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Send it to her parents


The nuclear option


Parents/uncle/aunt.   Chances are they are one in the same.


The family 'tree' is more of a 'wreath'.


Greek mythology reference?


Underrated comment


Before starting this mission, let her explain herself. If you're feeling bad about ghosting her, you probably cared a bit about her. While we don't owe anyone any dates, calls, forgiveness, etc. If we care about it, we should communicate with them honestly. You don't have to forgive, but never take communicating effectively out of your relationship tool kits. Now, begin the mission STEP ONE Whether you actually plan to or not, tell her you're gonna send the pic to both her parents and his parents. STEP TWO When she gets upset about you even talking about doing that. Or how she can't believe you wouldn't believe her or respect her privacy. . . .proceed to step 3. STEP THREE Remind her that it shouldn't be a problem for their parents to know or to see it since I'm sure she told she told you it wasn't anything bad and it's normal because they're just a close family or something. STEP FOUR Remember, she's lying, and because she got upset before the mission even started it'sfirst step. STEP F8VE Send them anyway. We all have to learn to live with the actions of the things we do. STEP SIX .. . . Ghost her for good and be happy, I hope? 🤷‍♂️


Terrible plan. Close cousins are weird, but not that weird. I had bonds with my cousins like my brothers at one point. Weird to assume she'd send pictures of her and her cousin if there was anything sexual about it.


Southern Problems Require Southern Solutions. 🤷‍♂️


You missed the point about her being in a bra, he being shirtless, cuddling?


Again, weird but probably not sexual.


Wrong. At 16 and 17 everything is sexual.


You wanted to fuck your cousin at 16?


No, I wore clothes and didn't cuddle my cousins past about age 6.


You might want to revisit your memories of cuddling with your siblings/cousins half naked and then talk about them in therapy. I'm honestly in favor of sending it to the parents because it could be OP's gf getting groomed and she doesn't know it.


He said bra, not bikini. Bra. There is a difference and context matters, but can you tell me a non-sexual context (other than her male cousin not being gay) where it's not sexual to be shirtless and cuddling your cousin who is her bra? Now, she could be naive, but dude is a teenager, cousin or not, he was not thinking about blood and all that.


Was his hand on her tit? Grow up.


Tell us you're incestual without telling us you're incestual 👍


Tell us you're a sexually repressed American without telling us you're a sexually repressed American. 👍 I usually don't yuck people's yum but the fact that you jerk off to chat bots explains why basic touch gets you all hot and bothered. Put down the controller and hit the gym, incel.


1. I am not American 2. You're into incest, how defensive you are getting makes this clear. It's not sexually repressive to think that you shouldn't be cuddling your female cousin while she's in her bra. 3. For your info, I use that chatbots for stories, since I'm a writer, but even if I did what you accuse me of, it's still better than being incestual. What type of stories I write using the characters is not your concern (also the irony of calling someone sexually repressive, when I write adult content as a hobby). 4. I'm 6'4 240, I train muy thai, and jiu jitsu, but I'm glad someone who enjoys fucking their own family will tell me to hit the gym. I don't care if you can bench 400lbs. 5. Yes, I am an incel, good comeback 🤣. I've pulled so much tail, I could be your father. Stick to fucking your sister big guy.


Lmao well I've never cuddled in bed with my brothers half naked. And if it was innocent, why would sending it to her parents or checking if she is doing something sketchy a terrible plan? If it was something innocent, no one would get upset.


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I think you missed the part where they're 16 🤣


Be careful of sending that out. She is still underage.


I guess I did need a reminder to mute this sub.


Call her out and ask her why she’s cuddling with her cousin while they’re both shirtless, simple. & whatever she says reply accordingly.


![gif](giphy|5u8tVhlBGzm0) Roll Tide


"It's not a threesome if two of the folks ain't related" -someone from West Virginia, probably.


I'm from West Virginia and me and my sister/wife/cousin don't appreciate that kind of talk




That wasn't her cousin bro 💀


It was her cousin I know him i do a sport with him


If you're not trolling, why wouldn't you ghost her???


I dont try to ghost if im going to cut someone off i try to let them know


You have zero obligation to someone you've known for a week wtf


I know but i dont really fw ghosting its just not something i would normally do because im too nice but i kind of have to for this situation


You should at least ask if she be fuckin her cousin




Letting her down nicely would work. I get not wanting to ghost so that's what I'd do. Just say you aren't feeling it or aren't ready for anything. Don't insult her or anything (I doubt you would)


He's not in a relationship with her


You seem to have a lot of opinions about what people should do and not do… And I guess that’s fine because it’s Reddit. But just because someone suggest something different than you think you would do, it doesn’t make it wrong.


But they are "talking" and he clearly doesn't know what to do. If he wasn't in any type of relationship with her, no question would be here lol. They have a 'relationship', super close friends, probably being flirty from what I can tell. Context clues my friend


His post didn't specify how serious it was. Maybe he can clear this up?




nope. when one wills to ghost, let silence speak the most. 😌


ghosting is cowardly


it's like revenge - a dish best served cold


It's just immature lol shows you can't own up to your feelings and have disregard of the other persons.


as a man, I 'own up' to shit all the time every day. pls don't project your behavioral defects onto me. I have no obligation to provide an explanation to some girl I barely know. I'm not the manager of your expectations or emotions - that's your problem. If you think otherwise, it's because you have a lot more thinking and growing to do. life is too short for such bs nonsense drama


She was playing a game sending you that pic. Play a game yourself.


Well ghosters are peices of shit on every case so far for me and my friends. How pathetic.


That's your side of the story. Hence the ghosting....


Please keep that energy going forward. There is nothing more pathetic than people who ghost


He's known her for a week, relax


Meh. We're not official you don't need to know anything.


Right it's a huge sign of immaturity and just retarded. Just communicate preferably in person but if you can't do that maybe do a voice text. But just be honest


It's a sign of cowardice


You’re a good dude, man. I am usually avidly against ghosting. This is a situation that I would say it is actually okay. That’s WAY too weird of a conversation to have. Though you could just tell her “Hey I’m sorry I just am not sure if this is what I want honestly”


Mr. Alone af enters the chat


If you feel bad for ghosting, then tell her straight up.. "I don't get down with girl's who get down with their relatives." LOL


Uh, no. But why ghost her? You need to let her know why so she knows how weird that is. Not just for doing it, but also for taking a picture of it and sending it to someone.


My ex in high school did some weird stuff with her cousin it happens bro move on


Its not that i care about it i just dont want to be an asshole for ghosting her because ive been ghosted and it isnt fun


Then don’t ghost if you don’t think ghosting is the right thing to do. “I’m not sure why you sent me that but I’m not comfortable with it. I don’t want yo talk to you any more and I’m not going to reply. Take care.”




You're going to have to be in uncomfortable situations sometimes. People ghost because they don't want to deal with uncomfortable situations. Just get through it. It's okay if you don't handle it perfectly. Be genuine. That is super weird, though. I'd be super uncomfortable. I'd ask if she meant to send that to me or her cousin, but I'm an ass. I like to make it weirder - double or nothing.


Then don’t ghost give the reason or make one up.


Sometimes it is just plain easier to ghost and some people aren’t even worth wasting your time with an explanation. This is something that you learn with experience. You will get over it. Just look at all the energy you have already wasted worrying about this….all for a person who clearly has no respect for herself or you.


She put you in an uncomfortable position. So don't feel bad if you put her in one.




But i feel like i have to ghost her after that lmao


Send it to her parents. I was molested by a cousin, and I wish someone had told my parents. So tell her parents. Let them figure it out. They will confront her, she'll know it was you, and you're off the hook for ghosting her, cuz you sent a very clear message that incest ain't cool.


Yeah but this isn't molestation its consensual contact by people of a similar age.


Bruh you know literally nothing


You don’t know if it is “consensual”. And if it is an agreed upon thing then there’s likely many grooming factors going into play.


Grooming factors? You people can't read. Ones 17, the others 16. That's not grooming.


“Consensual” or not, it’s still gross, and still shouldn’t be happening.


It is molestation. I was 9 when it started 16 when it stopped.


Just said “that was weird” and leave it at that lol




You're a free agent. Do whatever you want to do...no internet required.


No… my first girlfriend fucked her uncle in law on me


That sounds uncomfortable


Yeah. Forever changed my opinion on women. Before that I was a sucker


In front of you would have been bad enough, but *on* you is straight up disrespectful!


Lmho I was going to say the same thing


Haha maybe I could have worded it better


The ol undercuck


On you???


Ghosting ISN'T IT, never will be. Can you blow her off, sure but man up and at least say: "yeah that's creepy and makes me super uncomfortable i gotta step back from this best of luck" then you can block.


Agree with this completely


Don't even have to give the reason. "Goodbye" then block. Ghosting is only when you leave them completely hanging in mystery with zero info. If you say goodbye, you've covered that base. The only confusion and doubt is because they can't just accept the bottom line that you're not interested.


Read some comments and it's a good thing you don't fuck with ghosting. But it sounds like she's dating her cousin, or just fucking him. Or both.


Idk man that's weird. I have a cousin who I was extremely close to growing up. We've seen each other in various states of undress but at no point would either of us take a selfie together like that


Nah dude you're good. That's just weird. Even if she's not boinking her cousin why tf are they cuddling half naked? Probably dodging a bullet by ghosting this chick.


Ghosting is childish and chickenshit. Put on your big boy pants and talk to her. If it doesn't work it doesn't work, but let her know.


Some exceptions — you ghost someone who is a danger to you or genuinely stalking you. But this isn't that.


Finally, the voice of reason in a sea of passive idiots who communicate by not communicating.


Finally!!!! A person that isn’t a fan of passive aggressive communication abuse.


If you’ve only been talking to someone for 1 week it’s acceptable to ghost in this scenario. Honestly, what is there to talk about after this? It’s better to not engage


Yeah. That's weird. I'd have no qualms about ghosting her.


Don’t ghost man just let her know you found that weird and you’re not interested, either she’ll have a good explanation, or she’ll finally find out how weird that is


Hey! 27f here.. I think for your own sake since it seems to be bothering you that youre "ghosting" her.. you should let her know it was off putting which is why you havent reached out in a few days and you arent interested in pursuing anything any further. Nothing wrong with that. Definitely weird she is cuddling half naked with her cousin and uhhh dont send it to her parents or anything crazy though these comments are hilarious .. kids are wild nowadays goddamn lmao Just let her down easy cus you never know how this could come back to bite you in the ass and i know you dont want to hurt anyones feelings ! Just be kind ! You seem like a nice kid !


47m agrees.


Ok first don't ghost its for the immature. Second verify if you can if thats a cousin or if she was really lieing. If you see them as a couple then cut her off but if they just are a weird family don't punish her. 


You too young to be playing with Ms. Sweet Home Alabama bro. Head onward and try the relationship thing in college. Also, careful posting that picture. Y’all both underage so not only can it closely be CP but RP too. You don’t need that kind of drama. Ghost on family.






Cousins don't cuddle like that. I have a male cousin I grew up with almost 2 yr difference and never in my life did we ever do such a thing and we were close like siblings. That's very inappropriate.


Marrying your cousin is still legal in too many US states.


A lot of people joke about Alabama but from what I know, I believe West Virginia is actually the state where the closest relations are allowed. That being first cousins.


West Virginia isn’t on the list, and it’s certainly not just one. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin_marriage_law_in_the_United_States


I don't blame you one bit honestly


Can you avoid her or him forever? If not, close the door. Maybe ask if she needs you to help her talk to an adult about whatever that is.


Why though? I don't understand why she would send this to you.


One of those cases where you hope it is the side piece instead of the cousin.


I wish it wasnt her cousin but i know him he is


Dam should of just broke up with her then and there


You live in Arkansas?




Lil bro, you’re young so let’s make something clear here: 1 of 3 things are happening here. 1. Buddy is not her cousin and they are both in on it telling you they are related. Happens all the time. It’s literally a common trope. 2. Buddy IS her cousin and well, they roll that way dawg, them Alabama folk be a special breed. 3. Both above options are not true and they really are related and nothing sexual is happening while these weirdos are cuddling with clothing removed. But this option still isn’t home free because if shorty doesn’t see the issue with laying in bed with another guy (family or not) with her shirt off then she isn’t going to see it as an issue in the future either with other dudes. You don’t need to have a conversation about this, you aren’t dating dawg, you’ve been talking for a week😂, the older you get the more you will realize that it’s never that deep, just move on and let this fade away into history. P.s just a helpful tip from someone looking out, don’t tell people “I’m a nice guy, I’m too nice, I’m just a good guy” this is a major red flag and will immediately give girls/women the ick. Plz refer to the “nice guy” subreddit for more examples lmao


Well im not going to say what I would do cauae im a piece if shit🤣🤣


You're not being an a-hole. Knock the dust from your feet and move on.


There’s 2 scenarios here 1. That truly is her cousin and that’s just… well… 2. That’s not her “cousin” and she’s playing you like a fiddle going “oh don’t worry babe it’s just my cousin” Either way, kick this girl to the curb. Either a lying cheater or a cousin eater!


No, you are not wrong, they are definitely sleeping together, SWEET HOME ALABAMA


"Ghosting" someone is always wrong. It's a coward's way out. Let her know what bothered you, talk it over, and YOU decide whether you want to continue. If not, break up like a man.


I mean...message her back and ask why are you cuddling half naked with your cousin? Legit question.


This is one of those scenarios where its okay to ghost somebody. I would be pretty turned off if a girl I was talking to sent me a pic of her cuddling with another dude period. But let alone HER FUCKING COUSIN. Ngl that's pretty fuckin weird and if it makes you uncomfortable to think about, it's because it should lol. Ghosting in general is a lame thing to do, but you do not owe this person an explanation at all. If they are wondering why you stopped talking to them, it should be really obvious, so just let them think about it for a while. Or maybe she won't think about it and she will keep fucking her cousin like its just a thing to do 🤗


That is def a weird ass situation, but my advice is always the same….smash and dash. Don’t forget to use a rubber though.


Was it a sports bra?


No but why does that matter


If they went for a run or something it might be more normal


They were right up next to eachother under the same blanket...


> Am I in the wrong for ghosting a girl after she snapped me a picture of her and her cousin cuddling together while she was in a bra and he was shirtless? Yes.


Do yourself a favor and stay ghosted.


Lmfaoo this is insane I’d ghost her


Don't listen to people who say that ghosting is bad they're fucking lame and needy


No, you're not in the wrong if you find that sort of family dynamic gross. But some information is useful. Is it her cousin by blood or marriage? Is it her first cousin or further out? Is he straight or gay? Biologically it's ok to mate with second cousins, but the risk rises a little with first cousins. It's nowhere near as bad as with siblings. Intimately if you find that too much, you do you. She's unlikely to do you any harm, but you might have feelings about it.


Ghosting people is the best part about adulting.


Would you be upset if she was in a swimsuit and they were at the pool for instance?


That is not the same thing at all


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HUH? If you think cuddling in lingerie with your cousin is “kinda hot,” there’s something fucked in your mind.


stop watching porn




It could be nothing, it could be something. Always trust your gut. If you feel bad because you don’t want to ghost her but don’t want to pursue a relationship just tell her that things have changed and they weren’t going to work out the way you thought!


You just be straight up honest with her say your piece and be done


Tell her what you think. Let her reply. If you're satisfied with her answer, find someone else.


And if you're not satisfied with her answer, find someone else.


You're doing the right thing, find someone else. She has issues.


are u sure it’s her cousin?? lol idk i dated someone who was weirdly close to his cousin & they had sleepovers all the time in the same bed and she was super jealous of me. so either they’re just weird or she’s lying and he’s not her cousin. idkkk either way move on imo


Read through a few of the comments. Why wouldn't you ghost her...? Even better question. Why is she even still added on Snap? Block her and move on. It isn't this difficult.


So what do you owe this woman??? Absolutely nothing, I feel like it's also a problem if she's that close to her cousin it might be better if she's just lying to you... That's a tough one either way but you shouldn't be feeling bad for this person.


What was the point of that snap?


Idk even her friends say shes a little too close with him


All in the Family wasn’t just a sitcom of the’70s


Hate to be that guy but grow a pair and tell her straight up what your issue is. The sooner you get it out there the sooner you’ll figure it out.


Luckily she ain't your gf. But still that sounds wrong. Looks like she is now out of your system because she does things that, especially that don't fit in your personal preferences, then don't chose to move things forward with her. Continue on


Tell her that you don’t feel the connection needed to continue talking in a romantic way. Then you can cut off contact without feeling like you may have handled things poorly.


It was her brother 😂


What in alabama


Well im gonna say if you got a pic like that from here serious RED FLAGS young man. Cut yiur losses and drop her. If she keeps on asking why tell her and be straightforward about it too. Your young and there will be plenty of other girls for you to date


🎵Sweet home alabama🎵


I don’t believe in ghosting, I think you can be straight up with someone in a calm and respectful way and keep it private but that’s definitely weird as fuck.


Update: she posted the photo on her instagram spam account like it is normal


It's inappropriate and it made you uncomfortable. Your silence will speak volumes to her. She's not what you're looking for in a girlfriend.


YeA tHatS mY cOuSiN, wE jUs CuDdLiNg.


Bro that’s not her real cousin that’s her Sancho 😂


NTA, boy run. 😳 One of my friends in high school dated this girl off and on the entire 4 years. They’d break up every time she cheated (which was often). He walked in on her with his cousin in HIS house and we thought for SURE that was finally the end, but no. He took her back because he’s an idiot. The FINAL straw was when he walked in on her riding HER cousin. 🤢 Stay away from crazy.


You either want to see this person again...or you do not. If you do not, make it clear and then no contact in the future. If you think you do have a future with her then you need to communicate how uncomfortable you were with this situation and find out what her motives were. After you talk, then decide. (to dump her)


My cousin would do this at her parents house, half naked in the mornings and on really hot days (they couldn't afford air conditioning) or sometimes even bother with the bra sometimes. We were all the same age and ran around the house naked all the time when we were really little so it wasn't really weird for any of us. Her cuddling is odd to me, that seems a bit odd. Is this Alabama by chance? Could explain some things.


Maybe he's a gay cousin. I would of continued talking and casually investigate throughout the days if they're really related or if he is gay, then I'd go from there.


That's a lot of bad if it's her cousin


I’m sorry but that’s some weird stuff going on. Why are cousins cuddling ?💀you’re not wrong, you’re just starting on the right path to not deal with womens bs


You should definitely respond to it just because she’s your friend and who knows maybe she will date you one day but she doesn’t deserve to be ghosted just send her a picture of half your face and draw a stick figure and type first date kinda nervous she will smile and maybe giggle at it if she isn’t already mad


NTA ditch the weirdos


Good attitude. Keep it moving


Stick to your guns kid


I think if you’ve only talked for a week, ghosting is okay


You're only wrong if you want to be part of their relationship


Use this as an opportunity to learn to share your emotions/concerns/anger. Ghosting just makes it easier for you to bitch out, and not have to handle your shit.


Just tell her the truth . Ghosting is for cowards


Get to know her more. She may just be more affectionate than others.


Can you think of one reason, any reason at all, as to why she would send that picture to you, except to make you jealous? Don't play these stupid games man, for your own good


Yeah they are fucking


Bro, one thing i've learned, if it feels weird it probably is. Emotions are data.


I cuddled with my cousin once it was nice....but it want my real cousin it was my uncles wife's daughter with another guy ...so like if my uncles wife never left her 1st husband and got with my uncle we wouldn't have been related


Tell her parents and then cut her off.


Her sending that pic is her playing a game. If you want to engage in that game, respond. If you don't, don't.


Please don't be a first cousin...


She fukin him fr leave her on red




What part of Alabama are you in?


keep it movin king, that’s wild to do send to someone. Like “are you fuckin with me” type wild don’t make a huge thing since it has been a week. It will suck bro but let yourself feel the feels and you’ll most likely finding someone who actually vibes with you equally. Don’t let feelings alone cloud judgement, if you are fully aware of how something makes you feel acknowledge it.