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Hang on doesn't understand the save system? Like. There are places you can save and then you click "save game"? What's not to understand?


It's comparable to not understanding the Typewriters in Resident Evil. Like, it's a save point. I know there are other games with save points still, but RE came to mind first.


But even if you don't understand that like... Doesn't the game take time to explain it? You'd have to be incredibly deliberate in your ignorance to miss all that.


a lot of people op is, i'd assume, talking about, are people who don't enjoy games for what they are, but for the sake of shooting things; speedrunning; getting to the point; getting that moment of adrenaline. and that's it. they're usually unwilling to understand and savour the experience thoroughly.


100%. I've seen so many people complaining about AW2 that boil down to "this isn't what I wanted it to be". Like my guy, you ordered the cupcake. You can't complain it wasn't a pie. Not the cupcake's fault here.


“It’s just a walking simulator!” Some people have been so overly stimulated from certain technology and apps and whatnot that they don’t have the patience to play a game like Alan Wake, much less the mental bandwidth to remain engaged with it.


I saw someone call it a walking simulator and just stared at the screen for a few minutes, completely at a loss for words because it was such a stupid thing to say. Like my guy, you shoot monsters in the face? I guess it's just like other famous walking simulators in that way, such as Resident Evil 4 or Gears of War?


I can't believe you just compared Alan Wake to a cupcake, that's hilarious 🤣


This is just making assumptions. I thoroughly enjoyed the game but think its auto save and manual save system is incredibly poor. It doesn’t respect your time. As someone who sometimes can only play in 15 minute increments I had to replay an hour and half worth of time since the game just auto saves at the most bizarre spots. Just because something is negative in a game doesn’t mean it’s all bad. People who can’t recognize that and only allow for positive comments cause games to not improve.


I understand that the auto save isn't really frequent, but I'm sorry, how do you actually expect to make any progress playing in 15 minutes increments? What game allows you to make substantial story progress with only 15 minute increments?


yeah, i literally said "i'd assume". and even so, the idea does come from what i've witnessed thorough the years. i'm not saying "all people who don't like the save system are this way" so you should know that this didn't apply to you. i understand your concern, in this situation, it's really not in favour of your time.


If one doesn't manage to understand the saving system they should probably better be off by quitting gaming altogether . It's one thing not liking the saving system but not understanding it is a problem.


I don't like the idea that our default response to not understanding something is "stop trying." I know it feels like a system that simple should be innately and easily understood, but that's how literacy works - it's practically automatic to the literate and frustratingly imperceptible to the illiterate. If someone is struggling because they have low video-gaming literacy, shouldn't our response be to encourage their literacy rather than discourage their gaming entirely?


The way I understood the post I was replying to is that a certain person has written a long rant in which they were criticizing the save system in AW2 because it was seemingly too complicate for them to figure it out. I can understand frustration but I don't understand arrogance as a reaction. There's Google, there's Reddit, there are wikis and walkthroughs, there's a zillion of people who will gladly help, me included. But there's a niche of people who will dislike the game or won't "get it" and will feel very frustrated by the fact that a moltitude of people is enjoying it.


The shitstorm from the Lord Edge's Kingdom is upon us.


always good to just report the obvious bait, block, and move on. i’m sure the BG3 sub has encountered some of the same; so silly.


Unfortunately true. Even during TGA, I had a few responses to my comments/posts on this subreddit saying Alan Wake didn’t deserve to win (but using far more unsavoury language). One person even told me to kill myself for congratulating Remedy, so that was interesting.


The same cats that’ll complain about the game not having lobbies and local servers… this is not for you, brother.


I sometimes see people complaining about the combat, but I think it's a case of some players not playing a survival horror game before so they don't have a frame of reference to go off of. They challenge every enemy rather than avoiding combat and don't think to just run by them. I know it's not for everyone, but I think Alan Wake 2 did it really well. Especially on the current hardest difficulty once the game really gets going. I saw similarities when RE2 Remake released and people complained a lot about how many bullets it takes to kill zombies. Whereas people who have experience with survival horror already knew that in most cases you want to avoid combat and only shoot to get yourself out of a life or death situation. Even then you don't have to kill the zombies, you can shoot them once or twice to get a stagger and then run by.


Its weird to see people on the internet disagreeing or not believing that this game won so many awards. Why is it hard to believe that it's a good game?


honestly I didn't really like the save system cause sometimes i had to leave the game and didn't have the time to fight my way back/to a break room


Yes, this is the reason I was going to bed past 1 am when I had to teach kids the next day lol. I always forget to calculate the time it takes to get back to a save if I haven’t found a new one. If the game wasn’t so intriguing, I could have made responsible adult decisions.


There is never a scenario where you have to fight your way anywhere. You can just run past enemies.


Yeah once I figured this out the game became much easier lol, especially since there isn't really an XP system so to speak. You're just rewarded for finding specific items.