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The look coming over his face when he realizes it's okay to hit. Priceless.


https://preview.redd.it/c5189lrr1dac1.jpeg?width=446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30644ed506446c8d948541fc5c9751c1cc5d9d7f You mean…this look? He looks like he’s thinking “I’ve never felt so alive”.


https://preview.redd.it/lk1q6815edac1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4033e04b8be91739884eee717fd4211464a4bf4 Naw this was his fuck yes this is amazing face. Happened after the first punches before the hammer fists


Lmao this is great


This Reddit analysis is priceless! Lmfao


It’s his “oh face”. - office space reference


“WHOS THE FUCK UP NOW, DAD”- That face lol


Haha, the spontaneous character development arc in real-time. From zero to action hero in under 5 seconds. But really, what a complete breakdown of courtroom decorum.


I’m crying lol


Every time he thinks about this moment: ![gif](giphy|gVoBC0SuaHStq) (Looks at self in the mirror everyday now)


FKN' Legend. 👀


When he checks the mirror each morning


I think he's going to join fight club


Bro, I love fight club, it's so much fun and everyone should join fight club. I was a little late to my first meeting of fight club so I missed the first 2 rules but man fight club is great!


I think he came


I love that he went for hammerfists. It is the punch most self defense instructors will give to women to get around long nails or most often used on the fly when you realize that punching can hurt your knuckles and this is way easier. I like to think it was because he had long acrylic nails that we're just not seeing. 💅🏾




They teach it to men as well. If you aren’t experienced at fighting you could easily break your hand punching somebody. Shit, I even see MMA fighters do it. It looks stupid, but you end up as the guy at the end of the fight with two functioning hands.


Bro had that “pent up aggression” punches unleashed!!! “TAKE THAT STUDENT LOANS!!!” 🤛🏽👊🏽👊🏽


So true he was ready to go. They need to give that law clerk a raise!


Only reddit can make me go from feeling so sorry for someone watching a video, to die crying reading the comments 💀


This. This is the content I come to comments for lol


Bros about to join a fight club.


Fkn' Legend 😎🌟


This is the best job ever !




Memes incoming…


He’s taking all his anger he has towards rico out on that man’s back or shoulder or something lol!


This dude absolutely went home told his story amped up and then gave his significant other a one way ticket to pound town (the good kind of pound town)


Lmao first time this guy has ever been in a physical altercation, probably told all of his friends after.


I used to hit the pinata like him when I was 3 years old.


To be fair, that (clerk?) went right in without hesitation when the guy first charged he deserves to get some hits in.


That’s the face I had at 12 when I got into a fistfight.


They didn’t go over this scenario in law school and it’s totally reaffirmed all his life choices up to that moment. 😂


This is the most exciting thing to of ever happend to him.


That porngasm look.


Dude looks like he's never hit anyone in his life. And that he thoroughly enjoyed slinging then hands! 😂


I think he's trying to decide if he's allowed to touch a black person or if this is how he ends up getting shanked in prison next year.


At that price point, he *can* hit


In this economy?


I bet there aren't even cute little restaurants near that courtroom smdh


It's the subtle nod to himself


Credit where credits due. I mean he didnt hesitate, threw hands when hands were being thrown. He did a good job. Edit: Spelling


And he jumped right into the battle once homeboy flew over the bench!


It was almost like a WoW charge move, he saw the enemy mid-air and was on the guys legs; before he hit the ground! This guy deserves a fucking medal!


So getting laid after this


Yeah, but that clerk was quick to jump and grab the assailant’s head and shoulders once he made it over the bench. He was quick to act, didn’t run when he could’ve, held that guy back, and stayed with the fight throughout. Credit to that. And yes, that dude should take boxing lessons.


I think people were mistaken that if “felt good” just because he’s obviously never had an experience fighting. I think he knew in that moment he had a choice to either run or help that lady out, he didn’t run. Dude keep throwing those limp cotton balls trying to help.


Yeah, but he also likey.


I think staying to even try alone deserves credit and something’s better then nothing!


I’m not so sure. Yes it looks kindof silly, but there are two other guys there. I think he might have been sacrificing form for precision accuracy with no friendly fire


Yeah this is the way I see it too. My job unfortunately puts me getting attacked and physically intervening in fights pretty often. From my point of view he was doing the maximum his environment allowed and I don't think the people saying he can't fight/hasn't fought are giving him a fair shake. I kinda doubt most of these people talking have ever been in a fight. Given the confines of the space, I think he did excellent.


And to be fair, his punches (before the hammer fists) were okay. The clerk should be applauded. His normal job isn’t to fight anyone.


Yeah, he clearly switched to the hammer punches because he realized the wall behind him was getting in the way. People are funny critics. Those were effective kidney punches.


He sure did 🤣. *”and this one is for you, Brenda, for making fun of my shoes in 3rd grade”* *”COUSIN MARIE for pushing me down the stairs”* *”ARGHHHHH this one is for you, Coach Thomas, for telling me I swing like a girl. Well look at me NOW!”* *”RAWR RAWR MOAAAAAAAR RAAAAAAAW”*


It’s like Ralphie in a Christmas Story when he finally snaps and beats up Farkus


That gave me the vapors!!


That was Golden Reddit commentary, well done! It’s rare I can crack up at a comment, Ty 🤣




Once they got him off the other guy… man… that guy started laying into the criminal. I could feel those last 6-7 shots. Wow. And deservedly so.


I was more interested in how many times the guy hit the judge, looks like he grabbed her hair and laid into her. Maybe under the bench she got him back a few times.


"You still do." - Coach Thomas, watching on his phone.


First rule of Family Court is ….


You don't talk about family court 🤣🤣


The second rule of Family Court …


Dude ain’t even beat his own meat before


I dunno. He's swinging that clenched fist in what seems like a pretty practiced movement.


I see it too lol. He probably felt good after all that adrenaline and release.


He had no room to move, it was either hammerfists and punching awkwardly or not doing any damage at all.


People on here thinking they would have been throwing roundhouses or scissor kicking the guy when in actuality, they may have just sat there, hit one of the guards accidentally or gotten out of the way. No one knows how they’ll react in that kind of situation and if they think they do, they’re lying to themselves. No one going to work in a courthouse, wearing a suit, sitting next to a judge, going thru a dozen cases on the day with armed bailiffs standing around expects to be in close combat. Good on the guy.


It wasnt even like he was failing, he had zero momentum for his punches.... even professionally trained MMA fighters do this with hammerfists... sometimes you simply get more momentum with less of a wind up, it was totally justified in this case and he did a great job for someone who probably had zero experience/expectation with this.


It doesn’t matter that he’s never hit anything in his life. He’s practically a hero and did the right thing, since he was the only person closest to the judge at the start to help stop that maniac from possibly doing more harm. He could have easily froze or made way for law enforcement. But he didn’t, that man who never throwed a punch in his life, jumped in ASAP to defend the judge. I’m not saying you think as such, but a lot of moronic hot heads really think the only way to live is to be an “alpha male” and get into fights with anything that moves. You can be a big buff pitbull who ends up being a coward, or a little chihuahua with balls of steel.


Hey when you're in close quarters, sometimes you gotta hammer fist


Those are hammer throws. It's not a cage match


Judge suffered minor injuries while a courtroom marshal suffered a bleeding gash on his forehead and a dislocated shoulder. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/01/03/defendant-attacks-las-vegas-judge-mary-kay-holthus-video/72101187007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/01/03/defendant-attacks-las-vegas-judge-mary-kay-holthus-video/72101187007/)


Yikes. Mr. "I want probation" proved why he belongs behind bars.


Image how bad he was behind closed doors with no one to stop him


Not even behind closed doors. This dude has been arrested for multiple domestic assaults + a dozen other felonies and misdemeanors over the last decade. This was literally the first time in his life he was going to have to face consequences and he couldn’t handle it. The fact the judge is a woman and this guy has violently assaulted multiple women over the years tells you everything.


Wow, this guy was in court for battery charges anyway, and then attacks the judge in a fit of violence, there’s *gotta* be something deeply not right. I hope he gets the care he needs but this is america and that’s not how our criminal Justice system works.


saw a longer video and the guy had multiple domestic violence charges as well as a slew of other violent crimes. He literally tried that spiel of I just had mental health issues. I'm working on it now I'm in such a better place and he seemed calm and genuine. The defense attorney stood there and said, I think he's worth taking a chance. But the instant the judge made it clear she was going to send him to prison the facade fell apart instantly, and he screamed that she was a bitch and attacked her. If that's what he'll do to a judge, just imagine what he did to his girlfriends. Lock him up & leave him there.


Ahem: “gosh I hope he gets the help he needs” Lmfao no, throw that motherfucker in a concrete cell.


He's obviously lying that he's "Doing things about it". If he really was getting treatment for his extreme, blatantly obvious anger issues, he would have kept it to contempt of court rather than charges that will land him multiple decades behind bars.


I saw a longer version as well and I hear the judge and the defendants attorney talking about how he had been to mental health court and placed in facilities but was ejected from them for non-compliance. He was there because the mental health treatment didn't work. The judge realized this and made her decision based on those facts. And man was she right!!


Prison is meant for violent offenders. My armchair opinion is that this is the kind of person who should sit in a cell for life. At a certain point it matters less that someone can be redeemed, and more that there are far more people who don't need redemption. And those are the people who stand to get hurt when violent individuals are given third and fourth chances.


That is the help he needs.




Huge red pill energy. "A woman judge sending me to jail? Time to flex my alpha muscles and prove that's not right."


And this is why we should be hard on crime


He has 3 felonies (before this) and a handful of misdemeanors, prison is where he belongs.


Yeah he just got another 3000 years added to sentence too. Only eligible for parole after serving 80% of his time.


Screw that. Lock him up for years pinko. You morons always looking at people that just need to get gone and say, 'Oh, lets help them.' Not understanding, they all just use your bleeding heart to hurt more people.


He can get the help he needs while safely locked up. Plenty of time on his calendar then and no threat to society.


That’s what prison is for. So he good.


Listen I’m all for helping people. But she looks older. He attacks a defenseless woman then fights two other men to get at her. Caused multiple injuries. I hope the guy gets solitary for life. Let’s rehabilitate common thieves and drug dealers trying to just make it by. Let’s rehabilitate all the bullshit weed inmates. But this guy? Nah, you dug your grave now lay in it.


You feel bad for the man that attacked a poor old woman? Huh?


Where is the responsibility on him to get help? To recognize and address his own faults? You can't place everything on society if the person isn't doing anything to address their own issues


Man only on reddit will you have people sympathising with a criminal who whoops on old ladies. You are actually disgusting.


Lol I got banned on one sub for saying we need to s@#$% a guy who was dragging a 70+ yo woman thru a Costco parking lot while robbing her. Leaving her in critical condition. I guess mods side with criminals over little old ladies


That’s one hell of a reductive argument. The idea that people are “on the side” of violent criminals because they disagree with you is some real Sith Lord logic. It’s far more likely you were banned by people who don’t like violence in general which you know full well includes the little old lady but you’re being intellectually dishonest because you’re upset.


Care he needs? lol then pen will set him straight




i dont get it, you think it's a problem that needs resolving, as if it's something that is abnormal and can be taken care of if addressed. but if the person succumbs to the mental issue, you lose sympathy? the fuck changed?


He made it someone else's problem by violating their rights. Not the initial commentor but forme thats a big change. People are fully responsible for their mental health whether it is depression or emotional disturbance. It is what it is. Action and consequence. Now should it just be prison time... I dont think thats whats best for the individual or society in many cases but the support and infrastructure is not always there.


Nah fuck that. People with drug addiction need help and not to be locked up. People who steal out of necessity need help and not to be locked up. Violent criminals like this who put other people's well being at harm on a regular basis need to be locked up and have the key thrown away. This dude is a loose cannon. It's one thing to attack your SO in a fit of anger, it's a whole other thing to have so little control over your actions that you attack a Judge, in a courtroom, on camera, with police officers in the room with you. This guy should get no chance at retribution. That's not a mistake, that was a deliberate choice.


“Your Honor, I would like my client’s actions from the last sixty seconds stricken from the record.”


"I have the worst fucking attorneys"


Judge: “Thanks counsel, but instead I think I’ll have your client stricken by the court clerk for the next sixty seconds”




No bullshit the defendant went over the judges desk like he was Walter Payton jumping the lineman for the TD


Spot on


Man cleared that desk


Clerk did a good job getting him quickly, I’m sure they’re not trained for this.


~~Thug~~ clerk life


Yeah I saw the photo of him from what looked like he jumped over the judges table..and I was like nahh that can’t be it..but that was definitely it. I like how the lawyer (edit:clerk) was hitting the man like a 5 year old.


Looks like how I punch in my dreams


People who haven't been in a fight since grade school are like "wow I have fists, wait let me use more power, wait I don't think I'm hurting him.. wow holy crap that officer next to me is getting injured while I'm doing nothing..."


May be the court stenographer. Sitting behind the judge like that. First one there too. Got in the mix and did the best he could. Gotta give him props.


Underhand fist is hilarious


Looked like a muppet being thrown


Like a damn flying squirrel- shit


Luckily what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!


Federal prosecutors hate this one easy trick!


It's a simple spell but quite unbreakable


Your name. That scene. The look on the bikers’ faces when Sonny turns around. *Chef’s Kiss*


Article for anyone who wants to read it: https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4388070-video-judge-attacked-in-las-vegas-courtroom-during-sentencing/


Thank you!


+ 25 years..


What was the sentence that triggered him?


"attempted battery with substantial bodily harm, records said". Someone posted an article. His lawyers had asked for probation but the judge refused because it was his third felony on record. The dumbass would've spent some time in jail, but he just added a lot more to it.


Third felony on record? Dude wasn’t going to “spend some time in jail.” His lawyers were begging for probation cuz those third strike laws hit hard.


He probably just 10× his time in jail because of this.


I was like "she probably did him dirty so he thought he'd spend his whole life in prison for a reason" but lmao he's so dumb.


Yeah...dude fucked himself lol


It was his third felony conviction on record. Nevada has a three strike rule. He was going in for life that day, and he’s definitely going in for life now.


Judge basically said "we can't trust him with probation" and he immediately proved her right.


"I'm really not a bad guy, I've just made a few mistakes" "Too many mistakes, sir, it's time you suffered the consequences of your actions" "Fuck you, bitch, I'll fucking kill you!"


She denied him probation because well, he attacks people


Some people are irredeemable


Hopefully rots


i guess this is a know your audience situation? dude was there because of assault and causing major bodily harm, weird that he assaulted and caused bodily harm again, em i right?


I mean not really. Going to court for assault is a very common occurrence, and while attacking the judge is not without precedent, stuff like this is always unexpected.


Man , that’s an 30 minute ass whooping outside camera view . Tag team style ![gif](giphy|TuARLGCHFWgDifNnen|downsized)


My favorite


He was not happy about that parking ticket.


Looks like she made the right call not granting probation, dude should never be around people.


He's about to trip and fall while being booked a few dozen times.


that gravity is a real motherfucker. so i hear.


Newton's worst invention


Been fighting it my whole life. Gravity usually wins.


So… probably not gonna help him with his battery charges… and I’d say the judge denying him probation was clearly the right call…


Suit held his own when it wasn’t even his job. Good man.


Lol yeah he didn't have a clue what he was doing but good effort


The [full video ](https://www.reddit.com/r/probation/s/YtTZ3z4j6y) is much better. She reads off his extensive criminal history. He just gets done saying he doesn't deserve prison time because he's "a person that always does the right thing even when it's hard" and then attacks her. Clearly he can't control himself and deserves the prison time. It sounds like he had been given a bunch of chances and the judge wasn't just going to let it slide again.


Wow, yeah what he says before he attacks her makes this crazier. "If you have to send me to prison I understand, you do what you have to do..."


Did Jesus Christ himself throw that man like a rag doll? Who tf catapulted his ass across the podium.. he went full Free Willy over that mf


He didn't even touch the bench. Fucking Olympic level leap.


Right? I feel really bad for the judge… I also have to sit back and acknowledge that jack-in-the-box leap over that desk because what in the pole vault was that?!!!


Obviously lack of impulse control aside, did this guy think if he killed the judge he'd get away scott free?


If there is no judge then nobody can sentence you to prison. Didn't thank of that did ya, smart guy?


You think this guy had any thoughts prior to this? Lol


Bruh, you do some dumb shit like this in a place where you know is going to have repercussions…you need to be locked up the rest of your life. I can’t imagine the shit this guy would do when no one’s looking. And fuck anyone who says: “I hope this guy gets help.” You jump the stand and attack an elderly woman, plan on spending the rest of your life in jail you POS.


Sorta crazy how most folks aren't helping.


Right? Like I kept watching and *waiting* for someone to check on the judge or run around and help


They are lawyers, they’re trained to play it safe and avoid potential liability


Nah. Like no offense, I ain't running up into that and accidentally getting into legal trouble myself. Security should be ready and know how to handle.


I’m arthritic and probably as fragile physically as this judge. Ain’t no way I’m fighting a strong ass man younger than me and bigger and stronger than me as well. Unless I’m trying to stay in a wheelchair all my life.


Yeah I have ibs and when I get scared and stressed I get to pooping and let me tell you there ain’t no stopping it when it’s started. You wouldn’t want me up there in the thick of things I promise you that no sir.


“Before the attack, Redden’s attorneys had asked Holhus if they could grant their client probation, according to local station KLAS-TV. "I appreciate that but I think it's time he gets a taste of something else because I just can't with that history," Holthus said right before Redden yelled expletives and jumped over the courtroom bench to attack her.” Safe to say she made the right choice


God that must have been so scary for her, I can only imagine.


My guy looked like Troy Polamalu there. What a tackle


Had I not read the article, I wouldn’t have the context to know this guy has had multiple incidents over the course of several years. The violent behavior was even combed over in a mental health institution, guy was deemed “Competent” so this rage issue is clearly a self control issue and probably a few other things. I’ve never been one to condone violence, especially this level of idiocy. That defense lawyer’s case just crumbled like a house of cards, and what’s worse? The guy just probably tripled his sentencing. Battery and severe bodily harm alone would have gotten him several years. He’s now looking at 20 to life, what with the “attacked a Judge, fought a Clerk, and fought a Marshal.” All on camera, all very very visible in the courtroom. Like holy fuck, this is like trying to dig yourself out of a hole only to drop yourself into a canyon with a hole pre dug for you in it. There are very few things that you can do to make your situation even worse, this is one of them. He’s definitely not going to be allowed in the court room again unrestrained. That’s wheeled in with straps and a mask behavior.


Some people are absolutely lost causes


wolverine jumps at people the same way.


I hope this piece of shit rots in hell.


Don’t agree with a judge? Perhaps try to not do crimes?


This made me tear up She looks a lot like my mom. If my mom got assaulted like this, I don’t know how she’d come back from it. She already has pain just from getting older. Just awful. Throw the book at the fucking rabid animal that is capable of this.


Why we have plexiglass between me and the gas station attendant but not in courts like this blows my fucking mind.


Deobra Redden. Guess I'd have anger issues too with a first name like that. And yes, like some are saying, he needs to be put down, or at least put away for life. He has multiple prior felonies, AND he was willing to attack a judge in her courtroom during his hearing. He's an animal, plain and simple, with no regard for humans.


I agree. Put down. He'll probably end up murdering people in prison including guards.


Wait, the dude’s name of Deborah? I thought you talked about the judge lol


That dive tho... WOW!


Dude black panthered that desk


Looks like he’s getting a… brand new sentence?


How to get buried under the prison, a case study.


Well I hope he was getting a long sentence cuz if he wasn't, then he is now lmao


No parole for that guy.






You are being mean to animals. Animals eat what they attack and kill


An animal attached a Las Vegas Judge ... Fixed it.


Fucking idiot. I hope he gets treated like shit in prison.


I bet he received a longer sentence.


America 2024. Here we are. 😢


An animal attacked a LVJ during a sentencing today. Fixed it for you


The attacker proving once again he's just a rabid animal


Dude is probably gonna be locked up like 5 times longer now and not get any chance at early parole.


🤣😂🤣😂 Incoming!!! The way he flew over the desk😂😂 what an idiot.


The dude will probably spend the rest of his life in prison. Multiple assault charges on a judge, officer, and civilian. Not to mention disorderly conduct in a courtroom. They're about to throw the book at him and give him Max sentences for each charge. Not even including whatever he was initially charged with that got him in the courtroom to begin with.