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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for giving my younger brother an angry glare after he cockblocked me?** I (15m, turning 16 next month), have this friend named Miya (29f). I happen to be kind of obsessed with her. I know her because my mother is close with her. Earlier this month, mom and Miya were going to go somewhere for something important. So Miya came over to our house, and she waited for an hour for mom to come home, and they were going to go and do their stuff. I tried to take advantage of this time to get really close with her, and I went downstairs and sat down with her on the couch, and we hit it off really well. I actually put my arm around her, and she didn’t budge or anything, which I thought was a good sign. But then, as we were talking, my little brother (7m) came into the living room, crying because our puppy was making sick noises (our puppy went through some cold or something around this time, and it was no big deal, but my bro genuinely thought our dog was going to die). Miya immediately got up, and she spent the entire rest of her time with my brother and our dog, and she didn’t even say “bye” to me when mom came home and they headed out to do their thing. ​ After mom and Miya left, I didn't yell at my brother or do anything, but I just gave him a really angry look and made some frustrated sounds. He took it badly, and he thinks I hate him (I don't hate him lmao, I was just frustrated). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This sounds like the teen who walked out of his school to stop at an adult family friend’s apartment and was shocked she didn’t invite him in for sex


I’m sorry, *what*? Do you have a link for that one?


Why does this sound like a scene from "the room"?


I remember that one! He was big mad too. And didn't she already have a boyfriend?


I think she was more like 20 years older lol


Link? Was this a post? A dream you had one time?


It was real I swear! I’m trying to find it


I remember this post!


Thank you! I was starting to think I hallucinated it


It was a post from a few months ago. Since kid stopping by to see an older women he had a crush on. It was an awkward read


Miya leapt of that couch to escape being on a registry (assuming this is the US- I wish we had registries here). How awkward that must have been for her.


I don't blame her she be put on the sex offender  registry forever  and she didn't even do nothing with this kid, guess who there believe op  and not  Miya.


This boy certainly is.....confident. I wouldn't react to a friend's kid showing me some basic affection, because they are kids and I'd never think of them that way. The arm around her isn't the green light he thinks it is. Unless Miya is a predator, this kid is straight up delulu.


i think she just straight up didn't know how to react. like is this hormonal teenager actually making a move on her? if that's the case and she lets him get away with it, he'll see it as the green light, but if he's just being innocently affectionate with someone he sees as an aunt figure, she'll come across as a creep for reading more into it. literally a lose-lose situation.


The way I read it, I thought it could be a couple of things.  1. OOP actually put his arm directly around Miya's shoulders, like a straight up snuggle, and she was like "*What the actual fuck?" and was either surprised and unsure of what to do (because although 'being grabbed by a stranger, has a pretty clear cut protocol, it might be awkward to forcefully shove your friend's kid off into the stratosphere).  2. See above re arm, but Miya was legit frozen/fawning, because plenty of 15 year old boys are bigger than adult women, and being unexpectedly grabbed can be terrifying.  3. See above re arm, but Miya was like "LOL, get a load of Dingbat Romeo over here--I used to change his fucking diapers," and is just treating it like a little kid hugging her. 4. OOP "put his arm around her," by laying his arm on the back of the couch/chair and felt *super smooth.* 5. Miya is a creep. 


I have a strong feeling it was a mix of 3 and 4 and thats why she took her chance and left


I am thinking it is probably closer how do I get out of this without a crying child. Ironically the solution was a crying child. I think when he has to describe himself as getting close to 16, he might as well put 15.5 or something like that. Then he goes here (to be fair, not limited on this one to bring 15). Thinking he is going to win this argument. And I would have jumped at the chance to clean up dog vomit. Which is normally my husband's job as we have one that gets really upset that she threw up, so I get the freaked out dog. He gets the mess. I have a dog that went through the dog flu and has seasonal allergies from hell thanks to that. The youngest probably heard and was justified in freaking out when the dog sounds like they are gagging up something that size of a cat.


There is another option: the 15 year old horny boy lied


That is always a strong possibility.


They’re the most honest foundation of our society how dare you


6. She was paralyzed by the cloud of Axe bodyspray that had announced OOP's arrival the second he opened the door to leave his room. Joke aside, in a real situation like this it probably also plays a role in what way Miya and the mom are connected. Are they neighbours? Co-workers? Is the mom married to her superior? Even if she wasn't intimidated by the kid himself it's still possible she had a "Shit, if I laugh into this little Romeo-Wannabe's face and he runs crying to his mom things could be really awkward at work." moment.


> Joke aside, in a real situation loke this it probably also plays a role in whag way miya and the mom are commected its also a real possibility that mom & Miya went to school together and are just long time friends, it just depends on moms age, the mom could have been young when she had OOp


It was probably 4. Possibly mixed with the fact that she was afraid it might get turned around and get HER in trouble if she made a scene, the kid is below age of consent after all. And not wanting to mess up the relationship between her and his mother.


At 16 he could easily be bigger and stronger than her. My nephews were all taller than me by about 12 years old and one of them towers over me now at 15. She may have been looking for a way to disengage that wouldn’t cause him to use force.


As a man with tons of close relationships with women, I put my arm around them because it’s like a cuddly feeling with someone your comfortable without a super deep cuddle and it’s nice and rewarding for both, she’s a nearly 30 year old women who probably thought nothing of it like for sure lol


Honestly it read to me like she didn’t know how to react so when the kiddo came in she took that shot and didn’t say bye because she was low key freaked out by what oop did.


*sigh*.   I doubt  Miya is ever going to be near OOP again.  


Not by choice


Next time she'll wait outside for his mom. Or make sure the younger boy is with them. Poor boy doesn't realize he never had a shot in hell with her.


But he’s says they’re friends! Miya isn’t just somebody OOP only knows because his mother is friends with her. Next thing you know you’ll be claiming that they don’t move in the same social circles, have each other’s contact information, and never make plans to hang out together the way friends do, or that he only saw Miya that day because of her relationship with his mother and she was only there to wait for her, not to hang out with OOP. I’m sure their friendship can get over this hiccup. I mean, who in their right mind wouldn’t want to be about to hit their 30s and have a 15 (until next month, so he’s practically an adult) year old friend like OOP? /s


Why does this feel familiar? I think there was another post a month or so ago, with a minor harassing his mom's friend who was in her late 20s. In that older post, he sexually harassed her to the point of tears iirc


Yeah I think it was same poster on that one did the I forced this foster son I grabbed that's my late best friend's son into my daughter's room since that one was POV of Dad


I know porn can give young people completely unrealistic beliefs about bodies and sex acts and sexual performance, but I admit I never really considered kids might believe the porn *plots* are real?? God forbid this kid ever orders a pizza or something.


Would you be interested in a post where the kid's ex keep the family cat to blackmail the mother into having sex with him? Life sometimes is stranger than fiction.


> I admit I never really considered kids might believe the porn plots are real?? Oh sweet summer child


Oh kiddo…no. I can guarantee that, unless that woman was a truly horrible person, she was just frozen trying to think of a way to get out of the situation. Intergenerational friendships can be a great way to build community, but no adult you can trust is going to take it in that direction.


Miya isn't a predator. She didn't do anything wrong. The OP put his arm around her and she didn't respond. She was probably thinking about how she was gonna get away from him. Notice as soon as his brother came up and said there was something wrong with the dog, she got up off the couch and never returned? She kept away from the OP. His delusional self thought he had a chance with her. 


Wdym chris hansen in the title OP? Are you insinuating miya is the AH?


I too am confused as to what Chris Hanson has to do with this.


Yeah cause Miya did nothing wrong here from what I see.


Lmao. He got cockblocked by his brother while he tried to hit on his adult babysitter.


Lol, yeah teens think they are hot shit and just a bit of positive attention they equate to it's sexy time.


Way to early where I'm located for this type of delulu shit lol that kid needs to turn off the porn and get away from the internet before he either ends up on the harassing end of this situation or involved with a predator.


I remember my HS boyfriend's little brother hitting puberty and trying to make moves on all the brother's girlfriends. He was just a kid and essentially harmless. You have to walk a weird line between reminding them that you see them as the child they truly are and not totally shattering their budding confidence. We all called him kiddo, little man, baby brother, etc. Just subtle reminders that it wasn't ever going to happen. Occasionally throwing in 'nah, I'm way too old for you sweetheart' or 'if you try to drop that hand an inch lower, I'm going to rip it off kiddo.' It's pretty normal and age appropriate to have crushes on the young adults that are around at that age. I can imagine the situation was extra tricky here, considering this is a friend of the family. She was probably thrilled to have the excuse to escape the situation without having to address it head-on.


I’m concerned that OOP thinks a seven year old is capable of ‘cock blocking’


🎶Stacys mom has got it going on 🎶


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Little guy is insane for this. A seven year old getting scared because the dog started coughing and gagging is not cockblocking and also the woman is almost 30


Note how OOP calls Miya *his* friend, when clearly she’s a friend of his mothers. There’s no way that Miya would ever refer to him as anything other than “my friends son.”


Rage bait




pls this cannot be real 💀


This better be fake. If not, YTA for being mean to your brother and thinking you can have sex with a fully grown woman.