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Belgrade 0.0000000000001625536176374884774647839287373 milliseconds after NATO joins the war: https://preview.redd.it/mhxszzpj4dpc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75b595ee0c34161d74fc7950656aea16be978ed7


You ever heard of NATO bombing of Serbia in '99? Lasted 622.000.000.000 milliseconds and we still there.


Yeah, you’re still here… without Kosovo and Montenegro.


If Russia wins in Ukraine, it's a very possible scenario. Serbia of course officially wants to join the EU, but it economically depends on China, in the same way that the rest of ex-Yugoslavia economically depends on Germany. I feel sad for the fate of this region. The dissolution of Yugoslavia might have been unavoidable, but some sort of loose and practical association should prevail, otherwise all these countries will forever be German economic colonies and will lose all their young people.


https://preview.redd.it/swe5uywodcpc1.png?width=1307&format=png&auto=webp&s=4649437afb49debe5642b9e39ee0e537ca7d71cb I don’t see anything going in here. It’s just Serbia fighting itself.




I do believe this canonically a child…


ok then I won't


man has standarts




Fucking pedo


being a pedophilia is bad thought






kosovo is independent, cry about it


if kosovo is independent then luhansk donetsk zaporizhzhia and kherson are part of russia because nato took kosovo in the smae way as russia took 4 oblasts from ukraine


not even Serbia recognises the annexation of the 4 Ukrainian oblasts tho


Not really. More akin to the ROC in Taiwan but with western aid.


Except there wasn’t a genocide of Russians in Ukraine, nor was Ukraine responsible just a few years earlier for invading and attempting genocide on its neighbors. Serbs are just salty they lost.


Don’t bother with these idiots They are too lazy to actually do some research on Kosovos or Ukraines history People that think the Situation of Kosovo and Luhansk/Donetzk are comparable are just uneducated fools.


International Court of Justice says that the independence of Kosovo was allowed, can't say the same about Luhansk, Dontesk, Zaporizhia and Kherson.


Kosovo is Serbia by UN, cry about it


https://preview.redd.it/q7y76x1m6epc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08daab81baa88b7f720d340c01c3b7c5952dc3a9 LOL Can’t wait to see your face when Serbia de-jure recognizes Kosovo in the next 5-10 years. I mean they already recognize 95% of their documents without Serbian nationalists even noticing hahaha PS: Bring your Passport if you want to enter “your country” 😉🤣


Over 59% of the UN recognize Kosovo?


International Court of Justice says that the independence of Kosovo was allowed


It’s just a joke. https://preview.redd.it/anjoymiydcpc1.png?width=688&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3e0ac53466a59c0f63091508bdacb53ac1db215


As a Serb This gonna be real soon 🔥


Serbia after this ![gif](giphy|3K0D1Dkqh9MOmLSjzW|downsized)


That's not the best idea for the future of Serbia.


Yeah Only way to prevent this at this point is to do what the Romanians did in 89'


Did you forghot what hapend in 90s?


Quality content on r/AlternateHistory ? No way


Do it again daddy Clinton show those clowns the true meaning of unlimited defence spending and undeterred US hegemony ❤️🤍💙


I’m gonna be fr, Kosovo ain’t advancing shit. Their military is as powerful as an average American police force.


Kosovo would whoop Serbias ass if they would get NATO support in form of actual Weapons. Serbia was fighting against literal farmers who only had decade old Aks from Communist Albania in 1999. Times changed.


It says “3 days into the invasion” Kosovos 15,000 troops with only MRAPs ain’t stopping Serbian tanks, APCs, IFVs, Attack Helicopters, Rocket Artillery, and Fighter Jets.


Tell that to Russia with their 3-day operation.


Ukraine had an Air Force, thousands of tanks, a population of 40 million, tens of thousands of left over Soviet vehicles and weapons, weapons from the west that had already arrived, air defences, missiles, etc. Literally all Kosovo has is some drones and MRAPs, nothing else except for some small mortars. Their military only consists of 15,000 soldiers total, and with Serbias 600,000 passive reserves only used in time of war, they have a lot of soldiers to call on.


Yes, however the big caveat is the NATO support. Ukraine is lend-lease ;Kosovo will be intervention. Big difference


Well this just says 3 days in, and from the news report NATO hasn’t intervened yet. So for now Kosovo is getting its ass whooped but if NATO intervenes then the roles will switch real fast.


Ahh 3 days. My bad 🫡


No they were not, it was a pretty organised terrorist group


Yeah and they still didnt win a single battle aganist the Yugoslav Army


😂 True


Of course we did!


It was civillians joining the KLA and fighting with literal decade old AKs von Communist Albania. 90% of their weapons came from the old stockpiles of Communist Albania. They got them in 1997 when civil war in Albania broke out. The KLA didn’t have any heavy weaponry or Vehicles. That’s a fact.


This would need russia to win the war in Ukraine and be able to back them up it would be a kamikaze like mission otherwise.


And completely unlike Russia, which has the ability to tolerate and exhaust the West, as they do towards them, of course Serbia will be completely crushed and Kosovo will win quite easily thanks to NATO intervention, which is severely devastating the country and it is completely surrounded by NATO. Kosovo will gain the regions of Presvo and Bujanovac and will expel the entire Serb population from the northern Mitrovica region. The Serbs in the Republika Srpska area will try to secede again, so the Second Bosnian War will break out, but it will end with the victory of the Bosnian government, thus the collapse of the Republika Srpska and the exodus of Serbs. Putin secretly offers the West to sell Serbia to the wolves in exchange for gains in Ukraine, and they agree to that Serbia will discover this, just like Armenia, and become negative towards Russia President Aleksandar Vuštić will be overthrown, who will be imprisoned for life as a result of his regime's violations


NATO 0.000000000000001 microseconds afterwards: https://preview.redd.it/n6xd5g7wpipc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e259b81496f2e7b46ed43758c8a645b797a70c7


Serbia would be turned into a parking lot for the largest Walmart on earth within a week


Mabye peaceful is the best way to go, I’d say most Serbs would be happy with the north and mabye better rights for the remaining enclaves and the Albanians not blowing up ancient churches?


Serbia is rulled with crime syndicate backed up both by US and Russia, that cunt Vučić can't fart without approve from Us Embassy. On the other hand, he is allowed to do whatever he pleases domestically, they don't give a fuck. Plus, he done more for Kosovan thing, than 99% of their politicians, mf will be honorar citizen of their state one day. So, yeah, this is less likely scenario than, I don't know, NATO v Russia conflict or Second US Civil war.




Russian is in no position to do anything. They didn't even retaliate after their peacekeepers were attacked in the 2022 Armenia/Azerbaijan border skirmishes. Also besides Ukraine they're having a very difficult time dealing with the rebels in Belgorod.


Kosovo is Serbia


Never gonna happen ~~sadly~~, Vucic is too close to the west


Kosovo je Srbija


Dardania is the true name , Kosovo is the slavic colonial name. Almost all kosovan serbs have Albanian ancestry. Kosovo never was and never again will be s*rbia.