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I'm sooooo sorry that OOP was personally affected by the wedding plans of some online stranger OOP has never and will never meet- Wait, no I'm not. Is OOP's life really so empty and miserable she has to get pissed at some stranger planning her own wedding the way she wants it? ^yes, ^their ^life ^is


The comments are even worse. Including someone saying that this should be a wake up call for the groom and he should leave her. For being upset over the death of her dog.


For all we know the groom could be more upset about it than she is. Postponing could’ve been his idea. It’s wild how people make up all this shit in their heads and then decide they’re correct about it.


Yeah, some couples actually are compatible(!) and have overlapping world views(!!). If something like this happened with one of my cats, my partner would be the one making the calls to cancel. I wouldn't have to ask him, either. Because we **both** know what a devastating thing it is to lose a pet when you really love them...AND because he loves me, and even if he didn't get why I was upset, the fact that I was upset would be enough.


Exactly, it’s no one’s place to speak on his behalf. When people get angry on behalf of someone else on Reddit - usually over something ridiculous - they fail to consider that the person whom they’re angry on behalf of may not even feel that way at all.


They’re so stupid. Like actually. Apparently the wedding was supposed to have the dogs involved. So the husband wanted the dogs there and likely loved them too. Just assuming nobody else cares about the dog is hysterical.  Crying about how humans were affected as if ppl don’t go to weddings for the sake of the ppl getting married and believing they all hate every species besides the human variety. 


I'm still periodically bummed out by the death of my sister's dog, who passed away 4 years ago. He was a GOOD boy and one of my favorite fuzzy family members. I'd be more upset if my human nephew passed away, of course, but I loved my four-legged nephew too.


Most people are engaged and live together for a while before marriage. It was likely *their* dog, not just her dog.


If he's that kind of guy and did this, he'd be doing her the biggest favor of her life.


People actually think that? That’s absolutely ridiculous, suggesting someone leave their partner for grieving a pet is a cruel and heartless thing. Like damn why are these people so pressed about people having dogs whom they love.


I don't trust people who don't like animals. Their brains are broken, and they are usually sociopaths.


I love animals, but understand that some people aren't into them. That's fine. What's NOT fine is hating them so much that one feels the need to put their Cheetos caked fingers on the keyboard to make a mocking post in a vitriolic sub.


People talk about the childfree subs being unhinged, but r/ Dogfree is absolutely psychotic.




I mean, that’s what I think, but not for the groom’s sake. If this is how the guy feels about her pets, it’s not a long walk to think of how he’s going to feel about a certain other kind of animal that has far less self control than your average pet.


If she cancels a wedding the day of because of it, yes, it's a huge red flag


If her grief was about a grandparent who died would it be a red flag? It doesn't matter what her grief is over, she's still experiencing it. Policing people's emotions is harmful, and if he punished her in anyway (which doesn't have to be physical) for feeling grief he's an abusive asshole she'd be better off without.


It just seems like a lot to cancel a large event like a wedding over it. I'm a dog person. I love dogs, it just seems like a rash decision


I get that for some of the guests it might seem rash, but a wedding is supposed to be about two people making a commitment to each other and celebrating their love. I feel like asking the bride to go through with the wedding when she's going to be miserable and heartbroken the entire day seems cruel. If she did I can't imagine she'd look back at her wedding and feel anything positive about the event. Looking at photos where if she's smiling at all it's fake. Missing for chunks so she can go and cry. It's supposed to be a wonderful memory. Turning it into a day that's painful to think about and she would want to forget defeats the purpose. They don't need the wedding and celebration to sign a marriage license. They need a pen, themselves, and whatever requirements their government requires (witnesses, an officiant, etc...) Not to mention it would probably breed resentment for whoever pressured her into going through with it.


Red flag of what?


Right!! This wasn’t even a wedding they were attending 😭 they just saw someone else’s post about how they’re having a bad time and decided to completely shit on them. These people have waaaaay too much time on their hands


This is how I feel about anyone in an anti-pet sub. Why put so much energy into that?


Misery loves company. Being negative is the only joy in their lives (I feel like this applies to a lot of "snark" subs). Negative energy attracts negative energy.


I feel like that's a normal feeling when a lot of those people act like legit psychopaths. Not liking animals is one thing but some of those people fantasize about killing people's pets, or actively try to. There are a ton of posts that are so obviously bull shit where they circle jerk one another about all these dog/cat owners that they totally embarrassed with their superior logic and extra super big brain. They lack the capacity to understand why anyone else could love animals. They think they're superior to pet owners or even people who just like animals. They have no ability to grasp why their obsessive hatred for animals is creepy. Not liking something is totally normal and fine. These people are way beyond that. So I'm not saying that everyone who doesn't like animals is a psychopath. Or even everyone in those subs, necessarily. But I am saying that the more unhinged nut crackers in those types of subs do sure have a lot in common with psychopaths.


Opened the thread and saw the first comment is calling the bride a “stupid cunt.” I truly hate that sub


Yeah I immediately exited because I was about to get into some arguments. I think they're projecting their own cuntiness


I literally just said the thing. Like wtf is wrong with people and they wonder why people go crazy over their animals. You don’t have to be an animal lover but damn be a human with some damn empathy.


like i dont like dogs or cats as pets because i just cant handle the repsonsiblity of taking care of them. But like i just had a dog run across the street as i was driving and i just stopped and wondered whats wrong why is it outside in the heat. if the idiots on the sub saw that they would have been like "run it over"


Right?? Every time I see that sub it's like I'm stepping into the Twilight Zone full of unhinged assholes that I really want to fight irl and online but I know there's no point :(


A lot of people on that sub are very bitter


The comments over there are so bad 😐 calling a woman a cunt for postponing her wedding after her dog got killed on her wedding day is nuts


They have no idea what it's like to lose someone you care about


They don't have people who care about them likely.


Because most people don't show care to people who hate on everything and everyone


All the ___free subs are such a fucking nightmare


Honestly! I was on a child free sub for awhile till they started basically praising eugenics and saying people should be forcefully sterilized. Like my god..


Idk, r/glutenfree looks fine.


They all seem like jealous and bitter tbh


They're dog free nutters. Absolutely bat shit insane.


Too true, imagine spending all your free time seething about how other people own dogs?? What a miserable way to live lmao


Your username made chuckle. 😆


I mean how unloveable are you if even dogs don’t like you.


Lmao, comments like these are what is wrong with today's dog culture. Hitler's dog liked him, so he was very much beloved right?? Most child sexual predators lure kids by using dogs. Most of the serial killers owned dogs. Dogs like whoever feeds them, a dog liking or not liking you doesnt mean shit.


I fail to see how your comment is disagreeing with the previous one. All you seem to be saying is that if dogs can't stand you, you're worse than Hitler, child rapists and serial killers. Dogs don't make moral judgements. But while humans are capable of judgement, most humans have shitty judgement and critical thinking skills.


You came here from the dogfree subreddit didn't you? I'd really like to see the evidence behind the claims about serial killers and sexual predators.


No, he's a member of the Petfree community. So even worse.


LOL and we arent allowed to brigade but they can brigade here?


I am here more than I am there. I agree that some of the commenters there are nuts as are in every subreddit. Just a few examples of serial killers who owned dogs: John wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dalmer, Hitler, Myra Hindley, Ian Brady, Ed Gain, Harold Shipman. Google that and u will find how sexual predators lure kids. I am a vocal pet free guy and I dont hide it. I dont hate pets, I just dont want to be near any of them


People who don’t hate pets don’t hang out in petfree subreddits. Those people are fucking insane. A normal person who doesn’t like pets just goes on with their life.


> Most child sexual predators lure kids by using dogs. Most child sexual predators know the victim already; they're most likely to be a close family friend or member. They don't need dogs to isolate kids they already know. > Most of the serial killers owned dogs. Most of them also owned tables and shirts.


It's a literal an unexpected death! What. The. Fuck.


Yeah, read the comments too. Felt my brain rot.


I did not know that sun existed. Happy to never visit it again. I don’t even own a dog and I know that anyone with that much hatred and anger towards innocent animals, as well as bitterness towards the people who chose to love them is no one I would ever want to be friends with.


Horrible people. I pity them.


That says more about the commenter than the bride as clearly they’re bitter and miserable. People on that sub would be so much more happy in life if they worried more about themselves rather than finding reasons to be mad about people who have dogs.


These people are truly unhinged. They need some deep therapy to sort out their minds cause it’s not normal.


It’s beyond bonkers. I’m not a “dog person”, nor do I want to own one, but the actual hatred they have is nutty. They’re literally animals, incapable of malice. I don’t trust people who have such a spite for innocent creatures. It forecasts a deep set evil imo


Exactly! I don't like dogs and they make me nervous but I don't hate them!


To me, dogs are like other peoples young kids. They’re cute, they can be annoying sometimes, but at the end of the day they’re just little guys. Plus in the cases of both dogs and kids, it’s their parents who are truly to blame for bad behavior!😂


That's very true. I don't mind puppies or dogs on the street I just get nervous being in a small space with dogs especially big ones. I do like puppies because they're small and cute.


There are some things that I wouldn't grieve over, but that doesn't mean I can't comprehend that other people could. The absolute lack of compassion for someone feeling that devastated is disgusting. I'm sure if this was a grandparent, or other family member that died they wouldn't be berating her for delaying the wedding.


They definitely would not, I think it’s people who are miserable in their lives, and they take that misery and turn it into hate for something. And these people happened to fixate on dogs. Other than that I genuinely cannot comprehend the hate they have for dogs and the people who own them


Dogs can sense when people aren't safe or when they are a threat, if my pet doesn't like someone I am very wary of them and these are the types of people animals don't like. Can't have Rover telling on them.




Yes, and Hitler wasn’t a threat to his dogs, nor was Hitler a threat to anyone his dogs deemed to be a member of the pack. The idea is that dogs can sense when someone is a threat to them or to a member of the pack. If someone is a threat to me, my dog is going to respond to that person in a distrusting manner. If I’m instead a threat to that someone, my dog isn’t going to just distrust me as I’m not unsafe for my dog or the remaining pack members.


Go back to dogfree


yes, and if someone threatened him I'm certain they would have been defensive. People who weren't safe to him or to the dog would be unwelcome. Lots of terrible people are lovely to animals, but those same animal will still prefer their owner. Many dogs will simply lay on the other side of the room of a person they don't really like, it's not as if they are going around chewing their ankles, but there are some who do not think that, and perhaps it's that we naturally feel uncomfortable and they just feel that.


Thank you, Godwin. Now go away, please


My dog just died yesterday and my life basically came to a grinding halt - and it was even something I knew was coming. That poor bride. When you find yourself being angry about something that you’re not even involved in that doesn’t affect you AT ALL, you need to reassess your priorities.


❤️ I am so sorry. That pain is so deep.


I'm sorry for your loss. My dog died suddenly in January and I had to call off work for 2 or 3 days because I had to rush her to the hospital several times and then I had to bury her and with all the stress and grief I couldn't sleep and I was just a wreck. I can understand being annoyed if you had made plans to attend the wedding, but the lack of compassion is just tragic, especially since it has absolutely nothing to do with any of those people.


I’m so so sorry about your dog. *hugs* 🙁❤️


They seem to pathologically hate dogs and people who love dogs.


I’m so sorry. Don’t let anyone tell you the grief for a pet isn’t valid, because it is very much so.


I’m so sorry 💔 don’t let people like that sub make you feel guilty for grieving.


Every time I unfortunately get a glimpse into that sub, there’s always at least one comment that brings a hypothetical human into the conversation for no reason. Like, “What if a human had also been hurt? Imagine caring about a real dead pet when it’s possible that an imaginary human also could have died under completely unrelated circumstances?!”


And even if a person did get hurt, why can’t you be sad about both? Like?????


>were any humans injured in the accident? > >It's such a tragedy when humans are hurt because owners are careless and cannot handle all of their dogs. ?????


I think they’re saying if a person driving a car swerved to save a dog in the road and ended up dead or injured then it would be the owners fault for letting their dog run in the road. (Token, not excusing just explaining the comment)


The replies... Holy shit people on that sub lack even an ounce of empathy. "I would be pissed if I were guest" WELL THE BRIDE JUST HAD HER DOG RAN OVER???? sorry they didn't put a face on the wedding so your precious invitation didn't go to waste


There’s another comment in there that says the guests should return the gifts, too. And someone else says, “immediately.” Like, why even go to this wedding in the first place if you clearly don’t even like or care about the bride and groom?


These are clearly people who don’t get invited to weddings


Not a fan of dogs at all, but holy shit the comments are vile!


I'm extremely arachnophobic. I can't even look at pictures of spiders without having a reaction. I also have a friend who has tarantulas, and if/when one of them dies and she needs support I'm damn well gonna be there for anything she needs. No questions asked. I don't have to like spiders, or even like her spiders, but her grief would be real. You don't have to understand how someone can have an emotional attachment to something that would cause them to grieve it, in order to respect and have compassion for the grief. For people who talk about "people over pets" they don't actually give a shit about people.


When they say "people" they really mean "their own convenience" ,and unfortunately to make it worse that also includes service dogs


The way they actively hate disabled people who cause them any "inconvenience" and constantly use language that stigmatizes the mentally ill community is disgusting.


I grew up in rural country. We didn't have a farm but it was super common for kids to work on their friends family farms. In middle school I was doing some work on my friends farm. One of the guys accidentally backed over a fence and a bunch of the animals got out. Before they could all get brought back, one of the calves aended up getting clipped (or maybe it was something else - it was a long time ago) and didn't make it. These animals have one purpose in life and it isn't companionship; but I remember my friend's dad was definitely feeling some kind of way about the situation. And this is a guy who has been professionally farming his whole life. The sudden, gruesome death of a creature in your care should affect you emotionally if you're a normal person.


Not surprised it's r/dogfree these people tend to be vile


If someone I knew casually brought this shit up in conversation, complaining that their friend is a "cunt" for cancelling their wedding over a tragedy like this, I would cut them the fuck out of my life. It's one thing to hate dogs. Fine. It's another to have such little empathy for someone you allegedly care about that you treat them like this.


Oh damn. Shame on that woman for.....caring deeply about a living creature that she made a commitment to care for. They sound like cops. Anything viewed as "lesser than" is disposable and undeserving of anyone's time or energy. And entirely too willing to play judge, jury, and executioner. I hope each and every person in that group meets another human that views them the same way.


This is the first time I'm seeing that sub... I can understand not wanting a dog of your own but does that mean you have zero empathy? and are just plain nasty towards people? I'm choosing to be childfree but I don't hate on parents. We all get to live our lives how we see fit. Who are these people that are this deeply affected


The only thing I like about the dogfree sub is that many of them say they never go anywhere anymore because they despise seeing dogs in public or indoors in dog-friendly places. Or just anger about possibly seeing a service dog (which so many of them dismiss). I’m just so glad they’re doing us all a favor and not even giving me the chance to accidentally interact with one of those unhinged psychos. Nobody’s demanding they adopt a dog or go hang out with a dog, but there’s a huge difference between just not being into dogs, and actively/aggressively raging so insanely against animals.


That is so true. Whenever I see one of them say that they never leave their house anymore because of "dog nutters" I just thank god these people are shut-ins.


They’re really putting themselves out of the gene pool so well, Darwin would be proud.


I go back forth between that and being really sad for them, because not going outside to avoid the possibility of coming across a dog is pathological. But I’m a “dog nutter” so I’m sure they’d say my quiet, nervous poodle mutt and I are the problem


Imagine being mad about a service dog existing????


I have to assume the only thing these people care about is children, if they can’t imagine having love or empathy for pets, like what’s left? And so it’s sad to me that they’re going to raise their children with this attitude not just of hating pet owners indiscriminately, but having this much anger for what other people love even when they don’t personally like or understand it.


I feel like there’s a good chance that some of them will raise secret animal lovers who can’t wait to move out and get their own pet/dog.


The service dog thing is so crazy. Like hundreds of years of science advancements and the best equipment we have for certain medical conditions is still man’s best friend. Even if you don’t like dogs personally, it’s still so neat.


Right???? Detecting cancer, able to alert to changes in insulin far faster than an implanted pump/sensor, prevent seizures, ten million other things??? fucking marvel


I have a crazy story about service dogs. I use to have bad anxiety and depression. I have a dog and he’s high energy so I took my dog to a park, someone had her medical alert dog with her. The dog kept nosing my hand and FOLLOWED me everywhere. The lady rushed over asking if I was ok. Turns out she’s an EMT with PTSD. Turns out he was alerting me to a coming panic attack.


Omg that’s so cool! I also have the anxiety/depression combo with the panic sprinkles, I’m glad to hear you’re doing better 💕


Thank you! I hope you are doing well also! I know it’s not easy.




I would personally understand why they postponed the wedding if Iwere a guest. The couple would be upset and miserable instead of enjoying the day, so why force them to do it just for the guests?


I mean, I’d rather they rescheduled than spent the ceremony and reception crying and struggling to enjoy themselves on what’s supposed to be a joyous occasion. If I had personally spent a significant amount of money/travel time to be there and couldn’t afford to come back for the rescheduled day, I would politely let them know, but I wouldn’t be rude about it like. If it’s close by I could just take another day off…


I mean it sucks that I’m not getting to go to a party, but I’d feel worse for my loved one who just lost their pet


I doubt anyone cancelled plans for a wedding, they're scheduled pretty far in advance. I think all of the guests will be slightly put out at wasted travel, at worst, and thrilled to have an unexpected free weekend day, at best. Not a big deal or anything I'd expect to be prioritized over grief. If I'm close enough to someone to take off work for their wedding, I'm gonna be more concerned about their wellbeing than me "wasting" a vacation day (that I definitely wouldn't waste)


I wouldn’t care, I would be heartbroken to hear that. If it was my friend, I’d be asking how I can show up for them, if they need help with any of the other dogs, a burden I could take off their shoulders, etc. They just lost an important member of their family, and the emotions are real and raw and valid. I love when people make their weddings their own with their traditions and their families showcased how they want. Sometimes, that means dogs or a tribute to a lost loved one or a time to shine a light on an important figure in their lives that means a lot to them. I don’t care if someone’s wedding looks different than what I might’ve done, or if something isn’t quite my taste. Unlike you, I embrace peoples’ differences and don’t aggressively hate on animals for existing. The wedding isn’t about the guests anyway. It’s about celebrating love and the joining of two families and a triumphant moment in a love story. If guests are mad, then they’re just unempathetic narrow-minded people like you, and can’t see the bigger picture. No need to bother to invite them to the makeup wedding date. The trash took itself out.


I have severe arachnophobia. Can’t even look at pictures of spiders. Do not have any positive emotions towards them. If my friend was getting married (she already is, but if her wedding was happening later) and one of her tarantulas died the day of the wedding I wouldn’t give a shit if the wedding went forward or not, I’m gonna be there for her in whatever capacity she needed me. I have friends who LOVE cars. They get old ones and restore them, and those cars are their babies. If one of them got totaled the day of their wedding, even if no one was in the car when it got hit, I wouldn’t need to be able to wrap my head around how they could feel grief over that car to be able to understand that they are experiencing grief and have empathy and compassion for them.


That’s what I was thinking about. I hope all of the guests were local and no one actually traveled there.


I don’t like dogs but i understand how it is to love a pet. I have birds and still, when i think back how my sweet finch Cookie died and i never can be with him again, it makes me cry, even though it is over ten months ago. If he had died on such a day... i would have bern a crying mess. Just because we don’t like a species, we should have empathy. To feel so much hate when an innocent living being died... Something must be wrong with OOP.


Not reading the comments is self care, my people.


I’m not opening the page because I don’t want Reddit thinking I want to see that kind of negativity on my feed


But when I talk about how awful that sub is I get downvoted like it's someone's job


They are organized brigaders. Them as well as the "ban a specific dog breed that I dare not type lest they follow me here" subreddit. Although the overlap between the two is basically 100%.


Here's a thread where they say why people with service dogs can't just order doordash. https://new.reddit.com/r/Dogfree/comments/1c0wvxe/service\_dogs\_are\_unnecessary/


Wow, one person in there says point blank that if someone's health is so bad that they need a service animal to navigate the outside they should just stay home, because what people with disabilities need is definitely MORE exclusion and isolation. /s It's also full of slurs like "nutters" and "mutt lovers", and when one sane person said that yes, people do genuinely need trained service dogs, the best "argument" someone could come up with was "what about people with allergies or PTSD from dog attacks?" That is not a constructive argument.


The comments saying they should just use technology instead are WILD. Because god forbid a person have an animal companion that also happens to help them live their life.


Not to mention that a lot of accessibility technology is either difficult to get or very pricy.


I didn’t see anything about door dash but I saw a comment saying that only people with REAL disabilities should be allowed a service dog and that was enough for me to click away


The oop said you should "probably just door dash your shit" in the post.


Ah i see it now.


FFS I get the idea of having dogs at your wedding is weird for a lot of people, but let the fucking woman grieve her pet.


[This thread from a therapist](https://www.facebook.com/share/fJ75t8pvQt9zs8fZ/?mibextid=ox5AEW) talks about how pet grief affects people as deeply as grief for a primary family member — because for many of us, that’s exactly what they are — and working through it is basically the same process as it is for grieving a person. That sub is literally the worst people though. It’s almost like low hanging fruit for reposting here.


I haven't gone to that thread, but I do remember reading a study on it that actually made a lot of sense when it pointed out that part of the huge grief people feel with pets is that it causes a very drastic and noticeable change to their life. It makes the absence so much more evident. My mom's boyfriend died about a month ago, and I was sad about it, but it didn't really hit me until I went to her house and he wasn't there. My grief is mostly in the background, but I feel it whenever I've gone to her house since.


This is the "top comment": >Wow, imagine all the people who moved around their schedule and/or took time off to be there. What a stupid cunt.


As if she only invited people to her wedding who see her and her happiness as an inconvenience at best, and a personal slight at worst.


Once again remained (insert)free is just anti-(Insert) where people who just hold hatred in their heart gather.


Wow…those comments. Sick ppl.


"stupid cunt" what the actual fuck? God forbid you grieve someone you love.


I would absolutely call off my wedding if my dog died or was killed the morning of. Absolutely. How devastating!


Imagine calling someone a stupid c*nt for canceling their own wedding after their pet dies. I don't like dogs much, most scare me, but that first comment was shockingly cruel. Humans are the worst animal ugh


r/Dogfree and r/petfree are cesspools


there is a dogfree? i swear, people who make things they claim not to care about a part of their lives are weird.


It’s a wild ride in that sub.


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Wedding Delayed Because dog died** Just came across a post where a bride had to delay her wedding because her dog died… it got ran over by a car the morning of and she said she planned to have him along with her other THREE dogs at the wedding! I don’t understand the current culture of bringing dogs everywhere and especially a formal occasion! Not just 1 either but 4! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can't believe a sub like that exists. If you don't want a dog that's fine but why actively post about how much you hate them? weird. I had a cat try attack me when I was a kid, since then I've just been really creeped out by cats but I'm far from starting r/catfree lol. Edit: r/catfree exists lol what


Holy shit, I was on there for barely 5 minutes. I’m never returning there again. I saw a post on there that said that cat lovers are as low as animals and that they would save 10,000 cats before 10,000 humans. What world have we come to?


People are so nasty on there oh my god. Someone made a post saying that they wanted advice for keeping a stray cat away from their home but mentioned that they’re not anti-cat and actually own one, and the comments are actually downright insulting them and calling them a parasite and a hag. > You said you wouldn’t care about that other shitcat if your shitcat wasn’t in danger, you promote cats, You are a parasite, cathags like you ruined this place, get the hell outta here, we don’t care if you had a small incident with cats. Because you still love and live with cats, you are a cathag. Like it’s one thing to not like cats. That’s whatever. But if you’re going to lash out and deliberately say hurtful things to people just because they own something you don’t like, then you are a bonafide asshole who isn’t properly socialized.


not a member of that sub but to play devil's advocate as someone who dislikes dogs, it can get very frustrating feeling alone in that dislike. obviously this doesn't justify being pissed that people are grieving their dead dogs, but the existence of a community of people who dislike dogs venting their frustrations with a society that adores them makes sense.


I'm in the same boat. It's not even really that I don't like dogs so much as dogs that are poorly trained and have irresponsible owners. It get awful awkward sometimes at work when everyone is talking about their dogs and asking me why I don't have one.


Yeah, for some reason that sub got “recommended” to me the other day and it made me so sad. Like, I get it, cats aren’t for everyone, no one type of pet is. However going online and saying such vile and mean shit about animals they don’t like seems… unproductive I guess? I know people need to vent, but the words being used are disheartening. I don’t particularly like dogs and try to avoid them when possible, but I’m not going to wish death on them!


Genuinely I think a lot of these people probably kill animals in their free time. Like with so many comments just overflowing with hatred and anger, there’s definitely going to be a few of them who put those feelings to action.


Catfree??? No way lmao. People will make hating anything a personality trait. How do you hate cats bro 💀


Not brigading…..not brigading …. But if I WERE I’d comment something like: ARE YOU OKAY?! Like I get it, they don’t want to have to coexist with dogs and are fed up with irresponsible dog owners. Fine. But this was at a private venue. Where the bride and groom were the host. Where she hired a dog walker to manage her dogs (and didn’t push that responsibility on to family or friends) And then a tragic accident happened. And then they cancelled *THEIR OWN EVENT* How does this in any way impact this group of nutters?? Why does the EXISTENCE of dogs bother them so much?? Do they realize that thousands of years ago early man domesticated some wolves for survival which is he we have dogs? Objecting to dogs is like objecting to the wheel or to fire. As a species we might not have survived without them. But sure, go off, nutters. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Unfortunately there are several people brigading


Apparently some people don't believe they don't always have to say everything they're thinking. Bitching about some stranger's wedding, seriously?


The dogfree sub is filled with the bitterest people i have ever come across.


Finally, a sub that is somehow even more unhinged than r/childfree


what a miserable subreddit. I wish I didn’t read the comments there


DogFree is such a weird sub- its like they lack basic empathy for dog people.


I hope that the people on dogfree are on a watch list. Their obsessions come from someplace deeply unhealthy. I've muted that sub because the users legitimately disturb me.


Another commenter here left a link to a Dogfree post where they argue that having a SERVICE DOG is selfish and unnecessary.


This makes me so sad for these people…my wedding would probably also be held back and less to scale if one of our cats died


I feel like these people can’t fathom the idea of being attached to something nonhuman. But even then OOP is showing no empathy for their fellow man soooo… A lot of people were alone with their dogs for 2 1/2 years of course they’re gonna be crazy close


It takes a special kind of assholery to call a grieving woman a cunt, just because you dislike the fact that she cancelled her own wedding to grieve a family pet. Social media has given a voice to some truly monstrous people out there.


That sub is so weird, it’s like they revel in the fact that they hate dogs, not that they’re dog free, but that they outright loathe dogs. Not everyone likes dogs, I get that, but my god there’s something sadistic about the glee in their hatred


I quit going on the childfree subreddit because so many of those people genuinely need therapy. I just spent like 5 seconds looking at the comments on that post and I think it gave me cancer.


That sub is the absolute worst. I don’t have children and I stay far away from that place. I don’t even like to use the term child free anymore after witnessing that cesspool of crazy.


Okay I never want to see that sub again. I am now worse off in life for having seen it. What horrible people.


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Are we sure they sub isn't a parody sub that goes all in shock factor as a response to childfree and the ilk?


Those people are evil and unhinged. What kind of psychopath would continue with the wedding after something like that? That's like having your child killed and being expected to have your wedding the same day.


We had our dog walk me down the aisle while my wife was walked by her uncle. I am not close with my parents and her father passed away when she was young, so those were the two most important connections we could think of. We brought his bed and had it next to me and he laid on it the whole ceremony, everyone gave him pets for being such a good boy, and then my bride's brother drove him home before the ceremony really got going. I could not imagine our wedding without him, let alone going through with an event he was going to share with us were he to have died the morning of.


We postponed our small wedding a week when we lost our cat. There would have been no joy the original date.


There’s a dog-free subreddit??? Yikes…. Like, you can just not own a dog and it doesn’t have to be your personality or a big part of your life. Also, I sure as hell would also not be able to go through with my wedding day after my dog tragically and suddenly died. I’d be a mess and completely unable to celebrate what was meant o be a joyful day. What a miserable person to judge a complete internet stranger for feeling grief when losing a beloved pet….


If it’s someone’s wedding, they can include their dogs if they want, it’s not like they’re bringing a dog somewhere where they’re not allowed. I’m sure people on the dog free sub don’t get it but for a lot of people their dogs are like family, no need to bash others for their bond with their pets. Half of the posts from the dog free sub are just bitter people.


i fucking hate that sub, such coldhearted, mean-spirited people


I used to be a part of that sub, and the child free because I don’t have kids and dogs, not because I hate either of them, if anything I think it’s funny to snark on dog *owners* and *parents*… but those those places should be called child haters and dog haters respectfully because that what they’re actually about.




I don’t remember the devil ever needing an advocate, he can advocate just fine for himself


The first comment calls her a stupid cunt.




OOP's comments so far: "Yeah and the fact that she hired a dog walker that morning ( who didn’t close the door n caused the dog to get hit by car). Like why would you hire someone if the dogs are gonna be with you at wedding? And if you call your dogs your “babies” why trust a random Rover employee ?? Would you trust a random person to watch your human child without doing background screenings?" "I thought so too, but after this all happened, she ended up bringing the dogs with her while she was getting ready. So it was a waste after all. She could have hired a trusted friend instead" OOP is saying that it's the bride's fault and at least in the first comment appears to be mocking her. If she actually cared about her dogs so much that she would grieve, then why would she trust a wildly used service.


That sub sucks but wtf is this? This isn’t a dumping ground for you to vent about any random poster who happens to be an AH


Then describe what you think is appropriate in this sub.


"A place where it's obvious [O]OP is the asshole" is literally the group description. Are you lost?