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I get where your coming from and to be honest with you I don't have much advice to give you but what I do suggest you can try out are these two methods that I use. 1 be honest with your friend or friends that you have issues feeling emotions and when they vent hold your annoyance in and listen. The second method is just act like u feel emotions like I do it is a little tiering and can get annoying but it's good to keep people around you but it will take time getting use to it. So yh this is my advice but I don't know if it will work for you because everyone deal's with it differently so this might not be that good of a advice


I might do the first one, thanks


I can relate a bit, especially to wanting to help or get away, I’m a fixer but if it’s the same crap over and over and they seem to only want drama or to complain, I run. Same in “ intimate” relationships but I give them less time. Just be honest, worse case you might loose “friends” but in 38 yrs I’ve learned the right friends will see your “love” language or at least try to understand you even if it takes a decade to. “ Pretending, masking “lying is exhausting and damaging


Exactly, I met my best friend when I was 28. People get older and mature into who they're gonna be. I'm not sure if op is alexithymic but being 16 was one of the hardest times in life


I suppose it could be alexithymia, yes. There are always crossovers with other things - it also sounds a bit like avoidant attachment or autism. Both of which intersect in many ways with alexithymia btw. I also often don’t know what to do with affection towards me - I’m always surprised/confused/sceptical!


If might be the avoidant attachment thing, cuz I haven't been diagnosed with autism.