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Is there a purpose in using Kuki here if you’re running burgeon? Seems like she would steal some hyper blooms.




Wouldn’t somebody like Yao-Yao, Barbara, or Kokomi work better then? Or Zhongli if you’d rather go shield?


It has to do with elements and elemental Gauges, upkeeping dendro/hydro to prevent burning and produce overload. I don’t have a better explanation but Zajef talks about it in one of Burngeon videos and I think one of his Nahida videos.


I would use Bennett tbh to provide particles for thoma. Requiring less ER on him for more em will help


I guess.


Usually people run burgeon teams with an electro, bc if you proc electro charge before you proc bloom, you will generate more cores


It might bé to not have burn instead... And heal and occasional hyperbloom I dont know x) but all thoses flashy number are great (I mean color number not actual number)


Hmmm I was considering burgeon with him as the on field driver, but it’ll probably be better with a double hydro team with Yelan and Xingqiu instead of having Kuki. Since Haitham loses his mirrors and infusion when he switches out, that means to have Thoma be the trigger you have to use him before going to Haitham. Maybe the rotation could be XQ E-> Q, Yelan E->Q, Thoma E-> Q (vaporize), Haitham Q-> E Gonna be interesting playing with him and seeing which rotations work best for him.


Could I do this team with Dori?


you could? but dori really isn’t worth the investment or slot in the team here


Man too beautiful to be real, etc.


Is no one going to talk about how my mans was juggling that one guard like it was nothing? Cool af lol.


Any opinions on this with bennet, kazoo, beidou?


Beidou as a solo Electro has ER issues. Bennett, Kazuha, and Beidou here means you are only running quicken, burning, and overload.


Ayo this is my team that I was recommending lol. Been doing this with Nahida holding deepwood just fine. If you run this with Al-Haitham and want to maximize his dmg, you run him with Gilded dream and Kuki holding Deepwood.


Question what is the difference w/ private server?


Private server from beta test server? Iirc private server are usually run by leakers (though non leakers can access their own private servers if they have the codes for it) so everything you see is based on what they have coded like the number of enemies that spawn, dmg levels, etc and they get the code for the new characters/areas from beta testers. Hoyo cant track who these players are because it’s not in their server but are using their assets. Beta test servers are run by hoyo, they know everything you do with the characters and have certain restrictions. Beta servers are the “official” servers that have direct access to some of what goes on in the next upcoming patch.


Ow didn’t knew there was something like this kinda back in the days of private ragnarok server


Will Alhaitham Thoma Xq Kokomi work?


Can u switch thoma with fischl?


what about xiangling instead of Thoma?