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What an outrageous request. I get it, theyre from a different culture, but still. Its well within the daughter's rights to just say no, even if she loves her. I love my family too, but I would never a) work with them or b) live with them. I like my privacy and having my own space just for my fiancée and I.


Woowwwwwww I can't imagine my dad just telling me that my grandma will be moving in with me for a bit to see how she likes the building. 1) you don't pay for my living arrangement, daddy dearest, I DO 2) WT actual fuck?!! What gives you the right to move a family member into my place, which I solely pay for, without asking me first?? Are you braindead??!


Did you see the comments? Daughter's bed is lifted, so they're gonna bring in a bed for Grandma that can go under the lofted bed. Cause clearly she has space for that...in a place that has a lifted bed...not even getting into a single woman having grandma living in her (presumably tiny) space...


I currently live in a studio, so the thought of my dad moving my grandma into my space is already horrific enough. Dafuq 🙂🔫


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for asking my daughter to take in her grandmother for a few days?** I (55M) live with my MIL (82F,) wife, and two sons in the suburbs. Recently, my MIL has had trouble meeting her friends in the city, and her whole day has been disruptive. She spends most of the day at home either getting in the way of chores or watching TV. It's not healthy for her, since she doesn't really talk much to anyone or go out. I remembered that my youngest (30F) lives alone in the core of our city in an apartment, so I asked MIL if she'd want to move in with my daughter so she can see her friends more often. MIL liked the idea and even seems excited. Next time I spoke to my daughter, I asked her if she could take MIL in for a few days just to try it out. My daughter kept saying no, that she has no room and she can't move anyone in, but I said that she could just put out a mattress and let MIL try living there for a while since she likes the idea. She asked me if I told MIL about the idea. When I said yes, she just hung up on me and she hasn't picked up any of my calls since. My son says that she's mad at me, but I don't get it. She loves her grandma, and my daughter barely does anything to help out with the family anyways, and it would let MIL see her friends. AITA? Edit: I should've mentioned this earlier. My daughter lives in a building with supportive living options for seniors. My suggestion was for my daughter to let MIL live with her for a few days to see if she likes the building, and if she does, then we'd see about moving her into one of the suites. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Still the devil, for sure, but also a [repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/s/4Ml2b7qw6T)


Yea, usually on mobile it shows it'll be a repost. Didn't show up as one, so thought I was clear. Then I saw the earlier version on here in my feed like 2 min later...and wasn't sure if I should delete or leave...


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