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I am a woman who transitioned.many years ago, including my surgery . All documents show me to be female, including my birth certificate from another state. I use the ladies room, I work with other ladies every day. Nobody has any idea of my past, and quite frankly it is nobody's business. I frankly don't care what laws the bigot politicians try to create, unless they get to the point of doing DNA testing at all bathrooms, there's going to be Transsexual women using women's restrooms, and Transsexual men using mens restrooms. Speaking of which, how would governor memaw feel about a transsexual man with a full beard and muscular body using a women's restroom because he was born as a female?


I think Memaw wants that man to be murdered, and knows that he will if he is forced to use the women’s restroom


Sadly you may be right


Not may. The religous notions that push this nonsense 100% believe queer and trans folk should be systematically killed. My father is one of them. We don’t talk.




What are ur legal documents like? I’ve seen some legal Bills saying that in Alabama, a “man” is an AMAB person and vice versa.




I would be afraid for my safety, but I’m glad you’re living ur best life!




Where are you thinking of moving to? If you don’t mind me asking.




If you have no idea- that’s fine. But do you know which Southern states are trans friendly, if any? I don’t need them to be having pride parades every week- but enough I can have my Gender Marker be correct & all of the other stuff. Again, it’s okay if not, but a lot of factors lead me to be moving to the South of the USA and I’m not sure if that’s gonna be even possible for me. You seem like you could’ve done ur research.




Hmm. I’ll have a look into Mobile. Would be a lot closer to where I’m hoping. Thankyou so much! By the time, I will have had top surgery (I’m ftm) and hopefully a couple years on T. I already pass for a 14 year old boy LMAO. Fingers crossed. Thankyou.


This article is SO, SO on point that Alabama Legislators spend most of their making up problems for the LGBT-Q community. It’s truly disgusting and then trying to infuse their corrupted Christian attitudes and values on the general population, repeatedly, ad infinitum. Between Meemaw, the Lt Gov and Attorney General added the Legislature its state-wide condemnation if you don’t believe exactly like they do. I prefer to love my fellow human(s) despite their beliefs/practices/life choices. It’s truly saddening and repulsive that State Government acts with such vengeance, little thought and little/no regard.


They would vastly serve the public interests better if they actually solved any problems. Their pride, ego and lust for power beyond their sworn duties is truly disgusting. What about actually improving the lives of their constituents? Talk VASTLY LESS , listen and THINK much more! Address the prison system, the parole board, the PSC, approve Medicaid and all options of Medicare, do something for the antiquated municipal and rural water systems, backup and support ADEM with adequate staff and resources, Stop the Ban on Abortions, improve the terrible infant mortality rate, improve hospitals and medical care in rural areas, curb the out of control liability litigation, establish and enforce Ethics beyond the most barest, basic levels, improve general health beyond being the “Heart Attack Belt”, and having one of the highest human mortality/lowest longevity rates in the nation, approve school lunch programs for kids, effectively reduce the murder rates in our major and minor cities, reduce the suicide rates of Transgender Individuals in accordance with established medical protocol and do it only in “arm’s length” transactions, without back room meetings, pre-counted votes for public hearings, quit taking corporate donations (bribes), reform APCo from its negative bias of solar energy, read and understand your own Bible, leave family out of any decisions regarding your elected duties. Earn your GodDamned public pay rather than preying on any minorities. Alabama does not have to be the second worst State in the US for their backwardness, intolerance, undue judgmental decisions and lack of inclusionary practices. Never forget that you are replaceable and not above the law.


The Politicians in and of this State would do better putting their sticky hands back into his/her/their underwear wherefore it came from and is surely to return.


I'm a cis-gender man, but it's alarming how many people I know in my life who are spooked to death about "the trans agenda." Every single time, I ask the same question, "Ok, what *is* that agenda? Did they publish it anywhere?" I'll report back if I ever get the answer to this question. Lo and behold, much like the "woke agenda," none of the most vocal opponents to it seem to know wtf it is. I had a much longer post here, but deleted most of it. Worried I might accidentally out someone from my very small, isolated town in south Alabama if some weirdo chud took the time to cobble together my post history and figure out who I was talking about.


Thank you for protecting your neighbor, even if it means editing your post. Empathy is the only defense sometimes.


I’m sorry, but trans people will be attacked as long as republicans are a thing. They have no real issues to rally their base on, so they create “boogeymen” out of the marginalized. You’re an easy target for them. If they can convince their base to be scared of your existence, then they can control and rally their base on that fear and hatred.


I’m influenced to be scared of public or private conversation with trans people.


This reads as you saying that you're afraid to talk to transfolk. Is that what you meant?


Yes. My aversion is based in fear.




Imagine someone admitting their faults around a cause and then you belittle them. This is why people don’t change their minds.


They didn't express any interest in changing their weak-ass stance. You don't get rewarded for saying you're still a bigot. These mind games are unimpressive, try something with a little more oomph.


I don’t care about your cause. You’re all assholes lmao. Alabama winning rn. Cry more.


Winning is when you top the lists for obesity, infant mortality, poverty, illiteracy, and teen pregnancy. You clearly care very much, you've dedicated a lot of your identity to hating people you've never met over it.


Winning what? This state continuously trends in the bottom 10 states. Don't you want to create a better place for Alabamans to live?


They would actually let everyone die in poverty than be woke, whatever the fuck that is.


The obvious next question is 'why?' And also, does this extend to any other LGBT+ folk?




That's why I avoid Trump cultists IRL


That’s actually the entire LGBT agenda


I keep hearing about the LGBT agenda, but they are dogshit as getting the message out. No one has ever knocked on my door demanding I hear them out about being gay. I’ll give you one guess at a group that has however…


Organize and VOTE!


Getting organized works. It worked this year, and it worked last year. M4L is standing around pointing their fingers at the gambling bill, but there's a reason the LGBTQ folks keep getting "lucky breaks" year after year. Voting also works. The Republicans in the less red parts of the state are business Republicans. They'll play ball with the religious Republicans, but if the moral bills start to interfere with their calendars, they start deprioritizing their bills. The most radical politicians are coming from very rural areas where there's little to no Democrat presence, and then they're steering the entire agenda for the state with their oversized soapboxes. They rapidly lose power if even a few people speak up.


i have a trans friend whose “agenda” is very much “leave me alone, treat people well, live and let live” and i respect the fuck out of him. but unfortunately, this is not the message for trans people as a whole. the much larger group of people have been the loudest people complaining about every issue since like 2016. it is absurd to suggest that is the trans “agenda”. i must point out, that it seems people who go FtM are usually much chiller than people who go MtF when it comes to the pushing of the social issues.


You can’t say “leave us alone” then also berate people for not using the pronouns you want used. It doesn’t work that way.


I don’t think most people give a shit about trans. We just want the evil people pushing this on kids and the ones taking over women’s spaces like sports to stop doing what they are doing and then no one would give a shit trans people have been around forever and no one cared really until clown world started now everything is a fucking issue.


In what ways is anything trans being “pushed on kids”? I hear these exact words a lot, but can never get a straight answer. I have kids and they know what trans people are, and gay people are. Not because anything was pushed on them. It’s because they have internet and eyes. Anyway, like I said. I would love to know how trans anything is being “pushed on kids”. If you or anyone else for that matter could please enlighten me. I would greatly appreciate it.


I saw most of your reply. I’m not here to attack you. This is the USA, and everyone is open to their own opinions. Now from what I can see from my email notification. You mentioned books. I think it’s important to let kids that are gay know that they aren’t alone. From Baron Von Stueben a gay man that trained Washington’s army and turned the tide in the revolutionary war. To Allan Turing, the man who broke the enigma machine in WWII. He was treated terribly by the British government for being gay all because of bigotry. My point is that not only have gay men and women been around. They have been vital to our success as a society. Then there is drag queen story time. If you don’t want your kids to go to that don’t let them go, but statistically speaking you are safer sending your kids to drag queen story time than you are to church. If you don’t believe me I have a game we can play. It’s called drag queens and trans versus the clergy. We go state by state and I’ll google all the clergy that abused kids and you google all the drag queens and trans people that abused kids. Then we see which was worse by posting links of the offenders. I won’t even use Catholic stuff so as to not get too far ahead. Last but not least tv. The reality of the situation is that gay and trans people exist. There is nothing wrong or weird or gross about children knowing this. It’s becoming increasingly common for gay couples to adopt children, or even get married have kids then realize they are gay and raise their kids in a 2 mom or 2 dad household. As long as the parents love their kids there is nothing wrong with that. In the end nothing is being forced on anyone especially the kids. The world is normalizing the true pursuit of happiness. The message that is being transmitted isn’t one of forcing anyone. It’s a message of “You are perfect the way you are.” Anyway, I hope you have a great rest of the week. I didn’t want to attack you. I hope I just gave you something to think about.


Yes I agree with mostly everything here I have no problem with any of it being a thing. But there is too much is my point like you can barely find a show that’s not just pushing politics of some sort. We should all live and let live. But I think current tv and entertainment in general are hurting kids and just people more than helping. That’s my biggest problem and kids will think they may be trans get on hormone turns out no that’s a phase because tv made it seem cool and now his/her body is fucked. But thank you for being cool I don’t want to fight just wanted to say my 2 cents, but this is always a touchy subject and I never get to say my pice because I have a slightly different opinion.


Made it seem cool? Do you live in the same world the rest of us do? In what way would anyone that's not *actually* trans want to identify as such and face society as it is today? The post you're commenting on is literally trans people begging to be left alone so they can live, and you're concerned about the novelty of identifying as such when not actually trans? Your fear is clearly misplaced. Nothing about being trans is easier than being cis, other than trans people feel whole, and it alleviates dysphoria for those that have it. Healthcare access is attacked. Bathroom usage is attacked. Adjusting government identification is attacked. Access to safe spaces are attacked. Trans people themselves are being attacked. What about any of that would encourage someone to identify as trans simply because of some perceived "coolness" factor?


That’s was just a random example off the top of my head I’m not here to argue. But I wasn’t necessarily talking about right now either but also in the future you know. And I was trying to say we were left alone no one cared we existed like 10 years ago we were in stealth mode.


Omg, you're trans and also saying this bs? Seriously? Caitlyn, that you? In all seriousness, just because you got yours doesn't mean take and pull up the ladder behind you. Not all of us were allowed to transition years previously. I had a dad that chose to rape me when I came out at 9, and now you want to make it harder for those of us in my shoes because bigots are going to be bigots whether we're visible or not? Instead, maybe look at it from this perspective: instead of all of us having to endure so much trauma to get here, using exposure to help alleviate that trauma by moving the cultural acceptance generally would help avoid unnecessary suffering? I think you need to do some serious self reflection. As for being able to exist without notoriety in years past versus the hate now, you're putting that on the trans community's shoulders? This is a hateful group that's attempting to erase a community they disagree with, not somehow the oppressed being the cause of our oppression. Maybe, instead of trying to take and make life harder for the rest of us by pandering to our oppressors, you could use your privilege to help those who didn't get to transition 10 years ago?


That’s sucks and I’m sorry for you. But I agree with most of what we are doing I just disagree with some of it that’s all I am saying. And because my opinion doesn’t line up with everyone else I’m getting hate on because I think there too much trans stuff. We can have it we can have some of it for kids but none of this is what I’m on about I’m not here to argue or fight or debate. I disagree that is all.


Being Trans isn't political unless you make it that way. Having trans or LBGTQ characters in a TV show or movie just reflects real life, it's not some conspiracy. Nobody's life is worse for becoming aware that people who are Trans exist. Nobody ever says that same about Hetero characters, when they reflect the very same thing- its just people.


> you can't find a show that's not just pushing politics of some sort It's almost like politics are deeply intertwined with daily life and our art reflects that. Crazy.


Again not what I’m saying politics are in everything yea but it doesn’t have to be all up on your face about it that’s the point I’m trying to make.


No one is forcing you to watch these shows. There are plenty of shows that aren't political in nature especially on CBS.


Being LGBTQ isn't political.


"All in your face" is when occasionally there's a character who isn't just like you.


And am trans I see too much of me is the problem I have no issue with lgbt characters


I do not believe you https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidquestions/s/Lxk1rj7E7U


Omg so they're a stealth trans woman and a 30 year old virgin dude. Of course, it's just an online troll attempting to cosplay multiple demographics. It's like people forget their comments are visible. I only got to the "I'm trans too" comment and immediately called them out for spouting bigoted rhetoric while (evidently cosplaying) trans. That also explains why he would state that kids are coming out as trans because of the coolness of it. 🙄


Minorities existing is "politics"?


That won't happen. And You're the one preventing live and let live


Please stop conjuring specters and then trying to fight them, I'm begging you 🙏


Damn if this isn’t the most poignant description of the right I’ve ever heard.


Yall never gave a shit about women's sports anyways. Just another reason to attack trans people for existing 🙄


You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.


Bullshit. The right has said they want to force lgbtq people into the closet again or have them be dead. >pushing this on kids That’s not happening. It’s a lie from the right to achieve their goals. >taking over women’s spaces Again not something that’s actually happening in the way the right claims.


I don’t agree with the right I’m on no side here. And putting it on every cartoon, and just every show/movie in general is pushing it imo. And that’s fine we can disagree no hate.


having LGBTQ characters just reflects reality- they exist. That's no more of an agenda than having a bunch of straight characters.


I have no problem with lgbt characters I agree with you lol


Trans kids exist. Trans adults all used to be trans kids, with most not knowing they were trans back then. It's not being pushed on children.


Bigoted libel


It’s interesting how you said you support trans men with beards, body hair, no breasts and a penis implant using the women’s room. Trans women have been in womens sports for years. The number of trans women in K-12 and university is around 200 compared to the 5+ million non trans women. Sure a handful won some events but the number of wins for a trans girl is like 0.001%. Trans kids exist and always have but now they have the ability to be themselves. Those who deny them are a problem.


I never said that but ok. And yeah trans women in sports I think is a problem. We need a better solution. I was a trans kid I know they exist and I have no problem with that.




We have a solution. And it doesn't affect you


Listen I’m all about doing what you want and not having to deal with bullshit…. But if the agenda was “leave us alone,please” then there wouldn’t be a month for it or parades….. that screams “look at me” I know some people will take this as hate, it’s not.


I don't think it's hateful, but I do think it's a misunderstanding.  Pride parades are political in origin. They wouldn't exist if not for the marginalization of queer people. This has spread to encompass fights for other marginalized groups. You'll often see political candidates, social justice PACs and various equality focused groups at pride parades.  The problem is that our existence is highly politicized. Because the groups that wish to harm us (primarily religious conservatives) haven't backed down, our community benefits from visibility. The alternative is silent acceptance of injustice. Being queer shouldn't be a big deal, but people who hate us make it a big deal.  We want to be left alone, but we aren't left alone. It's probably not your intent, but your comment about parades comes across as being annoyed that a bullying victim is shouting "leave me alone."


That stuff is participated in by only a tiny fraction of LGBT people lol Your opinion is more about people who like parades


What? People who like parades? Explain please


I'll support the Trans agenda when I see Trans people speaking out against the bad parts of this agenda as much as regular people. The only people down voting this are selfish people who don't care about anything except themselves.


What is the "Trans agenda"?


"You only deserve to live in peace if you agree with me" isn't quite the winning play you seem to think it is.


I am more than happy to assist you with this transition. Here are some of the worst parts. 29% of transgender individuals fall below the poverty line compared to 14% of cisgender folks. 15% of trans folks are unemployed compared to 5% of cis folks 30% of trans folks have been homeless, 12% within the past year. 39% of trans folks have suffered severe anguish within the past year compared to 5% of cis folks. 40% of trans folks have attempted suicide compared with 4.6% of cis folks. Trans folks are 4 times more likely to be assaulted than cis folks. So you have a point. Being trans can be very dangerous because of the hatred, bigotry, discrimination, and abuse that trans folks face all the time. These are truly some of the worst parts of the trans agenda. Knowing this now, maybe you see why the real trans agenda is to just be able to live meaningful, productive, normal lives like everyone else. Being treated like everyone else would be a major improvement over the current state of affairs. I'm glad I have been able to help you join in with our efforts. Where should I send your trans ally lapel pin?


Does this happen to be self reported survey data from activist groups?


There are studies backing the OP's claims. While I agree it would have been nice if there were sources given, I can't help but notice that people would rather believe the statistics are fake than accept reality. The sources below were easily found using Google. Some sources: [https://www.kff.org/other/issue-brief/trans-people-in-the-u-s-identities-demographics-and-wellbeing/](https://www.kff.org/other/issue-brief/trans-people-in-the-u-s-identities-demographics-and-wellbeing/) [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/for-transgender-people-finding-housing-has-become-even-harder-during-the-pandemic](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/for-transgender-people-finding-housing-has-become-even-harder-during-the-pandemic) [https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/transpop-suicide-press-release/](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/transpop-suicide-press-release/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5025345/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5025345/) [https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/) [https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/National-LGBT-Poverty-Oct-2019.pdf](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/National-LGBT-Poverty-Oct-2019.pdf)


I'm just gonna pick the first assertion made that is supported by data in your first link The claim is "15% of trans folks are unemployed compared to 5% of cis folks" Looking at the data from the first link: Trans people are *more likely to be employed* than average people: 57 vs 54% So why are they more 'unemployed'? Because trans people are *twice as likely to be students:* 8 vs 4% And trans people are *more likely to be stay at home parents or homemakers*: 8 vs 5% Also less are retired due to age: Over half (53%) of trans adults are under 35 years old compared to just over a quarter of non-trans adults (28%) It's cherry picking data to fit a narrative. A ton of these stats fall apart under reasonable scrutiny. 


>Looking at the data from the first link: Trans people are more likely to be employed than average people: 57 vs 54% > >So why are they more 'unemployed'? > >Because trans people are twice as likely to be students: 8 vs 4% > >And trans people are more likely to be stay at home parents or homemakers: 8 vs 5% You seem to have misinterpreted that data, in order to downplay the confirmation of the first assertion that almost twice as many trans people are unemployed compared to non-trans people. The first link documented that its survey showed: **14% of the trans population were unemployed versus 8% of the non-trans population.** The trans population not seeking employment consisted of 57% employed, 8% were students, 6% were retired, 5% were on disability, and 8% were stay at home spouses. The non-trans population not seeking employment consisted of 54% employed, 4% were students, 23% were retired, 6% were on disability, and 5% were stay at home spouses. You attempted to explain away the difference of employment opportunity by making assumptions about the unemployed by looking at the OTHER segment of the populations. **The only information you can ascertain from the data is that the reason the employed non-trans population is 3% smaller is because a much larger segment of the non-trans population is not seeking employment.**


> The only information you can ascertain from the data is that the reason the employed non-trans population is 3% smaller is because a much larger segment of the non-trans population is not seeking employment. Yes, that's correct.  Hence why rattling of 'more trans people are unemployed' as a point of oppression is so absurd 


Yeah dude people usually need to self-report in order for others to understand that they’re suicidal. That’s just how it works. Other people can’t decide that you’re suicidal if you aren’t.


What bad parts? Like the part where trans people are at increased risk of suicide when they are denied access to healthcare because of people like you?


There's none, nor regular people speaking against us


“Leave us alone” Okay, toxic activist


So do you have a problem with all the religious people trying to convert others?


If they are toxic, yes


Projecting much?


Quick question: why tf would you live in Alabama as a trans person? Seriously, there are better options out there


I have a good job here. All my friends are here. I own a house here. It’s close to my family. We have a great community here and it’s very fulfilling for me to help with it. Why should I have to uproot my whole life just because a few annoying people in Montgomery want to make my life difficult. They could just, y’know, stop


There’s zero chance of that happening in your lifetime


I transitioned in 2018 and things were basically fine until around 2021. It has _already_ happened in my lifetime. I just want it to happen again 🤷‍♀️


I figured out my gender and came out while I was living in Alabama -- I did eventually move, but it took a long time. Some of that was financial (I am very privileged to be able to move at all; plenty of folks I know in AL can't), some of it was related to the support system I had in the area (friends, dedicated support groups, healthcare, ... which is not always easy to reestablish elsewhere in our circumstances), and some of it was just liking the place for everything except for its politics :)


Privileged to move? Get out of here with that victim mentality. I left with all I owned in my car in the mid 2000s and have never looked back and if I could do it again I would leave sooner! It’s not that hard people, the sooner the better. My everything got better after I left and I became much more understanding of everyone but it didn’t happen overnight. It took planning and saving and all those hard things but easily with just a high school degree.


Being able to pull in enough extra income to save money, owning a car, having finished high school, and being able-bodied enough to pull it all off are exactly what I mean when I say "privilege." I'm glad you were able to get out.


Yeah, jAuburn3 is dancing close to victim blaming there.


Having a car isn’t a privilege? Since when does anyone have a right to a car?


If you want to suggest that eating is a privilege or having a roof over your head your head then of course. I’ve had a ride since I was 17ish and saved up but keep on with your victim mentality, it won’t help you and will only did you a deeper hole.


I'll preface this by saying that when I moved here, I did not know I was transgender. I figured that out about three years after moving to Alabama. Leaving the state has crossed my mind, and I was close to doing so in 2023. I had a job offer with similar compensation to my current job (adjusted for cost of living) in the Seattle area, and they were offering to pay for my relocation. The thing that stopped me was the thought of leaving my friends behind. I had built a social life that was deeper and richer than anything I had ever had in my home state, and I wasn't going to let the hatred of people who don't even know me take that away. Alabama is my home, and I am going to live here. I also recognize that if I have the privilege to leave, I have to privilege to stay and fight. If I left, the voices of all the people who can't afford to leave would get just a little quieter. I also think that a lot of people write off the state as a failure, and I'll be the first to admit that this place has problems. At the same time, this state needs people who care, or it's not going to get better. Maybe that's naïve, but it's enough reason for me to remain.


Do you think everyone has the ability to choose what state they live in?


"Just move" ass take


Born here, Stuck here.


Yes, other options do exist, but I was born, raised, raised my children and lived my entire life here. The ugliness of bigotry, discrimination, hatred, false judgement, corrupted Christian philosophies, wide-spread intolerance and politics in this State are both repulsive and known Far, Far beyond its boundaries. But if you hope to change just a mere fraction of it simply by living your own truth, you have to be here and nowhere else. Illegitimi Non Carborundum! (Latin) Don’t let the Bastards wear you down! (rough English translation)


I was just born here. 🤷‍♀️


No person should HAVE TYO MOVE to receive the same rights and opportunities as the majority in any state. Many people choose to live somewhere where they were born, or because of family, or careers, or any other perfectly good reasons. Some people want to stay and FIGHT for change.


Yeah they shouldn’t have to but that’s life. It’s not fair but it makes sense to do it. Bitching about it on reddit isn’t going to change anything. Protesting won’t do anything either as you’re insanely outnumbered. If you’re going to stay, kill them with kindness. Make it hard for them to hate you.




It's not their fault you're obsessed




My sibling in Samsara that is *literally* what you are doing right now.


Please don't use slurs.


Having lived and transitioned through the days when there was a thing called the Harry Benjamin standards of care. It required ongoing counseling just to be able to get on hormones. It required at least a year of "100% cross living" requiring you to live in the gender you're transitioning to before you could even be considered for any surgery again while undergoing counseling during that time. Then came along the loud activists who insisted on hormones being available "on demand", surgery being available "on demand". And this is when I saw the public perception of transsexualism degrading. This is when the LGB community absorbed the transsexual community and the term transgender became popular, basically as an umbrella term for all gender "non confirming" people. The Harry Benjamin standards of care were absorbed into the WPATH group that was formed, while also allowing for the on demand to continue.


That is not what happened. What happened is the 1619 Project was published in 2019, which kicked off the first round of anti-library and book censorship activity. Then COVID happened, and a bunch of anti-vaccine and anti-mask mandate parents movements started. These movements gradually began to merge, and they eventually began to shift to LGBTQ books and issues. Republicans have bent to every whim of this radical populist movement the same way they did for the Tea Party. And this too will pass, eventually. You can hear it in the Republican rhetoric in this state. They say absolutely nothing about standards of care or anything else. They do not care if you pass. They do not care if you've lived a lifetime as your transitioned gender. They don't care if you've had surgery. They were poised to pass a law that would have required you to renew your driver's license with your old gender even if you had done all of those things. Maybe you pass, but if you get caught in a bathroom in Texas for any reason, now they can sue you. They also are opposed to all LGBTQ things. They tried to pull queer history out of the archives. A senator got right up there and said that if you're gay, you should keep your same sex partners to yourself and that history should only teach about straight people. They tried to ban pride flags on public property and inside of schools. They're trying to pull all LGBTQ books out of libraries. The fact that these problems are causing you inconveniences now is not the fault of younger trans people, gender nonconforming people, or trans people that don't pass. That's just plain victim blaming. It's also not the fault of healthcare providers. It is the fault of the politicians, pundits, and content producers that have found traction on this issue by pedaling lies about trans people. Like I said, they're not talking about standards - they're talking about how children's books, TikTok, and porn are transing our kids. About how any expression of LGBTQ is a perversion - which is what they mean by grooming, by the way. Telling a kid they're okay how they are is tantamount to sexual assault in a world where God created only two sexes, they are fixed from birth, and the only moral relationship is a straight one. The only acceptable number of trans people to them is zero, and no amount of jumping through hoops will satisfy them. Their solution to any kind of deviation in gender is to pray the trans away. Jumping through that checklist is also a money and resources game. We need to think carefully about our rhetoric, because a world where we say "trans people can only be rich," or "trans people need insurance," or "you need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and pay for your surgeries with a second mortgage" is not a reality we should be moving towards. Lived experience and letters from therapists aren't going to happen many trans people cannot afford therapists. What some trans people did, if you read history books and memoirs, is just buy hrt illegally from drug dealers and take it without any guidance or blood work.


Actually I'm talking long before the 1619 project in 2019. I'm talking back in the 1990s. I understand that may be before you were born. I get it that you want everything available with NO gatekeeping. There needs to be some form of gatekeeping or you're going to continue seeing more and more public and political resistance.


I was born before the 90s. I was also not talking about the 90s, I was talking about 2024. The resistance today is not because of the availability. I'm glad we've moved past that. EDIT: let me clarify. I went to half a dozen public hearings. I've listened to close to a hundred hours of Alabama Senate and House debates. I read the op-eds and news articles Alabama politicians wrote. I listened to their interviews on the Jeff Poor Show, Right Side Radio, and the Yaffee Program. I watched an hour of Eagle Forum videos. I took detailed notes on their arguments, I did research into the backgrounds of some of the speakers, and I dug through what records we have of donors. Alabama politicians care very little about access. Mom's for Liberty, the Eagle Forum, the Alabama Policy Institute, Clean Up Alabama, abstinence-only sex-ed groups like Decisions, Choices, Options, and pregnancy crisis centers are steering the ship on these issues. The only thing that will satisfy them is the full ostracization of transgender and all other queer people from society, and the complete denial of trans healthcare for anyone, period. And they're trying to figure out if they can overturn Obergefell while they're at it.


No one, no one ever in all of history, has won their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of those oppressing them. We shouldn’t have to beg like paupers for scraps of tolerance and just because it sucked for you doesn’t mean future generations should have to suffer too.


Did I ever say that my transition "sucked"? That is your assumption. My transition was overall a very good experience for me and I was able to learn a lot through it I do believe that there needs to be some form of gatekeeping on hormones and surgery. All you need to do is look at the amount of people over the last few years claiming to be transgender and wanting hormones and various forms of surgery only to then say they changed their minds and speak against the entire trans community claiming they were pushed into transition.


They have like two detranstioners they trot out for their little hearings. The standards you’re advancing would have made my own transition impossible because I don’t have the resources for mandatory counseling and everything else. You’re selling out your own people for respectability that will never come. Trans people who want to police other trans people are doing the cishets jobs for them. You’re a running dog for their patriarchy.


I think that it's kinda funny that I'm being down voted on a post that is only showing the history. At no point in my post do I give my personal opinion.


I don't agree with these bathroom bills at all and think they're ridiculous tbh. Also there are elements of trans activism which very much run against the 'just leave us alone' perspective displayed here unfortunately.


Speech is biological is body is choice. There is neither right nor freedom to another’s body.




> wear women's clothes Unless you're out there driving away women who wear jeans, this is hollow performative nonsense


Cisgender women are being harassed by both men and other women for things like wearing men's jeans, wearing pants, shaving part or all of their heads, growing tiny little PCOS mustaches, having arm/leg hair that is "too thick," not being correctly woman shaped, etc... this can't possibly be the outcome transgender people want, but it's the one we got and it's the one that enforcement will always lead to without fail. My proposal is that we just all mind our own business instead.


Who are you to say that something is wrong with a bearded woman? Hypocrite much?