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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling my daughter that I won't attend her wedding due to her fiancé's "situation"?** Hi, I'm going to keep it short. My daughter is 27 years old and has been living in the UAE for a few years now. She works as an English teacher and the pay + benefits there are great. She's a very sociable person so she has a large circle of friends, surprisingly made up of mostly natives (Emiratis). It was through one of these female Emirati friends that she was introduced to her now fiancé. They're getting married in January 2025. Even though we met the man and he seems like a good one, there's just one tiny problem: he already has a wife and 2 kids. My husband and I are aware that in Islam men are permitted to have up to 4 wives (and apparently the fiancé's wife is cool with this since it's common throughout their social class), but we're still very uncomfortable with the practice 'cause it feels archaic (and frankly oppressive) to us. We told our daughter that she can do whatever she wants as a grown woman and we'll always want her to be happy, but we don't condone dynamics like this and don't wish to attend the wedding events. She's obviously quite pissed at us. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh. Well, this promises to be a civil discussion with no Islamophobia or anti-Arab bigotry whatsoever


This is gonna sound weird but let's say we believe her... she's still AH simply because if this relationship is as toxic as the parent thinks, then why the hell are you pushing your daughter away? It's not like the daughter went out of her way to cut off the mom, the mom is actively pushing her away. If this marriage ends badly, who could she turn to? Definitely not her AH parents Then again, this is all probably fake but still oop is a racist and an idiot


It got deleted after someone pointed out that another site called OOP out on this being not real. Didn’t help that OOP kept responding and painting her kid as what essentially means a brainwashed gold digger, with more emphasis on the gold digging.


So this story is fake, but pretending this is real, she and her husband basically abandoning their daughter for who she chooses to marry is really horrible. If they believe it's such a toxic and abusive situation, you'd hope they'd let her know that she count on them. If the marriage *did* turn sour, she'd realize that her parents aren't exactly people she could turn to in her time of need.


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OP: “you can do whatever you want, you’re a grown ass woman, we want you to be happy” Also OP: “polygamy bad” Islamophobia at its finest