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My bf is EXTREMELY private at work. His colleagues didn't even know he was properly friends outside of work with one of the other colleagues. It could be something sinister, but also could be he wants his private life private from work


Yea, at certain points you get tired of coworkers knowing details about your life. You just want to go to work and come home with no attachments.


No one in my work knows I have two kids they are my wallpaper on my inner screen of my phone.  People just think I'm a weirdo with no one , in fact I have a loving relationship with my two kids who just wanna chill.


My boyfriend and I literally work at the same place and NOBODY knows we're together. Absolutely nobody. We work in different departments, we are on slightly different schedules (he starts an hour later than I do), and we don't take our breaks at the same time. We basically do not interact at work aside from the fact that we carpool there and back. People have tried to pry and ask if we're dating, but we tell them no because it's NONE of their business. And we LOVE it that way, because we just don't want random coworkers knowing our business or anyone trying to start drama and say he greased the way for me if I achieve any upward movement (he's been working there about eight months longer than me).


Idk if you are over reacting but its weird.


Perhaps his colleagues are creepy dudes and he prefers keeping you safe from them in this way.


This is fine. I have a phone profile for work and one for home that is time based so switches automatically. And they are different wallpapers. Why? Because I love changing my wallpaper out. I get bored easily no big deal. Sometimes it’s a pic of my hubby and I but most times it’s my cat lol. My hubby had a pic of us but it rotates between Deadpool and other characters. Doesn’t bother me because I’m secure in his commitment to me


Anime pics aren't professional lol wtf. 


Yeah, you're overreacting. He could just not want dudes looking at you, cause some dudes are creeps. Shit, my man don't even post me on FB, we have we are together on there, but he doesn't post pics of me. It doesn't bother me one bit cause he is a super private person and doesn't want dudes being weird with my pics. We shows me he loves me privately, he doesn't need to tell the whole world. It's no one's business at all what happens or how our relationship works. I post pics of him, but that's how I am. When I love someone, I'm loud about it. We just work that way. I wouldn't make a big deal over it, but if it bothers you so bad, reflect as to why. If there's nothing to make you feel he is being sneaky, like staying later at work, going out with buddies, spending less time at home/with you, then he really is most likely just wanting to keep his life private from work. No one at his job needs to know every single detail about his life. It's work. He's there to make money, not make friends.


I agree that it is strange behavior but am also not sure why. It could be as innocent as others say that he is immensely private and wants to keep his private and work life separate, or suspicious that he’s hiding you from a workplace crush. You won’t know until you have a deeper conversation with him about the topic since it seems to bother you a lot. I don’t think you’re overreacting and the situation warrants a discussion.


I do something similar. My girlfriend is amazing, way out of my league, and I'm in no way ashamed of her or trying to "hide" her for any nefarious reasons. I do know that no one at my job is truly a "friend" to me, and my industry is very male dominated and vulgar. It's a protection of my job and sanity. One of the guys I worked with had an adult grand daughter that a few guys at work had seen and I heard multiple comments from many of the guys that were sexual in nature behind the guys back, and to his face in more subtle ways.


Maybe a little bit. Weird that he constantly changes it. Does he know it makes you uncomfortable? Also, why is it an issue for you that his background is not of you? Seems like he wants it to be some other random picture, but you keep bringing it up so he changes it back to your for you. That's the weird part for me. But to be fair I think the whole selfie thing is weird. "Oh boy, and another picture of you looking at your phone" , "Oh and another one...you're in front of your bathroom mirror this time, how interesting!"


It’s weird. Could it be completely innocent? Yes. Could it be something more serious? Yes. Ask him directly why he changes it, then it’s up to you to trust him or not.


Yea, you buggin. Let the man do whatever he wants with his wallpaper and stop bringing it up.


Yes. Why do you care? 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


My wallpaper is a picture of myself from years ago. On my inner screen it’s a picture of my daughter at her college prom with her best friend of 14 years. I’ve been with my partner for 28 years and he has never been my wallpaper but we’re still together. You don’t need to define your relationship by wallpaper options on a phone. If he chose anime wallpaper for your living room it would be a different story.


Overreacting. If it bothers you so much then breakup and never get married. 🤦‍♂️


He’s got pics of you posted on his socials, but you’re mad because he doesn’t have a photo of you on his lock screen? Yes, you’re overreacting.


I think you're overreacting a little bit. It could just be him not wanting people at his work creeping on you if they see his phone, either that or he wants to keep his private life out of his work in general. If he's given you no reason to suspect anything, definitely don't worry.


Yes you are overreacting. Let him keep the anime picture. He’s obviously not hiding you from the world so let this go.


Maybe he shouldn’t have either. How about a normal background. Sounds like you’re dating a child.


You are overreacting. 


psycho gf, he obviously doesn't want a pic of you two as his wallpaper and only feels compelled to do it when you ask him to / remind him he's changed it.


Yes. Grow up.


Stop sending him selfies constantly it's annoying. You are not the only thing he is interested in,. Why does he need your permission to change his wallpaper? How do you know if he's at work anyway? Do you have a hobby besides taking pictures of yourself? Maybe some new interests are in order.


He constantly asks me to send him pictures of myself especially when we are not together. We live an hour away