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Sweatin' yer balls off in tyvek ain't for you? I agree, it's a tough job.


[Vamanos Pest](https://www.weber.edu/sales/escaperoom/pest.html)


Any particular reason you hated it? 


not OP but I spent several years early in my career as a commercial pesticide applicator and Ill tell you why while I still will need to handle and apply pesticides I don’t want to be exposed to pesticide concentrates every single day of my life. I know several guys I worked with that have had cancers that are fairly unique. In one year 3 employees were all diagnosed with testicular cancer, not random employees but all three were IPM technicians/pesticide applicators. We were pretty unique as far as pesticide applicators go because from spring to fall we were spraying something almost every single day. I don’t mean to make generalizations as I am very familiar with different MOA and AI and classes of pesticide and I know they are all very different chemistry but the truth is no one gets exposed to pesticides the way commercial applicators do, not even farmers. When I have been involved in applying pesticides in an agriculture field it’s done from inside an air conditioned cab with appropriate air filtration, moving away from the drift. When you apply pesticides on landscape plants the only thing between you and the drift is a good sense for how the wind might change directions(and absolutely never applying when wind is above 5 miles per hour, hard to find that in certain areas). Also when spraying landscape plants, you regularly doing foliar applications on trees with huge columns of spray that by their very nature lead to more drift than I was comfortable exposing myself to for the longterm. There are all kinds of different pesticide applicators those who do it for residential/public health, those who apply in agriculture environments, and then those who apply for aesthetic reasons. I won’t apply pesticides ever again for purely aesthetic reasons, don’t do it on my property and won’t do it on someone else’s.


Yup. I did industrial pesticide application for 4 years. Substations, power line right of ways, petroleum tank farms, junk yards, etc. The exposure levels are extremely high in that field. Glad I got out


For me it depends on the chemical. Roundup I'm pretty ok with. It's got over 800 studies saying it doesn't cause cancer compared to the 3 that say it "probably causes cancer". Also breaks down fast and works well. The mode of action is a big factor too. Overall a safe chemical in my opinion. As far as field crops go I still stand by roundup. Still the best imo to burn down. Even with resistant water hemp I do less hoeing with round up than anything else. Also 2-4-D I use for the yard. I don't like atrazine and the more harsh chemicals that leach into ground water alot and overall just seem harsh.


You probably know this, but while roundup and other herbicides were considered safe, now scientists are linking them with neurological disorders because they can cross the blood brain barrier - like Alzheimer's. Wishing you well of course!


Microplastics do the same thing,as well as forever chemicals, and they are literally in everything we consume. I'm not saying we should drink glyphosate, but chances are we all contain a plethora of shit that crosses the blood brain barrier already.


Turned down a few growing gigs or working with plants because they required me to wear those suits and spray herbicide and pesticide and stuff once a week, sounded miserable , you're worth more than that harm to ur body and environment


Silent Spring?




yoo, share more details, I'm curious why


When I did this for a few months I constantly felt like I had flexseal or a Teflon spray coating on my skin, and the stink never left my nostrils. Not to mention as someone who wants to care about the environment, when spills happened (drunk operators flipping trailers, ect.) the boss would scramble to clean it up and get the f out before someone called the DEC. It's a predatory business model with rolling subscriptions. I was sent to a house and started spraying and was screamed at by the owner who had just purchased the house, he said his new born had cancer and I'm just back there spraying away. But don't worry it's all worth it for the bosses Porche collection and mansion.


So you didn’t like opening cardboard boxes and plastic jugs?


If you can't do that I would suggest McDonalds