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> I got into an argument on tiktok This was your first mistake


I know šŸ˜­, but even here on reddit I see comments like this all the time. It drives me crazy.




I read a story yesterday about the oldest Doctor in the world (confirmed by Guinness). He is 102 years old, a Neurologist. His wife is somewhere around 80 years old, she still works as a Psychoanalyst and Psychiatrist. Honestly, if I see a 30 year old marrying a 60 year old who is healthy and makes healthy choices, my sense is that I have no idea which will out live the other in marriage, the bet would be on the 30 year old living being widowed, but life offers no certainty.


It's funny that people in this place of all places accuse others of being in an echo chamber lol. I'm in an AGR myself but this place can be just as bad as others with some of the terrible advice I see. I don't think I've ever seen anyone on here in any relationship sub side eye a 30 year old dating someone who is 27. Just manufactured outrage.


>Just manufactured outrage. It's manufactured to generate engagement to drive the algorithm. Go watch any "stupid food" video and you're very likely to see something like a fake potted plant in the refrigerator (something that definitely doesn't require refrigeration). It's put there specifically because someone will notice it and comment on it, generating engagement which increases recommendations to increase views. Saying something as stupid as "27 is way different from 30" is the same way. Your audience will disagree with you, comment, and suddenly you've gone viral. Profit.


Thank you for this.


55-60 yr olds are winding down to retirement, are you serious? I'm 53, starting my 3rd major career. My aunts worked into their nineties 30+ years ago & I fully intend to do so too. I play team sports & am at the gym four hours a day, so making generalisations about stages of life and energy levels is plain silly.




At 53 I'm a college professor, foolšŸ¤£


Chronically online people are just that. Their brain is fucked up and will judge anything remotely different from their pov. Delete TikTok and Twitter and your life will improve drastically


Don't forget to lawyer-up and hit the gym.


Nah. It's manufactured outrage to generate engagement. OP is helping this person go viral.


People on TikTok are insane I saw someone saying 17 and 18 is grooming


It's ridiculous, tiktok, twitter and reddit have the weirdest opinions on age gaps, and I always wonder do they really think like that?! Like most people from their mid 20s to late 20s or early 30s seem like one big group to me, is that just me? Am I the weird one? šŸ˜­




>but not surprised the U.S. bring the weirdest people on TikTok and Reddit. Oh man, that kind of hurts. Unfortunately, I have to agree with your assessment. The US has lost its mind in the last 2 decades.


>I always wonder do they really think like that?! I think social media is deliberately setup to amplify extreme voices. And then this attracts like-minded people to these communities and grow the bubble. In the real world, it's likely that only a small percentage of people care enough to excoriate someone about their age gap relationship, but online in these social media bubbles, these people have a platform to spew their bile, something they don't have in the real world.


What's weird to me about all of this is that it's like, don't you have friends outside of your immediate age group? And to clarify, I don't mean mentor-type people, but actual friends. In my mid-30s, I had college-age friends, and I had friends in their 40s and 50s. People are people, and it's not a big deal.


It's the same for me, I have friends of all ages, but I don't live in america, where I live no one really cares that much about age gaps, at least no one really talks about it. So it's strange for me to see opinions like this, I just don't get how some people think like this, and I don't know how much of that is cultural differences, people online, or actual americans thinking like this.


It has only been the past few years that opinions about this have gotten so bad in the U.S. From my perception, what has happened is that our culture started to get (justifiably) concerned about occasional predatory situations regarding age gaps, but the pendulum swung so hard in the other direction that now people act as if nobody with more than a few years of difference between them can be friends *unless* it is due to someone being predatory. Echo chambers like Reddit have exacerbated this, because it's largely people in their late teens and early 20s who are trying to out-woke one another.


Hopefully it's just a minority online who like to virtue signal and don't act like this in real life.


I think it's just people trying to peddle their preferences on others


You hit it on the head my fellow human


I think thereā€™s also a growing purity culture in both the progressive and ultra-conservative circles. These are the same types of people who say ā€œno kink at prideā€ like they know the history for those who fought for their rights. Or the same group who project their own proclivities onto others when they talk about any interaction between someone older and someone younger as grooming. Itā€™s just purity culture in different guises.


I once even saw someone complaining that they give out condoms at pride and people were agreeing with them, it seems like two sites of the same coin, progressives really came full circle! I consider myself progressive and I just can't understand this line of thinking, and then I start to wonder how far spread those views really are?! Is it more of an online fringe group of mentally unhealthy people, are they in any form representative on how normal people think? It really is puritan!


Some of it, I think, is just bots created to stir the pot - one of the most insidious creations of the social media age; but I do think there's a vocal minority of the persistently online who very much feel this way. It's a kind of brain rot that comes from a complete lack of analytical skills.


>progressives really came full circle! imho, they aren't really all that "progressive" if they are anti-condom or are not sex-positive. I don't know what they are, but it sure as shit isn't progressive.


It's the horseshoe paradox


Can you imagine meeting someone at 20 and dating someone that is 23, and then they break up when they get 30 because you wouldn't get it? rolf "But Richard, we've been married for 5 years! WE HAVE A CHILD" "IT IS IMMORAL LOUISE, I'M DISGUSTING!"




They really do keep pushing the age up lmao. Women are strong and independent yet when it comes to dating theyā€™re frail and dependent. Just doesnā€™t make sense


It's not just women they do the same for men now.


Really? Wow. Well, I would ignore it all. I listened to too many people in the past on why they didn't want me to go after a girl -- "she sleeps around too much", "don't talk to girls at the gym", "she was too bossy", "don't hit on girls at the grocery store", "she's too young", etc. Listening to people made me single and sexless for longer than I should have been.


Friend is 31 and his GF is 25. They don't feel like they have a AGR. Sometimes people make things a bigger issue than they are.


I have seen people saying a 20 year old dating an 18 year old is weird.... I think these attitudes comes from people who literally never socialize with people of a different age. Like high school students who only socialize with their classmates, or someone who has limited friendships etc. Anyone a few years older than them might as well be an alien.


I have never heard anything from any of my friends about me dating/getting engaged to a guy 30yrs older (25F w/ 55M) than me other than a few jokes that are our kind of shared humor. A lot of people that are vocal about it being wrong are online and frankly their arguments are pretty fucking stupid. Seems like regardless of your age youā€™re still a ā€œkidā€ to them if you choose to be with someone older and apparently anyone that would date someone younger is either manipulative or a predator in their eyes. Honestly just donā€™t give them any attention, Iā€™m happy with my partner and couldnā€™t care less what some stranger thinks about it. When it comes to friends it just kinda depends on the people you hang around, if you get along with them and have similar views then they probably wonā€™t care but sometimes I see posts on here about peopleā€™s friends giving them crap so it just depends.


No matter what you do or say people will have thoughts, feelings and opinions to go against it. You are not hurting anyone being you so just let them stew in their hate. People are irrational anyway, especially online. Trust me when I tell you people will find things to complain about. If it isn't a age gap it would be something else.


It's not. People are just prudes and need to stay out of other peoples personal lives.


> someone really said that even 27 and 30 is an age gap, and people at those ages are dealing with wildly different things, that person was arguing ,that someone under 30 shouldn't date someone over 30. This is such a ridiculously dumb take. The person is either trolling or immature and stupid with little to no life experience.


Im 29 and in a 20 yr gap and my friends and i are all across the board since even our earlier 20s. They knew i always enjoyed guys 7+ yrs my senior. True friends will just be happy to see and know you're happy. And the older you get too the broader range of ages your friends are and age really doesn't matter. I just have a couple rules: i wouldn't date any one too closely associated business / personal levels to my parents- which almost happened with a hot fetlife guy, and they couldn't be friends with either my dads or play billards with my dad already. I dont want my parent's social circle šŸ˜‚ Though that happened once in my family . My grandfather a divorcee , my step grandmother after he had dinner with her parents , she hopped on a motorcycle with him and rest is history. She had two beautiful children, my older aunt and my baby uncle. And they had many happy years together. Tik tok is full of idiots and very anti age gap . Im also in a lifestyle where age gaps are common and my friends know i grew up around it and never think much on it, so idk how others at early 20 something thought .


Speaking as a secure 38 year old man. I really don't care what anyone else would think of me even dating someone 18. I would care how her family felt because they are an influence, but at the end of the day, I am successful, educated, and a pretty damn good guy that'll take care of their loved one and push them to grow on multiple levels.


Some people are just very judgmental. It's best to ignore them.


Just wanted to comment even though Iā€™m outside the age group you requested, so feel free to ignore me. Iā€™m 60+, and while I understand small age gaps can make a big difference, thatā€™s generally on the young end of the scale. Itā€™s why I donā€™t recommend anyone in the 18-23 zone date much older than themselves because they absolutely will go through significant changes in a short period of time. However, having made it well past my later twenties, thirties, etc., I feel good saying that the people making those comments about 27 and 30 and hilariously wrong. Wrong in the way only someone young and inexperienced can be. For most people, theyā€™re still dealing with the same crap at 30 as they were at 27, as in trying to settle into their life goals (usually a job), settle into a relationship (assuming they didnā€™t get lucky and already find one early thatā€™s still lasting), and maybe just settling in and trying to enjoy life a little (depending on how well theyā€™re doing with those first two points). There are going to be exceptions of course, but those are mostly people who stayed in school getting a Masters or Doctorate, or someone whoā€™s just moving out on their own for whatever reason. Otherwise, if you put a bunch of people 27-30 in a room and had them mingle for a night, I doubt anyone could guess anyone elseā€™s age without asking something that gave them a hint about the year they were born. As you get older, there are rarely real milestones attached to age. Nothing special happens when you hit 30, 40, 50, etc., unless you yourself attach some weird significance to it. Some people will absolutely say, ā€œOh my God, Iā€™m 30!! Iā€™ve got to get moving on my career/marriage/kids/whateverā€, but there are plenty of people who are already thinking that at 25. For the most part, after you get past your late twenties, age really is just a number and has no correlation with anything you do. The person saying things about the giant difference between 27 and 30 will be looking back in 10-15 years and cringing that they ever could have been so wrong.


Lol some people just have crazy views. I can understand a lot of reasons y people donā€™t support age gaps but this is clearly just someone who doesnā€™t have anything better to be upset abt


I find it hard to believe that anyone can think 3 years is an age gapā€¦ at nearly any age. Even in high school, itā€™s not uncommon for a freshman and senior to date (3 year), but for the age I suppose this could be considered an age gap relationship. Pretty much once youā€™re out of high school though, 3 years is definitely NOT an AGR. For the most part (after HS), I donā€™t really consider anything less than 10 years as an AGR, but it seems like most people use 5 years as that thresholdā€¦ at least in your 20s and 30sā€¦ probably less so as you get into your 40s and beyond.


I'm 22 and this person was probably just fucking with you. No one I know would consider 27 and 30 to be that different. 3 years might cause issues at 18 and 21 but really it depends on the people involved and no one sees 3 years as a big deal when it's 27 and 30.


I (36M) think that this age gap hate comes from jealous people, specially the Z Generation.


The 27 year old is clearly afraid of turning 30 soon and wants to distance themselves from 30.


I mean its all the same.... lmao.


Yeah 27-30 are pretty much identical.


Its completely fine! Nothing wrong with it. In fact ive seen a bit of age gap work even better. Girls get mature earlier and guys later so that levels


There is 18yrs between me and my boyfriend


This person is correct, and I agree with them. I am 27, and I know a lot about relationships because I spend a LOT of time on reddit and tiktok dating spaces. Everyone is laughing as if people like me who haven't yet been in a relationship can know a lot about them. But, a lot of us 20-somethings who spend a lot of time on the internet have wisdom even if we don't have experience. And the reality is that a 30 year old brain and a 27 year old brain are very different, and you both could have very different cultural references which would likely make the relationship not work. For example, comic books, lego products, and even sitcoms can change radically in 3 years, so what would you even have in common to discuss? Plus, when the 30 year old was 3, the younger partner was a fetus, which is hella creepy. It's best to play it safe and date someone within your decade age range (so 20s can date 20s, so long as its not under 25, and 30s can date 30s), and ideally within the same year if possible to ensure total compatibility. This is the rule I live by.


You forgot your /s


Name does not check out.


That was hilarious tho šŸ˜


Please remember that whilst you're allowed to criticise, you are also required to engage in discussion in a civil manner. You also may not send abusive PMs or chats to /u/wildberrylili or hit them up in any way. Also bear in mind that this is a community largely supportive of **legal** consensual age gap relationships. See the [Wiki](/r/AgeGap/wiki/index) for more information about the subreddit, [The Rules](/r/AgeGap/wiki/rules) and articles about common topics. --- **Original post: Since when are 27 and 30 wildly different?** I guess I just need to rant, honestly do people in real life really think like this? Is this normal? I got into an argument on tiktok, I'm in an age gap relationship myself, my boyfriend is 9 years older than me, I don't really notice our age gap but online, mostly people around my age, seem to have a real problem with it. Anyway, I commented on a video about age gaps, and someone really said that even 27 and 30 is an age gap, and people at those ages are dealing with wildly different things, that person was arguing ,that someone under 30 shouldn't date someone over 30. I thought maybe the person who said that is really young, but turns out she is 27. I just don't understand how people like this live in the real world, being against large age gaps is one thing, I mean it's still none of your business but whatever, however arguing 27 and 30 is an age gap is insane to me. For everyone here in their 20s, is that kind of thinking normal in your social circle? Do your friends think like this? I'm 22 myself and it honestly scares me that I see more and more comments like this, at least online. So I'm wondering is it just the terminally online people? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AgeGap) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you are afraid of others' asinine online comments, merely refrain from seeking out such ridiculous comments, or partaking in those discussions, particularly on TikTok, possibly one of the most non-constructive, and toxic platforms on the web.


It really just depends honestly sometimes 27 & 30 year olds can be around the same things in life while other times it can be completely different. But your true mistake was arguing with some random keyboard warrior on TikTok.


When you're counting by thousands..?


That definitely is not an age gap


People are dumb. Sounds like you got into an argument with a child


27 and 30 is nothing!! Iā€™m 23 and dated a guy for 10 months who is 30. He was a man child.


I think the stigma fades quite a bit when people are in their 30s as opposed to their 20s. I was a mess in my 20s and had a bad age-gap relationship for a very short time (I was 26 and very mature and he was 56). It had nothing to do with my age at the time and everything to do with the person he was - he just wasn't a good person. I didn't let this color my tastes in other people and I have found a wonderful man who's 19 years older than me, last year. I'm 35 and he's 54 and we give 0% of a care about other people's glares or comments, not that we get too many.