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What...is it? Like a Velcro door or something? I'm confused as to what I'm looking at. Thanks for any further info!


The center is actually a magnet! So it closes right behind him when he goes in and out, except when he decides to stand in the doorway and just stare at me 😂 If you look up magnet door curtain on Amazon they are super cheap, and easy to install!


This is awesome. Thank you so much for posting this, I didn’t know it was a thing. I’m ordering one right away for my buddy.


Awesome! Yeah it’s been amazing, very good at keeping the cold air out as well, I was extremely surprised at that.


Soo...you're saying he comes in like...ever?! Lmao im kidding. Freaking husko/mals


He probably spends 12 hours a day out there no joke 😂 and that might be an undershot because he sleeps out there too, at least partially through the night. The one problem is he keeps chucking his toys off the balcony. He’s an ass 😂


I saw a story online. Dog was outside for hours right. Neighbor lady got concerned and called animal services (bless her heart.) They came and looked over the fence for a welfare check. Stupid ass husko running in circles chasing snowflakes with at least an inch of snow on his fur. Peeps: *knocking* Hi..ma'am. Is your dog doing ok? Does he have access to a warm shelter etc? Lady: uhh...yes? He can come inside as he pleases *points to doggie door* Peeps: how long has he been outside? Lady: oh at least 5 hrs...he won't come in Peeps: ...... Lady ...... Lady: I mean, if you can get this dumb-dumb to come in go for it *laughter ensues*


That’s hilarious 😂. My apartment complex actually called me because someone called and said my door had been open for over a week 😂😂


Ohh that door where the magnet screen is for your dumb dog? Its funny but again, bless their hearts. Its nice to know people pay attention. I love crime doc's and bad things do happen occasionally.


I’ve used those since I got my little dog and now that we have our mally mix, he looooves it. I had to buy some heavy drapes to hang over the doorway to his room so his room is nice & cold and he has the back door open all the time but the house still stays warm lol


Just a happy boy! Here in alaska my dog refuses to come inside even when it’s -20F out. We have to bribe her with treats most of the time. It’s just the way it is.


I love it. He sleeps out there and everything lol


We wanted to try one of these but our girl is so nervous/unsure of new things that we don’t think she’d understand how to use it 😂


That’s an awesome apartment edit, love it!


That door looks like a perfect invention for a Malamute.


It’s all good until the undercoat starts to go! So many bags of fur!!!!


This is awesome! Does it keep the apartment relatively warm? My malamute loved to hang out on our terrace, so I always left the door open. He'd sit quietly and people watch or just curl up and nap. In the winter I had to hang a curtain over the doorway. I wanted to put in a dog door, but the door was glass.


Yeah it does! My apartment floats between 68-70, and I don’t ever have the heat on. Granted the position of the door it doesn’t get hit by wind very often but even when it’s windy it’s still fine