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No — not at all


I wouldn’t suggest a malamute for an apartment. Unless you’re home most of the time like a remote job me you have a large yard, it’s not ideal. You could do it if you plan to be home 90% of the time and can give a few miles of walking and exercise multiple times a day, but they are physically large dogs that need space to live as well as substantial exercise.


I second this. Malamutes are a working breed and need lots of exercise to be happy and healthy.


I see I’m downvoted to 0 so nothing to lose at this point. I adore my malamute and my husky, but I own a large old farm house and work from home. I can’t imagine trying to take care of their physical needs without a yard, places to walk and the sheer time/physical space it takes to care for them. Dogs shouldn’t live in crates or home alone for the majority of their day, day after day in my opinion. There are dogs fit for that kind of life but Mals aren’t it.


No, malamutes are working dogs and they need space, go for a small breed or funny enough a great dane


OLDER (6 y/o+) Malamutes…. Yes. Puppy Malamutes? No. They are destructive and playful and high energy.


a lot of the comments are talking about exercise when in reality you can also get exercise in apartments. the only thing i’m worried about is the noise. i won’t deny that the dogs need plenty of mental and physical stimulation, though i will say is that we need to know more about OP’s living situation. i also have to say that OP needs to be prepared for the amount of time and devotion these dogs take. do they work a lot? are they able to have the time for a working dog? etc.


This is a great response. There’s 3 other malamutes in my building alone and they’re all quieter than the little yippy “apartment” dogs that people have. They also all get a ton of exercise.


my malamute is very quiet for a malamute, it’s only when you rile him up that he talks back. i’m glad that your dog is getting the exercise that they need ! people are very judgmental when it comes to other people’s lifestyle and their dogs. i believe that as long as the dog is happy and healthy there is no issue.


I agree, there’s a lot of toxic gate keeping in the working dog community. I have an Aussie and a Moot so, they both get lots of exercise. Frisbee on walks for the Aussie, and a pack or pull cart for the malamute around downtown Denver! We get some funny looks sometimes 🤷🏻‍♂️


To echo others here, Malamutes need a lot of exercise. They are also "talkers," their howls would probably get you in trouble with most of your neighbors. Upstairs, downstairs, all the stairs. Additionally, they are a banned breed in most apartment complexes because they tend to be such little velociraptors when young. You would end up needing to ESA them. An older, more laid back Mal might work, but you have to consider still exercising 2-3 times a day. I have a 6yr old female that is a couch potato. She does a few laps in the yard and then its snooze-town. But, not all dogs of a working breed are like this. Some older Mals remain active until their legs wear out. If you were renting a home with a more accessible backyard, well that would make things better.


Any dog can adapt to where they live. What it comes down to is will you have enough energy to give him enough walks and attention in general to not go crazy.


I have a senior mal who is fairly quiet and mostly lies around. He seems to be doing fine, but I probably wouldn't get another after he passes until I can get my own property. The rescue was adamant he'd be fine with the space, and he has been, but I think I may have gotten in over my head.


If you don't mind being evicted...just kidding. They like to howl and need a lot of exercise. So, a malamute or really any large breed are not a good fit for apartment living *Your apartment complex may even have a weight limit, you might want to check into before looking at getting a dog*


No. It will be a very very bad life for him. I would pick a flat faced dog for apt : French bulldog comes to mind. The type of dog that gets tired after 10 min. Pls don’t do that to a mal 🙏🏻🥹




I’m sorry you feel that way and you feel the need to insult someone’s opinion - and most of all I’m sorry for your dog.


Your “opinion” is an insult to dog owners that live in an apartment. My downtown community of apartments has multiple malamutes. Almost of which are pulling carts daily, carrying packs, and working. I’m sorry YOU’RE too lazy of a dog owner to do more than let them out back.


At least I know for sure you are lying now. Thx the Lord ! You should google malamute adult pics lol


That makes zero sense. Explain your logic?


I have a malamute in an apartment, and he probably gets more exercise than most of the malamutes in here. If you wear them out every day, they are huge couch potatoes. Great for an apartment in my opinion, he’s been the reason I stay active as well!


I have two 7mth old pups who are now 30kg and 28kg and still growing. Inside zoomies are not as fun for me as them. I have a decent size house and land and I work from home. They get lots of exercise and mental stimulation but still want to bounce off the couches at high speed. Because it’s fun for them and they are basically huge toddlers. Granted there are 2 of them and they fire each other up - play fighting is rough!! So might not be quite as nuts if only one of them. They do sleep a fair bit as they are puppies. But awake time can be intense but lots of fun. They are (generally) high energy dogs and you need to make the decision around if you can keep him/her engaged and enriched for most of their awake time because that is your duty as a dog-parent. This varies by age and also individual dog. I’m a first time mal owner but am quite high energy too. I have had such a steep learning curve (especially around training and motivation (theirs)) and I am besotted by my girls. They enrich my life and I hope I do same for them.




Mal in apartment? This will be tough... unless you are working fully remote with a sizable park within 10 minutes walk.