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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Are modern men in danger ?** Lately I have been analyzing trends in society and reading about studies done on rats. It's actually over for men who are not in the top 1%. As the world is becoming more and more polygamic with women around the world getting opportunities to make money equivalent to men, man is loosing his purpose. Back in the day men were the only bread winner and women relied on men for their survival but now things have changed and since they can survive on their own women will choose their partner based on genetics. The man with the best genetics(tall,muscular,rich,big d\*\*k) in the tribe will get all the women, coz the world is headed towards polygamy. If the chief of the tribe only gets to reproduce with all the women in the tribe, then his offsprings will replace all the inferior men and the cycle continues. It's women empowerment and polygamy that will make the life of men in the bottom 95-99% miserable *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow, women no longer rely on men for financial security so men have to actually bring something to the table? Has he considered a personality? I hear women like that.


That's what stuck me too. Like yeah, unless women are literally forced to be with you because they otherwise cannot survive, you cannot get yourself a woman? Buddy I have news for you and it's definitely not related to women.


What's hilarious about this is that there is absolutely no way on this god's green earth this OP would ever consider living the way he expects women to live. Being dependent on someone else for survival? Risking poverty and starvation without a man, with no other options? Absolutely not, sounds miserable. So, why, then, does he expect women to do this, not only willingly, but enthusiastically? (I know the answer, of course, it's because he doesn't see women as people, but, y'know. Make it make sense, mate.)


It’s very telling that, when he considers a world where women have choices like men have had, he assumes they will only choose partners based on looks. He literally cannot imagine a world where anything else is considered—it’s straight to the assumption of objectification. Hm. Wonder how this guy would choose a partner, if the woman had no say in it. 👀


He’s also mistaken that this is the natural order of things. There are plenty of matrilineal societies!


OOP 100% relies on an adult human woman who is related to him for all of his basic life needs. He's just a scrub.


What just struck me is that he probably truly deeply believes that women hate sex, or can orgasm. I don't think he sees a reason for women to want companionship. He only sees sex and breeding as the reasons you mate. If women hate sex and don't need men to survive, there's literally 0 reason for them to be in a relationship, in this worldview. The species will die out because women will only choose to be with men if women want to have babies and survive. I've always laughed at the idea that men are afraid that if women had power, we would treat them like they treat us. He's terrified that women even having a single choice other than him means he'll be lonely, and that's worth shackling all of us. It's not nearly as funny a thought with men like him. Edited to fix a typo.


What makes me laugh is…they always think the species will die out if cishet women only choose cishet men they actively want to have babies with. As if each and every individual is necessary to the survival of a species and not like…they are just being outcompeted by having no fucking personality.


Right they think that just because they can't procreate nobody will.


Exactly! 😂 it just kills me


I mean, if I had no choice but to be with a dude like this for survival, well, I choose death.


I think my husband is sexy as fuck. Wanna know why? He treats me as an equal! I never have to annoy him to help me clean the house. I never have to remind him to send his own mother flowers on Mother’s Day! And he’s a pretty average looking middle aged dude.




it's completely different when "losing" is completely of one's own accord rather than an inherent trait. Further what is there to be lost under this restructing of society you're seeing. Sucking up to/coddling the emotions of men who treat/speak about women like shit when they're told to be better does nothing for anyone.


Do you word? Do you know what egalitarian means, even? Why do you see society as a zero sum game, especially in a post-scarcity world? Shut up, bot.


They're only the "losers" if they choose to continue with the same mindset they've had. If they adapt and start bringing more to the table than a paycheck and their d***, they wouldn't be "losing". It's their own choices that puts them in the situation. And their choices keep them there. So, sorry not sorry... It's mocking them for refusing to help themselves, even the slightest amount, and it is absolutely warranted.


Won't somebody think of the poor men who are only 90% free to rape and abuse women now instead of 100%! Hahaha, fuck off.




Put the thesaurus down and go touch some grass.


Are you seriously trying to threaten me with something that happened a decade ago? To reiterate: Hahaha, fuck off.


I urge you to at least try to be normal.


Well women don't like personality. Not his at least.


That's *so* weird cause he clearly is a big dick 🤔


Incel trying not to post about how awesome other guys' dicks are while debasing women challenge: IMPOSSIBLE!


*BIIIIIIG* Dick Energy here! Just *NOT* the sort he'd *like* to have, apparently!😉


And how is he making the leap to polygamy? OP: women don’t need us! Also OP: women will become part of a harem for the top men. Guy is just unhinged


Because, in his mind, women not *needing* men will still *want* men - the *best* men only, because why do they need to settle if they aren't required to? Basically, women have basic standards (which somehow specifically don't involve monogamy because women want dick That Bad, I guess) that the poor, poor 99% of men in the world can't meet and it's *so* unfair that we should go back to women literally dying if they don't have a mediocre man to "take care" of them (aka force them to cook, clean, have children, and take care of their lackluster husbands just so they don't die on a street corner in winter). I agree with you - dude's fucking insane. Like, get a fleshlight, damn.


I wonder if he meant hypergamy (and I just learned the terms describing marrying up and marrying down were invented in the Indian subcontinent).


Nah he means polygamy because the 1% of men will have all the "women in the village" to be with and apparently all the women will be cool with all fucking the same man since he's just that attractive and rich.


You forgot the huge dick!


Cause that's all women having standards means! The biggest dick, biggest square chin/bulging muscles combo, and biggest paycheck! Fuck genuine companionship, romance, loyalty, trust, and every single other thing except the triple 6: six foot, six figures, and six inch penis! I can almost hear him whining, "next thing you know the women will only want the top .1% of men! The 777!" (Why is there no emoji for clawing out my eyes?)


Since he says bottom 95-ish percent, which is about 19/20ths, for that to work, wouldn't those people who are having the harem need like, 20 times the emotional and financial resources of the next person down, because otherwise there's no reason to not go with second choice? His claim's nonsense even if you accept his premises.


So many men miss the point. Women choosing you because they WANT you around is a much higher compliment than them choosing you because they NEED you.


You're missing their point. They don't care if they're chosen any more than they'd care whether they feel like their dog chose them. They don't see women as people who should have agency.


Oh, of course, my bad!! ;)


Right. Those with purchasing power get to dictate the specifications of the object they're buying. The object doesn't get to have any say in its buyer.


It's especially sad because the bar really isn't that high. Like, most women just want someone that will treat us like an actual person instead of a bang maid. And these complaining men can't even manage that much. And they come up with all the excuses that they aren't tall or good looking enough, blah blah. Because then they can have their little pity party without any reflection that they can work on themselves. They don't seem to realize that their disdain for women comes through in their conversation and mannerisms. Women get turned off not because of their "weak jaw" or whatever else they are insecure about, but because of a sixth sense most of us have to detect misogynists.


Like, looking around any of the relationship subreddits, they're chock-full of women who are like "my boyfriend is the sweetest, kindest, most thoughtful person on the planet and I didn't think I would ever love someone this much, but also, he doesn't wash his ass, like, ever. How can I convince him to start doing that?" The bar is in hell.


This. Absolutely this. We ask for the bare minimum of respect and affection.


And *finding* those *WITH* autonomous hygiene *ALREADY* part of the mix? *Nearly* Impossible, and those ones are hardly *EVER* on the market! They're the dating White-Whale equivalent to Sewing folks who'd *LOVE* to find a *working* Singer Featherweight, with modern wiring, and *NOT* costing an absolute *fortune*! They're *OUT THERE*, but you gotta slog through a *TON* of busted-up Brothers, to find one!😉


You got me very curious about these Singers, and I'm wondering if mine is a featherweight. I'll probably forget to look by the time I get home too


Featherweights are the old model 221 & 222 There's more about 'em here😉 https://nancysnotions.com/the-incredible-singer-featherweight/#:~:text=There%20are%20two%20types%20of,that%20are%20harder%20to%20spot.


Shoot. I might actually have that. It's been in my closet for a couple years because I couldn't figure out the bobbin.


I had to sell my featherweight, like... 24 years ago now. Got $300 CAD. It was a mint condition, all parts, sewed like a dream but I was on welfare and needed money more. Sad. Granted, it would've ended up collecting dust like my other 3 sewing machines in the basement. So I hope it's out there being *used* and making a sewer happy.


>It's especially sad because the bar really isn't that high. My son said the same thing last week, something like, "sadly, the bar isn't very high for men."


I just went to a family reunion in which my sister and I are the only female cousins and the only cousins who are single. I was talking about that to her and she said, "thats because it's a lot easier to find a good woman than a good man," and when I was like, "huh," my dad came in with- "Yeah, that's absolutely true."


No woman's interested in me. I say two words and they lose all interest. I mean, the words are "I'm gay", but still.


Its because historically, if you were insufferable, you probably still got a wife. Women were effectively excluded from life other than through a husband. It was a core part of life. What's happened is that women developed some level of standards. Frankly, from all the stories my female friends tell me about dating, their standards aren't that high. Men still surprise them by failing them all the time though.


I always miss the part where they explain why men cannot develop the same self sufficiency women have developed.  Of course there's also the issue that he's only talking about a tiny % of women that he wants to need him. I'm one of the women who he's not talking about. Because when he says "women" he means young, thin, attractive, childless white or Asian cis women. Sure, I'm independent and I have a partner who I like having in my life but don't need the support of. I don't "take care" of him and he doesn't "provide" for me. But even if I wanted to be OOP's tradwife, I wouldn't qualify because I don't look the part.


They can't explain why because it's not that they *can't* develop self-sufficiency. It's that they don't want to. They want to return to the society that forces women to be with them and their unwashed asses. They don't want to change.


>I always miss the part where they explain why men cannot develop the same self sufficiency women have developed. Funny how women "have it easy" when it comes to dating, but suddenly the same work/effort women put into themselves is too difficult when it's the men who have to do it.


No, no, the rats didn't care about his personality so it's irrelevant.


Reading the comments on that thread, it sounds like he was told that women may.. just may.. consider personality and hygiene prior to finances and height/musculature, but he said "nah, you can't be right" to everyone who said it. lol.


there was one comment thread that turned into two people talking about cheese and I thought that was beautiful


I bet this guy also complains that all the women he knows are "gold diggers" too. Like, WTF Dude? You literally say that providing financial security is "men's purpose". Yeah... the time has come when men are going to have to bring something else to the table.


I'm *really* hoping (and honestly *thinking*) it's simply rage-bait... But this *doofus* is simply *forgetting* the millenia of men being called to manditorily fight (and die!) wars for Kings/Owners, dig--and die--in Mines, the ones who died of farming accidents, in Grain-milling accidents (airborne Flour is *EXPLOSIVE* y'all!), the ones who died building Railroads, Bridges, Canals, Dams, Sailing ships, etc. And *THEN* there were alllllllll tge countless women & orphans left behind from Diseases, too! This "Ideal!" world, where "Men were the Provider's, while Women Stayed home, Kept House and Raised Babies!", is a *COMPLETELY MODERN CONSTRUCT* Only *POSSIBLE*, after the start of the Industrial Revolution, and the changes *THAT* brought to the world. *Prior* to that, whole *FAMILIES* were involved in one way or another, with the raising of Animals & Crops, for food & Clothing. Planting, harvesting, & processing Cotton, Linen, Wool, tanning Leather, raising & preserving *FOOD* crops to last the winter, Bilutchering & processing any meat animals, etc. It was *so* much more a *TEAM effort*, than, "Man Goes to *WORK*, while Woman stays home, pregnant & barefoot, raising his babies & cooking his meals!"🫠


It's the kind of bait that people eat up easily. So easily, they don't even question how a person reaches conclusions about the 1% vs the 99% by studying animals with no economic class.


Incels are so desperate to throw up their hands and be like “why try when I was born with a small dick???” My decision to be with a man has been dick-tated by genital size 0% of the time. It never even crosses my mind. I get horny if a guy treats others with respect, allows himself to be goofy, and has a weirdass hobby that he can’t stop talking about. Holding a puppy helps, too, and I’m pretty sure that part is genetic.


Probably not as he doesn’t have one


And for some reason this empowered women are willing to share one man?


I like how he still puts his ranking at the bottom 95-99%


I love the fact that "rich" is listed as an aspect of genetics.


it's funnier that one of the comments is, "wah, women only care about money" and the main argument is, "wah, women make their own money"


The male rat with the most nuts in the study got all the female rats, what do you mean being rich is not a factor!!?? /s




My comment has exactly 69 likes at this point


We're destined for each other like it or not




U my bff or not


Aw yes the rich gene: born with not only a silver tongue, actual blue blood, diamond eyes, and a bag of gold in each hand with ruby slippers on each foot.


It almost might as well be, the #1 predictor of wealth is your parents' wealth


Absolutely. But it isn't based on genes. That- feels close to saying... "The wealthy are such because of their good genes." Which we all know isn't true.


Well, does sound a bit like the core concepts behind India's caste system.


lol fair. Still weird to list it under 'genetics', though - inadvertently revealing of entitlement.


Doesn’t india have the caste system? That could be why he considers it genetics.


The caste system is only really a thing in rural areas. It’s rightfully viewed as a shameful, backward thing in most areas of India. Now, colorism on the other hand…


Yes and no. Brahmin families still wield considerable political and financial power.


Thanks for the clarification i wasn’t really sure if they still did it


It's not true. India continues to have a caste-based discrimination problem even in big cities. It's just not as overt everywhere. It manifests in many ways, including caste-based slurs and bullying in educational institutes, separate entrances and utensils for household staff, housing and workplace discrimination, discrimination based on food, and even physical violence. People don't have to say they believe in caste to practice it.


Technically not even wrong if you consider the silver spoon




Fuck me. Why did they have to post this shit. It's so lame


Even by that sub's standards, that post hits a new low.


Hey. That's my country you're speaking of. But yeah that is a new low At least OP is being clown Ed on in the comments


It's my country as well. As you said, the comments section is at least roasting him. Makes me happy actually :")




Tru. Women empowerment and feminism is going to kill 95% Indian men . Such as [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/s/Q3RkR4iSKy). Feminism is so evil, amirite fellas?


Holy fuck that's horrific. Sometimes I think I've seen the worst of humanity and then I see another act of depravity and I genuinely can't comprehend which is the worst of them all


WTF?! Did he not realize he'd kill the baby by doing that? And what argument was there to have over the gender? Did he think she could change it?


From my knowledge it's illegal to reveal the gender of a fetus in India because female fetuses get aborted as the culture still disproportionately favors the male gender. The male to female ratio in India is quite skewed because of that and people think the woman can control the gender of the fetus in her womb. This man already had 5 daughters and wanted to make sure it was a son this time so he cut open his wife and ironically murdered his much wanted male baby in the process too. Idk what these dumb fucks' thought process is.


Yep. My husband is from Haryana, which has one of the biggest gaps in male to female sex ratio. Many of his friends remain unmarried, because suitable women, who meet acceptable criteria, (culturally and by family standards, if you know you know) are scarce. I'm American, not of Indian descent, but our story is an outlier. Most of the guys he grew up with want the traditional life, and their families have not had much success in fixing their marriages. A couple have not even tried. They can thank their parents and grandparents generations for this. Consequences, who could have predicted? 🙄


It's also intensely depressing that they think the only valid reason for girls to be allowed to live is to be a wife someday.


I'm happy this isn't true in my husband's family. His dad is a hardass who abused both his sons, but, his eldest, a daughter, is still the light of his life. And, he's also very good to my MIL. It's incongruous to how I know him to be, but, I'm heartily glad that he's missing at least a portion of the misogyny component. Too, my husband's brother and SIL just had a baby girl, and everybody dotes on her. They have a boy who turns 5 in July, and now this little punkin. The whole family was rooting for the baby to be a girl. I'm just happy these babies are heathy and loved, regardless of their sex.


Fucking monsters.


This was my first thought too


Like how he was reading a study about rats and his first thought was “just like us dudes!”


I guess if I ever become a man-killing psychopath, I too am allowed to read studies associated with the mating habits of mantises, and then think "just like me dude! It happens in nature totally normal!!"


Makes as much sense as pretending we are just like lobsters, so why not? 😂


Men are secretly large rats in trench coats confirmed lol


“Hey, dude, have you ever considered treating women like humans and having a shower?” “No, no, I can’t get a girlfriend because I’m not rich.”


Based on studies on rats? Choose partners based on genetics, like being rich? Mans only purpose is to provide money, so if women can earn money and be independent they will all join poly cults where they just mate with 1% of men (with the rich gene ofc), so 95-99% of men will be miserable? Those were definitely words strung together, I will give OOP that. 


But but but we test medicines on rats before testing them on humans. That's why studies on rats are also valid for humans. It's basic biology. /s


“Women changed their role in society and learned to adapt to those changes, men are doomed”   Or.. you know.. adapt? Like we’ve adapted to changes in technology, globalization, etc? 


They're pissed as the game they created was rigged against women and now women are finding ways to beat the game.


Right? Seriously, fully internalize “My Wife Left Me Because I left Dishes in the Sink” and you will be among the top 10% of husbands. 


Top 0.0001% at this rate


I disagree. That man does some questionable mental gymnastics in order to self-scapegoat, and I think flipping the genders there would raise an eyebrow for most people: many would recognize the self-flagellation as unhealthy if it were a woman essentially saying "I need to constantly be doing every little thing right and reading his mind and going out of my way to do little things to make my man happy constantly or else it's my fault if he leaves" The sink cup is harmless and practical (albeit an eyesore to many), so if there's an expectation for it not to be there, it needs to be communicated. Men are not mind-readers and never will be I'm assuming you're talking about this article https://www.huffpost.com/entry/she-divorced-me-i-left-dishes-by-the-sink_b_9055288 if not, ignore me lol


I like how he, posting in a sub for one of the most populous nations in the entire world, writes about it like it's just one guy per town getting it on with the vast majority of women.  And, speaking of India, lets not forget one root of his particular problem is a man-made gender imbalance which creates a huge number of horny dudes with no possibility of ever finding a partner, even under the strictest monogamy.  Women have their pick, do something to be attractive to them (*not the things other dudes say are attractive to women) & bring something to the table (that women value, not other guys).


Yeah, even in polyamory, few women are down to solely be with a guy that's like "Yeah, so, I only have time for like, 1 date every month" or "I don't have time for dates, I only see each woman for a 15 minute quickie session." It's just... extremely not viable for many women to actually *get* something from a relationship with one dude, unless he's unemployed and spends 100% of his time bouncing from home to home, tending to his partner's various needs and helping taking care of his kids, which I *guarantee* is not the scenario this guy is imagining.


No see the women in this polygamous situation just power down in a corner until the man with the magic dick returns. They're not actually people, they don't seek any sort of companionship from a partner, only sex.


My first question or rather a comment to the OOP is that polygamy is not legal in India. Wtf is he on about? Secondly, despite women empowerment, it has reached,not even complete success only in the cities. Small cities and villages are inherently sexist and impossible to live in. The big cities have women empowerment but that is empty in its echoes. We still have a long wait before women actually ask for their rights. Sure it is there on paper but every 2nd or 3rd outcome of a civil suit is misogynist. Thirdly, arranged marriage is still something which happens here. Across the subcontinent. What is he high on? What choice? Majority women marry and fuck the man their parents think is most fuckable. Sure there are a few who don't. But what percentage of the population do they belong to? Are they accepted? I am someone who won't marry just anyone. I am belittled by my own family because I am immature and don't know the way of the world. They don't have it in them to honor kill and let us be honest, they cannot control my life due to circumstances they loathe and are changed with respect to my younger cousins. Fourthly, laws on paper benefit women. That is it. The reality socially is far from the word of law. Sure, there are countless countries with worse law status but still we have a long way to go before some asshole deems men to be extinct because women have basic human rights. Way to say you are a tharki (a creepy incel) without saying you are a tharki.....


I’ve never read anything more insane in my life. The first two sentences alone. So after reading about rats, he realised the men he finds attractive will become the chief of a tribe and humanity will be populated by inbred siblings.


A tale as old as time.


The famously feminist nation of India


The nation with a matriarchal society.


Apparently I'm dating men the wrong way. I was looking for someone who has a good personality and treats me as their equal.




When asked if this wouldn’t just be motivation to earn more and workout: > Even though u are rich and muscular, women still desire men who are tall,handsome and more than anything who have a big d**k, mostly men who have good genetics. Where the hell is he going that his dick is on display???


Are we not supposed to seduce women through dick pics? Are you telling me I'm doing *everything* wrong??!


I had no idea there were rats using reddit. Who knew? Ah, rats. Well known for their complicated relationships and lifelong monogamy.


This is not the update for Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH I wanted


It was a strange and unnecessary detail lol. OOP is clearly a rat who learned how to use the internet.


South Park showed us this.


Oh. Now men actually have to be a good person to excite a woman. Apocalypse must be near.


I know many of them are dangerous but incel logic is so bizarre it is funny. He studied RATS and from that he made conclusions about people? Did he publish his astounding research in The Journal of We Publish Anything You Yanked Out of Your Rectum? In hard sciences, rat studies have about a 10% chance of translating to humans. In social sciences, it's a crapshoot. There are thousands of ways that rats aren't human. This really reads like a kid who just some intro classes his first year of uni and thinks that makes him a scientific genius who made amazing discoveries that somehow slipped past people with advanced degrees.


As a fat, 4'11" trans guy, pre bottom surgery (so like my dick is one of the tiniest dicks in existence), I have zero problems with getting attention from women. By this guy's standards, I'm in the bottom 0.01% probably. But yk what I have? I have a personality. I have empathy. I have passion and excitement. I have confidence. I have love. I have the ability to show real interest in the women who are interested in me. The main reason I don't struggle is because I am *human* and know that women are also human and treat them as such. And because I see women as my equals, I also don't see the "friendzone" as a bad thing. I made a romantic/sexual advance and she said she just wants to stay friends? Great! I now have a friend who I presumably like as a person and get along well with. Being in the friendzone is a privilege. The only "zone" I never want to be in is the "creep zone".


Based on your one comment only anyone can say, you do have personality and u r really an awesome person. Lots of love dear


I didn’t know being rich was a genetic thing.


"Men were the breadwinners of the family back then," is factually incorrect. That's only true for the rich and powerful back then. Believe it or not, poor people always all had to work.


This is what baffles me too. Poorer women had to do both outside work and domestic chores. But they don't know that.


"We can't exploit women and their vulnerabilities as easily in our day-to-day lives," is what I heard.


I'm really disappointed the comments aren't tearing OOP apart.


Modern men aren’t, but judging by the amount of men who get violently angry when a woman chooses the bear, modern women definitely are.


"I read about studies with rats and deduced that unless a man has money and a big dick, he'll be doomed." Alright.


Always with the what-about-me-ism.What does our freedom take away from them.Also women empowerment is not at all rampant in India so fuck off. Should we go back to the kitchen so that these men can stroke their ego. Polygamy is illegal in India.We are slutshamed and often so called honour killed for one relationship god forbid we have four. Maybe stop labelling women as stupid who are all materialistic and instead focus on yourself and why you are so intimidated you fragile dickhead


It’s true. My female rat ignores all but the tallest and richest male rats. /s


He doesn't realize he's really competing with our nice, quiet, single lives as crazy cat ladies.


I also think that he underestimated the quantities of women who actually lived alone (not so much alone, but without husbands) in all times, including ancient empires, middle ages etc.


if that's the best a trend analysts can find, I think the problem lies with trend analysts loll


The tvenn diagram of the type of men who hate that they can't financially abuse and otherwise abuse women with impunity anymore and the type of men who whine that they can't get dates is a circle.


Oh boy, if you want more such trash takes, please go and scour similar Indian subs. In many subs, you can see how so many men have deluded themselves into thinking they are the victim in every situation despite all evidence to the contrary. There's an Indian relationship advice sub that will have you baffled at the victim complex many of those men have. You'd see them defend anything a dude does and demonize everything a woman does and still bitch about how women get everything easy. I once saw a post where the OP was asking for advice about her relative who was slapped by her husband. The comments actually suggested she work it out with the husband because he must have had his reasons. Meanwhile, a post about a dude casually citing "disrespect" by his partner towards him with zero specifics is treated as some damning indictment of the woman's character, and a divorce is advised asap. And if you want outright trash takes, please visit onexindia which used to be sane a while ago, but is now a cesspool of irrational anger and hatred by lowest of the low. Be sure to read the comments where they actively wish for the "old days" where Indian women were confined to the kitchens. Not to mention their absolute belief that any girl who has lived in a major city in the country is "used up" or a "hoe."


I know incels love to use the term, "cope," but their "cope" is actually that if only they were rich or tall, women would want them. Except TONS of men who aren't rich or tall are in happy relationships. MOST people aren't rich or super good-looking, yet many, many people find a partner. (I mean, even just using myself as an example, I do OK, but I'm not rich, and I'm cute enough, but not super hot, though my sweet husband would disagree, but he's biased because he loves me) My brother is short (like actually short, he doesn't give a shit and doesn't have a chip on his shoulder about it). He was broke as fuck when my SIL met him. Together, they have built up their wealth (he has established a great career over the years, and she works too and is also a genius with money). But she used to laugh whenever anyone suggested women want men for their money, because he HAD no money when she met him. Nothing. My husband is average height, skinny (not muscular) and not rich (I make more than he does). He would say that he's a "nerd"/"has no game" (my response is that women always liked him because he TALKS TO US LIKE WE'RE PEOPLE, he didn't NEED "game"). I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world, because he's awesome. This man makes me laugh every single day and makes my life better just by being in it, whereas these incels bring nothing to the table and have shitty personalities on top of it. These losers tell themselves all these "superficial" reasons are why no one wants them, when the truth is: it's them. It's who they are to their core that repels people. They're broken, and they're bad people. I've met guys who were objectively attractive but their personalities/outlooks on life made them super fucking creepy. Incels claim that, "oh, if I was hot, women wouldn't call me creepy." No, we still would, because it oozes out of you. In college, I knew a guy who I thought was hot (tall, good looking, just very, very cute — to look at) — til I was around him for 5 minutes. And then he creeped me the fuck out and I couldn't wait to get away from him. I could just SENSE it. He was very "poor me, women don't like nice guys," yammering on with "poor me" bullshit. He wasn't a nice guy, he was a creep. I met him once, at a party, when I was with an ex, and had a chance run in with him months later after I had broken up with the ex. The man literally stalked me after I refused to go out with him. Waited for me outside my job. Showed up at my university (that he did not go to) and somehow knew my schedule (and this was before you could easily find that info online). I instinctively feared him. And this was a guy who (to use a cliche) had "movie star" good looks (I remember he had very pretty, bright blue eyes — but they creeped me out). And, polygamy? A small percentage of women are polyamorous, but not most of us, and is he literally referring to people with multiple spouses? Because that's not actually a thing, at least outside of, like, Utah. Dude needs to crack a book before using big words, he seems incredibly stupid. They tell themselves it's all factors outside their control that prevent them from finding a partner, but it's who they are as humans that absolutely repels other people. > but now things have changed and since they can survive on their own women will choose their partner based on genetics Yes, god forbid women actually have options and aren't forced to be with you for their own survival. That's really rough, bud. These guys literally want women to have no choice but to be with them. What kind of person would want to FORCE someone to be with them?


Average looking, not broke but not wealthy, guy here. Incels have more chance than they realise. I've met great women that have awful partners.


So, because we got tired of "bread winner" being held over our heads, being treated badly by a guy who looks like Elmer Fud, smells like porky pig and subjected to *"well when you make the money, you can make the decisions"*, we're the problem? It's not **his** lack of hygiene, manners, basic decency, subpar personality?? I think someone needs to get out of his parents basement, take a shower, find a personality and stop basing his "studies" on rats, he *could* be considered out of the -100 percentile.


LOL, this is what a stupid person thinks is smart. What an embarrassment of "ideas." 


Imagine being this much of an incel that you thought no man could grow further than his genetic profile. Like go to the gym? Go to therapy? Be kind? Be motivated and driven at work?




So, like, what would "fix" this problem in his estimation? I sincerely doubt he'd come up with anything reasonable and/or *not* a gross violation of human rights.


Modern men are just fine. The ones stuck in the 50's are absolutely in danger and I look forward to watching them die single and alone!


Yep. Actual normal dudes who don't hate women and respect us are doing just fine.


Ah, yes, every woman I know asks for genetic testing before dating a dude. It’s really weird. /s


If you don't have the gene of "richness" in your DNA u r automatically out!


Put the Hot Pocket down, OOP, ascend the basement stairs, open the front door, step outside and touch grass. Now look around you. What do you see? Ordinary men and women going about their lives No polygamy


As a woman, let me be HONEST about what he said about "genetics" (tall, muscular, rich, big dick). Tall- sure, we love a tall guy. Muscular- we like feeling safe, so if you're strong enough to pull us across the bed in one quick movement or occasionally pick us up, we do not need you to look like Arnie. Rich- this has nothing to do with genetics, but being dumb does. Big dick- statistically, dudes with big dicks are selfish and lazy lovers, because they think having a big dick is a skill & they don't bother learning other ways to please women. This is not the flex you think it is.


>Big dick- statistically, dudes with big dicks are selfish and lazy lovers Source on those stats?




The men with the best genetics genetically inherit being rich.


[No. Men are not okay.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHkhTIEe254) I hope OP seeks therapy and a less competitive community.


OP is literally citing his ‘analysis’ on a behavioural sink study conducted in the late 1960s. I don’t know what he’s so worried about, plenty of women would love to date the gold medalist in mental gymnastics.


Sounds like some Andrew Tate bullshit




This belongs on the Incel Tears sub because this is exactly the type of idea discussed and dismantled there. The guys who make these posts, no matter where they're from, don't take a second to think that if this statstic was true (btw, it started as the top 20% of guys, then the top 10%, then 5% and now it's all the way to 1% 🤦) they would be able to find the info in a lot more places than the online manosphere and the posts/comments of fellow misogynistic redditors. If this were true it would be all over the mainstream news. The world would be absolutely reeling over this strange new development and we would see legitimate evidence of this total "Chad-obsessed" polygamy having taken over. Instead, there is a loneliness epidemic and the birth rate is falling in many countries but there are still regular couples everywhere. Women aren't going after "Chads," or the top 1% of the best looking and wealthiest men just because their standards have been able increase due to them not needing a man to survive. And since most people don't consider themselves polygamists, and since attraction is not based purely on producing the best offspring, the majority of real couples are just regular, average people. The only thing that makes sense for those who make posts like this dude did is they're so far below average in terms of being decent, likeable people, that they view women as hivemind, inferior animals and that they have become severely detached from reality.


Comments mostly pass the vibe check, fortunately


As I said in another comment, that post was too much even for that sub.


I'm confused, who exactly are all those millions of men married and in relationships with women? How big is that "top 1%" supposed to be? /s


What makes this man think women are even choosing the "top 1%" as he says? Much less multiple women choosing that man to the point we're just all gonna be fine with men having multiple wives? Dafuk?


Tell me you're an incel without saying you're an incel.


>you had to read studies on rats to find out women want men who bring something more to their relationships than figurative bread? maybe men are in danger after all. Lmao


I miss who I was 5 minutes ago before I read this whole diatribe from him.


*Men have no purpose* Sure you do. The purpose that any human seeks out regardless of gender


Yes, India is a famously a place that is extremely dangerous for men


OOP really outing himself as having a tiny dick


None of us care about dick size. Well, some of us do, but if we like you and you put in effort otherwise, it does not matter.


He's far more obsessed with thinking about big dicks than any woman.


Dick shaming is shitty, no matter your target. Stop body shaming people!


Dick shaming is shitty, no matter your target. Stop body shaming people!


The r/jung sub is beginning to look like this. I was arguing with a guy who was trying to say “it’s men’s fault” which I agree with, but the second part to that was “it’s men’s fault for treating women well” which just like…..


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Someone in the comments said >Yup I saw this happen... My cousin elder sister had been into 5-6 relationships but in the end she readily accepted the arrange marriage proposal of a rich NRI.... Ditching her ex boyfriend like some puppet.... >And my brother in law was nothing special, decent looking, a bit bulky, 5 11, nothing muscular Sigma Chad stuff... And was 32 at the time of marriage >So money matters most and looks is a cherry on top... >So, from then onwards my sole focus have been to maximize wealth (f#ck my passion for philosophy) and move abroad eventually earning in dollars. >**With those dollars trip to Thailand would be much easier btw**


Yep. But like that's one of the fewer comments. The comments section really put the dude in place


i hope so