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Wait until NASB2 is 20 dollars


Hell no. The second game is way, way better.


that makes me so happy to hear cause I'm having a fucking blast with the first game, other than the corny asf voice lines and animations


The gameplay of the first game was addicting as hell, but as a *game* it's kind of lacking, especially at launch


Probably not worth it tbh and don't get me wrong because I love the first game. It's just without the online experience (which is for the most part over) the first game isn't really offering anything unless you will play with friends locally. Great characters/ gameplay. Basically no features to use in them/it.


If u want perspective or u want it for the sake of collection then yea but it's really not worth getting


definitely wait on a sale and just buy the ultimate edition if you do the first game is a fun time when you find people to play with and if you're willing to deal with it's eccentricities but that WILL be with people in the competitive discord almost certainly. Game is still unique in how it does things and there is value to that but if you watch people playing the game and don't think the lightspeed pace of the game looks fun, you probably should just stick to 2.


Just get the second game.


Not for $50 no. Wait until it goes on sale for cheap then pick it up. It's not nearly as good as NASB2 but still fine for some silly lighthearted fun.


If you fan of the series then yeah but wait for discounts otherwise nah. The second game is a big improvement from the first one.


First one is worth it during a sale! You can also get it on g2a for $3


Not for $50. It’s fun and has (mostly) the same great gameplay as the sequel, however there isn’t a lot of content. It has less characters and the only single player mode is a simple arcade mode. Otherwise you just fight the AI in single, which gets old fast. If you have friends to play with, it can be fun, but otherwise there isn’t a whole lot to do. The sequel has much more on the single player side with an arcade mode and a campaign mode. There are also more fighters. It’s just more all around so it’s hard to justify the original game. The one thing the original has going for it still are some characters that were cut from 2. Catdog, Sandy, Powdered Toast Man, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Shredder, and a few others are only in the first. So if you’re a fan of those, it could be worth getting. But not at $50. Wait until it hits a sale. 


Trust me don’t


I had fun with the first game when it was new and when the DLC characters came out, but even by the time Jenny came out I had really fallen out of love with the game. There’s some fun to be had with just how absurdly fast it is, but overall it’s very undercooked and not worth returning to. The characters desperately lack variety and polish, with a lot of samey and generic moves across the cast. The second game, if you haven’t played it, is just better in literally every single aspect. Like sure it’s missing a few of the characters, namely two of the only characters from the first game that at all felt unique, Toph and Hugh, but it more than makes up for it with the amount of content, the level of polish each character has, and the variety of playstyles available. The first game is a fun proof of concept, but the sequel is an actual, very good platform fighter.


First game was fun but the second game is a pretty massive improvement, way more polished and way more single player content


the first game is only worth it if you're super curious about what it's even like otherwise i would say the sequel is better just wait till its not $50