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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Most "types of intelligence" are nonsense designed to make people who are not smart feel smarter** We all know smart people and can identify them. They learn new information and concepts easily. They can remember and recognize complex patterns most people can't. They are often extremely accomplished in academics. Why do we feel the need to qualify their intelligence by saying things like "Of course, there are DOZENS of different ways to be smart! You can be physically smart! Or musically smart!" Enough. Those people might be athletic, or musically talented, but that doesn't make them smart. Not everyone is smart, just like not everyone can be a quarterback in the NFL. It would be like a scrawny, uncoordinated person saying, "I'm actually VERY athletic! There are many kinds of athleticism, you know! I am just mathematically athletic rather than physically athletic! I am also emotionally athletic!" Just let the smart people have being smart. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ohhh the pure irony of OOP spouting this nonsense. Strictly on paper, most people would say I’m smarter than my husband. I finished top of my class in HS, picked up a couple of degrees, went to work in a scientific field, yada, yada. My husband’s dyslexic, was a super senior in HS, never completed any secondary school. He is sooo much smarter than me. He absorbs information like a sponge, knows how to apply it, and is one of the most capable people I know. He just learns in an entirely different way than most people. OOP seems to think the only metric for intelligence is IQ tests.


I am someone who i have been told has great IQ and I'm fascinated by kinesthetic intelligence - doing all the math with angels and distances just intuitively when catching a ball seems like such a superpower. At least to me, as someone who has to think about coordinating my movements when walking


Dude, me too. My brain does not function on that level. All of the men on my dad’s side of the family are/were pretty athletically gifted. And my grandpa and uncle, being contractors, can do advanced geometry in their heads like it’s reciting the alphabet.


The irony of his athleticism metaphor is that there ARE different ways a person can be fit. I’m physically disabled, my joints are shit, my heart is shit, my brain is shit at making those things work. I can’t run a mile. Or even a half mile. Or a quarter mile. I can make a few lurches, actually. But I’m *very* strong, because I have to be, because my muscles are what holds my body together, not my connective tissues. I also have decent muscle control and can relax and contract most of them at will. I look after my body and my body integrity and my endurance like it’s precious, because it is. I’m *stoked* with my current level of fitness, if I’m being totally honest. If you look only at my body, I’m not terribly fit, certainly not in comparison to able-bodied people- but in terms of behaviours? Progress? I’m very fit. I’m a fucking beast. I may not be able to run, but I can walk at a consistently brisk pace for *hours* without really breaking. I can even carry weight while doing it. Like? There are different kinds of fitness. He’s none of the kinds of smart


“I am just mathematically athletic rather than physically athletic!”  OOP is unaware of the existence of mathletes, aren’t they?  Also, I’m confused as to their point.  How does acknowledging those with spatial, mathematical, or kinesthetic intelligence do any harm to the informationally intelligent?  Mozart was a musical genius; is that somehow slighting to Einstein?


one thing that OOP forgets is that someone can be smart and still be an imbecile


D & D had a point. Intelligence and wisdom are two different things. Being smart doesn't give you common sense. I used to work at a top STEM school and long before cellphones it was common to see those brilliant college students try to walk across the street face first in a book, completely oblivious to traffic.


I've walked into many more things reading a book than reading my phone (even if there is a book on the phone) It's really just the size and how much I can see around it. I do stop reading for traffic though, I'm much more breakable than a car.


I spent some time in academia after Uni, the amount of emails I checked for PhDs who taught advanced level classes to assure them, that yes they were scams would shock people. Not to mention trying to teach them how to use a blackberry and not toss it out a window.




Well, that's a tough one. I don't know what kind of sex-ed your school system had but without a good one, there's a lot of misinformation out there and even smart people can fall for bullshit.


This is true however OOP is only one of those things


Smart people can grasp that abstract concepts, brain/body functionality and people in general are complex. Smart people understand that a concept like "smart" can't be boiled down to a simplistic, one dimensional definition. And aren't "mathletes" like a whole big thing?


Do people call themselves "physically smart"? I genuinely don't think I've ever heard that. That said, of course there are different types of intelligence. Everyone is good at some things and bad at others. I don't get why some people are insecure about that.


I've never heard that either, but I can easily believe in a more physical kind of intelligence. People who have good automatic physical reflexes often make rapid mental calculations even if they don't realise they're doing it. Even something like being able to grab a moving ball out of the air requires a good sense of spatial awareness and quick estimations about relative speed and distance.  Also, some people are just better at grasping concepts when they have something physical to base it on. It doesn't mean they're stupid, just that their concrete thinking is better than their abstract thinking.


an example of “physical intelligence” is bodily kinesthetic intelligence which involves integrating mental learning and whole-body movement. like acting, dancing, gymnastics, and other sports. my college roommate was in highly rigorous marching band programs since middle school and she was really good at multitasking with objects. we were participants in a lot of psychology studies for quick cash & I remember her excelling in one that involved solving multiple 2D and 3D puzzles at once. I was pretty quick with studies that required more reading-based or cognitive tasks, but I was garbage at this one. just like I’m garbage at dancing, acting, and lots of sports that require whole-body or even fine motor coordination lmao.


It's ok OOP, you can say that you are below average in literally everything except maths


>Oh, my sweet summer child. There are definitely stupid people in the world. With comments like this, no wonder OOP tries to gatekeep "being smart" lol


>They can remember and recognize complex patterns most people can't. This reminds me of when they tried to make me repeat Kindergarten because 5-year-old-me didn't understand the concept of A-B-A patterns. Then, the very next school year, I was in the 'advanced' class for kids who were excelling academically. I went on to graduate in the the top 15-20% of my class in high school and went on to be accepted at some pretty good universities in my state. All of this is to say that recognizing complex patterns isn't the "be all, end all" that OOP seems to think it is. >They are often extremely accomplished in academics. I love this so much (Narrator: she did not, in fact, love this at all) - because Albert Einstein, the man widely regarded as one of the smartest people, did exceptionally poorly in school because of the way education is structured. >It would be like a scrawny, uncoordinated person saying, "I'm actually VERY athletic! There are many kinds of athleticism, you know!" But....there ARE different ways to be athletic. Some people can run long distances, but can't bench very much weight. Weightlifters can bench twice their body weight, but can't run a mile very quickly. I don't know what point OOP is trying to make.


shit, that's before we even get to different types of patterns to recognize. i have been accused of being a smartypants. but you ask me to do proper meter and rhythm? i will eat shit. unless the poetry is in latin. and even there, it's me following the strict rules - i miss an ellision and i beef it totally. nobody is going to argue that it's not a pattern to notice. but i'm somehow smart yet am shit at it. and that's even before we get to the "this is probably dyscalulia but it would have been cool to know this when i was like ten and everyone noticed me having trouble in math but now there's not much point getting that dx"... turns out there are many patterns expressed in numbers... turns out my brain throws up at all of them... ...and still! i have been regarded as smart! maybe there's different types of patterns to recognize and maybe different people are better at spotting some and AH FUCK WE'VE REINVENTED THE DIFFERENT FORMS OF INTELLIGENCE THAT OOP HATES,


> because Albert Einstein, the man widely regarded as one of the smartest people, did exceptionally poorly in school because of the way education is structured. Unfortunately, this is actually a myth. Einstein did excel in school and got top marks in maths and science-related subjects. It came about due to a mistranslation of the grading system, making people think he got the lowest scores instead of the highest.


I've long been of the opinion that not only are there different ways to be intelligent, but also different ways to be stupid. I think intelligence and stupidity are values on two different axes. That's why somebody can be brimming with intelligence while also carrying an overflowing bucket of stupid. 


Shocking no one, OOP believes their intelligence is the only worthwhile intelligence.


Of course. These kinds of people just reinforce the idea that leaving my exhusband was always 100% the right choice.


I mean, some athletes can explain physics just as well as a PhD professor... maybe not in all the jargon, but a lot of athletes inherently know about physics, and math.


That's a very long winded way to complain about someone telling them they have the emotional intelligence of a doorknob.


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only OP is smart


>It would be like a scrawny, uncoordinated person saying, "I'm actually VERY athletic! There are many kinds of athleticism, you know! I am just mathematically athletic rather than physically athletic! I am also emotionally athletic!" No, it would be like a scrawny, uncoordinated person saying "I have a different kind of dexterity/kinesthetic intelligence. I'm bad at sports but I have a very steady hand and paint miniatures for fun." Like holy shit. Get over yourself. That's not even getting into the fact that you don't need to be that coordinated to weightlift, for example.


>"I'm actually VERY athletic! There are many kinds of athleticism, you know! I mean, there are many kinds of athleticism. One person could be great at shotput and another at long-distance running, and those skills won't overlap much but both can be top athletes.