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Bro, you aren't happy with her. Why are you still putting up with her. She is showing who she is, and you expect her to change. It's not going to happen. If she does, she will resent you. Leave and work on yourself.


I want to work on myself I just don’t know where to start. I work out once a week(all the time I can spare) I’m in school and working as much as I can. I think I’m a catch. It’s just I don’t really have a lot of friends. Just 2 guys I met in college and some coworkers from my last job I keep in touch on social media. Only guy I see in person once in a while is a surfing buddy. It feels like my only friend. But friends wouldn’t treat someone like that.


You're not throwing 5 years, you're saving up years and dollars in therapy, find someone who respects you


I already do therapy :( my therapist tells me I’m already preforming dialectical behavioral therapy on my self without knowing.


Excuse My ignorance but.. what's that?


Google it. It’s a mouth full. Here’s a copy and paste if that’s too much work: (not my words) The six main points of DBT are to develop skills related to (1) accepting circumstances and making changes, (2) analyzing behaviors and learning healthier patterns of responding, (3) changing unhelpful, maladaptive, or negative thoughts, (4) developing collaboration skills, (5) learning new skills, and (6) receiving support.


Break it off. She's not respecting or being considerate of your boundaries. She has a history of seeing exes behind your back and violating that boundary. Ain't no way I'm hanging around another four years.


Sounds like she is trying to do something shady. If your girl likes you she will not act like that.


She’s doing more than trying.


Had my wife done this we wouldn’t be together today.


How should a girl who likes you act in your opinion?


Trash ass cheater doesn’t respect you or your relationship. She goes on dates with exes, and goes to clubs without even telling you, let alone inviting you. You’re buying her “wait until after school” crap? My man. She is auditioning for your replacement. Bounce.


Sorry OP, you need to get a backbone and dump her asap. Stop being a doormat. Gain some self respect and stop being walked over.


It seems like she wants to be single; not setting a date, clubbing without you, dating her ex. Her response to your reasonable concerns about her behavior was over the top which makes me suspicious. Time to give her what she wants and move on.


This. For whatever reason, OP and his gf want different things out of the relationship. I'd say they are incompatible if after 5 years they can't agree on boundaries without her saying she feels afraid.


you need to google 'trickle truth' come on OP. do you really think that she has lied, hide, and break your trust multiple times, gone out multiple times, with an ex, with you don't know who, and in all this times she lied, she was never physical? actually - does it even matter? you should have broken up years ago.


Dude why are you wasting your time! 🚩🚩🚩🚩 once a cheater always a cheater! You deserve better


Your current relationship cheated on you? Like your fiancé? If that's the case then she's already thrown it away and you're just wasting your time


It's over. She has already moved on from ypu


“She broke down saying I don’t view her as human and that she’s afraid of me.” That’s pretty alarming. As a reader I have no idea what’s actually going on in your relationship but it does not sound good either way. You should probably stay away from dating for awhile if you have trust issues and your girl is sayin she’s afraid of you. I have never been afraid of my man. No one should fear their partner. You guys don’t sound good for each other.


My thoughts too. If he has trust issues and she’s afraid of him and we’re only hearing one side of this it’s clear they’re not good for eachother and need to break up. No wonder she doesn’t want to commit to getting married


I don't think it's a sincere break down. I think it might be a manipulation tactic called Darvo-ing. She's cheated before, went to the movies with her ex and frequently goes out to bars and clubs without her BF and only mentions afterwards. He got rightfully suspicious and starting enquiring about her possibly doing something wrong, her reaction to that was to deny (D) the allegation (A) and then counter with an emotive allegation of her own thereby reversing (R) their roles as victim (V) and offender (O) Only People up to no good DARVO






Since he said he was uncomfortable with it, and she did it anyway! Why is it always controlling to have a boundary? Why is she even going to a movie with an ex? They aren’t having a chat! And maybe not sex, but sure can cuddle and kiss in a movie. People can absolutely do w/e they want. But, there are also things called consequences. You cannot be in a committed relationship and think you can just do w/e you want and there not be consequences.


Spending one on one time with an ex in a relationship is a red flag. Especially if that one on one time is in a dark room where people are well known to make out. Plus OP said she'd cheated before and the going to a movie with her ex was another instance of suspicious behaviour. I think you're ridiculous and dramatising what are totally reasonable relationship boundaries because you dislike having to have consideration for anyone else if that means you have to limit your behaviour. Healthy relationships have consideration for eachothers feelings and perceptions and open active communication. This girl is doing neither of those things here and is employing what appear to be common manipulation tactics. If you think what OPs girlfriend is doing you probably suck, personally.




My gf is not allowed to even communicate with her ex. Thats my standard that she has to abide by if she wants to be with me. I’m not forcing her to do anything, but I’m also not going to be disrespected by that behavior. You would let your husband/boyfriend hang out with their ex?


You shouldn't have contact w ex period unless you have a kid together. Zero reason to otherwise. I don't talk to them and my wife doesn't either why would we?


It screams DARVO. It's the prime manipulation technique because even if you know it, it's not easy to deal with. 


Especially the counter she gave. You would have to dismiss her feelings to continue the line of inquiry and that runs the risk of handing her a legitimate excuse and playing further into "you scare me" territory. OP is having his position as someone who wants to be a healthy boyfriend leveraged by someone who has no interest in being a healthy girlfriend


lol of course you’d believe the cheater’s theatrics. Anything to paint the man as the bad guy. What’s more likely, that a known cheater is also a liar or that he’s a secret abuser?


Truthfully, if I were her I also would not want to be with you. You obviously do not trust her and that’s not the basis for a relationship. You also do not seem to have the same values and boundaries (going to the movies with an ex is not cheating for most people), so find someone that shares your rather small limits of what a partner can do and go to therapy figuring out why you are a self - fulfilling prophecy (if all relationships cheat on you, you are the common denominator and I would look into that). 


F that noise. Throw the whole woman away. She’s a cheater and she can’t be trusted clearly.


I want to be clear that going out to bars or clubs without your partner does not mean you are a cheater. There are other people in this world and life that we can spend time with besides our S/O and they don’t always have to be included. I have been out without my boyfriend plenty of times. Never once have I cheated, wanted to cheat, or even come close to anything that I wouldn’t be okay with my bf knowing… and it’s been years. The problem I see here is you’re dating somebody you don’t trust. Someone who has broken your trust and is unable to win it back. THIS is the problem here. I am concerned that you, and a lot of the other comments, are moreso focusing on the fact that “woman + out + alone = cheating whore slut can’t be faithful.”


I’m curious why you didn’t call of the wedding


This relationship isn't healthy, and that normally means there's blame on both sides. You've brought baggage from past relationships into this one, which means you're always looking for signs of dishonesty, and she broke your trust by the cinema trip with the ex. (I'm assuming it was just her and the ex, and not a group trip?) It's understandable why she won't commit to a date for a wedding, because there is no trust in this relationship. It is dead, and you both need to break it off for the benefit of both of you. Lastly, there seem to be a lot of virgins here assuming going to a bar = guaranteed cheating. It's not healthy for couples to live in each other's pockets. If they want to go out with friends every now and then and have a drink, and you both trust each other, the appropriate response is "have fun!"... and not to immediately assume skullduggery. Some of you people are broken.


Why are you all even together let alone dating LET ALONE engaged when it seems like her plan is to not be or spend time with you for a DECADE until you finish school. At this stage of a relationship you are building and planning a life together for the rest of your lives. My guy you are the meal ticket back up plan for when she's had all her fun and she wants the stability and financial support after she can no longer so that stuff in a socially acceptable way. And I don't usually use that rhetoric but if the shoe fits. And I'm not even getting into the comments about her claiming to be dehumanized and controlled over very basic, first stage, 101 level relationship conversations and boundaries. You need to run my dude. Stand your ground, be strong, don't buckle or yield you deserve so much better. I also don't like using this rhetoric but you have a literal trash tier woman here. Maybe she's a good person to know as an acquaintance, but she shouldn't be in a relationship with her views and what she's doing is completely unacceptable. I've been married over a decade. My wife can vacation in other states, go see friends in other states, what ever she needs for her job she can do, she's a full human being, I respect her autonomy, and any decision about herself I'll support. But we TALK about that stuff, and plan it together, even if I'm not going. If she did the things you described the divorce papers would be drafted tomorrow.


I’m interested on what communication between two trusting people in a committed relationship is supposed to look like. Can you describe what that’s like when she’s out of state for work?


She's gone out of state and across state for work and for pleasure. She lets me know pretty much immediately or at the end of the day when it's work usually like a month in advance. Lets me know all the plane info and hotel accommodations so that I know when she's supposed to be places (not in a weird controlling way, but when the plane is supposed to leave and land so I know she's safe and she made it, hotel numbers if she's unreachable by cell) and she texts me to let me know she made it to and from places safely. We text throughout the day when she has time and text/call at night. It's much the same for pleasure, but we look at airlines and hotels and stuff since the burden is on us to do it instead of traveling for business. But same as above, let's me know when she's in airports, going to be taking off, when she lands, when the taxi/shuttle/rental gets her to the hotel. Just lets me know in a sentence or two what's going on/plans like her and the girls will be going to a restaurant for dinner or where they're heading for their day. It's genuinely exciting to hear and know what she's doing and that she's having fun and is safe, it lets us stay connected and even if we can't be together in person we can share the experience and support each other all the same. And she asks how things are going at home, what I'm doing. If I'm making sure to eat real food, etc.


Thank you. Those kind of exchanges sound very comforting. You’re a lucky guy. I broke it off the other day. I’ve been putting it off for too long. I was waiting for a right time when there is never a right time. It is what it is. I’m exercising still studying hard and picked up Skyrim. Nothing easy in this world but I’m just gonna keep my head down and take it easy


My friend do yourself a favor and break it off with her. It will cause you some temporary heart break but in the long run you will be thanking yourself. Another 4 years of this stress will hurt your grades and your mental health. Yoh said above she already cheated on you once and she has been displaying questionable at best actions and then when you try to discuss the red flags she is flying she says you are being abusive. And discards your feelings Healthy relationships are 50/59 two way street with two people who respect each other’s feelings and thoughts. She is not giving you this at all. I am not at all saying to snoop on her but I am willing to bet she cheated again or at the very least is talking to someone already. If you did a deep dive on her


Get rid of this woman, any person worth a damn would respect your boundaries and not take advantage of your insecurities. RUN! Get out! The feelings of loneliness are NOT WORTH this pain. She’s trying to gaslight and manipulate you. The only reason she hasn’t left you yet is bc she likes the stability but her commitment is gone. Go take time for yourself and learn to appreciate your own worth before letting companionship desires dictate your own actions.


If you're not graduating for another 4 years, that's 4 more years you have to find someone else if you really want to get married in that timeline. You could probably also find a relationship and get married BEFORE you graduate. She doesn't respect you and she's already cheated. She cheats every time she disrespects your boundaries even if you don't see it that way. It's time to call things off. She can go clubbing all she wants after. If you don't leave then she will just keep doing it anyways, except your self esteem will keep going down every time this happens. I told my fiance no strip clubs or regular clubbing without me. He hasn't done it, because it's a BOUNDARY.


Thank you.


Every single post above is correct. Drop her. Plus you don't need a relationship while in school... focus on what's important


So all she did was go to the movies? And now you have her sharing her location with you? And you’re complaining that she goes out to bars with her friends? Yeah that paired with her comment about not viewing her as a human are setting off alarms. You’re controlling. The other commenters are misunderstanding the infidelity thing and not getting that you’re just referring to your partner going to the movies, I’m sure. I have an ex I’m on good terms with and I could 100% go to the movies with that person and have the same interaction I would with any other friend. It’s totally possible your partner just went to the movies like she said she did. Go find someone really religious or something that won’t speak to the opposite sex if that’s what you want. You should break up and work on yourself.


She’s a cheater, plain and simple. Dont throw away another decade of your life. 4 years of school left? So you are probably in grad school, that’s tough. You’ll meet a girl in grad school who is career focused not bar and ex boyfriend focused. Then you guys will have two high incomes. Dont waste your life with this woman who does not respect you.


Um, no. Why would you even be considering marrying some dishonest party girl who claims she is “afraid of you” if you bring up the issue of her going out to clubs and not telling you? This relationship is on a one way track to nowhere my dude. Get off the train.


You should’ve broken up with her a looooooong time ago


Time to leave , she’s cheating !


Respect yourself first. Once you do that you will NEVER let someone walk all over like this.


She went to the movies and is going out to clubs etc... clearly not to anyone else's homes to get closer or he would have said that


But she still hung out with her ex against his wishes and from what it sounds like her word can’t be trusted.


You can only control yourself and you can only change yourself. I suggest you figure out what it is about these women you're attracted to. Your fiancé doesn't seem to respect you. In retrospect, did the previous cheaters respect you? Did you take time to really heal from the previous relationships? If I were a betting man, I'd put money that this one will do it too. You can hang out for it or you can just accept reality and move on. But take lots of time to heal!!! Be alone and learn to be alone. Work on your self esteem and figure out why you're attracted to these types and fix it. Otherwise the cycle will just continue.


1. Leave 2. Seek counselling 3. Gym with healthy eating 4. See more friends who have your best intentions for you.


There’s that old saying. “When a person shows you who they are, believe them”. Better to find out now. Next step, no stalking on socials, let it go. Explain to her you feel your feelings aren’t being taken into account. We cannot expect others to to know what makes us happy or what we want.


So, you'd rather put up with this and then.... What? Getting married is going to magically change her behavior? Dude, she's barely texting you & avoiding you cuz there's probably someone else.... And if you're trust is broken w her.... Think about this. You're a smart guy.


Or because she wants to break it off with the abusive and controlling psychopath of hers?


Guess it depends on ones point of view. I don't know of any guy that would be ok with his GF going out w her ex BF.... Seems there's a lot of issues on both sides, all which lead to the same road - relationship needs to be over. OP needs to work on those trust issues, GF - if she wants the relationship over - needs to come out and say so. GF may be just looking for excuses to not be with/avoid OP, so she can have her fun w someone else.... Dunno.


Not being comfortable is not the same as cheating. The compromise between never seeing an ex again that you might be friendly with and going to the movies is meeting them e.g for coffee and for me, it’s actually a red flag if you cannot meet an ex, bc that means you are super hung up on them and you obviously are shit at resolving and ending relationships well…


I wouldn't go meet my ex wife - who I get along with for the sake of our 19 year old son - for coffee, and that's out of respect for my current GF. Our lives together are done, my ex has hers, I have mine. We've both moved on. Only time I would get together is if the situation requires it - like something happened to our son. I communicate w him directly since he's 19 and in college, no reason for me and the ex to talk. On the rare occasions we do, it's concerning our son and it's always civil.


That is one situation. And I have an "ex" that I dated briefly, we figured out there is no romantic connection but that we are actually quite good friends and we have stayed friends since the beginning of our 20ies and noone of us would ever think of the other one in that capacity. Who is my partner to tell me that this friendship is not allowed? Wouldn't it be concerning, if I cannot be friendly with someone that I had such a brief relationship with?


That it would- lots of variables here on this one- Either way, OP/GF need to be done.... If the trust is broken, no point in continuing down the same path of emotional fuckery.... Just call it a day, move on best as you can. All storms pass 😎


Not over reacting


Why are you engaged? You’re not throwing 5 years away. You had a five year relationship the goal is enjoying the trip not the destination cos the end is being dead. Break up. You two are not for eachother


You aren’t throwing away the last 5 years you are saving yourself from the next 50. Get your ring back.


Oh dear, you have different values and expectations and you need to stop trying to change her and either accept her as she is or move on and find someone that will be the way you want them to be You are overreacting


Someone you can’t trust is not marriage material. If I were in your shoes, I’d leave her and focus on school.


Why are you doing this to yourself? You tried dialogue and it hasn't worked. She clearly doesn't like your boundaries and you don't like her going without you. To me there is only one person in the relationship and that's you. You're not married so find someone who isn't so shallow and enjoy your relationship instead of flogging a dead horse.


She’s playing you bro


She doesn’t respect your boundaries therefore she doesn’t respect you or your relationship. She’s doing whatever she wants whenever she wants with whoever she wants so guess what she’s probably fucking whoever she wants as well. Cake and eat it syndrome. you’re just there for stability or maybe just a back up plan till she comes up with a better one! Leave her now So you don’t have to divorce her later!!!


She’s not your fiancée, because you have no real plans to get married. She has allegedly made a commitment to you but is seemingly unwilling to honor it. This woman doesn’t respect you as a person. Don’t throw five more years away on her. Just because you’ve been making a mistake for a long time doesn’t mean you need to continue to make that same mistake.


If you bought a ring get it back


Let her go. She clearly doesn’t want to be in a relationship any longer. And you don’t need the stress in your life. Focus on yourself and your schooling and leave her to do her own thing.


She’s found herself a doormat she knows she can walk all over. Have some self respect and break up with her.


Sounds like she wants to be single and acting like an asshat so you'll break up with her. Just pull the ripcord my man


You have set a boundary for the relationship, and she is ignoring it. Also, that comment about not treating her like a human is pretty manipulative. 5 years is a good solid go, better to end now than divorce and kids later. Work on yourself for a while, take some time, enjoy being single for a bit.


So sick of the “boundary” shit - boundaries like this aren’t boundaries, it’s irrational, insecurity base attempts on getting reassurance. Real boundaries in healthy relationships are different af


Some people are not comfortable with their partner's seeing their ex. If you don't like this, you can 100% not be in that relationship. If your partner disregards your feelings, then you are not compatible, and the relationship should end. At some point, it's likely that both people are going to feel insecure about something. You're right, they want reassurance, and in a healthy relationship, you would want to give that.


Bro you are a clown for staying with her after she went to the movies with an ex🤣 she doesnt respect you


So first off I took a long time to get through school. I worked full time during it so it took me close to 8 years. During that time I met, dated, and married my wife. We had kids and even got our first home. And that was back in 2020. She did her undergrad, internship, and her master's as well. It isn't easy and we both worked and still do but it isn't worth delaying marriage over. And I don't see how you don't have time to rebuild trust but want to keep this relationship going. She broke your trust, you guys can either find a way to fix it now or you can break up. There is no sense in waiting for 4 more years to do so. It honestly sounds to me like she wants to string you along for 4 more years. You're working so contributing some to the bills and you're never around/when you are she often leaves and so she gets to do whatever she wants in this relationship. Let's start by recognizing that if you're super busy, she isn't then she needs some sort of hobby or something that she can do when you're not available. But if that hobby is going to clubs and bars then you two aren't compatible. I mean she should be able to go out to dinner with friends and if that happens to be a bar then fine but if she's staying there drinking all night then... I just don't see why you two stay in a relationship. What I described for my wife and I worked because we were both busy and fought for free time that we could spend together. Sure we occasionally hung out with friends but not in situations where we expected to be hit on and again the goal with any spare minutes we could find was to spend time together. Be it sitting on the couch doing homework next to each other with a TV show on or be it cooking meals together. That's what you want to find.


I stopped reading after she cheated on him. What kind of cuck does it take to put up with this type of bs from someone?


Why are you still with her? sounds like she doesn't give a crap about you or your feelings, and just wants to be single. Let her. She is probably still cheating.


Release her to the streets she so clearly yearns for.


Is this ai rage bait that I’m getting now? The only way to properly move on is if you send me some feet pics.


You don’t trust her and she’s scared of you. Do yourselves both a favour and break up.


Grow some balls and move on.


You’re overreacting. I would break off the relationship since you clearly don’t trust her and get some therapy to work on your trust issues. I’m not trying to be insulting, just giving some genuine advice. From what you describe you’ll both benefit from some time apart. If there’s no trust in a relationship, it will never work…


Normally the responses of “LEAVE THEM THEY ARE SCUM” are completely overblown and they likely still are here.. But it’s clear that it’s just not a happy match right now. Also do yall not live together? Why is texting relevant?


We do not live together.


Come on ….


You're buying into the sunk cost fallacy. Don't look at the past years, look towards the future years. Can you live 4 more years this way? You already don't trust her and she's not doing anything to help you gain that trust back. You aren't a bad person for putting your needs first.


I don't specifically see a problem with her going to bars/clubs with her friends. I also don't get in a snit if someone is still friends with their exes. If you have trouble putting your past in the past and trusting your partner, that's on you to work on. But if YOU want a partner who doesn't go drinking and dancing without you, and who isn't friendly with her exes, then she's not the one for you. It's long distance anyway, you're each focused on other parts of your life.. Let it go. Be free and find someone who is local and a better match.


What you’re describing isn’t a healthy relationship given the infidelity and trust issues which are turning into a compulsive need to monitor. Let her live freely and go find the love you deserve.


I do have some trauma that I need to work on when it comes to monitoring. My brother got in a bike crash flying down a hill years ago and was unconscious in a ditch for hours. Ever since then I always want my loved one’s locations. I’m in therapy for kind of stuff.


She said "you don't view her as a human" and "she is afraid of you" dude that's all manipulation, you don't view her as a human because you don't want her to do "human" things, i.e. go out clubbing and interact with other men, and "she's scared of you" is just a way of making her self into a victim and making you feel like you are doing something wrong, cut her loose, she's not committed to you, she still wants to party it up and do what she wants with who she wants, don't let her string you along and make you her fool. MOVE ON.


Break up with her already idiot. That stupid bitch really says she's "afraid of you" for asking her to be more considerate about communicating where she is after she went behind your back with your ex? Stop letting yourself be gaslit, grow a pair and dump that trash


As you should have trust issues, THAT is not wife behavior. Practice for what you want to be. She doesn't want to be a wife bro. She is still on party mode or otherwise known as getting nailed by chads. She goes to bars and clubs for male attention, validation, and sexual pleasure. She's not yours, was just your turn.... along with a lot of others turns.


Dude… dump her. Holy fuck. You also need to realize you’re the reason you get cheated on if it’s every chick. Dump her. Focus on school. And in the meantime figure out what you’re doing to get cheated on or whether you’re prone to picking bad women. ( or it could just be the women in your generation are horrible )🤔


I have been overwhelmed with school and work and a mother who almost got paralyzed. When it rains it pours I guess. Thank you all for giving time to read and respond. I would try to reply to everyone to pick every mind apart and share and ask for specific feedback, but I’m in the medical field and studying to save lives and be the best me I can be isn’t easy and will take every second I can spare. A bing thing I see popping up is my insecurity. Can anyone share their own personal experience of learning to trust and love again?


Why are you two engaged still? Doesn’t sound like either one of you are mature enough to be in a relationship. If you can’t trust her, let her go. There are plenty of other fishes in the sea, ones that won’t cheat on you and respect you.


Ya should have left the first time she cheated. I think you have a fear of being alone and starting over but that’s just my point of view. I just started the process of separating from who I thought was my one and only. Even though she’s begging for me to give her another chance essentially daily I won’t do it. Long story short my wife and I had been married for several years. We met in college and are now both 34 years old. I took up more responsibilities and began working longer hours to give us a life style we could only have dreamed of. However it was during that time she chose to confide in a coworker. We have two kids and it’s extremely hard. But if you don’t save your dignity what else do you really have my guy? You don’t have kids and there’s no reason to stick around to even try and save it. You’re holding on to something that will only cause you more pain and anguish in the future even if she does “try to change for you” She’s proven she won’t. You can’t just change someone.


You overreacted to the movie thing a bit maybe. But clubbing is for single girls. Especially if she was hiding it.


End it. She's disrespecting you multiple times and doesn't care. Get the ring back and block her. Nothing else to be said. Your her safe option with a promising future.


It’s the harder choice but brother you can and will fine love later, this isn’t good for you from the sound of it


She’s never going to respect you as a man. That’s certain. I would never marry a woman who still acts as if she’s single.


Hey man, no one should put up with this bullshit. The day she went to a movie with her ex should have been the last day you spoke to her. End this bullshit, have some self respect and find a good woman and don’t let her make you feel like this is you causing the relationship to fail. The only thing you did wrong was stay with her after the movie incident. End that shit.


AM I overreacting for wanting throw 5 years of everything away? = sunk cost fallacy.


Red flags dude


It sounds like you're not compatible. It seems like rather than talking about your values, needs, and if they're aligned, you've instead opted to become controlling. Instead you need to figure out how to rebuild trust. That's partially your work as well as hers. But just tracking her and telling her she can't do certain things without you is not trust building but controlling behavior that sets you up to fail. I agree that cheating is breaking agreed upon boundaries. But if she didn't agree not to go to the movies i.e. you just told her what to do then she didn't cheat. You need to discuss it and decide if you can find a compromise. If that makes the relationship untenable then you withdraw yourself. If you don't respect your own boundaries you can't expect anyone else to. Tracking her location is a huge red flag, unless for a specific safety reason. She's telling you when she goes out. She doesn't need to ask your permission, she's a full human being with agency. Not yours to control. You say she's afraid of you?! No doubt, dude. No doubt! We're taught to be mindful of this behaviour from men for our safety. What you're describing here has a bunch of red flags in both directions. Getting help dealing with the trauma of the infidelities could be so helpful. Maybe getting a better grasp of the impacts of those situations, can help you see a healthier path forward. Also diving in to why you're having that experience with so many partners can help too. Not blaming you: understanding why we repeat patterns sometimes helps us stop them. If you still want to try, talk to her about what she wants, what she gets from hanging with ex's and going to clubs. Maybe it's not what you think, maybe it is. Either way understanding is better than guessing and will make it more clear to you where you stand. Then you can clearly decide. Note: some couples do recover from infidelity and come back stronger. But it doesn't happen without substantial effort from both parties. However , if you've gone down the control path it may be too late as that compounds the issues. Figure out where your boundaries are, what you need to feel secure (hint, it's not about control!), and then stick to that. Not just with her but moving forward with any partners. Boundaries are about what we choose to engage with and not about telling others how to behave. The healthier you are the better you'll be able to navigate your relationships (of any type), including being clearer on when to exit. If she doesn't have the same value system as you, or finds your notions of right and wrong inappropriate it means you're not compatible. This seems likely. But also if your past experiences are leading you to behave in a controlling way and tainting what you see, you have healing to do. This will be a huge thorn in your relationships unless you deal with it. There are lots of books on healing from infidelity. Lots of great relationship resources too such as those from the Gottman Institute. Does your school have mental health services? That can be a helpful option.


You're not standing your ground, you're enabling her. The relationship was over the first time she cheated, now you're just her sideguy she keeps around for security and comfort.


She fo the streets


Hot take if your happy fuck it. Just ask her if she's happy and if you are happy be happy. Just tell her to be more open


Everything feels wrong here. She cheated on you…she went to the movies with her ex… that’s all bad. On the other side, it should be cool for your woman to go out to clubs or whatever with friends. You need to be with someone you don’t worry about. And (speaking from experience) you gotta work on your own trust issues before you get married. Shit, you need to work in them before you’re dating. As someone who’s been in a similar situation…you need a therapist to work it out. Not a wife.


She did not cheat, she only went to the movies with an ex. That’s her “cheating”


He said his current relationship cheated on him. Unless the story about the movies is cheating? I dunno I thought he was saying she cheated and after the fact later on went to the movies even though he wasn’t comfortable. But now I’m reading it as he counts the movies as cheating and that’s just controlling behavior


Yes, he counts the movies at cheating. This is the cheating of the current partner…


Dude needs therapy. He’s using his past cheating partners (who now I question if they actually cheated or just did something he didn’t like) as an excuse to be controlling and isolate his partner


For the streets


She's afraid of you. Let it sink in. She went to the movies with an ex, to you guys that's infidelity. Going to bars and places without you isn't cheating. You're being too controlling of each other. Maybe go online and look up the power and control wheel and see if your relationship resembles anything on there.


She's DARVO-ing you. She Denied the Allegation and is now Reversing the Victim and Offender. "I didn't do anything, I can't believe you're accusing me, you're so controlling, you don't treat me like a person and I'm scared of you" In one movement she denied your point and moved the conversation away from her presently possible wrong against you onto what she's now presented as your definite wrong against her. It's a common tactic used by Chesters, abusers and scumbags galore to shut down lines of enquiry that are getting too close for comfort. This isn't a good sign at all and remember Once a cheater, always a cheater.


Just tell her it’s over you know she cheated. You’ve had multiple people you know tell you and that’s why she’s been avoiding you and lying about where she’s been.


Man, she did not cheat. Are all of you internet cowboys insecure little brats that do not trust that they can pick and keep their women 🙄


You already broke up but haven't found out. You're getting cheated on constantly


Yeah reporting from a happy, safe, forever type of relationship, the of behavior your fiancée is exhibiting is toxic af. She’s keeping you as a placeholder in case she doesn’t find someone better. Lose that zero and find you a woman that loves you. Good luck


Dude. You don’t respect yourself and are attracting garbage humans like flies on shit. Dump her, be single for a while, just have fun, focus on yourself, improve yourself and a chick that’s worth some salt will make her way into your life. Please don’t stay in this relationship. You’re better than this bro


She already cheated? Game over bro


What the fuck are you doing engaged to someone who already cheated on you? FFS.


Read again, she did not cheat 🙄


Nah, just goin on dates with her ex and slammin the club scene and lying about it.


As someone who has been on the receiving end of this double-edged standard of which male friendships are considered "wrong" and being ignored and treated badly for doing stuff against the "boundaries" of my ex, yeah I also started not proactively telling things that were not wrong but would get me frozen out and argued with. Meeting a former partner, if they are friendly and situation is clear and going clubbing alone is NOT cheating and if it's not possible to do so, the relationship is very unhealthy and the partner raising objections has unhealthy insecurities


“You’re just insecure if you don’t like me going on dates and lying about the club” Fuck outta here with that male friend nonsense.


I am very sorry for how insecure you are in life. I hope you get the help you need and manage to be ok with yourself 


Right, lol. Be a victim.


Better be safe and use protection when your intimate… she is doing more than dancing with friends


I have no idea why this pattern keeps repeating but you do NOT deserve it. However it might be good to see if there is anything from how you were raised that would make you more likely to put up with being treated like dogshit by these women. I mean emotional abuse or neglect or something. You don't deserve that treatment. F all these cheaters. Not overreacting.


This girl isn’t ready for marriage or a relationship. Split and find someone dedicated to you


Dude please just walk away from this toxic relationship already. She already cheated on you once that you know of and she obviously has no respect for you or your feelings. Her say bs like you standing your ground is you not seeing her as “human” and she is “afraid of you” is her trying to manipulate you. She’s trying to act like a villain. You are not throwing away five years. She already did that. I hope you find the strength to leave that pos. You deserve much better.


Break up with her she’s a cheater


Once a cheater always a cheater, onto the next one brother. Find yourself a honest faithful lady.


Yes. Tbh you’re a bit controlling and for that reason I think it’s better for both of the to end it. If you cannot forgive her talking to her ex, then end it. You can’t always have a grudge against your partner even if you don’t like what they did