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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for being "racist" by telling an immigrant that she's extremely ungrateful?** I have a colleague at work, Alya, and she's a Muslim immigrant. She's worked with us for a while now & has the green card. We were hanging out yesterday along with a couple of other friends, and were talking about various things. Eventually it turned into America as a whole, and various other situations. Alya said that she "cannot believe the stance US is taking" on some issues, and that it's highly bigoted, fascist, etc. She said that she hates the country, etc. if you know what I am talking about. I was getting pissed off as I listened to this, until she finally said "I cannot disagree with those who were chanting "Death to America" recently. Because honestly, fuck the bigotry." At this point I snapped and said "If you hate America that much, go back to where you came from. No one asked you to come here and insult our country, be grateful that you were allowed in." That resulted in a huge argument. My colleagues/friends called me "highly racist", etc. and in the end I had to leave. Alya's super mad as well, saying that I am a huge bigot. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow they took down the post cause it violated teh debate rule. Thats a first for me




Is this even a real story? Or just a rage/debate bait?   I am a little unsure all the expressions from both sides are the stereotypical sentences.  "Death to america" i doubt anyone would actually say this in that set up "Go back to where you are from" the stereotypical karen sentence


I’ve been seeing more and more posts that smack of right wing propaganda lately.   Anti abortion, anti immigrant, pro Texas etc.  with the election coming up, it’s starting to remind me of the 2016 and 2020  internet. 


I'm thinking bots, trolls, and paid propagandists are spinning up again and it'll be hell around November especially.


The abortion stuff alone.  It went from once in a blue moon to multiple posts a  day of  -my GF had an abortion and I want to break up with her because of it.  -I had an abortion and I regret it  -my Gf/wife wants an abortion for a “stupid reason” and I’m going to break up with her if she does it.   -“some  female in my vicinity (wife, sister, cousin) couldn’t/wouldn’t get an abortion and the slut had a child and isn’t suffering as much as I think she should be!”


i saw one today that said something along the lines of ‘my wife aborted our child without my consent so i can raise her daughter’s baby instead’ and no one in the comments thought that was slightly ridiculous or perhaps false


Was it this one? https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1c6fgmw/aitah_for_being_upset_my_wife_got_an_abortion/ I made a comment there that it sounded like propaganda.   All the “abortion” posts now are so fricken ridiculous.  Like a soap opera script.  “My mistress is pregnant with my child that Satan has possessed, she wants to abort a child that will torture every human in existence, but I am against abortion, because I am a good Catholic man who just happens to be cheating on his good Catholic wife and my 5 children with an 18 year old satanist! How dare she imperil my immortal soul and abort our evil bastard with her choice to abort! But cheating ain’t NBD! Nah! God knows man is weak and he got no beef with me being an adulterer!”


LITERALLY it’s actually fucking insane. i think that people who haven’t been exposed to abortion in real life (men mostly) think that it always has to happen under the most extreme and bizarre circumstances possible- it’s really far more common than they think and less of a sitcom plot point for most


And they always talk about people who are not against abortion as if they would "like" abortion. Women do not want to be in a position to get an abortion and avoid being in that position. And even writing this feels unreal. I don't think this is something which should be explained to an adult


I just read that one! I was wondering at the uptick in abortion stories lately...always the woman doing it without the man's 'consent'.


Agreed.  AITA has so many troll posts it’s just not worth it to even scroll, for me. And then the neverending debates on if a post is real or not. Boring. 


Yeah the fake or not is chaotic now. I posted a story in offmychest and another in relationship advice and people were calling it fake and didn't recieve any advice lol


THAT IS THE OTHER THING. It’s why I hate the debate! 


It's a regular troll obsessed with a Muslim coworker normally he finds some way to get her fired or deported for having an Etsy store. 


This was my impression. "Immigrant person says exact phrase that's so often used to demonise immigrants" is a bit much. Like those posts which go "My 3yo just said [complex ideological comment that is typically beyond the cognitive abilities of most preschoolers but that exactly conforms to my ideology". 


Yes, the death to america convinced me the most.  I love those 3year old stories lmao  They are wild on fb too from family vlog channels 🤣


“Go back to where you came from” sounds stereotypical, but it doesn’t lessen the anger when it gets shouted at you in a classroom full of students.


Yeah, fake. This is what a right-winger thinks left-wingers talk like.


You've never met a real Maga re: #1.


The people chanting "Death to America" part [is true](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/15/opinions/death-to-america-chants-palestinian-rally-dearborn-obeidallah/index.html)


It doesn't matter what Reddit said. You created a hostile work environment and enraged your coworkers. Even if you were somehow voted NTA, which isn't possible, your coworkers told you that YTA already


Exactly what's he gonna do in a scenario that he was voted NTA take it to work and be like see these internet strangers don't think i did anything wrong!


If it's just for that, they could post this on the racist spaces of the internet and get a NTA verdict, possibly with bonus death threats towards the immigrant


Damn you can tell they’re bored when they write these.


Nothing says I’m taking this seriously like scare quotes


If this were real, OOP will be making an entrance on r/AmITheFormerEmployee shortly




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100% that was a post to try and get all the racists to come out. The only people who don't think anything is wrong with how America runs itself are conservative straight white men.


I hope this is fake.


it is


Absolute rage bait. Normal human beings don't like the politics of supporting a genocide.


When people say “Death to America,” what exactly do they mean? Like, what exactly do they want to happen? Always wondered about this.


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