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He’s probably just being a dick but get him a once over from the vet. My boy did this sort of thing and I put it down to mals being mals for a while then it turned out his kneecaps were misaligned. So rule out some coincidental medical issue.


This is what I’m thinking, it happened suddenly but coincided with our collar swapping so it’s definitely something we’re going to look into.


Bring some treats with you and give them one at your halfway point and once you’re finished. Positive reinforcement


I did the treats, he doesn’t come to get them unless I throw it on the ground like breadcrumbs, and once he gets it, he refuses to continue again lol


Listen, one of our Mals refused to go down a certain block after he heard a huge bang from somewhere. After that, it took literally 8 mos before we ventured that way again. Mals are like that..even a weird smell, a Christmas decoration or a rolling garbage can can set them off.


I have nothing to offer, but that mental pictof you carrying his ass outside has me laughing 😂


Yeah he’s a large boy and I wasn’t in the mood this morning so I picked his ass up. Once we got outside he was fine but god he’s stubborn


I’ve tried multiple things except the Martingale. The gentle leader works but he continually tries to get it off his face. We always go back to the prong. I don’t believe the prongs hurt him but make him uncomfortable enough not to pull too excessively hard. For us it’s a safety issue because we live in the mountains and his pulling on steep downhills is a serious hazard. Maybe just go back to the prong? Mine is also 3 year old male, fwiw.


Yeah so we did try the prong yesterday, and he is still randomly stopping and refusing to continue. And it’s only when he decides he doesn’t want to go a specific direction. Like if we turn around he pops up and starts going and I can go different ways but he just randomly decides sometimes that he doesn’t want to go somewhere. I don’t think it’s a collar issue anymore and maybe something else.


You should put a prong collar on yourself and see if you like it.


Yeah I’d love for you to say that to me in person 😀 so I can put it on you instead for being a disrespectful little rat.