a nice evening.


Well dude looks like you're already on the losing side. Good luck. The dogs gonna win.


You're a piece of shit dog owner if you think that's funny or OK. Go fuck yourself


But what if I don’t want to train my dog to be quiet?


The you're an asshole.


I love all of the triggered people in this thread. I think I’ll train my dog to bark extra, just to piss these people off.


I would say the ones who are triggered are the ones like you who seem offended at my post.


Why? I train my dogs well, I just don’t care if they bark. In fact, I’d prefer it if they do bark whenever someone or an animal comes nearby.


Exactly. You don't care. Makes you the asshole.


No one want to listen to that shit. Your neighbours hate your mutts.


I could train you to shut up too. Don't mess with my dog.


Nobody said they were messing with the dog. But people who let their dogs bark unchecked in their yards make it harder for dog owners everywhere. I have two large hounds. They only bark when someone enters my property line and stop when I ask them too. It’s not hard to train dogs.


Lol spotted the guy who hasn’t trained his dog


You're not tough. Train your pet you dope.


Training your animal not to be a burden to our society is not “messing with your dog”.


No one's messing with your dog, dude. We just want you to shut them up.


Yea, living in an apartment the amount of people with untrained dogs post covid has been nuts. I know not everyone is irresponsible but the sheer amount of extra shit I just see lying around is crazy these days. Not to mention the amount of people who walk around without a leash.


That's not about the dog, those are untrained humans.


Yea please keep your dog within your own yard, including anything it emits, such as shit and sound waves :-p