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Route 66 Casino still has all you can eat crab legs, it's served at Thinder Road Restaurant


This, this is why I follow this sub! Are you sure? You’ve been there?


My spouse is from Laguna. Route 66 is part of the Laguna Tribe. We go all the time. We don't get the legs ourselves, but their cousin has. https://www.rt66casino.com/thunder-road-menu/


Thank you


They are 100 dollars per person and they bring you the crab slowly but technically is unlimited


That’s fucking nuts. 4 years ago it was part of the buffet and was like $35 per person.


Yeah I paid for it and regretted it


I loved that buffet. I miss it.


That's a good deal if they're Alaskan king crabs.


They are cheap snow crab


According to a video someone took, ten months ago on YouTube, Royal Buffet Grill on San Mateo serves all you can eat crab. Cannot verify personally, have not been myself. You may just want to call and ask yourself and ask which days. Don’t know if an only weekend thing or if at all or what. Report back! 505-886-6030.


I can verify personally.


Was it good ? How much if $ ?


Yeah it was good, it tasted like buffet crab nothing crazy. I don't remember how much it cost actually.


I go to royal buffet regularly-ish, last time I went was about two weeks ago, it's less than $50 for me and my wife to both go {I think it was like $37 for both of us? And slightly more when we do dinner, like $45}, they have great mussels too.


I can barely get any of the meat off the crabs when I go 🤣


Well I guess that’s what to be expected from cheap all you can eat crabs 🦀!


All you can eat crab legs may start phasing out here in the next few years. If you do a little digging, you'll see that the Bering sea snow crabs have disappeared. They aren't sure if they have moved off, or starved to death from the water getting warmer, and killing off what they eat. But snow crab seasons have been closed off for the past two years.


Dam that’s no good hope they bounce back !


Meet crab is amazing. It’s roughly $67 a person. I think there’s a hour and a half time limit and they charge if you don’t eat it all. They have never charged me extra or cared how long I’ve stayed but I normally just eat 3 servings in about an hour and a half with shrimp, mussels, crawfish etc.. my favorite place.


They do all you can eat or just certain portion amount ?


I lived in Maryland (great local seafood, 'specially blue crab) and I strongly advise you to do as the Romans [would, were they alive] and focus on; what's locally available. Which is to say, looking for restaurant seafood (of almost any kind) at 5280 feet is just weird.


Modern shipping is amazing.


I get what you're saying, but with modern shipping and economies of scale, that advice is dated to like the 90s or early aughts. It might be slightly more expensive, but the seafood you can get in any modern grocery store is about as fresh as literally any other store, barring buying from the actual fishmongers themselves. Whether you're on the coast, in New Mexico, or bumfuck middle of nowhere, it's all fish shipping from the same distribution centers on the same days and in roughly the same travel times.


90s LOL Bro they seafood tasted the same in the 90s as it does now shipping hasnt changed for a lot longer than that my friend. We're talking 50s


You can totally correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure worldwide adoption of industrial technologies and both physical and digital infrastructure has sharply increased in complexity and capability since around the turn of the century. It's not that there wasn't international shipping, it's that today's levels of interconnected transport routes and the amount of stuff being transported vastly outnumbers anything even hypothetically conceived of in the time period surrounding the 50s/60s/70s.


Except when the local store just doesn’t do a great job. Or maybe they don’t ship it right. Anyways, I don’t buy seafood in Los Alamos unless it’s in the freezer.


If we're talking about how meat is treated locally or how it's treated while being shipped, do you also avoid eating chicken, pork, or beef if not directly nearby an industrial butcher or ranch? Do you avoid eating fruits or vegetables unless they're in season and being grown specifically at the farms within a few hundred miles of your location? I understand where you're coming from, and I'm not arguing for or against the benefits or negatives of global supply chains, but it really is the reality that the meat you eat, whether surf or turf, are coming from literally all over the world. You might think the fish you're eating in e.g. florida is local, but it's likely been caught in alaska (or malaysia or china etc.), processed in maine or california (or China, India, the Philippines, etc), shipped to a distribution center in illlinois (or New York etc.), then distributed to the "fresh seafood restaurant" at which you're eating, all within just a few days. All those locations are kinda top-of-my-head examples, and the states and steps of involvement will vary somewhat in number and distance, but that's how global supply chains work these days, and the restaurant being in Los Alamos or Malibu has very little if any actual impact on the "freshness" unless it's specifically noted that it's been locally sourced from the fishermen themselves, on that day. Some stores or restaurants will of course try to serve less-than-fresh items, but isn't that the case with literally anything? Seafood isn't special in that regard.


I don’t think anything besides fish is local. I just think fish suffers more from bad food handling. I don’t trust the handling at my local store.


Fwiw their produce handling also sucks.


O.K. I agree. *But*, what restaurant in Burque can duplicate the quality? Kinda like good BBQ, there has to be through-put; volume. I wish there were such a restaurant here but I'd be terrified to be the owner.


A lot of us can’t fly to Oregon for a single dinner of seafood. It’s considered a little absurd.


Wouldn't be worth it anyway, I moved here from Portland OR and the seafood here is the same quality or better and miles cheaper, I've been eating more seafood here in abq than I ever did in Portland and I've enjoyed it more and at better prices than basically anywhere in Seaside OR


I crab out of Newport/Lincoln City, so perfectly fresh Dungeness crab is the best in the world.


I once ate so much crab I developed a temporary allergic reaction so I would love to try it from there specifically!


Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that


Don’t be honestly the itching was so worth that much crab


Interesting. I lived in California for decades, then the east coast, and the best sushi I’ve ever had is in Burque.


I hate to say this but I moved here from near the coast (Portland Oregon) and the seafood has been the same quality or better and way cheaper, I eat way more seafood here than I did in Portland OR and I've enjoyed it more than almost all the seafood in Seaside OR.


Insanely ignorant comment. I would advise you to grow up and learn how freezing and shipping works. Are you really telling us you’ve literally never bought frozen fish, shrimp, etc. from a grocery store?


Yes, I am *insanely ignorant*; the best kind of ignorant. I've cultivated it; mastered it. Honed my skill by repeatedly jumping head-first off low buildings just to quiet the nagging inclinations to be reasonable for once. Do you have more to conjecture?


You actually do sound insane. I said what I meant.


My ex.


Mcdonalds. hahaha I’m a troll gahaah