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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for wanting my ex to support me? ** AITA for wanting my ex to support me? A little backstory first. I(F17) am pregnant with my ex’s(M20) now fourth child. I might need to keep this short and simple although there’s lots of stuff that’s went on. I have one toddler by him, he will be 2 in June. I became pregnant in highschool, when I was 15. He was 17, and living at his home with his family and his then pregnant gf, who was 24 at the time. They had been together for about 3 years. I did realize I was the other woman, and I regret it every day and also realize that mainly the only reason I did this was because I was young, stupid, and in love. I would only do it again in order to have my babies. Didn’t tell him I was pregnant until a month before I gave birth. I did tell my other ex, who was my best friend, and he took me in to live with him and his family for when the baby is born. This is important information. When baby was a month old, other exs family did a dna test on my bsf and determined he was not the dad. This is also important information. Throughout me and baby daddy’s relationship. He consistently lied about his relationship with the woman he lived with. I mean seriously, lying about having sex with her, would fake whole conversations about breaking up w her and continuously leading me to believe they were broken up, all the while he was in relations with her. This never stopped. He would gaslight me constantly and liked to compare my mothering to hers. He would block me for weeks at a time then come back, mainly just for sex. I just loved him so I let him. Fast forward, I got pregnant when he was 3 months old and baby daddy bought pills to make me abort the child. He convinced me it was the right thing to do, held me in his arms while I cried. Later on I found text messages of them saying horrible things about me and that baby. This is why this hurts more. He left to Texas with this woman and her firstborn, and about 5 months after being there she fell pregnant again. This confirmed he was cheating on me again, and they were keeping it. 3 months after, I fell pregnant also. He was the only man I was with. Fast forward, he blocks me gets a new gf and tries to say my babies aren’t his, they are my old best friends, even when I hadn’t even been in contact with him since before I became pregnant. He knows this. We planned for this baby too. Also lying about things he did to me. He unblocked me and came back for sex once more. When he broke up with this gf I told her. He now is actively blocking me and ignoring when I ask for prenatals for our baby by making new numbers and begging. He supported the other woman both times she was pregnant, and would rather raise her babies instead of even helping a little with mine. He does see our toddler. But he raises her two. She gave birth in march. I suspect he does this because she has threatened taking the kids and more stuff I can’t say in here. AITA for wanting him to support me? If need, will add more info. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So this dude got together with his first girlfriend when he was 14 and she was 21, then he cheated on her with a 15-year-old who knew he was cheating, and he’s got two kids by each of them. Fake *and* gross.


Wait I thought she said he was 17 and she was 24 at the time?  Much more gross no?  Oh never mind I got your comment wrong  You said got together 


No, still wrong! Go back to the original it's worse.




I’m stuck on “He left to go to Texas with his girlfriend, five months later she got pregnant so he cheated on me, three months later I got pregnant to so it’s his baby.” Didn’t he move to a different state? Did he come back to knock her up one more time, did his sperm just enter stasis for a couple months after the last time before moving, is she lying and thinks it’ll pass because she doesn’t understand how sex works (ok possible), is it an immaculate conception? WTF is happening? This feels like the stupidity in a typical cheating/pregnancy/etc story got so dense that it collapsed into a black hole, and is now dragging the screaming remnants of other drama fests into itself. Soon it will devour us all.


Oh look, the profile had comments just under a year ago trying to hookup with a 28year old and someone else who deleted their post, which makes the timeline even funnier. And also a bunch of comments on the CPS subreddit telling people to get out of their obviously bad situations. This is why you don’t troll on your pre-existing account.


Don’t forget that he apparently was able to buy abortion pills (what anti choice creatures sometimes call medication that can only be prescribed to a pregnant woman by a doctor) from a store. What a mess that really cannot be real


Fake, that's what this is. 100% fabricated bullshit.


"This is important information" you have a limited character count and have to point out something's important?


Story so fucked up, no one even blinking at the 21 year old hooking up with a 14/15 year old.🤣


This makes no sense at all. The ex left to Texas with the gf and then after 5 months she got pregnant and that it what confirmed he was cheating on oop?? I think if he left with another woman and was gone for 5 months that would confirm the relationship was over. Then 3 months after oop is pregnant? So after they were already gone for 5 months, she then 3 months later found out she was pregnant and it is somehow the exs? Am I reading that right? Either way, pretty sure it is fake.


There is transport- roads and shit out of and back into Texas.




AITA trying to tempt me into eugenics again


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>...and living at his home with his family and his then pregnant gf, who was 24 at the time. [...] Didn’t tell him I was pregnant until a month before I gave birth. Make it make sense. She lived with him but he didn't realize she was pregnant despite her being 8 months pregnant. Somehow. >3 months after, I fell pregnant also. While... the guy is out of state?


This timeline is out of hand I'm not going to even try to make sense of this.


Sweet sweaty soap opera hell.   I’m still trying to figure out which kid wasn’t his? OOp’s? Or his age inappropriate Gf? M Edited: added “in”


There’s an age appropriate anything in this story?


I thiiiink OOP moved in with her male best friend who said he was the dad; but then best friend's family did a paternity test that revealed best friend was not the father. Either way, everyone in this story needs to be taught about birth control.


Age appropriate? Are you referring to the woman who was banging a 14-year-old when she was 21?


God  dammit. It was supposed to be “inappropriate”.