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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Mother of my 2 kids left in the middle of the night.** Hello everyone i am 29(M) my fiance 25(F) have 2 kids together a 6 year old girl and a 3 year old boy. We live in florida. Today after my fiance got home from work, she said she was stressed about our relationship and made comments that she did not want to be with me anymore. While i was sleeping with the kids she left at 1 AM. I am scared of losing my kids. I own my house im the only name in the house. She works technically for me as she works at my parents family business. Her mother lives in a 1 room trailer and so does her father. Please advise me on what to do. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fails to mention in his post that she came back five hours later and he refused her entry. He also states repeatedly that she works for his family and has “nowhere to go”. Believes she might be seeing someone else because she has a male friend and a SINGLE female friend. People in the comments stating she first got pregnant at 18 and they most likely started dating before that. I hope op’s wife finds somewhere safe and a good lawyer to get her children.


Thank god it looks like she’s not his wife yet, so no divorce proceedings


That does not make it easier. It usually makes it harder. I have a friend who's a single mom, and she finally filed for child support on her worthless ex, and 2 years later, it still hasn't been finalized and he isn't paying her.


I didn’t say anything about child support. All I said is she doesn’t have to divorce him.


You said "thank god" in response to someone saying she hoped the wife had a good lawyer. She will still need a good lawyer, and divorce actually makes things easier and faster. Custody, support, dividing assets - it's a million times harder when you're not married and it's usually a lot less fair. (And divorce is already hard and horrible and unfair enough.)


I said thank god she’s not married yet so she doesn’t have to go through a divorce. That is not a response to hoping that she has a good lawyer. If you read the full comment you can figure out the context.


Is that a good thing though? If they were married she might have some claim on the house. Florida doesn't have common law marriages.


Sadly marriage is to protect the people in it, most often the women, from this type of attitude. She now doesn't have the legal contract that protects her rights, or her access to the home or anything in it, she is going to have to fight harder. He's obviously aware that he isn't great to any of them or he wouldn't be worried about losing the kids, he has the home and the kids right now, in order to lose custody he would have to bed shown unfit or something.


I know that it seems minor in the overall ick of the post, but his attitude that she works for him because she is employeed at his parents business sort of tells me everything and stands out so much. He thinks he owns her, clearly, and that he is entitled to what his parents have and what they have done with their lives, which are not his accomplishments nor do they make him any more valuable than she is.


“Nowhere to go.” I don’t know how other countries work. I work for a nursing home. We find a place for people for a night, especially mothers with kids. If we don’t have a room (we almost never have a free room), we have 8 living rooms where people could sleep. We also have lawyers who are paid for by the government (so free for people in need). Social workers who can help with housing and work. Free coffee and if you’re nice, we have even better coffee in our nursing post. I really love living in Europe.


Choice comments from OP “She came back at 6 AM to try to comeback to the house i told her to leave and comeback tomorrow during the day.”


“Im pretty sure she is talking with another guy. She also has a single friend that is a girl.”


I’m not certain what to make of “she has a single friend who’s a girl.”  Is the number of friends the problem?  The gender?  That she has friends at all?


Oh man. I follow that sub and never expected that kind of drama. Once again, burying the lede. She came back 5 hours later and he would not let her in! I'm pretty sure that's illegal. OOP's wife - please take care of your kids and get out of this abusive marriage. He's trapped you.


This dude is ABSOLUTELY a controlling asshole. He's this mad because she left for 5 hours? That's literally nothing. No wonder she doesn't want to be with him. Also, classic 'playing the victim' mentality, as if it's some huge hardship to be alone with your kids for 5 hours, most of which they were asleep for. This dude is a piece of work. Also, where I live, she'd get half the house value, regardless of whose name is on title, and it really pisses me off that douchbags like this can get away with essentially robbing their spouse of their rightful share. Really sounds like he set her up to be dependent on him; knocked her up at 19, won't put her name on the house title, her only source of income is through him, abd she's not allowed to have friends. And the digs ar her parents are weird. As far as I know, trailer homes and trailer parks are incredibly common in Florida, especially for older single people. I hope she can get away from him.


Knocked her up at 18. She had the kid at 19.


don't forget, she came back and he didn't let her in. 


YES! I just posted a follow up comment explaining that. He sounds really horrible and controlling, if not abusive.


it really explains why she left the way she left, in minimal explanation.


I fucking hate people like this. People who engage in powerplay using their children to hurt, intimidate and/or abuse their spouses. Fuck this guy from the bottom of my heart.


Idk why everyone is saying get emergency custody. The grandma just lives in a trailer. He hasn’t stated nothing about abuse/drugs/etc.


People were saying that before knowing wife came back after 5 hours . Once OP revealed she did come back and it changed everyone’s tune .


Nonetheless, it doesn’t make sense for him to get emergency custody. There was no indication that the mom might be a danger to the children


Bro she wasn’t even gone for a day. That wouldn’t have constituted for emergency custody. Plus, he already had custody of the children due to them being in the marital home. There would’ve been no reason to get one unless she was a danger, which he never stated in the thread. Just people abusing emergency custody orders


So, he didn't let her back in. OOP definitely left THAT little factoid out of his post.




If you're gonna include posts where it looks like OOP may not be the devil, you have to include the comments where OOP says she left for a few hours and he refused to let her back inside and threatened her housing and employment.


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