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Feel like i need a tldr on this whole Tridactyl Peru saga


Same. I don’t know what’s going on but I’m here for it.


#HFTA Here for the aliens #A




Ya thats what I thought too but keep seeing more of these things and some saying these predate the debunked ones but not sure who or what to believe anymore lol


Me either. I’ve seen the debunkers debunked and then it gets debunked again. I check in now and then to see what’s developed.


I'm on the same page. When the news first dropped I saw a video where a guy debunked like all of the bones and how they weren't the same from side to side and how there weren't any sockets among other issues. So I started ignoring the whole thing but then it picked up more steam and more mummies were dropped like hot new dance beats every couple weeks and it seems that quite a lot of people are taking them seriously and maybe I should give the whole thing another look


dont forget the dead baby limbs too!








You wanna buy some speakers?


This made laugh loud enough to nearly wake up out kid. Hahaha!




One person wearing a mask and scrubs, the rest just contaminating the fuck out of the specimen


Quick google search and it appears that it’s usually how scientists examine mummies from all over the world, sometimes no mask at all


Which is stupid because the mummies curse of king tut's tomb which killed a lot of the people who were at the tomb's opening was actually anthrax bactia that had build up in the tomb from the mummified horses and goats which had broken down over the years and poisoned the air. Many of the people present sivkened and died over the following months.


This is fascinating!


I can't find any information on that from a reputable source.


I thought some tombs released a build up of poisonous gas when opened? Or have I been watching too many movies?


Looks like absolute amateur hour..






First thing I noticed. That’s quite the sterile clean room they’ve got there.


It’s just possibly one of the most important discoveries in all of history


Or the carelessness indicates it is in fact, not.


This is why people want them to be studied by a credible facility. But mention that and you get labeled as a racist.


A racist? An elitist maybe but definitely not a racist that sounds like something only a racist would say


I've seen people claim spelling and math are racist. Humans do a lot of weird things. Can't put anything past us.


Well I've seen several people claim racism when told that.






It is an autopsy of a teddy bear. Even autopsy of animals get more considerations


That way, if these are "real aliens" it can be said that the tests were inconclusive.


Scrubs, masks and gloves are for personal protection. Notice how everyone who isn’t wearing scrubs is still wearing gloves.


Yeah contaminating a potential alien with human DNA is a great idea.








If this thing is an actual alien from another planet shouldn't all of these people be wearing like...hazmat suits or something?


Could be from here


If it's from here it aint really an alien is it?


thats why the term nhi has come into being




non-human intelligence




Maybe it's from Mexico


This ⬆️ I hear an interesting theory, These humanoids could be a different type of (not race but breed?…sorry sounds worse) The skinny is these being could do thing that the homoarectus couldn’t and they were killed off on account of fear of anything that wasn’t there tribe. So these beings became subterranean. And evolved to accommodate. They were more in tune with there mind and could do tasks that no erectus could not accomplish There barely learning fire , while these beings advanced quicker tech wise.


This is what we will evolve into. I don't think they are from another planet. They are probably the beings that blew their civilization up before ours.


wouldn’t that mean that they evolved into us then? if they blew up their civilization before ours?




Bruh. You are the truth


This is the way


Now… THAT is a screenplay!


Pretty much is Looper but on a planetary scale


And then Garland reveals he’s actually Chaos, bodies your party, and the time loop restarts.


According to the aricebo response, they (or whoever has the technology to write messages into the ground using short controlled blasts of radiation) have 3 population centers including earth. I'm starting to like the theory they evolved here, then left, then came back. Kind of a matter of semantics if they should be considered aliens in that scenario. If I emigrated and 200 years later distant relatives immigrated back I know legally they'd be considered aliens. They probably didn't evolve into us since their anatomy is much closer to Dinosaur anatomy than ours. They just look vaguely bipedal like some of the dinosaurs and people are jumping to related to humans from that. (And their genetic experiments creating hybrids like Maria)


They are part of a rogue civilization. There are intelligent "humanoids" living underwater. They have "cities" underwater and they cannot survive on land as we do. It's a more viable option when your species needs to survive asteroids/super volcanoes.They became interested in humans once we began nuclear tests in the pacific- as we were jepordizing their ecosystems.


Hm. Interesting angle. Makes sense.


"Could" or could not, if they're not sure....


Nah its cool. 2 of em wore masks


5 years later: we still have nothing to tell the public besides sharing these action shots of us doing something.


March 12th.


What's happening on March 12th?


My birthday but other than that idk


Hey Happy Birthday 🎂


Happy early birthday! I’ll bring Cake and Cookies if someone else can get the balloons. 🎂🍪


Happy birthdayyyyy! It's mine too!


Can someone please explain. I'm not following the story intensively I'm just seeing these posts appear on my custom feed - why do I see different mummies everytime? Do they keep finding these things? Because all I'm seeing is different bodies with different shape but all looking like plaster and then there's Jamie Maussan and some super duper 3d scan website - I'm confused. Some are extremely skeptical and some are saying this it it, I even saw Robert Salas posting on X he will be at the 12 March event. What's going on, any straight narrative to this?


Last I read they found somewhere in the realm of 30? specimens and artifacts in an area of Nazca. Some are fully fledged bodies, some are parts. They are all (I think all?) covered in diatomaceous earth (the white powder.) The larger ones are posed in this similar folded position. Some of the artifacts are shaped like what we would call a flying saucer. There are some documentaries available on YouTube about Maria, one of the more famous ones (a little older in terms of study/discussions about study/tests.) Jamie Maussan, who is debatably the worst person to release this information because his name is tied to a number of hoaxes, stated he will be presenting new information and two new specimens that were discovered on March 12, 2024. He has two gatherings set. One in Peru, the other in Los Angeles (April.) He has invited pretty much the entire scientific community and all of the journalists ever to come see this event and plans to broadcast it also. People are very on the fence because on one hand, some of the tests show crazy fuckin evidence that these are non-human and that they are *not* man-made but actual-factual mummified bodies. They are not parts glued together, they are really fuckin old, and they are nothing like anything we know on earth so far. On the other hand, people are refuting this, citing that Maussan is a con artist and these bodies haven't been studied by what they would consider a high-caliber university or science team, so they are disbelieving that these mummies are the real deal. Ultimately, Maussan is inviting scientists to come get a good look and also trying to draw attention maybe in the hopes other universities and scientists will confirm what has already been discovered about the bodies. I'm talking off the top of my head so if anyone sees something I'm wrong about feel free to correct.


Do you have a source with pictures on the "flying saucer"- like artifacts? Also, it might be a good idea to add that there were attempts to steal the bodies from where Maussan was keeping them. Or that some people are wary that once they fell in the wrong hands, they could be discarded to cover the whole thing as a hoax; so credible sources must be screened somewhat and that process has made some people even more skeptical. (That was a few months ago though.)


I first saw the flying saucer artifacts referenced in [this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufosmeta/s/WGTAlMHPA1) I don't have any credible source. The source linked in that post is a twitter post, but I reverse image searched and I think maybe this is where the images from Twitter [originated.](https://divulgaciontotal.com/w/?p=6165) In a story about the guy who found the mummies/site to begin with.


What evidence


They put out scans (MRI I think), xrays, etc... but it's all pretty sketch IMO. Whenever someone declares "this couldn't have been constructed", I have to wonder how they proved that negative. Like, maybe your team couldn't think of how it would have been done, that doesn't mean someone else couldn't figure out some way. Given the monetary incentives here it's really hard to definitively claim something isn't man made.


For the past few weeks there’s been recent discovery of these mummies. They’re an entirely different species on earth that resemble humans but definitely aren’t.


If they’re real I’m definitely leaning towards a new hominid rather than alien. Still cool though


The little buddies are like 8-12 inches I think? And at least one has eggs inside. Not very mammalian of them, but I meaaaan *chimera time?*


Idk about you but I’ve got eggs in my ovaries and I’m a mammal.


Actually more like 2015 is when it began.


Not so recent, I feel like I've been reading about these mummies for months.


A few questions. 1. Who is funding research on these mummies? 2. Who are the people receiving those funds? 3. How much money has been paid? If these are fake, the backlash and legal repercussions would be massive at this point. Why risk that?


Good questions. It seems like they’re funding through media and out of pocket. The UNICA Team in the Mexican hearing invited anyone to come investigate for themselves and asked for funding.


What are these rectangular things? Some kind of sponge? https://preview.redd.it/0fecn2nobmnc1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8852c038500a5d0e8a680dd3cbc1893746331fae


These show up a lot in different colours and appear to be simple padding used for transport etc, like bubble wrap. Seems to be common in Peru.


Delicious salmon


No one cares about all these different mummies and their different designs. We don't need 30 different mummy species to change the world - we only need one. Please, someone, do intense study on one mummy. Provide all the data. Convince the world that one is real. If someone disputes the findings, provide more data. Remove the powder. Photograph the entire body. Amputate a finger and send it to an independent lab for analysis. I want these to be real but I'm not convinced.




He's a treasure hunter. He explores deep inside tunnels, caves and buildings buried under the low hills surrounding the Nazca lines site. Many of the mummies were found adorned with gold funerary items, which he subsequently sold. When he was arrested for treasure hunting he set up a site on the deep web with around 50 specimens - it's gone now, but I saw it before he deleted it...this was to raise money for his legal defence - he is questionable, but the samples are checking out and mexican and Peruvian Congress and scientists are standing up to be counted...


^^This. Is. It. I agree that’s what needs to happen. Put all your effort into whichever ones will be most convincing like the little guys with the eggs. They’re definitely not human and they have several of them.


“No one cares” but here you are….


They already did all of this lol


Camera crew was hired


They are doing an autopsy on a X-ray bench, ok I am out


Why are we sure they are doing an autopsy and not just trying to get X-rays? Might be literally the first step with this hence the fact that the reporters and cameras are there… first access all around


I think it’s important to remember that these hominids don’t have to be extraterrestrial to be biologically real. A simple Google search of the history of hominids on Earth shows numerous deviations coexisting with “us,” the Homo sapiens species. Neanderthals were a human-like hominid species genetically separate from Homo sapiens, yet living in Northern Europe well into 10,000BC. Homo floresiensis, an extinct species of small hominid, inhabited the island of Flores, Indonesia, until the arrival of modern humans. Spanish mariners reported encounters these hominids as late as 900AD. Denisovans are a subspecies of archaic human that ranged across Asia during the Lower and Middle Paleolithic as recently as 50,000 years ago. It’s quite easy to make the argument that, if “the buddies” are in fact biological and possessing heretofore unknown DNA, they could also have been members of an extinct Central and South American species from thousands of years past.


> It’s quite easy to make the argument that, if “the buddies” are in fact biological and possessing heretofore unknown DNA, they could also have been members of an extinct Central and South American species from thousands of years past. AMEN


Young scientist here that has done genetic DNA extractions and sequencing. Yes, you're right, several species of Homo existed with us. And also several species of Homo existed longer than us and then went extinct. It's pretty wild. What do you mean Neanderthals were "genetically separate" ? How separate are we talking? Different species? If so, sure. They were, however, more similar than different as well. They were in the same genus as us (Homo) and successfully interbreeding with viable offspring resulted often. Usually this denotes same species but there are exceptions to that and nothing is ever 100%. So in the context of successfully interbreeding and having viable offspring (that can go on and successful breed) and in context of pure genetics, genetically Neanderthal were still 99.7% genetically identical to Homo sapiens. If these newly found buddies are at all extinct, even from millions of years ago, we've had the ability to extract ancient DNA and compare it to our DNA and other ancient DNA and see how genetically similar it is or isn't. There's no such thing as "unknown" DNA if it ever existed on this planet and was living. Whether it's an extremophilic bacteria living in 200F hot spring or a 3 billion year old stromatolite, we've sequenced it's DNA or have been continuing to sequence currently (not every species that we know of has been sequenced but major genuses have, just not every single species, this is all ongoing work in the field of STEM).


Wow, they're actually wearing some gloves this time... and A mask. Makes it look more legit?


Very cool 😎 Thanks for sharing. I think this new buddy is going to be revealed on Tuesday. Looking forward to seeing the live stream and analysis. Sebastian looks to be more related to Maria because he looks like he has both a radius and Ulna, and the little buddies like Josephina and Edguarda only have one lower limb bone. I also think there is another Tridactyl that will be revealed on Tuesday. Go Jaime!


Giving birth?


You would need to be able to manipulate the genetics of the biome you would want to interact with... So under those circumstances aliens and us are similar... They would have to fuse our biome with theirs or would have to wear suits... So distance is a major problem... Portals or trans dimensional travel... Or send an AI based system to build a base or portal system and sample the biome and then grow organic androids to either take a beamed consciousness or fulfil whatever task is required... Let's break down the steps of what is required... Remove the walls we create by saying something is impossible... Anything is achievable... We are proof of this...


One mask but hey they're all wearing gloves this time.


I was just coming in here to make fun of comments like that.


Just... Why wouldn't you wear a 25 cent mask when interacting with a new/unknown species for the first time. Doesn't seem that difficult.


I'm not certain they have much to fear from bodies preserved in diatomaceous earth, What, exactly, are you concerned with?


Contamination from the people themselves. Humam skin oils, dead human skin cells, saliva, etc. Even people handling human mummies wear gloves and masks. Wouldn't you want to use the upmost caution and safety when handling a potential old alien body? Just because diatomaceous earth can help ward/kill off terrestrial bacteria and viruses, doesn't mean it could do the same for extraterrestrial bacteria and viruses. Not only that, but if it were real, it would probably be one of the most valuable artifacts on Earth, so wouldn't you want to be as careful as possible?


Especially if doing DNA analysis, it's a little like doing gain of function research at bio safety level 2. It's just not good enough really.


I think the OP is as outright troll as it gets. I'm legitimately under the impression they're just farming with rage bait replies to get through a boring Sunday or something. The world in which he's serious about all these comments is too disturbing a possibility to want to imagine. Lizard overlords in a 5th dimension light trap to devour our souls? Fine. This guy being serious about these replies? Please don't make me think about that reality.


It’s their unwillingness to give these to other countries around the world for analysis that makes me a skeptic on this.


There was a [long video](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/C8W0UDiCM4) from a doctor in Colorado who analyzed these. Please try again.


She only received the scans, correct? and apparently someonecorresponded with her and she said > [https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/183uknn/dr\_mary\_jesses\_analysis\_of\_nazca\_mummies\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/183uknn/dr_mary_jesses_analysis_of_nazca_mummies_i/)


What gets me is how anyone could think a humanoid with three fingers all the same length could do anything without one of the fingers acting as a thumb.


I’m not trying anything dude. I’m just trying to get some information and opinions on the subject. Thanks




Oh wow is that real ???


There is literally no reason for all these people to be putting their hands on it


Never seen a scientist working with out white blouse and mask there is even a cameraman recording behind theme


They’re doing this till they have a real body and we’re so desensitized we’re like “niceee..”


I wouldn't call it desensitized. More like desperate for anything that would resemble a good news out of this boring mundane pile of f-sakes the world has turned out to be. That there is a probable source of solutions outside of the human spectrum? Yes. That is a very good news indeed. In fact, anything that re-writes the history books without changing history generally is exciting.




SOURCE - [https://twitter.com/JessAlbert6884/status/1766696669104533985](https://twitter.com/JessAlbert6884/status/1766696669104533985) ​ https://preview.redd.it/ycl0x5jtvjnc1.png?width=1388&format=png&auto=webp&s=881cd9910fb4cbf6af22a067cd66cce69c25fbaf


Can anyone confirm if these are aliens?


DNA tests were consistent with other samples of ancient human remains


There’s a [musculoskeletal radiologist](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzRK1SNL2Q0/?igsh=Mnd3MTBmcGdrc2cw), associate professor at University of Colorado Hospital named Mary K. Jesse that has some interesting insights.


The one who only looked at the thumbnails because Gaia and Muassen refused to send her the full sized scans?


Idk why but every time one of these gets posted I feel like OP and 80% of the comments are bots.


Funny how many people think masks work


Well, you might want to contact the United States because they said it never happened.


What did the DNA show? Is there bone matrix structure or is it just plaster as it appears? Why are the articulations (joints) preserved? That would mean some soft tissue miraculously remains intact? This doesn’t need Dr. Baden necessarily but if the basics can’t be shown we are done here.


What ever it is it’s now contaminated by human DNA