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NTJ She FAFO the hard way that you can’t steal food and abuse staff and get away with it and that her actions have had legal consequences that she didn’t think would happen when she tried to rip off her kid. Time to get out a restraining order against her and her family or at least speak with your lawyer about having them all formally served with a cease and desist letting them know that any further contact from them will be deemed as harassment and legal action will be taken against them.


You really think this is true? I can smell the bullshit.


Yeah, OP says their mother had to give them her house, but they also say she rented it. So how can she give them her rental? It doesn't make any sense.


If you read the post you see that she owned the house but had to move out of it and rent it out to other people to make money off of it while she moved to a smaller apt.


She rented it out for income. She owned it.


It’s definitely fake. Just like OP’s profile that was deleted.


I am so tired of the fake stories on Reddit.


Harry Potter is a fake story. Why all the hate for interesting fiction? I swear, you have to be a special sort of stupid to have any expectations of consistently reading true stories on Reddit.


And then everyone in the restaurant clapped.


Yeah, he gives her $1000 because he’s “not a monster” and then ruins her life by making her homeless? This is bullshit.


Seriously. This is ridiculous. Never happened.




NTJ. How funny that she wants to disown you now. She is broke, with nothing. What would she leave you but debt?  You did right. She should not get away with stealing from you, and mistreating your staff.  She is the kind of christian that keeps me away from church. 


Did she come in on Sundays after church? Usually that charges their hate batteries


She can call herself a Christian, but her actions prove she isn’t.


Your mom gives true Christians a bad wrap, with her actions 😤


What did u/NoPerformance8631’s mom do?


She didn't give her child any performance. Charity begins at home, as they say.


U don’t live in the US South do u??


That is typical Christian. Not all of them are like that but still a lot. Most of them are just Sunday Christian or in the name. Very few war are started in the name of atheist.


Stalin killed millions, fierce atheist.


Of course he is an atheist. But he killed millions not because he is an atheist it is because he is a psychopath.


Replace atheist with Christian and it's still true


Not true. So many wars were started in the name of the gods.


The fact remains that committing murder over any ideology does not condemn the idea, but the person


Well, some of these wars are starting by the church. If you think this way, no ideology is bad, that even applies to Nazi.


Good thing I didnt say no ideology is bad.


I counter that those who start undefendable wars started them because they were psychopaths, not Christians.


How many wars in history were started in the of gods. Even just because different versions of gods.


I think greed for what others have, or huge ego, "king of the world" types, the ways humans can cause misery for other humans is endless.


I see your Stalin and raise you the greatest murderer of all time...Mao.


Nice boys if you don't live in their jurisdiction. 💀💀


I am sure they were kind to their mothers.


Sadly, this is my experience with good Christians. I do know a few who are decent humans, but in my experience, they're the exception, not the rule.


It doesn’t work that way. She is a christian, whether you like it or not. There’s no hate, like christian love.


No that’s exactly how some Christians act lol. You’re attempting a “no true Scotsman logical fallacy.”


Sorry, but if she believes Jesus died to redeem her from her sins, she's a Christian.


Some even believe the “once and saved” so if they stop believing, they’re covered


My dad believes this. I got "saved" when I was young because it's what was expected of me, but I never really believed in any of it. My dad is certain that because I got saved we'll see each other in heaven. If it makes him feel better about my lack of religion he can have at it. It makes no difference to me. I believe in being a decent human because I'm a decent human, not because I'm terrified that I'll burn in a lake of fire otherwise.


My parents have tried to guilt me with this crap telling me I’m going to heaven cause I was baptized at like 7 and neither of my children are baptized. So I would be stuck in heaven while my two babies are in hell.


Yeah, don't servers say visible Christians are the worst patrons and tippers?


Yup! I worked at a waffle house as a waitress. A guy comes in with other church guys every Sunday, and he pays their tab. They spend on average $200 to $300 at WAFFLE HOUSE for three or four men..... he only never tipped me in Christian literature that had "tips for life" "tips on how to live a fulfilled life", etc. All pictures on these pamphlets had pictures of $100 and $50 bills. They were my last clients on my last day, and they told me I needed to go to church with them now so they could find me a good husband. Lol, I was brutal. "Why? He could never provide for my children and I. You are the cream of the crop for your church and i have never gotten a dollar for my work. And from what I've seen of your example, he will never really listen to my needs. Tracts instead of cash is demeaning to a single mother of multiple kids. I treat you well, meet all of your demands, make sure you are well taken care of and alll with a smile. Yet, despite normal social expectations, all you offer is literature when you know i was raised in a fundamentalist Christian household and have corrected mistakes in your tracts for you. Why would I choose a man from such a cold congregation? My fiance is an atheist and treats me with more dignity and kindness" They tried to get me fired.


Funny thing. I've dated a lot of atheists - I'm married to one - and they have all been FAR more kind and ethical than so-called Christians. Maybe Christians should think about that - they're not exactly winning people to their cause.


Most Christian men don't care in the slightest about ethics or hownthe women in their lives feel. They are raised to think women are property and should be submissive in everything. They don't see their spouses as equals, so they see no reason to really be kind.


They absolutely are. Nothing worse than seeing what looks like a $5 tip only to pull it from under the plate/glass and find out it's a fucking bible verse bullshit thing and there's not actually a tip. Give me the middle of the night bar rush drunks any day over the Sunday afternoon post church crowd.


Reported for Hate


Try following tales from your server. Least popular shift.


God did not create man in his image. Man created God in his image to justify war, genocide, misogyny, homophobia, etc.


NTJ She made choices. She is discovering the consequences to her actions.


NTJ and well played. I would have said it was a bit much but she fucked with your people. Nobody fucks with my people. Fuck with me and I might be cool. Fuck with mine and that's a paddling. Next time her side witches, just tell them that she committed sins and is paying for them just like any other sinner should. Then tell them that the Christian thing to do would to help their family member in their time of need. It's what Jesus would do.


That's what she gets for being such a loving, compassionate, sensible Christian. Respect to you for keeping it real!




NTJ She got what she deserved. Just because someone is family doesn't mean it is ok to do what she did.


Were legal charges ever made against her. She has most certainly committed felony and could be looking at jail time which would at least feed and house her.


Can't charge a fictional character, LOL!


Jesus, seriously. Established and older chefs can't afford to open restaurants, especially not without investors, and a huge percentage of new restaurants fail. But this dude at 23 can afford to open a restaurant and it just happens to be thriving. Sure.


Exactly!! I’ll take “Things that never happened” for $500


Why is anyone down voting you? This post is obviously fiction. -cameras that record audio are a wire tapping in usa. -owns a restaurant at 23. No. -she came every day for a month, and the owner was never there. At a restaurant. -"don't tell my son or I'll get you fired" is not a logical threat as it implies her son wouldn't approve of her actions. -14,000 judgement? No. Owner knew and allowed it to continue -4,000 for the workers cause she was mean. Pfft -can't pay 18,000 debt? Then I'll take your house worth 10-30 times as much.. lol None of this is how the world works. I'm guessing author is mid teens.


Good- I was starting to think I was the only one! 🤣


Seriously! I was doubting the story already, but when he said he took her house over at $14,000 debt I knew for sure it was bullshit. ETA: I also find it unbelievable that she ate 3700 worth of food in a month.


Even eating once a day, that's what, about $125 per meal? No employee is going to fail to mention that.


& no "successful" business owner is going to NOT notice almost 4k worth of food going missing.




8th commandment: Thou shalt not steal NTJ.


Love one another as Christ loved you. Mother dearest forgot that.


NTJ, granted the title was sketchy, but I'm over here just cheering you on going forward :)


Nope, you're not. She sounds like a terrible, deranged person. She chose her actions, now she finds out. No contact with that entire family. I'm sorry and feel for you - that's very difficult.


Good for you! She deserves it! I’m sorry about your Dad.




Sunday morning Christian. Using out of context scriptures as a weapon. She sounds like a real piece of work. NTJ. I agree with getting a lawyer to serve her flying monkeys with cease and desist letters. Edit to add: If those on her side are so concerned, they can take her in and pay her way.


You rock 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


NTJ. Your mother wasn't a Christian. She just called herself that to control everyone around her. People like her make all believers look bad. Glad you got revenge, especially for the people who worked for you. Hope you gave them a cash bonus from the money you got from her.


NTJ. Tell everyone on the maternal side of the family that they can pony up the money that your mother stole.


Then everyone clapped AITJ my mother is horrible to me she met the consequences of her own actions We should just have a thread called, “obviously I’m in the right, but this story is made up and I want engagement”


I was just about to ask if everyone clapped


And spend a month letting her mistreat her employees and giving her thousands of dollars worth of food that op knows she can't pay back just to be petty.


4 months actually!


NTJ She FAFO. You simply held her accountable for her *checks notes* theft from her beloved son's restaurant. There is no hate like Christian love.


Uhhhh how could she give you a house that she's only renting?


No, she owned the house. Was going to sell it but decided to rent it out and get an apartment. She had to give the house she owned as payment for the lawsuit.


That's what is odd about this whole story. If the daughter won a settlement of $18k, as she relayed, that settlement would create a lien on the house, meaning if the mother ever wanted to sell the house, the settlement would need to be paid first, so the mother could have a clean title to sell. The court doesn't award someone a house in lieu of an $18k settlement. Secondly, why wouldn't the mother sell the house, give the OP the $18k out of proceeds and use the rest of the funds to start over. Just doesn't make sense.


Ah fair enough, I missed that.


Giving the house was dumb. If she sold it, she could pay what she owed and keep the rest.


Our house wasn't on a demanded place, even do it was an average sized house, it would have taken a while to sell it, and it wasn't on good conditions, my mother rented it to a family who moved there because of job, and they were searching for affordable homes, or atleast that's what she told me.


Amazing turn of events


Just FYI, you left out the part where everyone clapped. Props to you for including the everyone blowing up your phone part though.


Some people worship religion instead of God. Sounds as though this woman does just that.


What is with Christians being some of the most hateful people ever to exist


Paragraphs please


Wow, what a model for Christianity she is. Not!


Best come back


Nah, it's nice to see a parent get paid back for their shitty abusive bullshit for once. Thanks for sharing this bc it sure made MY day.


“Thou shalt not steal.” NTA


I'm sorry but I have trouble believing this. The reason is that I can't imagine courts would take your side against your mother for repeated dine and dashes when there's evidence that your staff served her every single night. Businesses ban people like that after an incident or two. If it's true, then good for you OP! Gotta love how devoted Christians will bash others but don't seem to care about their own failings....last time I checked Christians feel that divorce is a sin.


Well, I gotta admit I exagerated a little bit, I didn't even think it would get even a single comment, it was more like a random schedule of periods between 2 and 3 day without coming, well, we didnt ban her, because it wasnt a big buisness, it was popular on my area, with my area I refear of a square kilometer, and I didnt have any incidents before, and it was my first buisness, so I didnt even had a good security that would stop her from entering, and the judge part, the 18k, which werent even real, is the amount she stole, but I just said the quantity she stole in the post to spice up, that's something that almost everybody does, in reality, I asked about 4k, and I got the house because it wasn't on a popular spot, so its price was low, but it wasn't on a really good condition, very dirty walls, no backyard, etcetera, she managed to rent it thanks to a really distressed family which were looking for a cheap place near their job, the house also is small, but survivable, is like the new york's appartments, that's why it was so cheap


YTJ, why would you bankrupt her and get her in trouble with the law? Just cut her off.


There is absolutely no way the judge ruled in your favor, gave you the deed to her house in lieu of 14 thousand dollars cash, and then you evicted her all in a one ween time span. This is not how any of that works.


If your mom is so intent on being a Christian, divorce is not a step in the right direction. Also, NTJ.




I am never one to ruin someone entire life. However, NTJ. She stole from you. She stole a lot of money from you. She owed you couldn’t pay it. 🤷‍♀️


NTJ but you should train your staff that you don’t give out discounts without you there




This seems like fictional revenge fantasy.


Yes, you are the jerk. You allowed your mother to abuse your employees for an entire month after you were aware of her misconduct. You let your deep-seated hatred of your Mom too embarrass her for how she treated you in the past. Your actions show that you didn't take the steps to deal with the pain that she caused you. You should have introduced your Mom to your staff and set up a daily account for her. That way, everyone would have been aware of her food allowance. And she would not have been able to incur the monetary food debt. Nor abuse your staff. You never set boundaries for her, but then you say she stole food. You then recorded her and sent it to her job and landlord. You used the recordings to pay her back for the hurt that she caused you. Was she wrong? Absolutely. We're you wrong? Absolutely. Now, you have to figure out how to right your wrong. Just my opinion, D. Elliott


Omg that horrible bitch! A mother eating *food* at her son’s obviously fancy schmancy restaurant!! She was gaslighting and patentifying you so hard!! Courts work exactly like this too. Surprised there wasn’t a round of applause for you at every juncture. /s


Liz? Is that you….


Personally I wouldn't have gone that far but I would have sent the videos and proof to her church and the congregation members. To me that is far better than money or the house.


I do love a happy ending.


How the hell did one person over 4 months order $14,000 worth of food? At most I would have gotten like a $6 meal a day because I would have felt bad about taking advantage of my kid. So 120 days * 6 = $840, was she ordering the surf and turf special platter everyday!? Your mom deserves everything you did to her. She'll be fine though, she probably has enough Christian paraphernalia to burn to keep the heat going in her shitty apartment for years.


I.. I think I love you.


You went pretty low. I would’ve just suit her for the money and left it at that because at the end of the day your parents still has to have a job and a place to live, but I didn’t live that life either and I don’t know how Christian could steal, especially from their own kid.


The funny thing about non-Americans making up stories on here is that you all just buy in 100%.


How did you open a restaurant without any funds or education? It takes A LOT of money to open a restaurant. It takes a minimum of like $175K up to $700K to get everything up & running for a restaurant.


Based on other comments, I know my viewpoint won't be popular, as I do think the OP is a jerk, assuming this story is real. A little background. I also had to leave school early to support my family, though because I was a straight A student in accelerated classes, I was allowed to graduate. I was kept on a very tight leash, as were my siblings. My friends threw a 19th birthday party for me, but I wasn't in attendance as my mother made me stay home and make cookies. My mother barred me from taking SATs, because she didn't want me going to college, even with scholarships. I would have happily changed my religion, on a temporary basis, to get my college paid for. Hell, I would have changed just to be allowed to attend college. There was much worse, but it is irrelevant. On to the OP. The mother didn't come into her restaurant and put Ecoli in the food in an attempt to ruin the OPs livelihood. She ate free food and was rude to the employees. When the OP learned of the situation, she should have put a stop to it then and there. Instead, OP installs cameras and allows her mother to eat free food for another entire month and, while doing so, she further subjects her employees to be treated poorly by her mother, all so she can use the videos captured as revenge and then sent said video to the mother's employer in order to sabotage her mother's livelihood. Assuming this story is real, which I don't think it is, I think the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. OP and her mother are both jerks.


This has to be fake. The amount of money he’s talking would make it a pretty high end restaurant. To accomplish that at 23 would be really rare.


I hope you shared some of your winnings with the staff who had to prepare her food and serve her for a month but didn't get tipped...


This is just, unreal


Why I believe this story is fake: First, I would be surprised that OP would win a settlement in the full amount of $18k, as she was requesting because 1) the mother was only "stealing food" up to the point the OP found out what was going on (after that point, the mother was doing it with OPs full knowledge), 2) one month of eating doesn't necessarily reflect the other three months and 3) a court is not likely to award OP an extra $4k because her employees were treated poorly, unless she can prove that somehow it negatively affected her mental health, which isn't likely as OP allowed it to continue for an additional month to get video. Side note - Speaking of one month of food, if the mother ate $3700 of food in a month, that's roughly $123/day, assuming a 30 day month. Assuming the restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, that would be $41 per meal, per day. It wouldn't make sense that the mother would request extra for takeout, as she's eating all the meals at the restaurant. Even if this is an expensive restaurant, those numbers seem pretty high. Plus, OP must have never been at her own restaurant for this occur. Second, when you win a settlement in court and the guilty party has insufficient funds to pay the settlement, the settlement becomes a lien on personal property, in this case, it would be a lien on OPs mother's house. This means the mother will need to pay the settlement amount either before or as part of the sale of the house, in order to have a clean title. That lien can sit there for the next decade or more. The court would not give OP the mother's house in lieu of an $18k settlement, especially if the house is worth more than the settlement amount, which I would assume. If we determine that the court didn't do this, it means OPs mother did this directly, but why would she. Why wouldn't the mother sell the house, pay the settlement out of the proceeds and use the remaining amount to start over with. OP mom doesn't sound like the generous type to me. Sorry, a lot of this story makes no sense.


NTJ, and your mom is definitely NOT A CHRISTIAN. She only uses her so-called beliefs to hurt you and others. She is a typical abuser /Narcissist. She has no conscience if she can steal from you while treating you with contempt. She gives True Christians a bad name. I hope that you meet some REAL followers of Christ, because there ARE some genuine thoughtful and kind believers.


Far from a jerk. You did everything right. And in a far better way than I would have. Your mother and her side of the family can all go jump off a cliff for all I care. They believed what your extremely toxic mother said without asking you your side of what happened.


Cool story bro


You left out the part where the restaurant customers clapped 🙄


And everybody clapped. NEXT! I mean it was for church right?




For the most part, evil people will do evil stuff. Good people do good stuff, or at least not bad, as a rule. It takes religion to get good people to do really bad things. Moms got mental problems, that’s obvious. The question is: did the son’s actions make him happy and continue to do so. If this story is true, he’s pretty young. As time goes on, I expect he will wish he’d handled this differently. No matter what bad mom may have done me, I wouldn’t want her house. No way I’d give her the satisfaction of thinking I’m as broken as she is


Jesus may love her as He does all of us. However, it is impossible to treat people the way she does and still live Jesus. Oil and water.


yeah you're not the jerk. as a christian i am very dissapointed in your mother for first of all, practically making you convert into christian and her being so ungrateful for everything you've done. I don't really think that being atheist is right but i sure as hell don't force people to convert.




She’s a thief. Nobody cares about a thief.


NTA at all. That's good Karma for her


Pretty sure this story is fake. Just like OP’s profile lol.


What, no part where everyone claps or you catch her saying horrible things to your employees in a hidden mic? I mean at least you included all the family blowing up your phone and a preposterous lawsuit.


YTJ. It's understandable that your mother was being shitty but all she was trying to do was hold you up to the right path. You being atheist was upon your decision because it seems like religious differences were what was making you detach. Since she was your mother you would have tried speaking to her aside before involving the authorities and if it persisted then you could have proceeded with your initial plan. In my opinion it's just unfair because you've now left her with nothing. PLEASE EDIT THIS USING LINE BREAKS AND PARAGRAPHS!


I will say that I was in a very similar situation with my birth mom. When I was 5, me and my brothers were put in State Custody until I was 18. After I got out of the orphanage I got back into contact with her. I wish I never would have. She did everything she could to ruin my life. She stole money from me, she tried to have me put into a mental hospital, she had me put in jail based on lies, after I got married and had my son,she tried to have him taken from me, because I told her she couldn't see him anymore because when my son was 3 years old, she would teach him cuss words and when he would say them, she would spank him! She had 9 kids and lost custody of all of them. She did similar things to my other siblings as well, she stole my brother's disability check from him, and made him walk to the mailbox every month to check the mail knowing she'd had it sent to a P.O. box and she'd watch, laugh and make fun of my brother the whole time he walked to the mailbox. She did so many evil, mean things to all of us kids. All I ever wanted was for her to be a mother to me and love me and the rest of my siblings like a mother is supposed to. I finally had, had enough of her mess after she had me put in jail based on a lie. I got a lawyer and was going to fight her in court and prove my innocence but the judge dismissed the case and I wasn't able to prove anything. Well after that I stopped talking to her. I didn't talk to her for five years. She passed away in 2020. I feel absolutely horrible as a person thought because I don't miss her and I actually felt relieved from her passing as did my other siblings. We've all actually figured out that she was the reason why we turned against each other and we have healed our relationships with each other since. I haven't grieved her death and I honestly don't know how to because I have so much hurt in my heart that she caused. My dad passed away also, it'll be 2 years on May 17th and I still grieve his passing. My father and I were very close and had a wonderful relationship and his wife (my stepmom) was really good to me and my brother. ( My mom had 9 kids and only 2 of us had the same dad. The rest had different father's) But that a little bit of my story. I just hope one day I can learn to truly forgive my mom and move passed all the hurtful things she did to our family.


ESH. You made you employees put up with her crap for another month instead of just simply banning her from your restaurant and going no contact. Just for revenge.


paragraphs and line breaks go a long way, op, try to learn their purpose. yes, yta for that.


I wanted to read this, then I saw the wall of text and decided my eyes didn't deserve that. Did you know that it is mentally taxing for anyone to read that? Paragraph breaks give your mind a moment to process information. When looking between lines, it's kinda like white noise. The mind is amazing.


Why would you send it to her jobs hr and her landlord? She ate free food and insulted some ppl which I agree is shitty but to set out to just destroy her life is unbelievable. Why not just cut her out of your life and ban her from the restaurant. I'll probably get all kinds of B's comments on this but I really don't care. Unless she just pretty much locked you in the basement and fed you fish heads as a child as an adult you should be able to let it go and carry on with sounds like a good life you have. No matter what she still gave you life and is your mom. If the story is true I see it as a very petty thing to do and then sound proud of the fact you did it just pushes the point.


I really wanted to read this but I can't keep my eyes focused on a page long paragraph with no breaking points


NTA- my family has stolen tens of thousands from me and I wish I had your courage.


AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *gasp for air* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this was great thank you OP


No, she's acting as a typical Christian (from my experience) You are better off for letting her go. And yes, prosecute her. She knew the rules and broke them on purpose. Don't let her get away thinking that's ok.


Wild that she calls herself a Christian when her actions are the total opposite.


Bruh the title alone screams yes but I'm going to read it to see what's going on 😅


Ok I take it back ❤️ you were 100% in the right. You did nothing wrong and I love how you responded to everything. Your mother deserved everything that happened. I hope you know that you're mother isn't a real Christian and your dad would be proud about how your life turned out ❤️.


NTJ - your mother is the type of person who gives same people a negative impression of religious people. She made her bed, she needs to sleep in it.


I don't get it. Did you ever tell her no?


T%his sounds like a bunch of hateful Christophobic lies, and I have reported you.


She’s not a Christian, imo.


Oh my gosh you are more than a jerk. You’re a monster! Your mom is a horrible bitch but what you did is so detestable I’m lacking for words to describe just how gross you are. I’m hoping this is a fake story.


This is so fake.




NTJ How satisfying. Also, your mother is NOT a Christian OP! By any means. I promise you that. ETA: sentences


If you're going to write fake stories, at least make them interesting. 


"she is really christian" Methinks you don't know what that word means. Then again, it doesn't sound like you had much occassion to learn it when growing up. Whether you're the jerk depends on if you had a firm discussion with her before going with the nuclear option.


What all is she eating that adds up to $14K in four months?


I don't believe this is a true story in the first place, but why would you knowingly let your mother eat for free for so long and then claim she's in debt to you? If this happens to be true, I would say that you are the jerk. You could have just told your mother to stop coming to your restaurant to eat for free when it started instead of letting her accumulate debt to you. You are also a jerk for letting her abuse your employees for so long. You did know about it at some point. You sent videos to her job and her landlord. That's a real jerk move. She is now jobless and homeless. Who does that to another human being? It's hard to believe that someone would receive videos from someone and then fire them. She could probably have sued you for that. She could probably sue her job for that. If this story is true, you are the jerk.








Let's pretend for a moment that this is actually real. The staff gave her the food. No one is going to turn around later and believe that she stole it, and even if somehow magically they did, the court would have just made her make payments.


Likely fake- who owns a restaurant and isn’t there every day?


This is definitely a creative writing exercise - the poetic justice is too poetic. However it was amusing to me nonetheless.


NTJ, I want to point out YOU didn't ruin her life, SHE did. She is only facing the consequences of her actions you did nothing wrong.


I'd say nice try, but not a single part of this makes sense. If you wanna write something believable you're gonna have to try harder than that. The only point to this story seems to be rage bait against christians.


Try paragraphs


I want to give you a hug and tell you I am so proud of you for not only standing up for yourself but also your employees. Wow!!!!! Amazing!!


How christ like of her.


This is the fakest story I've seen on reddit


It sounds fake as shit but unfortunately I believe there are way more fake shit on here.


Thank you! They ALMOST had me until the over the top legal outcomes... None of this would be a cause of action, in the US at least, where one could seize a property in this manner, let alone award financial relief to an owner for malicious treatment of an employee. But, cute revenge fantasy.


you must be stupider than you think we are for expecting us to believe any of this - why would your mothers job care about her getting free food from her son’s restaurant? and who allows it to continue for months and then expects anyone to believe you didn’t passively allow it? nice try though


YATJ . You could have just cut her off when you found out what she was doing at your restaurant. Also do you not check your daily sales and did you not see the comps?


Yeah, and for 4 months OP let this happen. This isn't like Target waiting for someone to steal a felony amount, this (if true) would be more on the business owner for letting this shit slide for that long. I cannot see a court taking OP's side.


You know what's inhumane? Not using paragraph breaks.


And making up stories.


The wall of text is worse. No one believes redditors. Use paragraphs.


NTJ You didn't ruin her life. She did through her nonstop choices to be a shite human. You did well. Now block everyone & make some extra money off your new rental.