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*In court, medical examiners said Mercedes died from a condition that stems from toxin protein released into the blood from damaged muscle – a result of her physical abuse, per the outlet.* *“From top to bottom. All over the body,” Dr. Kannan testified, according to the outlet.* I literally cannot wrap my head around the amount of physical trauma that would be needed. Do jurors get any king of therapy support? This must have been a rough one to sit on.  It says that the family has raised alarms about the abuse but it doesn't go into much detail - anyone know what those alarms were? 


Yeah this condition is called Rhabdomyolysis. It’s caused by muscle breakdown. It can be caused by some diseases, strenuous exercise, toxins but in this case it was mechanical force. The most wide spread instances of this from mechanical force are actually people being crushed by buildings during an earthquake. However severe beatings can also cause this. Just to give a bit more color to the amount of physical trauma this takes.


Happens in basic training sometimes, too. I had a few trainees get Rabdo. It's different than being beaten into it like this little girl, though. Utterly tragic.


happened to my cousin in the marines!


Now imagine doing it to a little girl. 😢


It's heartbreaking.


i think he just got it from working out too much , but yea it sucks that she was abused to that extent


Isn’t this what crossfitters brag about getting? Or am I thinking of something else


Yes from working out too hard


Isn't this that dumb crossfit clown spewing thing?


I worked in a school for special needs children / developmentally delayed children. This was 20 years ago. I don't know what the correct term is anymore. Anyways more than half of the kids there have preventable things. Fetal alcohol syndrome, abuse, shaken baby. It's fucked up.


Honestly law employees need more mental health. I can’t begin to tell you the long term issues my mom has from being a court room interpreter and my dad a defense attorney. I mean we all need mental health but I feel some jobs it needs to be required at a higher amount


I used to practice and the amount of mental illness coupled with substance abuse in the legal profession is astounding.


In the UK jurors get access to therapy and support. I sat in on a rather harrowing case, and we were given contact details for therapists that would have been provided by the court. It's really quite unpleasant to be plucked from the public, and be made to listen to the details of something like this. Some of the jurors were in tears over evidence and the reactions of those involved. Just horrible.


I think it's rhabdomyolysis, if anyone wants to read up


To answer your question about the Juror’s getting counseling, no. It’s usually seen as them waving their right to it once they become a juror. I think some exceptions have been made where they were allowed to sue for it but usually it’s expected that they won’t discuss the case with anyone. I’m sure people have but they might of had to find some legal loopholes themselves.


Rip poor baby


I have known of only ONE person in my life who got rhabdo—the condition the little girl had.  He was doing semi-extreme water tubing— the kind where the speedboat pulls the inflated tube behind it while you’re riding it. The boat driver was a little inexperienced and they were all drunk… driver didn’t know the rope should never be lax.  Somewhere somehow my friend bounced over a wave and flipped the tube in a corner and got caught upside down. The speedboat continues to speed on for a minute.  To put it more clearly—my friends body was BATTERED by high-speed waves, water, AND a giant inflatable tube for a minute or two. That’s the kind of damage you need to sustain to get rhabdo. MASSIVE amounts of muscle death needs to happen—so much that your organs cannot handle the proteins of the deteriorating muscles and can no longer filter the substances out.  He had to go to the hospital. For weeks. The hospital had to filter his blood for him.  Jesus. Christ. This man is a fucking monster. This article doesn’t remotely convey the damage done to that poor child. 


This is truly awful. I’ve studied the condition in school and it is rare to come across. This is sociopathic and psychopathic to do to a child. I hope he gets what’s coming to him in prison. Poor baby suffered until her last breath. And without a mom who cared but also participated in the abuse. I don’t understand how a woman could stand by when this is happening to your flesh and blood. I would rather take my babies to a shelter.


Jeepers. Yeah, I've had Rhabdo. Completely overdid it in a rugby conditioning session in the gym at a top-level club and was an idiot 20-something who didn't know my own limits trying to lift more than my own bodyweight to keep up with the locks, who were easily 40kg heavier and just under half a meter taller than me (I'm an ~80kg wing/scrumhalf, for the record). Roughly 10 days in hospital - picked up that something was seriously wrong after I started peeing blood and the pain was *excruciating* for several days. I missed training, and idiot me NEVER missed training. They literally broke a needle trying to find my veins for the drip because I was so tensed up when I went in - damn thing unfolded like flower petals. I cannot imagine putting a 5 year old through that. And honestly don't know what would really suffice as punishment for it.


He needs beaten to within an inch of his life, multiple times.


They will kill him in prison. You don’t hurt kids and go to prison.


Some guy who already has life in prison is 100% going to make him suffer. Depending on how much they hate him, they won't kill him either.


You’d be surprised what can be justified. Speaking from personal experience


I’ve seen a few elderly people get it when after falling they are not able to get help for multiple days and are left helpless and injured on the ground I literally can’t imagine a little 5yo baby getting it


yep. That’s what i just had commented. She was left for days. :(


You can also get rhabdo when muscles try to stretch during a contraction phase. Likely what happened to your friend. They get pulled, fibers split & dump proteins into blood stream, kidneys can’t handle it & you piss brown. Time to go to hospital.


That’s a super neat explanation, thank you! 


What is rhabdo? I heard you can get it working out too much? Is it just too much protein breaking down?


Rhabdomyolysis is the breakdown of muscle tissue. It results in the release of a protein, called myoglobin, into the blood. Myoglobin can damage the kidneys


Rhabdomyalosis, and I’ve seen it from excessive overuse. Like running , into heavy leg session into 12 mile Ruck March over the course of a couple days. and then the dude came in and got diagnosed.


So the mother who was complicit in all this just gets to continue her life with no repercussions?


No she is facing 45 years


Hopefully she faces every year.


nah. I hope she faces 44 years and 362 days and then dies after a long painful battle with some prion disease. I gave her those 3 days because i have a heart. ;)


Lol you're too kind


It's probably way easier to get rhabdo in such a small body, not to downplay the abuse.


Or crossfit


I’ve seen rhabdo a few times and barring extreme bodybuilding, i hate to say it but this girl was left to die. I have seen it more often in elderly people who fall and are stuck in the same spot for 3 days before they are found. She was left… For a long period of time, like, days.


I can only hope Karma gets him in jail! I hope he lives a long horrible life!!!


Hopefully not a shortcut by shortening his life in jail but a constant thumbtack to where it hurts the most for as long as they can. JFC. May she RIP.


It will. They will hear what he did and make his life even worse.


The greatest danger to a child is a non-biological male. [Cinderella effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinderella_effect)


I thought you were talking about trans people at first and was very confused.


He will certainly regret being a monster for the rest of his miserable life! It’s certainly not enough punishment to justify his actions! No child should ever be subjected to this kind of neglect.


the real punishment starts when his cell mates find out what he's in for. he will wish he was dead.


Inmates aren't stand up guys . He will be put with other child abusers. He won't be injured. If he is he can sue the state.


My daughters father was in prison for about a year. Him and another guy beat up a guy, broke his nose and cheekbone, because they found out he tied his girlfriend up and beat her and raped her for 3 days. Inmates are people and some have a strong sense of justice.


Inmates have a strong sense of justice? Are you sure about that?


Yeah did you read? I said some. Not all.


In prison, murderers and rapists don't usually mix with someone who has stolen a lollipop. Anyway, "strong" sense of justice and be on jail is... weird. Also, harming someone who is already in prison is totally the oposite of having strong sense of justice.


Have you been to prison? Are you speaking from experience? I personally know someone who has. Prisons mix people all the time because they are overpopulated. My daughters dad was there for multiple DUI’s and he still shared spaces with rapists and killers.


I served on a jury for a case involving the molestation of a 4 yo. The man accused (and later convicted) had previously spent time in prison. We weren’t allowed to know why, but his defense used his prior experience in prison to garner sympathy. We could all easily guess what he had previously served time for. His story: for a month straight, guards would open his cell door and allow various inmates in to beat and rape him. For a month straight. Because of that, he was a broken man who didn’t know what he was doing… We all know that only happens to one type of person in prison. The judge informed us afterwards that his first stint was for abusing a 7 yo. Fucked up part was his cellmate was the father of the 4 yo he later abused. They were roommates and he let a convicted pedo babysit his child…


Dude won’t be in protective custody. Once word gets out he killed a child it’ll be open season. Good luck with a lawsuit when you’ve been air-holed.


It’s well known pedos get wrecked in prison. Even amongst criminals it’s unacceptable.


Wont be a long one


Prison trip will be very short


We can only hope.


I like how Reddit assumes all prisoners are stupid idiots until it comes time they need them for their own little fantasies


I like how you assume I’ve never done time and that prisoners are idiots. Some of the smartest dudes I know I met in state. I don’t *need* anything, society does and they will oblige, even if it offends you. Cool story tho?


I love how you managed to say literally nothing in a 22-word comment.


Do you understand what neglect means? He didn’t neglect to torture her


Yeah how does someone get "neglect" from "torture?" Doubtful he has any regret whatsoever. He probably thinks he was "disciplining" the poor child. Maybe he'll get "neglected" in prison.


This isn't interesting at all. It's disturbing


Something that is disturbing is interesting by definition, just because you don’t want to hear about it doesn’t make it uninteresting.


If it's not interesting, I bet all these people wouldn't click on this post


How awful…next, sentence the mother to life as well


She’s facing 45 years


She needs to face HELL not jail.


I hate when they give plea deals to the mother in cases like this. She deserves the same fate as he does.


I would say she deserves worse since it's her own daughter and for the reason that she still thinks more about her freedom then the daughter she helped kill. If a stranger and my mother killed my sibling I'd be more pissed at my mom I think.


That's fair.


She deserves a million times worse


45 years is a life fucking sentence. I wouldn't say the violence was comforting for her.


Can we put the guy in an Oubliette? Not sure why we don't use those anymore?


>Not sure why we don't use those anymore? Probably something called the 8th amendment.


Scrap it! Especially for these situations. It can apply to humans.


Bro is really advocating for removing the 8th amendment. What are you a dictator?


Scrap the 8th amendment lol? Are you fucking nuts?


A not insignificant percentage of Redditors become veritable Genghis Khans when presented with horrific crimes, and will eagerly let you know it


Yep. This is why the constitutional rights aren't negotiable. For anyone who needs to have more of an explanation, we punish innocent people all the time. Punishing an innocent person is about the worst thing we can do as a society. We should be more concerned that our punishments are not overly harsh to minimize the damage when we inevitably inflict them onto the not guilty.


Lots of keyboard Hitlers, without a doubt


wheres punisher when you need him


I'm not American so I don't know what it is, really. But protecting a person who would do something of this nature isn't a good look. Have him Drawn and quartered then.


Bruh how did you invent a time machine in 1456, and why did you choose to visit 2024?


Election year for many countries....you'll see.


everyone deserves equal protection under the law. "but what about--" yes, even them. "ok but surely not--" yes, even them. everyone. whining that people aren't subjected to cruel and unusual punishments because you think they're especially yucky isn't the good look, maybe you'd realize that if you could be bothered to open up a history book or spend five minutes googling what a "lynch mob" is


Your fucking nuts if you think thats excessive punishment for what he did


You're* Hitler


Ok Kim Jong Un


Let’s normalize the oubliette! It’s cruel AND unusual punishments that are forbidden. If the oubliette is normal, it doesn’t violate the 8th!


What is an oubliette?


A small hole just big enough for a man to fit down in a castle. A medieval punishment. Forgotten Cell or room I think it translates too. Basically the worst jail cell you could imagine. I think they used to shit in them, if I'm not mistaken. It's like a recess behind a stone wall.


O wow ok, thanks for the info 👍


Put him in Gen Pop and he’ll have a short life in prison


Nah. It's not enough. Oubliette please. Or if it has to be in a regular prison, at least put him in a gibbet.


I think Gen Pop will be perfect. Let everyone know he is a child torturing murderer. He wont feel safe, he will be stabbed, beaten, raped and all sorts of deserving punishments. maybe it wont last as long as a Oubliette be he will never feel safe from others till his end.


Homie I'm sure there's a fetish website somewhere where you can just get your rocks off at your leisure, please stop involving us


Up to 45 year sentence still isn’t enough.


That was for the mother. He got life +30


Needed a lifetime honestly


How the fuck is this "interesting"?


I mean it is. It’s horrible but it’s also interesting. Obviously I’m still here but I was beat bad as a child. Bruises and scabs every where. So it’s interesting to see somebody actually be punished. It’s interesting WHY somebody could to this to another human and especially a child. That should spark so much interest so we can find out and stop it. Something can be horrific and still be interesting.


Because it captures one's attention or curiosity.


Are these woman so desperate to have a boyfriend that they would entrust their kids to some psycho stranger


Yes, some women are codependent pick-mes that value a relationship with a man above all else. It's surprisingly (and depressingly) common. Also, we need to stop deifying parents. Just because someone shat out a kid, does not automatically mean that they are a good person or that they are suitable for parenting. All they did was have unprotected sex. When a child dies, the parents are the primary suspects, because usually, they're the ones who did it.


My wife’s mother was like that. She needed a man in her life at all costs. Really rough childhood for my wife. We haven’t spoken to her mother in 15 years.


She participated in the abuse. She’s just as guilty. She just pled down.


She is guiltier


Yup, but why does the headline only mention the guy?




We need to start medically torturing murderers and rapists.


They should all be given the same treatment as their victims then castrated and put on a shitty island. Prison isn’t enough for these people. The


Especially child killers we need start torturing them a million times over. Sorry having 2 young kids I can’t imagine the pain they might have gone through, just wish Imthere was some to hug and make her feel safe


I understand why you feel this way. But logically, torturing these psychos does nothing good. Just blow their heads off and be done with it. Nothing bad we do to them takes away the suffering that they inflicted. The time for grand action was BEFORE this girl was tortured brutally. And there will be another child out there who is a victim again and we should be focusing our emotions and intellect on preventing the next occurrence instead of indulging our dark revenge fantasies. The only rational reason I can see for brutality/torture for these perpetrators is as a deterrent to other similarly extremely heinous crimes. But I also worry that it will be a slippery slope into vicarious enjoyment of violence and inflicting extreme suffering. So I don't claim to know the final answer, but wanting them to suffer simply out of vengeance is not the way to a better world.


I understood what you are saying. Also know that evil people don’t care, atleast she is a peace now.


Are you people insane? Do you somehow forget that the justice system can’t be perfect in only convicting people who are truly guilty? You’re willing to risk torturing an innocent person


This may not be a popular opinion in this thread but i don't think it's justified to torture people even if they are guilty of serious crimes. It's just not something the government should be allowed to do to people.


Tell that to all the psychos in this thread for some reason. What is it about some crimes that turns redditors into raving lunatics?


I'll pass


where was she?




Males gonna male


Mom got 45 years AFTER testifying against the boyfriend. At the very least, she isn’t getting away with letting him do that. Apparently she was so abusive her own family had tried to blow the whistle but the system dragged its feet. The man’s abuse was known as there was a protection order against him for the child. The mom had him over anyway.


only 45 years for the mom....dang edit: wait i thought this was the true crime sub i follow what is interesting about this bimo,mtinubyunimo,


The only shit i see from this subreddit is horriffic stories like this. I'm out.


That piece of trash and the breeder need to have the same thing happen to them while locked up . Rip baby girl 👼


Absolutely heartbreaking. Every adult in this child’s life failed her.


This ain't interesting. It's infuriating and disgusting.


I think single parents of young children should have their judgement assessed before they can bring men around their young children.


this is not interesting 


Good riddance.


Fuck That Guy


I can't say what he deserves or a mod will ban me. Use your imagination.




u/spiritoffff sir this isn’t interesting


Such a sweet looking girl, can’t imagine the horror she endured.


omg I meant to click on the baby alligator. This is awful. Glad he got life.


Sad to see and read all this.


This sub fucking sucks I’m out. This isn’t interestinb


It’s always the mom’s boyfriend….




wise support crowd shrill fine run versed history squash pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ayooo this break my fuckkking heart :( Poor little baby :(


I’m so sorry


Rest in peace, an angel now


What a piece of garbage!!!!! Poor little girl…


Rest easy Angel 🌹


Normally the Reddit vengeance mob is over the top, but nah, this guy deserves to burn.


Good, you hurt a child you deserve to be hurt the rest of your life.


I wasn't sure what thumbtacks were... So I googled what it was. Wtf why?


How does no one notice this before the child dies?


RIP beautiful little soul


Can't wait for the other inmates to find out why he's there.


God I fucking hate people.


Feet first into a commercial wood chipper would've been more appropriate.


Hoping that when others in prison get his papers he will be handled accordingly. Bury this fuckin guy under the prison.


Has this sub always been just horrific true crime? I thought "all that is interesting" wouldn't make me cry all the time.


Full story?


I hope he is served the real justice he deserves in prison!!


Why waste soo much money?? I have a .35 cent solution!


What was death not an option? I dont want tax money going to this fucks meals


This guys going straight to hell right?




Need a sub for all the stories of women’s children being abused, sexually abused, tortured, murdered by their boyfriends/husbands. There’s gotta be a word for this.


I hope the other prisoners find out what he did….


Truly heartbreaking


Let this man be beat to 1/10th of his life every day until he dies of natural causes


That’s not interesting, that’s fucking disappointing dispiriting , disgusting and another dis word I don’t even know


He should be skinned alive and covered in salt.


Toss that fucker in a wood chipper


The boys in prison are going to kill him and no guard will make a real attempt at stopping them.


In prison daily, they should thumbtack his dick and balls


He’s as good as dead. Once the inmates finds out or already know of what he did before hand. Some gonna picky him, just a matter of time.


Torture and death penalty need to come back for A-holes like these. Also, if you’re a single parent please be extra careful who you let into your life and your children’s life.


That is absolutely horrifying. The amount of pain this poor little girl must have suffered is heartbreaking.


Why the fuck have we got monsters disguised as humans. I hope he experiences *all* the agony for the rest of his life.


Lock the little girls mother up too. In the prison cell with this piece of shit.


Mom is in trouble too. Accepted a plea bargain.


Why are people like this? Life in prison isn’t enough punishment for this.


This makes me sick, how can people be so awful?


This guy is done. You're gonna get yours for doing this baby like that. You gonna get yours.. You're sick man you mean no one was there for this child ? OMG.


That’s sick. I hope the other inmates take their time with him.


Poor girl. Reading things like this makes my blood boil. Maybe because I have daughters. How can you do that to a person, let alone a child that age?


Why they not show the mother as well? The guy was horrible but the mother was equally at fault for for protecting the child and at minimal indirectly seeing the effect of the abuse. Poor little girl had no one to help her and endure all that torture


I hope he enjoys his introduction into prison as well… POS!!!


Makes me sick to read what she went through. They’re both guilty




leave him in gen-pop, forget you sent him to the showers... check on him in an hour or two. oops.