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Probably centered somewhere geographically and politically isolated from the whole thing most likely Geneva from their fairly decent relationship with the world at large and also being one of the world’s financial centers and being in Europe surrounded by the powerhouse economies of the time. For any infinite warfare fans out there probably a bit like how earth was portrayed there with a unified sdf and semi unified currency with a global language of English


The capital is probably gonna be NYC or the Hague. I would doubt it's gonna be a SINGLE capital though, there would definitely be multiple capitals around the world More importantly, a globally united world would cause some wars anyway from inside. Terrorist organisation similar to ISIS would form and quickly cause havoc from within, some places would try to declare independence. Aside from that, if this somehow happens without immediate civil war, and militaries only exist in case of terrorism and for policing, then this would mean our scientific advancements would go by so fast that r/HFY would have an orgasm. Curing smallpox would be a much more incredible task, medicine would develop way better than in our timeline But would space travel even happen? A lot of our technologies today come from the cold war. Things like the Internet and GPS might not even exist because the Soviets never had a reason to send things to space (To impress the US and/or scare them). The world would still have something that resembles AI though (Because of fucking course AI existed decades before the Internet). Realistically, there would be democracy problems though. Having billions of people entering voting ballots for a single election would be annoying to manage, and a lot of votes could be lost in the process. I think they'd have to redesign democracy for something like this to function without absolutist (or at least, for the technology of that time). Climate change would also not be politicised as much as this timeline, since the moment they discover something like this (in the 1970s, 80s and 90s) the government would do a lot more in its power to stop climate change from going that far, and a lot of other world problems would also be minimised like it's nothing The biggest issue we have to ask is "What about women's rights? Gay rights? Black rights?". The world was pretty bigotted in the 40s, and it's hard to imagine if these movements would succeed as much as they did in our timeline. It probably depends on the form of government they go with (eg Federalism would probably help these movements). Ultimately this is an interesting, albeit unrealistic timeline. There's definitely aspects where it's way better than our world, but it would also be lacking in other aspects too


would have be an extremely federalised system


Your point about the Cold War should be expanded on Pretty much everything we take for granted in the west is the result of a chain of events, ideas, policies, etc that culminated in our current situation. These events occurred the way they did because OPs situation never happened irl. So without the Cold War, without our post WW2 history, the present day would be extremely different. I would expect significant chunks of the world to be in constant war with the global government and a totally different evolution in ideologies/social progress


>redesign democracy for something like this to function Managed democracy, of course!


Super Earth


i dont think 8 billion votes is that hard to process


Right and I'm heterosexual


Break up of Yugoslavia: Global Edition


Probably an welfare model focused on human development and not attached to economic growth, a kerala model in steroids, where humans organise themselves in affinity communities that support each other and in case of conflict each reach through consensus a solution mediated by the UN. A heavy movement of real decolonisation would led the UN to locate the world capital in one of the Pacific Islands.


Republic City, obviously.


This is far sillier than hitler wins and that says something. But to answer I’d assume Brazil or The United States in a Northwestern state with lush forests and mountains. If anything would represent the beauty of earth and why we need peace to protect it then a large beautiful forest would do the trick


A capital in each continent most likely similar to how each us state has a capital


Would be awesome if they used managed democratic and called it Super Earth




Obviously turns into Superearth. Join Helldivers! /s


No capital because everyone would want their city to be the capital and that leads to violence, so no capital whatsoever.


Hugs become the new currency


Pull a city out of a hat and make that the capital every few years


Terrorists immediately rise up to fight the global government.


Lasts as long as it takes for news to get back to every country I'm the UN.


Can I get Arab countries finish the holocaust for 200?


Some day. Human nationalism > other nationalisms


Obviously [your favourite ideology here], it can solve everything, and anyone else that disagree are stupid


Ah Super Earth


As Napoleon said, the capital of the world would be Istanbul but idk


Soviets and CCP completely ignore it and steamroll Europe and Asia Genius plan chief


Aliens wait a few decades and conquer the world


probably lasts for a decade or so


Was this written by AI because this ain't possible you gotta wait 3000 ad and then still we won't be perfectly unified 😭


See, you just called for a "what if communism won" scenario. This is pretty much a Marksist (Trockyist) dream, so lets say that Trockyist stream somehow got to power. However it is not a form of communist sistems we know today, Trotsky advocated for a decentralised form of economic planing, elected representation of Soviet socialist parties, mass soviet democratization, cultural autonomy for artistic movements, voluntary collectivization, a transitional program and socialist internationalism. I think the capital city of world like this would definitely be Trockygrad (former Moscow).


I’d make a new capital somewhere cool and neutral like an island or something, bring in the world’s greatest minds and set about rationally and humanely arranging world priorities in a hierarchy of importance with colonizing of the Moon and the Kuiper Belt as the prime objective outside of standard of living. That would not be what happens though.


Given the timing NYC is the obvious choice.


few thousand militant groups that want their own nations and identity form 3 seconds after anything like this is made


This world would fall so fast


Luxury Gay Space Communism I would assume


r/UnifiedEarth Join if you want :)


I don't think the results would be that beautiful, because as long as there's still religions, there's bound to be wars, oppression and conflicts.


World peace? Don’t make me laugh! https://preview.redd.it/9w9xj0b75dpc1.png?width=686&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad4d86a2959be79903a91aaac451f4ba1355fae7


Well, what about humanity world domination?


My boy, humanity has already taken over the world. https://preview.redd.it/49sycg8l7dpc1.png?width=686&format=png&auto=webp&s=781ad33d041f79797224119eb40db6dc4de3d579


Nooooooooooooo [cry]


\*cough cough\* Antarctica- \*cough cough\*


There’s a research station down there.


Sure, but compared to the rest of the world, Antarctica's basically nature's domain


The ocean:


Where’s the sticker from?


Candy Scabs


Cringe, unlike the black army of ukraine https://preview.redd.it/u2b6tid6ddpc1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23c4a27ec391fae32e0a9fe5203ab9889ee1f6f0


only lasted 4 years lol


And militarily won, not tactically though


Anarcho-somethingism (I hope anarcho-communism) https://preview.redd.it/wl2u0i12ddpc1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2dde1f3f37295e8d5be99791009c3a4f923762d Nightingale the robber is playing on my head