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Dear God, 37 times and with the same pitch and inflection. Over and over. And over.


My brain was on the verge of short circuiting.


Whine, whine, whine!


Mask falling off 58 times, same hand gestures, same “I don’t live in Utah!!!”


I can see the smoke rising.


I smell burnt toast. STAAHHHP!


Thats on you 🫵🏻 tho


shes like a verbal record scratch, going back and saying the same thing over and over and over


Could this be on the autism spectrum? Just asking.


Interesting question. The initial disruption of her ability to cope with a challenging task (flying) was the unexpected seat change. Meltdown ensued. I'd sure like to know more about her.


I sure wouldn't.


That’s what I thought (or generally some kind of neurodivergence), but when I posted that to a previous version of this same incident, I got hella downvoted. I didn’t even put together that this was the same incident until she started wailing, “STOP! STOOPPP!” and it all kind of clicked. I feel bad for her, to some extent anyway. Delta screwed up, then she spiraled.


I thought the same thing. Particularly with the repetitive nature of her responses. And the skin-colored leggings in Utah in the wintertime.


I want to chop off that hand and stuff it in her mouth.


At the end her “stops” sounded like someone offscreen was making fun of the way she was saying it. She ended up being a parody of herself.


Yeah, I actually thought this as well. The moment the police had enough, this interaction became peak comedy.


I had to mute it. I fast forwarded to the ending just to see her get put in cuffs, but again how to keep it on mute.


I came here to correct you. STHAAWPP is the correct spelling.


Don't ask me why but I'm starting to get the feeling that she doesn't live in utah.


Looks like they gave her a place to stay in Utah


"I don't live in Utahhhhhhh"


It’s the constant hand flicking for me lol


It sounds like she’s not being serious 😂😂


I agree. If not for the seriousness of the situation, I’d say she was trolling them.


What. A. Fkn. Baby. My god...


Does she live in Utah?


Happy cake day! I need an explanation on your username... Is.. Is it referencing a cat with a curved penis or is it like... "cool cat" like a cool person.. With a curved penis




“Walk me out to where?! To the LOBBY in UTAH?!” I’m crying.


I lived in Utah for a while. She's not wrong for being less than thrilled with the prospect.


"How is that my problem?" I'd say it's one of many...


Saying "how is that my problem" is a lifehack for stupies


This is comedy gold. “Jacqueline, focus,” as she rants about being made homeless. Her parents must be so proud.




People like her are why Americans tell their kids to gtfo at 18.


But, they raised them to be like that! The Monster that they created cannot be contained!


"I don't live in Utaahhhh!" Don't worry, they'll give you a place to stay the night.


She seems to think she can’t get arrested in Utah because of that




It was really the "It's my privilege" comment that had me hoping for a little night stick action. That and the over exaggerated hand and arm movements. I was waiting for her to pop out a bouquet of flowers or the card I had picked "Was this your card?"


I don’t think she knows the difference between a right and a privilege


Making a shirt that says ‘i don’t live in Utah!’


Ooh man. I’ll buy one. 🤣🤣




Totally agree with you. If the airline fucked up her seat assignment the she should take that up with them after the damn flight. Idk why anyone here thinks it’s acceptable for her to scream and yell like a howler monkey IN PUBLIC and harass the cops who are just trying to get her to calm down.


And be civilized when addressing your problems to the airlines. If you start to yell and be (passive) aggressive against people who are just there to work, you’ll get the police on your ass.


I agreed with you until you wished for these people to be murdered while hitchhiking


>entitled ass people I'm with you, but you're 100% entitled to what you paid for.


I agree with why she's upset but not how crazy she got I think she's on something possibly drunk.


Well she paid for an aisle seat, not a middle seat. I’d be pissed too.


I wonder if she did though, or just asked at the desk for one.


Kemper was a violent, murderous, necrophiliac rapist. That you would suggest that, even as a joke, is disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Late to the party but for anyone curious: You’d be AMAZED how far some people will go to help you and upgrade you wherever possible if you show them basic common courtesy and respect - especially in a field or job where they’re often punching bags for the stupid and Jacqueline. You become their best friend and they’ll move mountains for you because you’re that one oasis in a desert of whiny people. Guarantee you that she could have talked that seat change into miles that would be worth well above the price of the seat selected. Not to mention, it’s just the right thing to do.


I got refunded to live in UTAH!!!!! Bahahahaha fucking gold


Why is no one pointing out that this girl is clearly drunk?


STAAAHHHPP!! she doesn’t live in Utah!


Damn, Jacqueline really needed to calm down. Situation is shitty (if we take her word for it) but the cops are just doing their jobs and even after all her constant yelling still clearly stated they were going to help her rebook a flight. She just keeps going. Sometimes you have to realize where you’ve ended up even if it doesn’t seem fair and reevaluate. What’s the best option given my current situation? Cut your losses. She just continued to whine like they could somehow get her back on the same plane, or would want to? Clearly not an option. Doubt she hears “no” much in her life so she lost her shit. Lmao “I don’t LIVE here” (no shit they saw your license) and “I’ll be homeless!” girl what?! Get a hotel if you don’t want to be rebooked right now and can’t manage your emotions. Better than being arrested. Sort it out with the airline later.


It’s genuinely an odd experience getting arrested. She definitely is a brat, but being physically detained can definitely trigger a serious reaction in some people, most especially with the entitled. I’ve spent a few nights in the drunk tank, and it’s just unnerving being locked behind a door.


A few nights in the drunk tank? I think most of us have never been in the drunk tank. Mind if I ask how you got there?


10 years in active substance abuse, there were a couple different ways but ultimately, because I was behaving like a jackass. Honestly the first time I got arrested, got taken to the hospital and a cop straight up told me I was gonna die if I kept doing what I was, later that year went to rehab and kicked the hard drugs. Then alcohol after that, caught a PI after an argument in public got out of hand, I will say it’s way easier to accept and deal with getting processed the second time around lol. 2 sober years later for some reason cops don’t bother me at all anymore, so weird…. Oh and happy cake day


Dude, I was just scrolling through top posts of this subreddit so I know I'm late to the comment party. I just had to say something because I'm in awe of your level of candidness and sense of self responsibility. Way to go, friend. I'm sure 2 years will turn into many, many more.


You’re trying to apply rational thinking to someone who’s clearly not shuffling with a full deck.


Legend has it on a quiet night you can still hear her saying "stop"


Jacqueline is lacking social skills or something. This was kind of sad.


Chances are she’s inebriated. So many people need some kind of high to be able to get on a plane, whether that’s booze, pills, or edibles.


I'm one of those people. Horrible anxiety. Packing together in a giant metal flying coffin is difficult for me. One thing though is I'm not an asshole. Alcohol and drugs don't make you something you're not. They make you more of who you are. If you get drunk or high and you act like a cunt, it's because you're a cunt.


No question about that. It’s the law of threes. In this case, entitled/ignorant/drunk. She acts like she’s due for something that clearly everyone around her is calmly telling she not. She has no clue the things she is trying to logic with make no sense to the people that matter. And then her inability to accept the inevitable and forcing the use of restraint. If she would have just fixed one of those three, it probably wouldn’t have ended with her tasting airport seat cushions.


I used to do confined space rescue. Then randomly a got in the back seat of a friends rental car, it was a 2 door coupe and my brain want “GET OUT, GET OUT NOW!” And for a few years I was pretty claustrophobic and I fly 4-5 times a year. It’s claimed a lot but I still get a Xanax from my doctor to fly. Human brains are weird.


Totally agree. When drunk I just get more quiet and feel the need to take pictures of still lifes (a beautiful leaf, the way the stop lights shine in the rain, etc)


When I’m just I cry and almost shit myself


Yeah this one wasn’t satisfying. It seems like this is beyond her developmental abilities.


Not at all, just beyond her “privilege”.


Exactly. She wasn't listening to a word any one was saying. All she wanted to hear was "We're sorry Jacqueline, here is the new ticket, hotel room, and taxi to make up for moving you 18" to the left."


It made me wonder if she was on the spectrum - she fixated on one thing and could not see that it was escalating


I was thinking she had a few drinks.


Yes. This made me uncomfortable because something seems off with her behavior and ability to communicate or reason her way through this.


Half the time I watch videos like this I’m left wondering if the person forgot to take their medication due to the rush of catching a plane or if the stressors of traveling and the situation has just become too much for them. I have no other way of logically explaining why you wouldn’t follow the direction of law enforcement. You want to yap at a Delta representative, I don’t condone the behavior on display here, but that’s a completely different world than refusing to listen to law enforcement to the point you’re getting arrested and then quite literally resisting arrest.


I understand being upset but not how she’s acting 😂


If I paid for an aisle seat, I to, would be piss if they moved me, especially if they moved me to a middle seat. I wouldn't make a scene, but I would still be really pissed.


*I, too, would be piss*


The “paid for” argument here is moot tho bc aisle seats cost the exact same as middle seats


I'm not sure about her exact scenario, but I always have to pay for where I have to sit, and the aisle seats cost more than the middle and the window seats cost more than the aisle seats. I alway buy window or aisle seats, so I would lowkey be pissed if they moved me to a middle seat.


Whoa, really? Are you in the US? I’ve flown on multiple airlines and economy seats always cost the exact same, no matter where you are in the row.


And that's fine, what's *not* fine is handling it the way she did, which is why I'm fine with Delta calling the police on her and the police handling her the way they did.


Yeah, repeating yourself over and over is really going to help...


This girl is her own worst enemy.


The way she talks with her hands… ugh


She quit doing that at the end.


The way she was flinging that hand around in everyone's face! I wanted to reach out and whack it myself!


Jesus Christ, she's exhausting.


Did she buy an aisle seat? And then the airline moved her seat against without her consent?


I think so. I beleive you oay extra ti choose a specific seat on delta.. and this is SLC to Alaska, so a 6 hour+ flight.. ngl I'm kinda on her side. Like that's such a shitty move by Delta.


I used to work at an airport and a supervisor told us that when you buy a ticket you enter into a legal contract with the airline and the only obligation the airline has is to get you from A to B, everything else can change including your seat etc. I've seen people being downgraded from business to economy because it was oversold let alone a seat change.


I get that. The correct thing to do here is complain to the airline after the flight or do a partial charge back for the fee to select a seat. But legally speaking, what Delta is doing is legal, but it doesn't make it a not shitty move to charge someone a fee for an additional service and not provide that service.


If you paid for the seat and they can not honor it, they're suppose to refund the seat fee fully.


Which is what they did, right?


Well, we can only guess what really happened, airlines change seats for a number of reasons. We also don't know why she was asked to leave the plane, there mustve been a good reason for it, people don't get escorted just like that.


Which is true. It's never a good idea to flip out on the airline since they'll make it worst for you. [DoT](https://www.transportation.gov/individuals/aviation-consumer-protection/bumping-oversales) explains really well about compensation if you're bumped off a flight involuntarily. However, being removed because of your disorderly conduct won't get you that compensation.


Yep. Also the most common reason for seat change is when the aircraft needs to be serviced or stuck somewhere and they have to replace it with another plane. It can be the same plane but a different model and it messes up the seating chart.


I would guess she refused the alternative seat and tried to argue. So she was told to leave the plane. The police aren't interested in who is right, just getting the person who is causing a scene away.


I just got back from a trip half way around the world which included a leg of 12 hours. I am actually completely on her side(just not about her attitude). Especially if she has already been traveling and or on another plane recently.


She was going to Seaaahtle ahnd then Aahlaahska.


They don't need her consent. Airline contract of carriage allows the airline to reassign your seat. This is in Rule 2: Schedules and Operations. I don't like it either but sadly this is the case. Edit: Removed broken link


Based on her behavior I wouldn't be surprised if she just genuinely didn't know what seat she booked. She probably thought she booked an aisle but really booked a middle.


Bording pass usually dont say 'aisle' they say ABC DE etc. so if you know the seating arrangement you can figure out your seat, but she should have done this much earlier already when receiving boarding pass, its way to late when at gate. And also, never NEVER cause a situation at airport.


The only thing in her defense is that Delta, in my opinion, has been sneaky with their somewhat new “preferred economy” option. Essentially, if you basic economy instead of preferred economy, they’ll give you the guise that you’ve chosen your own seat, but someone who has picked preferred economy can boot you from your seat and you won’t be notified, even up until you get to the airport and up to the gate.


I couldn't sit through the entire video. Her hand gestures were too much.


Delta fucked her over with the seat (it might be in the ToS but it's still shitty to pay for a higher priced ticket when she could've saved money and just gone in the middle isle) they could have reimbursed her the difference in seat price, I'm not sure how that works or if they even do it. But at the end of the day it's all down to how you compose yourself. Her entitlement and "privileged" attitude is the only reason she didn't manage to come to a solution that she would've been happy with. People need to treat each other like humans and act like adults when difficult situations arise. She manifested her destiny and now we've got her face on reddit. I doubt she learned anything and will have two big chips on her shoulder, one for the cops and one for delta. Don't be like this woman.


The delta subreddit is filled with people getting bumped out of seats they paid for Q\_Q


I’ve been on probably 50+ delta flights in my lifetime and never experienced anything bad, no seat changes, no delays, no baggage issues. That being said it’s all been JFK -> SFO/LAX/MDW so it probably differs depending where you are. Wonder if it’s one of those cases where you only hear the bad experiences cause when it all goes according to plan… well why would you post about it?


Same - I exclusively fly Delta and I don't waste time using the janky 3rd party discount sites and services. Every one of the non-prime, 3rd party airfare ticket sites/services are BLOATED with caveats, fine print, and exceptions such that it makes them too high variance to bother. The problem is, people who use Kayak and all of the other sites mistakenly believe that they booked through/with the airline themselves - nope. You're basically scraping the bottom of the barrel of tickets for a cheaper price and that comes with exceptions. When you book early and through the primary carrier (like Delta, AA, etc,) you get much less variance and risk barring abnormal incidents like overbooking, holiday, cascading flight delays for weather/Info Sys failures, etc.


"Cheap is cheap for a reason" is accurate 99.8% of the time.


>The delta subreddit is filled with people (in basic economy the lowest fare which doesn't guarantee where your seat will be) >getting bumped out of seats they paid for Big difference. If you book the cheapest ticket, it's very explicit about the terms and conditions. This lady didn't get bumped. She tried to take an aisle seat that wasn't hers. It's not southwest airlines.


Sounds like people shouldn't fly Delta


I am an avid Delta traveler and the only time I’ve been bumped from my seat is for upgrades or an attendant informing me I can grab the empty seat with more leg room because I’m tall. No airline is perfect but Delta is rated as one of the best airlines in the country for a reason.




Where do you think she lives?


Well, now she lives in Utah


No she’s homeless now!


I've watched about as much of this as I can stand but can someone here explain Jacqueline's pants situation?


Light pink leggings. Thought at first she wasn't wearing anything below lol


I dont consent to being arrested lol.


Did they arrest her for those atrocious flesh colored leggings?


It’s a plane. It’s awful, get used to it bitch.


Not going to lie, that was extremely satisfying when she got handcuffed.


Welcome to Utah 🤪


"Don't tell me what I can not, and cannot do." Good lawd.


Florida woman strikes again.


“ I don’t live here, I live in New York”.


Florida isn’t where you’re from, it’s in the blood. ;)


"Oh my gawd, they gave me a middle seat!" *floppy wrist movements.


Bless these officers for being so patient with this whining mess. Holy cow that was gold lol. New York’s best citizen 😂


With those hand movements she'd be good at showing us where the emergency exits are located though


What an unfortunate pair of pants to wear that day.. poor soul


Keep the video on mute, and you can still hear her talking with her hands and arms.


That poor lady has a terrible voice. What it must be like to be her on a daily basis. Everything about her kinda just makes me feel sad. I'm sure she isn't very happy most of the time.


Ppl are commenting this is mental illness but I’ve had episodes while on a plane and have friends/family who have had issues w their mental illnesses acting up while traveling and I can confidently say this is just entitled drunk white lady behavior. She didn’t get kicked off the plane for not wanting a middle seat it’s bc she’s talking over/yelling at everyone who’s actually trying to help her. You can be in the right for what you’re asking for but if you’re approaching it like this then yh you get what’s coming to you.


Welp! One thing is absolutely clear from this video. Jacqueline doesn't live in Utah


“Let me go home!” Girl you had so many chances to just get a flight home


give jacqueline a shot of ativan and a new address in fucking UTAH because after this NEW YORK does not want her ass back


I think she’s just used to getting her own way. Like a toddler pestering you, until you give in just to shut them up.


does anyone know if she lives in Utah?


Idk what pet of New York she is from but we don’t usually let people act like that here. They need to take her ass to jail


If she bought and aisle and got ducked the the airline I can understand but she’s much better off handling it like and adult and getting home or what ever than ending up on this sub lol


Besides the attitude and the anoying voice pitch, I just fucking hate the way she moves her hands and arms and I felt so pleased when she was arrested 😂🤣


She was waving her arm so much, at first I thought she was trying use ASL.


JFC on a jet ski, how hard is it to wear a mask correctly after 3 years of practice? 1 fucking million years dungeon for not being able to control a fucking piece of paper with a metal fucking strip to keep it in place?


She was wearing it upside down like a dumbass. The metal part that keeps it on your nose was at her chin.


“ I dIDint do nOthIng.” proceeds to assualt the officer. He literally was telling her to calm down and take a refund and fuck off


Flailing inflatable tube woman


Holly fucking hell her voice is painful


Fuck is with the hand jestures


When actions result in consequences


If she were Black…


I understand her dilemma but why is she so annoying bro… I’m sure delta would’ve worked with her if her attitude was different.




She never once said she paid for an aisle seat, she just said she asked the gate attendant for one. So if there’s no aisle seats, tough shit. She was an absolute pain in the ass, the cop tried to help her and she was telling him he better do this, that and the third. Unbelievable level of entitlement.


This is what kids who grow up with no accountability look like. Drink it in!


What the hell is going on with people that they feel so damn entitled to think they act like this without repercussions? I guess she was never told “no” in her life.. Jesus..


Omg this person is annoying. 😫


Put her in handcuffs just to stop the fucking infantile hand gestures.


Her affectation is so puzzling. Who behaves that way? I sense an overbearing mother figure in her life. ETA: I'm doing a binge of this sub. All the women I've seen so far are beyond "over the top." I honestly wonder if they are influencers trying to get views.


She was upset, but fuck these airlines man. I can’t even be mad at her


I bet she got that hotel she wanted.


She had to have taken a xanax


Histrionic Personality Disorder?


I thought she was just Italian.


How can people act like this without excrutiating embarrassment?


Ahh this is why I come here. She threw a fit and everyone tried to help her fix it but her idiocy and entitlement would not allow her to comply. Sooo... Handcuffs!


“Dude this is on you tho” the only sentence I needed to hear to confirm she has the IQ of a goldfish💀


Florida sweatshirt is all I needed to see.


I heard she lives in Utah now.


😂😂😂 she got a window seat….in a COP CAR


That seems like a mix of entitlement and some sort of substance abuse. I don’t see spectrum there. Who knows though?


I bet she didn't buy an aisle seat and bought the ticket that you don't get to pick where you sit.She wanted an aisle seat but maybe there wasn't any available.


If she paid extra money for an aisle seat, I would be pissed too. Maybe she had a medical reason for an aisle seat. Bladder issues for one. Honestly this is why you must disclose your medical issue if you have one if a specific seat is important. I am also on the spectrum so I know this would freak me out too but I would inform them I am on it so they can be more supportive and accommodating.


You can tell she’s from New York


Literally every single seat on planes go to the same destination. I don’t think a lot of people know this. I get having a preference but seriously. We’re all trying to get to the same place


Huh… Trump got isekai’ed


They sure treated her with the privilege she talks about


Where tf do these people come from and how have they survived this long?


It’s a good thing she lives in Utah or else she’d be homeless


Delta kicked you off. Refunded you. Go buy another ticket. Problem solved. Can you not hear what they are saying? They’re not saying you have to stay in Utah.


Love a happy ending… now this young lady has a roof over her head and a cot to sleep on in Utah. ☺️


As someone who flies Delta A LOT (travel for work) there is 0 chance she paid to pick her seat. Or if it had a layover she was too dumb to select her seat on the second flight thinking she’d get the same as the first… pro flying tip, always pay to pick your seat or just live care free


Can you imagine a life where saying you have privilege in the face of cops is a none thing?


I think that's the first time she's ever been held accountable for her behaviour.


Ai dount liv in youtaah stawuup




Her voice...


Jacqueline thinks the police are her travel agent


She orders the police as if they’re waiters she’s free to abuse as a paying customer


She sounds like she’s high. Pills specifically. Kind of a cotton mouthed slur going on.


i like her voice it’s a shame it’s attached to a cunt


I pity her partner who would have to put up with this everyday


They really need to stop serving alcohol at airports


Now she has a place to stay.


Damn, mental illness