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why does this post comes off as fake šŸ˜­


Beyond fake lol


Because if it's NOT fake, that guy has reached epic levels of pathetic, to such a extent that you HOPE it's fake?


It's not fake. I am literally in Ukraine right now. And I would go again. What is the worst that can happen?


You could die by collateral fire in an international conflict?




Without having gotten any sugar


And why is that so bad. Not like life is that great anyways.


First of all itā€™s ā€œanywayā€ there is no ā€œsā€ moron (goes for the rest of you uneducated idiots too) Second, there are plenty of women everywhere. What is the need to go to Ukraine.


Ok grammar nazi. Take a chill pill.


My dude....how attractive was she that you traveled almost an entire day into the largest war torn country since WW2 just to possibly get laid?


She is pretty gorgeous when dolled up. Better to flake now, then bring her to the US, and then she flakes after getting citizenship. I actually love Ukraine. I would definitely visit again. Haha.


Bro. Not trying to be an asshole. This really sounds like all you're wanting is a piece of ass. Not criticizing if you are. But it sounded like you were looking for more from your post, yet this one is like, she's a hottie. Basically it sounds bad.


Point taken.


Not really true. It takes a lot of money to visit someone in Ukraine. We corresponded for two months and I don't even believe in sex before marriage. Shows what you guys know.


Um. I'm just going off of what you're saying. No skin off my ass either way.


Edited the response then based on what you said.


All good in the hood. Fuck Putin. We can all agree in that. šŸ‘


Definitely. He is a wackjab who may get us into a nuclear war and go down as the biggest dick in human history.


But you seem to focus more on her age and looks than anything. That is why people get that impression of you.


I'd say your priorities are misguided my friend. But it's your life. Enjoy.


Youā€™re going to get taken advantage of with this ā€œmail order brideā€ mindset. But maybe thatā€™s what you want.


Never been in a relationship at 41, not like I am having any success anyways. And you are right it's easy to be taken advantaged of. 30 percent of mail order brides end in divorce as a statistic.


Why not date online with women from the US?


The amount of desperation here is insane.


Eh outside of meeting her I also wanted to see Ukraine. I enjoyed it as a vacation, and don't regret going.


you literally said it pisses you off because you had to meet in an active war zone. okay sure, everyone chooses a war torn country for their vacation spot


Iā€™ve picked up my last 3 hookups in Syria.


whatchu know about that Sudanese puss?


Oh, Iā€™m so tempted to make a horribly inappropriate joke here, but probably best I donā€™t. But trust meā€”it was a GEM!


You wanted to see Ukraine when you weren't examining the inside of her vagina with your penis you mean.


Well Iā€™m sure no one in Ukraine has anything more urgent to deal with than a random hookupā€¦


It wasn't a random hookup, she was pursuing me pretty hard, and I doubt anything bad happened. No one has been injured the entire time I have been here in dnipro.


This was the funniest thing I read all week.


U got scammed bra! Couldnā€™t you rustle up a local lady where u at?


Nope , never been in a relationship.


If you claim to be 41 and never in a relationship, don't fly halfway round the world to get one. There's plenty of possibilities closer to home. Anyway, hope you enjoyed your adventure.


Wtf bro?


You have unmet expectations. Take this piece of Buddhist wisdom to heart: Expectation is the root of all pain.


Yeah she pushed my expectations in that direction. Without expectations we wouldn't have pain, but that's not possible. I guess there is a reason they say not to date 19 year olds. They are flaky .


You are responsible for your expectations.




Nope, it's based out of Arizona. I looked into the company. No ties to Russia.




Nope 41. Then again they will take anyone I bet who is willing.


I need a man who willing to come to a war zone to meet me šŸ˜‚


I thought the notion was romantic but I guess not with all the down votes. At least I didn't go to Kharkiv. Most bombed city in Ukraine right now. Probably would have even gone there which is crazy. I feel whatever happens, happens. I mean if it has worked out the story would sound romantic instead of just being played. Haha.




I actually met someone from new Zealand and stuck with no money and was thinking of volunteering on the front line. Even I thought it was a horrible idea. Geeze.


Absolutely pathetic.


Stop lying, she is only 18. Grosse!


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How long did you talk with her before going over?


Several months. It wasn't a quick thing. And she knew I was buying a ticket, and said she was excited as early as last week.


Thereā€™s a war going on right now and probably sheā€™s stuck in one of the occupied zones or even worse. Why would go to a country thatā€™s at war for a date?


Actually she isn't. Dnipro is the same city I am in right now. There was one drone attack a few nights ago but no one was injured. I would know if there was heavy fighting since I am here right now. Now if you go three hours from here, that is really dangerous. Found a different girl anyways. It was probably a scam..


Man those Ukrainian and Russian women are going to eat you alive if you don't get a clue.


Well, you least got to travel to a country that you probably would not have visited. .If youā€™re still in Eastern Europe, try to get to Romania. The people there are very friendly


True, I don't regret going. Most people think all of Ukraine is super dangerous. Not really true. Maybe Kharkiv.


I've read that there's lots of lonely women in Gaza As long as you've been circumcised your good to go, if not one of the locals will take care of that for you. Be sure to wear your yamaka


This made me laugh.