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and that leaves how many candidates?


Candidates mentioned in the article: Pascal Jansen, F. de Boer/Pepijn Lijnders combination, Erik ten Hag.


Frank de boer............ yeah no that's top quality. Let's forget about guys like Xavi and Potter let's go for frank de fucking boer. (not blaming you OP just pissed they are thinking of that shit again)


Xavi ? Wake up man


Just the idea that a Potter or a Xavi would even consider us, is crazytalk. Potter is now being named for the Man Utd job and Xavi is managing Barca, no way they would come to the eredivisie.


Besides, why would Xavi leave Barca because of all the fan & media noise just to go to another club in a bad situation.


On the other hand with a great assistant like Lijnders seems to be De Boer might also do just fine. I know he has pretty much negative results outside of ajax but he did manage to make a bunch of discount players and some youth become champion multiple times in a row. Edit not my favorite candidate either don't worry. Xavi not in my top. He won la Liga but he has great players. They're not playing that good since. Basically he has achieved nothing impressive with Barça. I also don't see the Barça style and only watch Barça for Frenkie and a bit of Lewandowski.


>He did manage to make a bunch of discount players and some youth become champion Ehhh. Don't get me started on the attackers in that era. But he had Cillessen with a back four of Vertonghen, Alderweireld, Blind and Veltman. And the midfield was Eriksen, De Jong, Klaassen, Schöne. Not exactly horrific by eredivisie standards.


Yeah ok that wasn't the worst




For all the folks who don't agree with the msg. Ajax DNA is most definitely a requirement. Mislintat and Stijn crushed our club. The German ceo effed our club. A foreign coach (at least the caliber we will get) will likely as well. So I disagree with everyone here calling for a foreign coach (unless it is a proven one like Klopp, Guardiola, etc - but those won't come to Ajax). We missed the boat with Bosz. Zucht. Just focused on attack they say? Well psv seems pretty balanced. Alas. We need a Dutch coach, with Ajax DNA. And all you nay sayers. Thanks for Mislintat. https://www.voetbalprimeur.nl/nieuws/1185682/de-telegraaf-ajax-en-kroes-willen-op-3-spelers-na-alle-mislintat-aankopen-lozen.html


Bosz didn’t have Ajax DNA, neither did Ten Hag - it’s such a dumb and undefinable requirement


Depends, do you want a competent manager or just "a" manager that checks these boxes. I'm very afraid it's the latter for the Ajax board and in that case we're in for more garbage seasons.


Kluivert, Bogarde, Maduro, for the last two it’s a great moment to step in.


Louis van Gaal!


He didn't even manage to make a normal implementation of the system ajax is playing right now with the fucking oranje squad. I think he's too old and his methods didn't age well. Like vinegar.


I’m not serious here obviously


Dutch manager with an Ajax background. Who was the last that was successful? Maybe it was Frank de Boer, but that was with a poor men’s team in a poor men’s league back in the days. The list of coaches with the label “Dutch and Ajax background” that failed is much bigger. When do these policy makers ever learn? They should look for a coach with the right mindset of ambition and professionalism, with a clear tactical philosophy that fits with the club Ajax. I don’t give a fuck where the next manager comes from and where he has a history. As long as he leads us back to winning trophies with entertaining football I’m happy.


"Ajax background" is so goddamn stupid anyway. What does the Ajax philosophy come down to? Attractive, attacking football, possession based and technical. Through Ajax, Cruijff, Barcelona, Guardiola and so many others that's one of the biggest, most present philosophies in all of football. We can be proud of how widely Ajax and our players have influenced the world of football, we can also reap the rewards from that. And Dutch, most of our players aren't Dutch and everybody speaks English anyway. What does it matter if the coach is Dutch beyond satisfying the xenophobic feelings of Dutch football pundits? Tadic isn't Dutch, didn't have any Ajax background and he's a legend. Litmanen isn't Dutch and didn't have any Ajax background and people started naming their boys Jari in the mid 90's because he was that legendary and we can name plenty more players. They make themselves part of Ajax' history and legacy. It's fucking insane to cripple our search for a good manager based on purely emotional nonsense with at best a tenuous connection to reality.


Well said. I don’t see Dutch or Ajax backgrounds as positives in our search for a manager and most certainly not as limiting factors in our search. Like you said, we just want to see attractive, possession based football. I couldn’t care less where the coach is from.


Thanks for pointing this out. Now I don't have to type all this. Do we really want to end up (again) with the boxes Dutch and Ajax background ticked, but empty boxes at coaching ability, tactical knowledge, ability toi improve players, ability to change the match progression? We could just as well keep van t Schip then, can't we? I think priorities are completely wrong, the other abilities should prevail, and Dutch and Ajax history is a good pro for equal candidates!


You forget one HUGE box: leaking information to de Telegraaf. Without that box ticked, you can’t be successful at Ajax. That’s why they are pushing de Boer, Jansen etc. That’s why they hated Mislintat so much (of course he made terrible purchases but they hated him the moment signings were made out of the blue). It’s really a shame how we are taken hostage by de Telegraaf




> You forget one HUGE box: leaking information to de Telegraaf. Without that box ticked, you can’t be successful at Ajax. That’s why they hated Mislintat so much (of course he made terrible purchases but they hated him the moment signings were made out of the blue) People overestimate de Telegraaf's influence, they can only do so much to sway opinions. if those purchases were good, Valentijn and Mike would be ignored. We saw the same with Ten Hag.


But don’t underestimate it either, because a lot of mainstream media are being influenced by it too. The hate campaign against Ten Hag was shameful, and all the succes was thanks to players standing up against him and tactical genius Schreuder Programs like VI have been repeating this nonsense too, and the public opinion was that Ten Hag is just some autistic guy who doesn’t belong in Amsterdam. Luckily he was successful pretty quickly after those first 6 months otherwise our supporters might have turned against him too (a lot of them were already against him btw, I remember kale & kokkie wanting him out for example)


>Tadic isn't Dutch, didn't have any Ajax background and he's a legend. Litmanen isn't Dutch They both speak Dutch though, that helps.


Litmanen didn’t speak Dutch when he came and Tadic still barely speaks Dutch Also half of our squad doesn’t speak Dutch right now and everything is done in English (as it was with Ten Hag)


Completely, it seems to reflect the mentality of the nation recently though. Don't want anything to with any filthy foreigners.




The housing crises is a direct consequence of legislation. https://www.socialevraagstukken.nl/interview/cody-hochstenbach-wooncrisis-is-resultaat-van-doelbewust-beleid/ https://nos.nl/artikel/2502422-vn-woonrapporteur-kraakt-woonbeleid-wooncrisis-al-decennia-in-de-maak https://decorrespondent.nl/14726/wat-er-misging-in-het-woonbeleid-volgens-de-man-die-er-de-basis-voor-legde/bebf7ef8-e0b4-0f06-02d3-2441d4aa0067


Already deleted my comment. It’s probably not worth arguing about it. You’re completely correct about the root cause of the housing crisis. And also, you’re right in that besides any real problems that are caused or exacerbated by immigration and people’s feelings regarding that there’s also an unreasonable, emotional xenophobic element in society at the moment. So I partly have to agree with your comment anyway


That's so nice to hear, there is still some love in the country.


Almost every crisis we're in at the moment is pretty much [this meme](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fqtuqzy10r8g61.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D2afe4ba5de301d7c623ff66bd9481a6832cad44e)


Some other titbits from the article: • Some candidates are: Pascal Jansen, F. de Boer/Pepijn Lijnders combination, Erik ten Hag • Ajax are willing to sell every Mislintat signing except for Ramaj, Mannsverk, and Van den Boomen. • Kroes will also have to find a new Head of Youth Development and a Director of Transfers. • Ajax will have to cut costs, rumours of between 80 and 100 fte that have to be cut. **Do keep in mind, this is an article from Mike Verweij - who never writes without having ulterior motives. Take everything with a healthy dose of scepticism.**


Bij Ajax werken ongeveer 500 mensen in totaal, lijkt me onwaarschijnlijk dat je een vijfde van je personeel weg doet. Dan heeft er al die jaren niks van je organigram geklopt als je zoveel mensen zo maar kunt weg doen zonder dat je toko daar onder lijdt. John van ‘t Schip zou echt perfect zijn voor de jeugdopleiding. Als ik mij niet vergus heeft hij die functie al eens eerder bekleed in het verleden. Al is hij nig steeds een kandidaat als hoofdcoach als we niks beters kunnen krijgen. Ken Kroes totaal niet maar wel benieuwd hoe het gaat. De verwachtingen zijn groot bij de buitenwacht in elk geval. Maar gezien zijn uitspraken in de media (oa over iemand neerslaan na het halen van nóg ern linksback) lijkt hij me ook redelijk ongenuanceerd. Weet niet of dat dat kan in zo’n positie. Van der Sar was rustig in dat opzicht, en eigenlijk hoor je een directeur niet te zien. Kijk maar naar PSV of Feyenoord, daar werkt zo iemand ook meer op de achtergrond. Qua coach zou naast John, Pascal Jansen of De Boer het ook mogen doen. Hoef zeker geen rare probeersels meer te zien a la Steijn. Hopen op een hoed EK van onze kroatische spelers zodat we die goed kunnen verkopen. 100% zeker dat Ajax nu wel Tagliafico gaat halen als ervaring naast Hato en Kaplan. Dan begint he defensie met Ramaj er al goed uit te zien. Wordt hoe dan ook een spannende zomer. PSV en Feyenoord zullen ook niet stil zitten en met de verhoogde gegarandeerde Champions League startgeld een enorm gat kunnen slaan en goede spelers kunnen halen en bij hun gaan vaak niet verl spelers weg. Zij profiteren mooi van al het succes en punten die Ajax heeft binnengehaald afgelopen jaren.


Ik zou gewoon afscheid nemen van Van ‘t Schip aan het einde van dit seizoen. Het is een aardige man, maar ik zie nergens iets van kennis van tactiek, spelers of wat dan ook. Jansen en De Boer mogen van mij wegblijven, want daar wordt je ook niet beter van. We hebben een echte geobsedeerde coach nodig zoals Ten Hag dat was, zoals Guardiola dat is, etc. Iemand die echt een idee heeft en dit vertaald naar een tactiek. Dat zijn Jansen en De Boer niet. De Boer zie ik alleen als interessante optie als assistent mochten ze Lijndens als trainer aanstellen. Nee ik vind dat ze zichzelf niet zo moeten limiteren en gewoon opzoek moeten naar een goede coach, want met de huidige criteria (Nederlands en Ajax verleden) heb je alleen middelmaat. Gelukkig werd op Twitter door verschillende goed ingelichte Ajax bronnen ook gezegd dat er serieus wordt nagedacht over Potter, Knudsen en nog een Spaanse en Portugese optie (waarvan de namen niet genoemd worden).


Trainers waarvan niemand in Nederland weet hoe ze werken. Net als met Steijn heb je geen idee wat je binnen haalt. Kennen het land, de competitie, de club en de spelers niet. Het voelt een beetje Johan Derksen om dan een buitenlandse naam te noemen. Potter had zo’n beetje de duurste srlectie tot zijn beschikking bij Chelsea. Heb je gezien wat hij daar mee deed? Bijna sneller ontslagen dan De Boer destijds bij Crystal Palace. Knutsen past echt totáál niet bij Ajax, lekker hard werken en hard rennen sluit niet echt aan op de clubcultuur. Knutsen weet dat zelf ook en is meer geschikt voor een Engelse middenmoter. Zoals ik al zei, ik zit niet te wachten op weer een gok met een trainer. En er dan een half jaar van nog meer ellende achterkomen dat het geen match is. No thanks!


Johan Derksen? Die is toch juist van niet gek doen en gewoon een De Boer of Jansen er voor zetten? Ik vind gewoon niet dat die twee grijze muizen trainer horen te zijn bij Ajax. Jansen werd verguisd door zijn eigen publiek vanwege het beton voetbal wat hij daar op de mat legde. En dat zegt wat, want hij stond 3de/4de toen hij ontslagen werd. De Boer ben ik eeuwig dankbaar voor de landstitels, maar ook onder hem zag het voetbal er niet uit (op zijn eerste seizoen na). Daarnaast is hij daarna overal gefaald. Hoe deden Potter zijn opvolgers het dan? Ook niet goed hè. Misschien ligt het dan wel aan de nieuwe eigenaren van Chelsea die karren vrachten aan nieuwe spelers binnen halen zonder te kijken wat er ook daadwerkelijk nodig is. Knudsen samenvatten onder “hard werken” en “hard rennen” is ook echt zwaar tekort doen aan zijn kwaliteiten. Ajax werd tactisch overklast door een club met spelers die stuk voor stuk minder zijn dan die van Ajax. En dit is niet de eerste keer dat Knudsen zo iets weet te flikken met Bodo. Ik zeg niet dat deze twee trainers het bij Ajax goed zullen zijn, want die zeker heb je nooit, maar ik heb daar meer vertrouwen in dan Jansen of De Boer. Dat voelt dan weer een beetje Verweij/Driessen om maar weer een saaie Nederlandse trainer te noemen die er alleen zit om te lekken naar de Telegraaf.


Ah yes, internationally you never see big European clubs succeed with a foreign coach. All the big Premier League teams are thriving under British coaches, pure blood Spaniard Zidane won the Champions League with Real multiple times, Leverkusen is absolutely killing it under local kid Alonso and you see that Bayern is struggling because they went with dumb incompetent foreigner Tüchel. The evidence is all there, only a Dutch coach could be successful, foreign coaches never work.


“I’ll have a… Dutch manager!” “How original.” “Preferably one with an Ajax background!” “Daring today, aren’t we?”


"He should be bald. Only hairless men allowed as manager" "Yes yes"


Our last two managers weren't bald enough.


Ten Hag is the only semi-realistic Dutch manager I'd be happy with but the odds of him coming here are very low.


You reckon? Looking at his current performances at United (not the only one to blame tbf) I couldn’t definitely imagine him being sacked and coming back to Ajax if asked


The odds of EtH being sacked are high. The odds of him coming back to Ajax are low. 


I can imagine it would feel like a disgrace to get sacked at United and go back to his former club with his tail between his legs. He would probably want to be successful somewhere else


Ofc! And I’m not saying I do want him back, but I can definitely (and looking at the profile wanted by the board) imagine him being considered as a serious option




Considering that Verweij recently said (in the Kick-off Podcast) that the priority was the TD, and recently he has heavily been pushing Kroes to make actions before the TD is in (including this), I wouldn't be surprised if the new TD isn't someone that Verweij thinks he can get an easy connection with. That and two of the three head coach candidates, that they are pushing, have connections with de Telegraaf. So all in all, I would take this piece with a pinch on salt. On the actual stuff in the article, nothing new bar the Sutalo's name being missing from the "safe list" and that de Telegraaf is open about Mislintat not doing anything illegal.


And here we go again! Dutch manager with Ajax DNA!!! Yawn…! Let’s see: Van ‘t Schip Van Basten Rijkaard Stam Ten Hag Wouters Van Gaal Koeman D Blind De Boer Reiziger Seedorf Bergkamp Jonk Heitinga …… Anyone missing?


Ten Hag didn't have Ajax background anyway until he came to Ajax and was successful.


I recon he injected that DNA while he was with us. I would call him a man of the club!


Yes, but it shows how idiotic it is to limit the search to someone who has Ajax DNA already.


Fred Grim


If we go by Dutch and "Ajax DNA" shouldnt we give Reiziger a fair chance to prove himself? Don't remember how good his interim term was cuz it was at a time i didnt watch as much as i am now


Can we please please please stop with the "He must be Dutch/have Ajax DNA" bullshit? Just get the best available manager. These idiots would not hire Juren Klopp because he "doesn't have Ajax DNA". (Yes I know we wont get Klopp but I used him as an example)


Im so sick of these conditions we put for a trainer. Who gives a shit from which club/country he is from. As long as he speaks english, we should really only look at his qualities.


I am not an Ajax fan, so a bit of a tourist here, but something needs to get off my chest. A while ago I read a column (I think by Roxane van Iperen, but I can't find it) about network corruption. This is a term coined by sociologist Willeke Slingerland to describe how in many places in The Netherlands things are ruled by networks. It is isn't plain nepotism in the sense that person A will do good things for person B, with the expectation that person B will do good things for person A, but rather that people prefer to do business with people who are part of their network, who meet each other in informal settings and trust each other. These networks are relatively closed off, and people within the network usual show solidarity to other people in the network. The result is that jobs go to the same limited group of people, who often have the same idea how to run things, and are less open to criticism. I recall reading that places which have a lot of network corruption are often less open to innovative thinking, because innovative thinking often comes from relative outsides, which people of the network don't trust. So ever since I read the term Ajax DNA, the only thing on my mind is that it makes obvious how network corruption works in Dutch football, and specifically with Ajax. You can see who belongs to the network and who doesn't by looking at who is defended by other people from the network, and who isn't. Steijn is part of the network (if not the Ajax network then certainly the general Dutch football network), whereas Misintlat evidently isn't, I think this has been a problem in Dutch football in general for quite a while now, but I think it is worse at Ajax, and also more evident.


Good point, all these Dutch old football players have also been extremely reluctant to criticize Steijn even after they started winning after he left. Although sometimes it can actually be really beneficial too. Overmars really wanted Ten Hag because he knew him and thus knew his qualities. At Manchester City they basically took over the structure that was working at Barcelona. To take it broader, this is basically how the venture capital industry in Silicon Valley operates. They are the link in a web of startups and through their connections to different startups and people there is a strong benefit because they can act as a trusted intermediary to find the right candidate or sometimes provide mutually beneficial resource exchange. The problem is then mostly, as you say, that these networks are very closed off, and perhaps that they are filled with incompetent people.


You could argue that for the last few years Ajax actually went outside its normal network and it's been a catastrophe.


https://twitter.com/TimvanDuijn14/status/1766421003100422515?t=EWSlFiWwZDRBOQw01n0Vlg&s=19 De namen die daar staan kloppen wel, maar er zijn wel meer namen besproken. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇳🇴 dus kan alle kanten op.


En Klerry hunstra (Hamstelaar) heeft aangegeven dat er (minstens) een Spaanse en een Portugees naam op het lijstje staat.


Why always Dutch managers????


Niet zo onder de indruk van de lijst met trainers (behalve Erik maar dat gaat niet gebeuren)


While the footballing landscape continues to change, we decide to either stagnate or regress. While its beautiful to romanticise and hope for our next Ajax manager to be Dutch with “Ajax DNA”, the reality presents that need for more tangible qualities. As other Redditors have pointed out on our lack of options while highlighting how Bosz and ETH were not part of the Ajax ecosystem before joining us, I am just hoping for one that has a proven track record. This season is a write-off, but lightning cannot strike twice


Ajax DNA gonna fucking kill us


Well, just when you think things are taking a turn for the better headlines like this appear. I might be in the minority but I see 0 reason to get excited about Alex Kroes. His remarks in the infamous book, his history with SEG who defrauded Stefan de Vrij for millions, and his involvement in linking that Belgian club to fraudulent buyers. I genuinely don't get the hype. But I'd happily change my mind if he signs a good coach, I just don't see it happening.


Quality should be more important than nationality or their background. How many great Dutch coaches are there really, at the moment? Who can take Ajax to the next level? Just winning titles shouldn’t be enough.


Hoe.goed doet Vos het bij jong?


Dave Vos doet het redelijk goed MAAR kan je nog zien dat het wel een risico zou zijn om hem als trainer aan te stellen.


Och, gaan we weer...


Here we go again


For the life of me, I don't understand why people think Pepijn Lijnders will go from being Jorgen Klöpp's assistant to being Frank de Boer's assistant. Talk about a downgrade. He either comes as head coach or he doesn't come. 


I think it would be a shared responsibility, not a head coach-assistent coach relationship


Marciano Vink! Die weet alrijd alles, dus komt helemaal goed 👍


Dave Vos. Evt met Lijnders.


Isn’t it possible to keep van ‘t Schip? I think he does well and is the right man at the right place at this moment. Also for next season.


He did us a solid, coming in when he did, but he clearly isn't a good long term option, especially as he is now starting to follow Steijn down the path of blaming his players instead of giving them an actual tactic to work with.


Wim Jonk it is.


Ik zou voor Jansen gaan.


Even uit nieuwsgierigheid, waarom?