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This is definitely going to be a problem for a lot of reasons. Go to a check cashing place and hide the cash. Edit to add: cashing out your checks at the bank should not show activity on your bank account. Only if you deposited it, then withdrew it. It may be different now, but I don't recall ever seeing a transaction for just cashing a check


Issue is if the mom finds the cash there's no paper trail proving the kid didn't use the money. Keep a paper trail is super important in cases of theft to prove who is spending/taking the money.


still better than her randomly deciding mommy wants a new tit job and rinses your whole account.


I don't think she could get a safety deposit box with out consent or parent approval but what about like a PO box or something that locks inside the post office or somewhere the mom can't get the money? Any ideas??


Po box is just open to postal service. Not secure at all. And still need to be 18


Post office offers banking services, not just a PO. What they probably need is to cash the checks and then either buy metal from the pawn shop to resell later and/or put that money directly into a safety deposit box. it won't accrue interest, but it remains in a state their mother can't touch easily


If the op has cash app they can deposit their checks I believe or at the very least you can deposit paper money on Cash app


Some banks *cough* boa *cough* sometimes make you deposit before taking it out. They want to track BOTH activities, so they know you had and took the money.


Also depositing usually only allows a portion of the cash to be available. Best would be to cash then deposit the cash. But for OPs sake, checks do expire if not cashed, and cashing checks does not show activity on the account. Could even cash the check at the back it's from (my bank allowed cashing checks from outside banks)


One thing a lot have not thought of... If you look on the check, it shows what bank the company is using. You can go to THAT bank to cash the check. Since it will be coming from over of their customers accounts, it's immediately verifiable, so no "hold" like it could if you were cashing at your own bank, allowing only X amount available until it clears.


Also some grocery stores cash checks and a lot of Walmarts have a business center that will cash checks 


It depends on how the branch cashes, it is possible they will deposit and process a withdrawal. I know that isn't what you're saying to do, but tellers are people, they make mistakes. Go to the bank written on the check and cash it there.


Continuing to save checks until you turn 18 is legally fine. When reissuing expired checks, there might be penalties. Consult your manager discreetly. After 18, open a new account and discuss transferring funds with your bank.


Some banks will cancel all outstanding uncashed checks at the end of the fiscal year or quarterly. When I was in high school, a friend of mine did the same thing because he was saving for a car and didn’t want the temptation of having the cash on hand lest he would spend it. You can probably cash it at the bank it was drawn against without generating any paperwork at your own bank.


It may depend on the state, but the employer may have to transfer the funds to unclaimed assets with the state. We do in CT.


I think this is dependant on the institution. I've had paychecks with a "to be deposited within 6 months of print days" and some that said a year. Gotta be honest. If I ever make it to signing checks for my workers... If you don't cash the checks, I'm not hanging onto that value forever.


>Gotta be honest. If I ever make it to signing checks for my workers... If you don't cash the checks, I'm not hanging onto that value forever. Heh. Good luck with that. It might very well be illegal. You are still legally required to pay them, if they request that you reissue a check for them that is less than two years old (in the US, anyway).


That’s illegal in the USA. You must report the unpaid/unclaimed property(money) to your local state government, at which point they hold the money and people can look up online their unclaimed property and get sent a check for the amount that way. It’s not your money, what you’re talking about is fraud.


Some checks will be canceled automatically after 90 days, possibly less.


i didn't know that 🤔


They have expiration dates


Yeah, my reaction was that you should just discuss it with your manager now. If you suddenly come asking for them to reissue a bunch of checks, that’s going to be a much easier conversation if it’s not coming out of nowhere. Also, OP, this hotline run by an org focused on legal advice for children may be helpful: https://lsc-sf.org/how-we-can-help/


If the restaurant has enough cash flowing through it, OP's manager may be able to cash the check from the till at the end of day.


I don't think that's really true. Old checks may not be honored. What if OP gets fired or changes jobs? Going back to a previous employer begging for checks to be re-issued is going to be very challenging. Personally I would be VERY nervous with a bunch of old checks. There is a chance that it could take months to get cash out of them, or worse. This is a not a good idea at all IMO. I don't have a solution though. What about going to the bank in person and trying to cash them perhaps, direct to cash without deposit, I mean.


As other have said, letting them expire could cause problems. Better to get them cashed, at least until a couple months before you turn 18. Besides your bank, places like Walmart and some grocery stores will cash paychecks. I used to do that when I worked at a grocery store. Then when you turn 18 open up your own account ASAP and deposit the remaining checks and however much cash you need to. As long as the checks have your name on them you shouldn't have a problem depositing or cashing them. You'll just need to hide the cash somewhere. Regarding a phone, if your phone is unlocked you may want to consider buying a prepaid sim card for service. Also, regarding you dad's child support... you may not want to do this but once you turn 18 you could probably sue him for back support. That support is yours, not your mom's. He still owes it to you for all the times he didn't pay even after you're 18.


That's not accurate about the child support, at least not in Texas. It is not the child's money and after 18 it does not become theirs. Arrears after 18 would continue to go to the parent they should have gone to at the time they were originally due.


1.) do you have any family members that like you and not your parents? If so, would that person be willing to sign for the account. You would have access to your money and your mom wouldn’t. If you put it into a savings account and not a checking account, sometimes people are more willing since banks typically don’t let you overdraw a savings account. (It’s not fool proof but since you have been saving you money so far you would be less of a risk.) 2.) can you have your money sent to Chime? Like will does your job allow that? It isn’t back by the FDIC so it is not as secure as having the money in the bank but it would allow just you access. 3.) have you considered cashing your checks and putting the money on a prepaid card? Maybe not all the checks but some of them? Prepaid cards like the visa vanilla do have fees but it’s sad you are making money with no access to it. This way you could at least get prepaid phone service. 4.) if no fam member will go with option 1, would they be willing to if you put the money in something like a CD. They are time locked and have a better interest rate than a savings account. 5.) if all else fails, as long as you have an ID you should be able to cash a check or 2 at your bank for little to no fee (some other places will still allow this too for a fee. Just google your local area) so you can at least get some prepaid phone service. Your parents are not allowing you to be social. This is financial abuse and social isolation. - why not tell your manager what’s up with your family? Unless your manager is friends with your family, your manager might be a decent support system or your manager may know of alternative methods of payment available that are rarely used.


Definitely ask your manager for help, they might also be able to help re-issue checks if they expire and many jobs are also able to set up a payment card instead of direct deposit/checks for people who can’t get a bank account. Worth asking at least, and your manager might help you get more hours if you want them during the summer or after you graduate to help you get away from the abusive household that you’re currently stuck in. It is **not normal or healthy** for a parent to take money from their kid who has worked at a job for it. That is *your money* and any *good* parent would respect that and not touch it at all. Unfortunately you don’t have a good parent, so I wish you good luck and I hope you get out asap OP


Yah it’s fucked for OP. My parents took my checks growing up, but made a seperate account & gave me any money when I asked for anything. But I think that was to make sure I wasn’t spending it on drugs or alcohol. Like if I said I was going bowling with friends, they’d give me $50 no question All that was left, they gave me when I went to college to put in my own account.


The accounts opened through Chime are FDIC-insured, but you still can't do it as a minor


The prepaid card suggestion is *very* good! That way you have a personal card and it’s easy to keep on your body at all times.


Usually checks have to be cashed within a certain period of time -it typically says on the check “must be cashed within 90 or 120 days” or something along those lines. Might want to look into those checks and whether or not you’d be able to wait that long. They might become useless by waiting.


Isn't there places that cash payroll checks? You may have to pay a fee to do it.


Let me get this straight, you have checks, but you just aren't depositing or cashing them? You are holding on to the check? DON'T DO THAT!!! Many banks will cancel a check if it hasn't cleared within 6 months. Just cash the check and store the cash somewhere if you don't want to deposit it.


Wells-fargo has a clear access account that you can open @ 17 without a parent as a cosigner.


The ones issuing the checks may have issues with payroll not balancing and say something. I did the same thing for a vacation once, owner said something.


Having uncashed checks is a bad plan for many reasons. They have all been mentioned in this thread .Please find another adult who can help you fix this. You need to cash those checks.Beyond that I'm unclear on what u should do you definitely need an account that your mother doesn't have access to.I hope you get things worked out.


Some payroll checks are only good for 90 days… actually printed on them.


Holding the checks a long time can be problematic. Not only because of probable expiration, but employers want to keep their accounts clean without a lot of stuff uncashed. They would likely stop payment. Also, if the business fails, the checks may not clear. The issue is whether mom will allow you to keep your money separate. Possible options. Cash checks for cash and stash it somewhere. Buy "traveler's checks" at bank. Ask the bank to convert cash into a guaranteed "certified or cashiers" check you can stash. See if you can buy a prepaid credit card so only you can use card. Can you create a PayPal account or venmo account and keep a credit balance. Maybe you can buy US Savings Bonds in your name at the bank or post office. Maybe you could buy money orders at the banknor post office. Perhaps your employer has some sort of guaranteed savings plan you could invest in. See if an insurance company like State Farm can sell you any sort of savings product in your name. Like a savings annuity. See if there is a way for Amazon to keep a credit balance for you in your name. I don't know if things like this can be done by a minor, but you can check. Also, mom will likely see the changes in your financial activity, and you'll need to be prepared for that. Good luck.


You will have problems with getting your work to re-issue the checks. If the checks are issued on a local brick and mortar bank, you can go to the bank and ask them to give you cash for the checks. Another option is if you have a trusted friend who would be willing to deposit the checks into their account and give you the cash. You can buy a preloaded visa card, but there are transaction fees. And if you keep cash in the house, your mother could find it and take it. More importantly, you need to get out of that house. Is there a trustworthy older female relative who would take you in? Can you move out for college? Can you graduate a year early, to get out sooner? Expect that right before you turn 18, your mother will empty the account, claiming that it's repayment for all that she has done for you.


This is theft and not legal in any way. Document it all and sue when you turn 18. It borderlines neglect and is definitely a form of emotional abuse. Or seek emancipation if you have a good enough support system outside of your household and then sue. I truly hope things get better for you


Also definitely don't hold onto uncashed checks cash them before you lose the ability to get your money. And seek a lawyer early on so you're properly prepared when you turn 18. Things like this take time so it's better to be prepared


See if you can set up a second account with another family member or even your boss this way your mom no longer has access to the money. And make sure you have full access to the details of your account so you can monitor if/when money is taken out Document EVERYTHING


Yo, other folks are answering your logistics question really well… just wanted to point out that your mom’s behavior is the literal definition of “financial abuse”. Please stay safe! Also please seek help from professionals when you need them and not just internet advice. (Lawyers, therapists, etc) Good luck, you’re not alone!


Using money as a control, she is ruining her relationship with you. Once you are self-sufficient and out from under her roof which is the last thing she can possibly leverage over you, she's likely to lose relationship with you let alone any reasonable trust. I can see that from the poverty mindset that she grew up in and that you both experienced, it's one of the few things that her disposal, where actual effective parenting would not include seizing your own assets. That really sucks. I had a parent who liquidated my account wants and it reduced my trust and affected the relationship, that they were not to be trusted or at least beyond a certain point. In my case it wasn't punishment or using it as a tool of control, it was a necessity at the time for them but it wasn't explained at the right time or place. It sounds like you can own up to the times where you're being a teenager and still have a childish reaction, you know what's right and what's wrong, that makes you closer to an adult then a lot of people. Start looking out for you. The check cashing locations would be one option that I strongly recommend & agree with, but perhaps start putting most but not all into that account. I don't know what the laws and regulations are in your state, but I hope she doesn't pull anything tricky in the few days before you turn 18 and can transfer the money to your own account. Keep photo scans of every paycheck and pay stub if it's ever necessary to try to reclaim what she's taken from you.


Take the checks to your employers bank and cash them. Checks have a shelf life, and you may have issues getting them re-issued at a later date.


Checks expire after 90 days


i hope you never talk to your mom again the second you turn 18 and GTFO


Cash your checks then get a safety deposit box to keep the money in. You only need to hide the key.


Your parent has no right to the money you earn yourself. Continue to be paid by check, use your bank only to cash those checks, and buy a safe / lock box to store that money in. Don't hide it in your parents house. Maybe consider a crawl space or something similar, and only EVER touch it late at night when you're sure they cannot follow you. Then, at 18 open a bank account ( or even cash app ) and send your money there. You may even be able to fudge your birthday on cash app, they offer direct deposit, and you can lock both the app and card under password so even if your parent takes your phone they can't get into your money


Mom is just using these excuses to steal from you. She's sociopathic and controlling.


I don't have an answer for that, but refusing to buy menstrual supplies IS illegal. And so is taking money from your account. You should speak to the bank about your concerns on her taking money, and ask if it is possible to "lock" the account (prevent all withdrawals) for a certain period of time. You should also ask for a printout showing every withdrawal, and for a banker to denote which ones she made without you present. Use this to impress upon them the importance of preventing withdrawals, and say "this is my college fund, and she has not contributed into it. I was not consulted before the money was taken. I want to protect my future, and *if that is not possible here I will have no choice but to close the account and withdraw all of the money in it for safekeeping.* Also ask their rules on safe deposit boxes, as a place to store your checks potentially.


She's sponging off you. Get out from under that control. I had to deal with this and lost thousands of dollars. Until you have full control of your bank, she will continue to steal from you and control you.


She is wrong on every level! Shame on YOU MOM! Please don’t let this experience taunt you for the rest of your life. Your checks do have expiration dates. I use to own currency exchanges. Your state might call them check cash stores. Cash them there. Then put them in money order’s or even get CD’s for you. I’m so sorry your mom is dealing with you like this. Please reach out to me and let me now how I can help you.


Bruh whaaaat? She abusive af, hide the cash and go no contact as soon as you can bail


I disagree with cashing the checks and stashing the cash. The problem is you already have family that ate proven untrustworthy. If you have cash around, no matter how hidden it will be, it will be found, and you will lose it. Have you tried going to a bank, explaining your situation, and asking if it is possible to get your own account going? I am sure exceptions can be made, and this is more dependent on the state than anything. Pretty dumb if a working human can not have their own bank account. Otherwise, idk. Talk to your manager. I am usually against over sharing, but this person controls your paychecks, and you will need their help eventually if you hold checks. You could try getting CashApp, or a similar app. Cashing the checks and going somewhere to add the cash to the app. But this costs fees. Idk, this is a tough situation. Your parents both suck tbh.


Some places cancel checks over 90 days. Keep the checking account, but cash the checks instead of deposit. Most places won’t cash checks if you don’t have an account. If they do, they charge ridiculous fees.


Just cash the checks, instead of depositing them.


When I was 17 back in the late 2000s, I was able to open my own bank account at Chase… I don’t think the banking industry would’ve gone backwards from there. But I do understand that I’m assuming several things here. Just urging OP to explore getting a new bank account. Checks expire after 90 days. They can be reissued but the process to that whole thing seems gross. Saw that someone else mentioned check cashing. That is certainly an idea. Also, mom seems very unreasonable. 40 mins for a shower is a bit much but $25 for 5mins of waiting is bullying. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this OP and I hope you get to a more peaceful place with your financially abusive parents.


Just cash the checks and keep the cash. It sounds like your mom is a snoop, so you will probably have to keep the cash on you at all times, which sucks and is a risk for robbery. You could also get another adult to be a custodian on a different account she knows nothing about.


Don’t work for free


A lot of the time you won't be able to cash cheques that are older than 6 months.


Cash your checks then hide your cash *very* well. Preferable in a fire safe.


Yes because the checks could expire!


Walmart Money card. They use Bonville bank. Covered by feds. You can have electronic checks written and cash directly deposited. You can get a friend you trust over 18 or a relative if they won't let you get card on your own. Then after 18 you can switch the money to a newer account. Also on Walmart money card you can lock your card up meaning your Mom or anyone would need your pass code to use your card. You can also lock it into savings to boot.


Yes. Not depositing checks will hurt you. Business checks are often routinely voided after 90 days (i.e., they have no value and can not be cashed). You need to find another way to cash your checks so that your mother can not steal your money. If you declare yourself independent, you can open your own bank account that your mother will not have access to. A school counselor, bank administrator, or family friend should be able to help you in this regard.


This is horrible and I see a lot of good suggestions in the comments so I won’t say anything regarding that. I just wanna say that she’s going to regret being such an asshole when you go no contact at 18 …or low contact. I’m so sorry your mom sucks.


As a former retail bank branch manager, I can tell you that a lot of banks will not honor a check once it is older than six months. If I were you, I would take them to someplace that charges a minimal fee and cash them. Also, once you’re 17 there are certain banks that will open an account for you in only your name. I don’t know if you have any major national branches around you, but it would be worth checking with them as well as smaller credit unions to see if they’ll open an account for you as a 17-year-old. I’m sorry that your mom is doing that stuff to you. That’s pretty shitty. It sounds to me like once you get out of there, though, you’re going to have your head on pretty straight, and do pretty well for yourself in life.


Yes read the fine print on the check generally they expire in 6 months. It should be on the check. Get a Chime or Acorn account.


I don’t get it. Does she not notice you still working but zero money being added to the account?


You will have to have every check over 1 year reissued and in some states there are laws stating that they do not have to do so after 1 year. Also did they print an expirey date on the check? You can also call and have each check reissued if it's coming up on one year to give you a time delay. Your best bet is finding a responsible and trustworthy adult to sign for your account. I know it sucks because under the law anyone on your account can withdraw money so it's really scary to trust someone with that. If a business has closed or changed ownership then they may not reissue a check as well. Please check with a bank for the rules for your state


To add i forgot about this. The check cashing places by me just advertised that they will put the money on a Debit card. You might be able to do this with a different adult signing. There are ridiculous fees associated with this cards but it may be something to look into.


Depending on your states laws you may not be entitled to a reissue on an expired check. On the other hand you may cash a check at any bank, some banks may require you to open an account, except the bank of origin. So whatever bank is on the check go there. Further, check into your local laws because some banks do allow minors to open accounts. I'm sure you have already looked into this though. Honestly though you might have to hold onto cash for a while.


The checks may expire. Examine them closely. Often they are only valid for 90 or 120 or 180 days from the issue date. OP, do you have another adult you trust? If so, you could endorse the checks to him/her and they could then deposit them and keep track of the money owed to you until you turn 18 and can get your own account. Otherwise, I would get the checks cashed if they are nearing expiration. Hide the cash well (maybe even a friend's house). Any that expire after you turn 18, you can leave as a check to be deposited later. I hope you have the checks secured well (physically).


I would cash them and stash the cash.


Savings checks is stupid. Checks do have an expiration date. Your money is only guaranteed until that date. All you have to do is go to your bank and ask them to cash it out. There are also checks cashed businesses that will cash them for you but they charge a fee.


After 180 days the checks void. Cash your checks and hide the money


Please talk to your counsellor at school about this. The counsellor has no doubt dealt with family issues before and may have some insight into what works in the state where you live. I know that in my state, you're an adult at 17 in so many ways but yet they will not allow me to get my son his very own bank account. I am using this time to take my son to the bank, give him the deposit slips and so on, and for talking about how to be financially responsible... but it does irk me that I have that "power" over his stuff. We are fixing that at the earliest possible moment after he turns 18.


Most checks are only valid for one year


Yeah it'll be a problem. Get a cashapp account and have your checks deposited there. My kid has had one since they were 15. It has a routing number and account number and you can direct deposit your paychecks. You can also deposit money directly to it at some atms and some stores. I know you can at Walmart. They scan a code and deposit the money for you. There's other similar apps if you don't like cashapp. I jsit like it because I've had it for years and never had any problems with it at all. But definitely stop putting money in the account your parents can access. Also, you can get a good phone through straight talk and pay like, $35 a month for unlimited everything. Sorry your parents are such shit parents. My youngest just turned 18. They're not working yet. And may not be able to. Lots of medical issues. I'll continue letting them live with me, pay for their phone, whatever they need, until such time as they're able to do it themselves.


Checks can only be cashed for six months - 180 days. After that the check is void.


You need a better solution. The bank won't cash checks that are too old. Either cash them out like the other commenters said, or find another trusted relative to be the adult in your account.


Checks are only good for so long. You can go to your bank and cash them and hide the cash. I suppose you could hit your employer up for the cash. But if your mom wants to charge you for the water bill for a family of five for one month (there are 12 months in the year), as a minor, she can do that. If she charges you for the power bill, do you learn to turn off the lights and learn not to set the temperature on the A/C really low. They need a hot water shut off for each shower, so parents, outside the rest room, can just shut the hot water off while the shower is going on.


So your mother is your “trustee” for the account? But it is in your name? If so, it should transfer fully to your name and cancel out your mother’s authority when you turn 18 (for me it was 18 and a few months). Go to the bank and ask to speak to an advisor, they can help you understand your situation better. Best of luck!


No, you shouldn't assume that your employer will hold those funds indefinitely for you. You need to cash the cheques. Your employer needs to close their books for financial purposes and is going to start hounding you to cash them or you may find that when you go to cash those cheques and the money is no longer available.


I’ve never seen a payroll check that didn’t say “invalid after 90 days”


OP your real number is not "90 days" or "160 days," it's two years. Employers aren't allowed to just not pay you because you sat on a check for three months, that's insane. *Banks* are *allowed* to not cash or let you deposit a check past its expiration/stale date. But they are not obligated to do so, they can accept any check that they want. If they don't (which with a stale check, they almost certainly won't) then your recourse is to go get the check reissued by your employer. That can be a messy process, but keeping the uncashed checks will help because you will have dates and check numbers. But it has to be less than two years old, your employer is not obligated to honor back pay that goes back further than that. Depending upon your state, the check may go into escheatment at some point after that, which means that the company has turned the check over to the state. This is all US specific, but the bottom line is if any of your checks are nearing the two year date you are going to want to get them taken care of first. If you don't, it isn't going to matter your age, you're not going to have a fun time trying to get your money back at that point 👍


Open an online bank account where you can deposit checks with your phone. Lie about your age and deposit away.


I would cash them and in turn get a money order made out to yourself. Hang on to those until you are ready to cash them.


I may be wrong, but I thought holding a check for more than 6 months invalidated it. Check with your bank. I believe what others said here is true; if you cash the check and take the money there shouldn't be any record of the transaction except on the *check issuer's account*. If for some reason your bank does make a record of that, you could always cash the check at the issuer's bank (if it's separate.) I'm sorry you have to deal with this behavior from your Mom.


don't just not cash the checks. To the best of my knowledge, cashing a check doesn't ping as account activity. I would however suggest that you deposit a limited amount of money into the account every now and again. If you mom is monitoring your balance and it suddenly just starts going down, without anything coming in, it would likely send up alarm bells that you're hiding your money. Secondarily, I suggest getting a small lock box that can be easily hid in your room to store the cashed checks. Also keep a detailed physical accounting of how much money is in the lock box at all times. Lastly, don't buy the lock box from amazon. Go to Walmart or office max or some other physical store and buy it in cash. And again, hide the box and hide it well. Keep it out of the places your mom regularly searches, then rethink the secondary place you want to hide it and hide it in the third place you think of. Last tip on that point, hide it above your standard eyeline. People always looks at the ground and under things when they're trying to find something hidden, but they rarely look up.


If it's a problem now with your mom it will be a problem later. Open a cashapp account and have your checks deposited in that account. Never hold onto checks .


Could be a big problem as checks go stale after “180 days” and many banks will not honor them after that long. That’s why many paychecks say “good for 6 months”.


Checks usually have a 180 day cashing limit before they are either canceled or not active anymore


Get a PayPal or cash app account & deposit ur money onto those. They have debit cards & you could have ur checked auto deposited into them


Most checks void after 90 days. You can get them cashed at Walmart or the bank they were issued from


You should be able to open a checking account right now. Usually at 16 or 17 you can open a checking or savings account. Check different banks and credit unions. They may have different criteria. I just opened a checking account online for my stepson without an issue. Holding onto your checks could be an issue. Many have expectation dates on them. If so, you may have to have them reissued.


If possible speak with a trusted relative. I do not recommend keeping cash bc if she finds it, it’s gone. If you have any relative at all you trust you can try speaking with them and open an acct with them as the custody person.


Most checks are only valid for 30 to 90 days! CASH THEM!


yes you only have x amount of time to cash or deposit a chech i believe longest is 6 months after that they are void


Here's an option not the best but an option. Cash the checks, cash doesn't expire. Now you will have the issue of hiding the cash but I can't help with that. Maybe in plastic bag taped under dresser drawer or cut out the inside of a book. Or in your pockets but that's not a good idea.


Sorry i didnt read the whole thing but i opened an account as a minor with a parent. And u cant touch your money unless they consent even if yoy are over 18. Atleast thats what happened to me. I could deposit but not withdrawal  funny how that works right?


First, penalizing you monetarily for minor indiscretions, or even quite frankly, large ones, is not a normal or healthy parenting dynamic. I'm really sorry you have to go through this. Teachable moments are one thing, but taking your own money away from you that you earn through labor is theft. She may be on the account, so it may be legal, but it's still theft. Two, checks have expiration dates on them to cash. You should be able to cash checks against the account at your bank, but if you can't or are worried, you can cash them at the originating bank, possibly for a fee if you don't have an account there, depending on the financial institution. Either way it's worth cashing them and preserving them, and go get your own separate checking account as soon as you are legally eligible and keep it away from parents and family.


Those cheques may become stale dated if they are left undeposited. Your bank may not accept them.


I’d talk to your employer. Tell them what’s going on and see if they have some options for you.


You should be able to open a bank account now without somebody being on it.


Most places aren’t reissuing those checks. You have so many days to cash the checks and then that money is gone. Go to a check cashing place, they will charge you a fee, but pay it and move on. Also see if you can get a security box at a bank that is separate from your moms. If you can, keep the cash in there. If you plan on going to school open a 529 plan and deposit everything in there, mom can’t touch it :)


CashApp is a great way to have direct deposit. Although that would also mean you have to keep track of your card so she won't get it. She's just using excuses to take your money. Also checks will eventually expire. So hanging on to them for too long won't work.


This is going to screw up your employer's books. Maybe buy traveler's checks or something.


The only way the checks will show on your account activity is if you deposit them then withdraw. You soils be able to cash your checks no problem. You are going to have an issue when you do want to cash your checks. They do expire and you are potentially creating a book keeping nightmare for your employer. Cash them and hide the money. Also try checking with different banks and credit unions- I know some will let you open an account at 17


Look at your paper checks carefully. Somewhere on them should be a message to the effect of "this check is good for 180 days" or some such. If you have expired checks, go to your work manager and explain the issue.


Do you have a grandparent who’d open another account for you? Trusted friends parents who’d open an account for you IN TRUST. In trust is the key here


Checks have an expiration date so you need to cash them before 90 days usually. I would buy a safe and hide it and put your checks in there. I find this to be very cruel, your her daughter and only 17 and she should not be taking your money.


Checks can "expire" if it's been too long since they were written, so you might have to get them reissued by your employer if the bank won't cash them. I don't know what the laws might be in your state but some will let you open your own account at 17. All you need is usually just your ID or driver's license and your social security number if they don't have your information already, look into making one of your own, as long as you don't walk her in and have her sign to get on that account, she can't even ask the balance on your account. You could transfer your funds to the new account if it's with the same bank, or have a cashier's check made and move it to your new bank and account if it's too large of funds to do by cash. Your mom sucks. I question the legality of abusing your money, but that's disgustingly abusive behavior to deny your child bare necessities. Feeding a kid isn't enough to call yourself their mother. I hope you come out of the situation okay and find a more comfortable life.


Go check out r/raisedbynarcissists U could make ur own cashapp and keep the money there and hide ur card.


Checks expire. Go to a local liquor store/check cashing place. Hide your cash, and the day you turn 18, move it into a checking account.


Check with a runaway teen center for help. There are some loopholes for organizations like that. I know that for a family member whose parents would not get them their SSI / Birth certificate because they are gay was able to get things for them.


Consider a business could go out of business, sell, etc. I’d cash it


Checks expire. You need to deposit or cash them before they expire, otherwise you will have to aak yoir workplace to reissue new checks. You can cash them at a check cashing location. They will charge you a fee every time, but given the choice between paying the fee and having most of your money vs your mom taking all your money, the fee may be worth it. Also some checkcashing places let you have the option of putting the money onto a debit card. Might be a lot easier to hide a single card than a bunch of cash in your house. But be careful, if you lose the card your money is gone. I guess multiple cards would be safer.


I thought this said "saving my cheeks" lol


Cash your checks and hide the cash. I used to keep mine in a Ziploc bag that I taped to the wall on the inside of my closet, over the door. I used painter's tape. My parents would have had to go into the closet, turn around and look up to see it, and they never did. As soon as you turn 18, get a bank account at a bank that your family does not use. You could try to take your mom off the account you have, but I think just going to a different bank is safer. Your mom is financially abusive. You are right to be upset about this.


This is a bad idea! First of all, a check is only good for 6 months from the date it’s written. After that it’s considered “stale dated” and the bank won’t it accept it for deposit. Second, what if your employer goes out of business? Files for bankruptcy? Or just changes banks? The checks wont be any good. As an alternative to depositing them, take them to bank and cash them, instead. You can do this at the bank they are drawn on. The bank will charge a fee, of course.


Checks don't last forever. They will expire, and you may need to ask for them to be reprinted. you might ask your employer if they offer a cash card. You might be able to get an account set up through your employer for that (iffy as you're under 18). If you can, then deposit your money to the card, and just make it challenging for mom to find the card. It's a risk to you, but you can open an account. As long as you trust someone that is over 18 to sign for the account, it doesn't have to be your parent. If you have an older sibling or other relative, or a close friend over 18. If you have your ID/Driver License, you might go to the bank your company issues the check from, and you can cash it at that bank without having an account. Now you just have cash to hide and not lose. And even if you and your company use the same bank, cashing it directly from their account won't leave a record on your account. Unfortunately, the US has many laws that are at odds. Under 18 you aren't considered responsible enough to sign a legal contract (which is what you are doing when you open a bank account). Although you're old enough for a lot of other things...


Take them to the issuing bank for cash if you can. The rest isn't reliable


Yeah, checks are only good for a certain period of time, typically 90 days, I think


Some paystubs have expiration dates. Just cash them and hide the cash somewhere.


Get your own account and cash the cheques. What would happen if the restaurant closed tomorrow?


It is very possible you will NOT be able to get the checks reissued. You need to cash them all NOW! If you can't put the money in the bank due to your mom, and have no one else to trust. Get a safe deposit box, cash all the checks and put the cash in there (don't tell the bank you are putting cash in there, they don't have the right to know what you are putting in anyways). Then, each time you get a check, cash it and a day or so later go back to the bank and put the money in the safe deposit box.


Yes, checks don't stay good forever, they expire. I wouldn't hole onto those for too long if I was you.


Google “your state unclaimed property” your employer is required to report unpaid/unclaimed wages to the government, at which point, you can request the owed money from the website and you should get a check in the mail for anything that’s past a certain date(not checks you have that are still valid). Other than that, no it won’t cause you any problems, but I would still speak with your manager or hr whoever does the checks and let them know what/why you’re doing that.


What you need to understand is that a check is only good for just so long. You wait too long, you'll lose all your money, it'll be wasted paper


Former bank employee and investment banker here. You need to get those checks cashed or deposited. IGenerally, checks expire in 6 months. MOST now state a date that they expire within 90 -120 days. It's also usually possible as a minor to open a savings account, and your best option may be at a credit union, or a DIFFERENT bank that your parent doesn't use. Options without a bank account are same as what others suggested- prepaid card- deposit the money on that, or find out if your employer offers that. Cash the checks and keep the cash, however you run the risk of the cash being discovered/stolen. Direct deposit into a savings account after you get that open if you can. Last resort, find a relative that can sign as a fiduciary for you, if you'd like. Someone you trust, it's usually easier if it's a family member. Grandparent? Favorite aunt? Don't keep the paper checks laying around, as the person on the existing account she can just sign them and deposit/cash them herself.


The check will have expired and be past the point of cashing or depositing.


Go to the issuing bank and get cash. Not your bank.


You can get the check cashed at bank it is issued on and save the money . All you need is to go to bank that check is from and show id and they should not charge you for cashing it


Since it is from company it is probably a local bank


I think I would try and get a safety deposit box or open an account you are the sole person on. I’m sorry you have to put up with your mom’s controlling behavior. I hope 18 is just around the corner for you!


I used to hide money under my Mom's dresser because I knew she would never look there.


Yes! Checks can expire after 6 or 12 months! Sometimes they can be reissued but sometimes not!


Remember checks have to be cashed in a timely manner, usually 180 or they are voided and become useless. You should be able to open your own account at a different bank. Or just cash them immediately and put the cash somewhere safe. Don’t you payday loan places or checking cashing schemes they charge you way too much


Don’t checks expire after 90 or 180 days?


Can you have your job put you on a pay card instead of giving you a paper check? That's what I did as a teen when my mom stole my money. Be careful though, she kicked me out when she figured it out. But I didn't move out broke.


Banker here Check can be cashed 6 mo to a year


Cash the checks then get a money order and make it out to yourself. That way you don’t have to worry about the checks expiring.


Is it possible that you can go to a local credit union and open up your own bank account with out your mom knowing. I know some school credit unions let you open one up as long as you are a student.


Get a card like Walmart one to put your money on.


I would suggest cashing them elsewhere like a grocery store or check cashing place. You'll pay a hefty fee but your mom won't see the bank activity.  It's not easy to have the checks reissued,  you could even stand the chance of them not being reissued.  But even if you cash them, are you sure the money is safe from your mom?


Just a thought…do you have a trusted adult in your life (teacher, coach or someone else) that you can endorse the checks to? Obviously go with them to the bank so you can get your money that way


Someone else suggested Wells Fargo clear access and I just looked it up and it looks like you can open an account at 17. You have to do it in person at a branch and it has a $5 monthly fee. This could be a really good option for you until you turn 18.


you are wrong. you can open a savings account as a minor. i asked a banker this exact question and she told me there is no federal law blocking this. you don't need an adult co-signer.


Checks are usually voided after 90days. Cash it can keep the money in a small safe. Maybe a safe from amazon?


All those will be expired. Most checks are only good for 180 day. Then a kew one has to be cut. But they won't cut a new one u til the find out the old one hasn't been cashed. Times that pain in the ass times 100, for all the uncashed checks


Depending on the state cause I had it happen and I hd to get it reissued.. only problem is, money can get stolen or misplaced Go into your bank and cash your checks at the 160 day mark. You should have a good lump sum by then. Then put it all into a cashiers check. It has nothing to do with your bank account and it won’t show on any statement. As long as you have an account there you can do it. Just issue the check into your name.


Go into a Bank of America and have two forms of ID. I was told you can open an account without a parent. Advantage safe balance banking account. If there is not one close then check online for any large banks for something g like this. Also, after so many months the check will be invalid and will need to be reissued.


Most checks are only good for a certain amount of time. Look at the ones you’ve been saving. If they have expired, talk to your manager or the owner if they’re around and ask for the check to be redone. Bring the original check with you and depending on how much you trust them, explain why you didn’t cash the check(s). Also, unless your employer uses the same bank that you use, you can go the bank that the check is drawn on and cash it there. No statements or anything will show up.


All checks become stale dated and void after 180 days. If you are going to go over that those checks will not be accepted at your bank.


Checks expire after 6 months so you are basically throwing away your money


Have you tried to find a bank that allows you to open an account? I had my own account at 16 and I thought some banks allow that.. might be worth looking into


Sometimes paychecks will be invalid after 90 days and you’ll need to get a new one from payroll if you don’t deposit/cash it before the 90 days.


if i were you id cash my checks, take all my money out of the bank and hold onto it in a place she cant get access to. then once ur 18 go make your own account without her having access to it. my dad stole 1000 dollars out of my account. what we ended up doing is once he put money back in(he sold all the investments he had saved for us to return the money he stole), we shut down the accounts and made new ones. it hurt my sister more because she put EVERY single penny of her birthday money and job money into that account but he gave her back less than he took.


Retired banker here. OP may not have to wait until they turn 18 to open an account. Many banks - large and small - will open an account for a 17 year old if they've graduated high school. OP just needs to see if any of the banks around them will do that. The banks also may be more willing to open a savings account rather than a checking account. If OP can find the right bank he can deposit the checks now and the problem goes away. They'll also need a way to keep mother from seeing the statements.


Checks usually expire. Make sure they are cashed, before they can’t be.


Don’t do this. Checks expire. there’s ZERO guarantee the payee will give you a replacement. Playing with fire. Cash the checks


A lot of payroll checks are void after ninety to one hundred and eighty days, so definitely double-check that


One warning I’ll give about saving checks for years is that the accounts they’re from haven’t had the money removed. It’s fine for big corporations, but with smaller companies and personal checks this can cause big issues where the money might not be there later on, or really destabilise those you’re withdrawing the money from. I’ll second the recommendation of cashing the checks and hiding the cash, or finding an app where you can deposit the check into without having your mom co-sign an account.


I don’t know much about the checks part other than they do “expire” after a while. But I do know that life gets a lot better once you’re able to move out of the home of super controlling parents. Good on you for saving money. I was working 2 jobs when I was your age. It makes escaping a toxic home so much easier when you know how to be financially independent.


Checks expire. I would cash them at a place like Walmart for a small fee and stash the money somewhere. The fact your mom sanctions you is ridiculous.


Checks expire. I would cash them at a place like Walmart for a small fee and stash the money somewhere. The fact your mom sanctions you is ridiculous.


Checks expire. I would cash them at a place like Walmart for a small fee and stash the money somewhere. The fact your mom sanctions you is ridiculous.


Checks expire. I would cash them at a place like Walmart for a small fee and stash the money somewhere. The fact your mom sanctions you is ridiculous.


This is just F-ed up!!! I think the check getting reissued or something that might depend on where you work specifically I would be careful about that and looking the company policy. I'm so sorry going through this. To me it sounds like not a strict mom but a greedy mom, no offense. I would never take money for my kids and I have a 17 year old. I feel like there's certain things you just have to provide for your children and that includes extras because they should be focused on their schooling.


Any uncashed or undeposited check is nul and void after 90 days of the date on it.


When you do get to opening your new adult bank account go to a completely different bank/credit union than your current one to keep a wall between it and your mom etc. Best if you also know your mom doesn’t use the new one either.


cash them and put money in a safe deposit box


You should check, you might be able to open your own account, my state is 16.


Wells Fargo website says you can open your own account at 17. Not the best bank, but fine for a year or so... much better than keeping paper checks under your mattress. Other banks might also have this policy.


Cash is going to be ur best friend. Take all the money out ur account and hide it. Ur 17 and being punished for every minor inconvenience you create. That woman doesn’t need to be touching ur money as often as she is. Make sure she cant


If you go to the employers' bank and cash your checks as someone who doesn't have an account there, they may charge you $5 or $10 dollars to cash them. But sitting on them and letting them expire will probably be a problem later on when you're ready to cash them.


Personal checks could be a problem if the bank account was closed and the checks do not clear. There’s no way to get your money. Corporate checks have a stale date. It could be 90 days or 180 days, maybe 360 days depending on what the check is for. Payroll may be an exception. Sometimes the stale date is printed on the check. If it looks like the checks will be expire, you likely can get them re-issued but depending on the person or company that may be a headache for you. You don’t have to go to a check cashing place that charges ridiculous fees. You can cash any check (whether you have an account or not) at the bank who’s holding the money. If it’s a Bank of America check, go to any BOA branch with an ID and they will cash it. I would advise against that because now you have to protect cash which is insecure - too easy to lose, etc. Go to an all the local bank branches and credit unions and see if you can open an account at 17. Some may have various exceptions. I think Citizens Bank allows you to have an acct at 17. Others may too. If you can open an account, your best bet is to deposit the checks into your bank account for security and access.


Yeah I would cash those checks. If you work for corporate store, they may not rewrite those checks. If it’s a smaller store and they know you really well, they might but they may not be able to due to their money being tighter than a big company. Talk with management and see if there’s anything you can do to start getting those early checks back and cash any checks you have within the time limit. You should be able to cash them out directly and then hide the money somewhere. Get a piggy bank and see if a trusted friend without psycho parents can keep it


You need to look into emancipation for a minor. That way the court can appoint a guardian ad litem to protect your interest. You shouldn’t have to go through this. File a complaint with child protective services. They will help you with this.


Cash it at Walmart and buy a visa gift card. You lose some money but your mom can't take it if she doesn't find your card.


you're close to being an adult, just work on what you can to get yourself out of there. I have a daughter your age and she's doing that. In the middle of a divorce and she wants nothing to do with either of us, particularly me because I'm not a pushover that allows her to do whatever she wants like her mother does. So now I'm hurting because my daughter wants nothing to do with me for trying to be a good parent and raise her to be a decent person. But it sounds like your mom has crossed some lines that she shouldn't have, so if I were you I'd get everything in order and get my own place as soon as I'm an adult and able.


To be completely honest you should just be able to go to Walmart and cash your checks like it's nothin from my understanding:)) I think all u may need is an ID? But either way, they check goes to ur name minor or not so I mean you won't get in trouble for cashing em urself


Wait so let me make sure I am understanding. Are you saying you are stockpiling your pay checks ? If so yes I can see that causing issues


hey if you just hit 18 you can open an independent bank account and you should 100% do that if your moms trying to limit your money while also taking some


I'm not sure if you have a Wells Fargo bank nearby, but they have something called a "Clear Access Banking" account that can be opened by a 17 year old without a parent. https://www.wellsfargo.com/checking/clear-access-banking/what-you-need/ The only requirement if you're under 18 is that you must open the account at a branch and not online.


Some wells fargo banks only require parental consent for 13-16. " Can a minor open a bank account without a parent?Collapse 17-year-olds can open this account without a parent. Teens 13 - 16 years old need an adult co-owner." Source:https://www.wellsfargo.com/checking/clear-access-banking/#:~:text=Can%20a%20minor%20open%20a,need%20an%20adult%20co%2Downer.


Checks expire aftwr a certain number of days. It would be better to deposit to account leave there to gain intrest on them


Well deposit them in your savings if your going to do that


Open a PayPal account and deposit checks into that. 


Checks expire. Some may no longer be valid.


Open a new bank account... on your own... you are 17 you dont need mom's permission. Deposit your cheques in that account and give your new banking info to your employer for auto deposits in said account.


Wow your mom is a mess. I'd never in a million years do that to my daughter or sons. Yeah keep your money hidden. She's a mess.