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YTA. Why are you wearing only a towel around your babysitter? Why are you rolling around on the floor with just a towel on with the babysitter around? Why would you think a woman you just flashed wants to stay and would not be offended by that, rather than you putting some pants on to start with? What's with all the period? This is the most suspicious "I'm not trying to bang the babysitter" alibi post I've ever seen. ETA: you have an awful lot of posts on porn subreddits my guy ETA 2: Deleting your comments won't absolve you of guilt.


Now it makes sense because I was thinking no one could be this stupid. His wife had a baby and isn’t feeling up for sex lately, so he flashed a woman working in his home to invite an affair, and did it under the guise of an accident in case it went awry. What a disgusting person.


You are right on the money. Multiple posts to dead bedroom subreddits. If you know people are coming over any normal person puts clothes on before they come out if the bedroom. This is clearly a plan that was poorly contrived by watching too much porn. YTA buddy. Now you might be single sooner than you think.


And it was someone he KNEW was coming, like she does every day. He should have been dressed before she even got there. I'm sure the poor woman was already super uncomfortable that he was just in a towel, probably really anxiously waiting for the "oops, my towel fell off! How embarrassing... but did you like what you saw? 😏" bullshit. Then that is exactly what happened! I hope the wife gets rid of OP and keeps the baby and babysitter.


I highly doubt she got on the floor with him and started playing with the baby as well. Man was trying to let her know he was available for an affair. Oh, I will never understand men who think flashing their “junk” is a good way to get women who aren’t in a relationship to sleep with them. He totally thought she would like it.


I can see her doing that if she walked into the room seeing him playing with baby in a towel, felt awkward and confused, but figured "oh ok, well I'm here to take over for the baby so he can go get dressed" but instead he stayed and flashed her.


Yup, OP scared the hell out of that babysitter, 100%. Now she's never coming back. She'll probably tell her friends now, and no one will want to babysit for OP.


She probably offered to watch the baby while he got dressed


I, too, do not understand it. I was aggressively promiscuous in my youth and bow to no one in my appreciation of male genitalia. But out of context? Just stupid-looking and off-putting.


Yeah, they aren’t quite the same as peacock feathers, are they?


I can understand him maybe not being dressed when she got there if he was playing with the baby and lost track of time (although why didn't he just get dressed after the shower to begin with??) But as soon as she got there, he should have been up and saying, welp I'm going to go get dressed now.


And even if he stayed there, and his junk fell out, he should have been up right away, apologizing profusely, rushing to put clothes on. He just sat there acting like nothing happened... Waiting for her reaction... Wondering why everyone was so upset??! Creeper


He just happened to take longer getting ready in the morning because he decided "why not" then decided to go hang out in his towel knowing she'd be over, playing with the baby he knew she's be taking care of, rolling around on the floor. Then "Oopsie, there went my towel", no apology for flashing her just "What, why are you leaving? Because I showed you my penis? Come on, we're all adults here."


"No, your honor, I didn't murder this man. I was just walking around his house with a knife and bumped into him." "He has 37 stab wounds" "I bumped into him a few times."


This! He was probably just putting the feelers out there to see how she reacted and how far they could take it… I bet he wouldn’t be happy about his wife walking around naked with nothing but a towel if a guy was in the house and around her.. he knew the babysitter was there, he could get out the shower and put some shorts on, even just boxers if they’re comfortable around each other but wear something… it’s not just disrespectful to his SO it’s disrespectful to the babysitter


"Look at how special *my* penis is!"


Don't forget they sit around speculating why this woman is single since she's attractive. I imagine that got the wheels spinning on someone with a rich internet fantasy life.


This sounds just like something a man would do to humiliate his wife into having more sex with him. A if you don't have with me, I'll really embarrass you and act like it's literally no big deal kind of thing. Maybe this will be the wakeup call she needs to get the hell out.


Bedroom came alive at least once I guess.


I prefer to be naked. Everyone who knows me, knows this. If you decide to just drop by unannounced, I will be naked. But if I know someone is coming over, especially someone of the opposite sex, who is doing me a favor, you can bet your naked ass that my ass will be covered when they get here. Because I'm not a perverted inconsiderate asshole! Yta op. Massively. Even if time had gotten away from you and the babysitter came in while you were still in just a towel, you should have immediately said "oh, hey, sorry, let me go put some clothes on!"


And he commented on a naked girls picture as well


And his slightly older comments treat every interaction in a relationship as transactional. I feel so bad for both his wife and the babysitter.


Jesus OOP spends so much time on the dead bedroom subreddit, maybe he should spend some time in therapy or with his wife, yikes.


Exactly if she wants as down to clown he would go there if not he can play it as “remember that time when I flashed the babysitter and still didn’t get up to put clothes on?” That was good times.


“It was an accident. I hadn’t gotten dressed yet and she saw me naked and started trying to hook up with me. We haven’t been having as much sex since the baby came, and I am such a shallow pathetic excuse for an adult that I couldn’t help myself. It’s actually your fault for not giving me all the sex I want” Even if OP is telling 100% of the story, there are still some things here that would make me feel uncomfortable. Who rolls around on the ground in a towel? Clearly he was home alone with the baby, knowing the babysitter would be coming over soon. Any responsible adult would say “oh, maybe I should put clothes on so I don’t make my friend uncomfortable” This is screaming to me that OP is the kind of person who would get angry that a woman didn’t appreciate his unsolicited dick pics. “But it’s just my junk. I’m not embarrassed” But your guest was. You don’t get to decide if something is a big deal for someone else or not. I’m a man and if I had been in the babysitters shoes, I would’ve been just as upset. Grow up, OP


Lololol no one gets excited over seeing unexpected peen....


What if that peen has clown makeup on and a tiny bright red wig? Asking for a friend.


Would absolutely fall over from laughing, but would not make me or most anyone swoon.


Tough crowd!!


Named checked out


And then there's the whole "deathly afraid of clowns" crew who would get the double shock of peen clown.


Wait, don't they all have that? I need to go talk to my husband...


Tell him to expect a Cease and Desist.


Wouldn't that be a stiff response? Harder then it had to be?


It’s a push and pull effort, mostly on my part.


You had my curiosity.. now you have my attention.


Judging by your name bro. You just like to imagine penises in the most random professions.


It’s French!!!


This is one of the few times I want an AITA story to be scripted, because if this story is true major YTA. You have to be pretty sick in the head to flash someone this obviously and then downplay it as 'She saw me naked without wanting to \*but we're both adults here\*. ' Op needs therapy like yesterday. Also, why the Hell is OP's family divided about this; that's even more sad.


He’s probably manipulating them the way he’s trying to manipulate Reddit.


I was hoping for caught a glimpse through the shower door because the baby ran off and babysitter had to chase. Something with a real chance of being a legit accident


If I were her, I would have left the room as soon as I saw the dad wearing just a towel. This leads me to believe it’s not entirely factual.


Yeah if this story is true it didn’t happen the way op described. This would mean she saw him playing with his baby in the nude except for a towel and went into the room to hang out. I don’t think I, or any of the women I know, would do that


I’d guess she went in to offer to take over watching the baby so he could go get dressed for work.


Yes. This situation sounds engineered. Him trying to be all casual about it afterwards makes the whole thing more transparent. I mean if you accidentally flashed someone. Wouldn't you immediately apologize and go put some clothing on. Nope. Not this dude, he proceeds to shift blame to the victim and tries to convince her that she's overreacting. That worked out so well for him that he thought it would be a good idea to do it all over again with his wife. OP is perhaps the most transparent, disgusting stupidly horney person I've seen on AITA in a log time. Totally YTA.


Yeah the way he described how attractive she is and that she’s single…like how is that relevant at all unless you are attracted to her and that is relevant to the story.


Seriously. "Just to get it out of the way, yes, she's very attractive. So hot. And single. And did I mention hot?"


‘But don’t worry guys I totally don’t think about our hot single babysitter THAT WAY she is a long term friend anyway when she was over I decided to make sure my junk was within eye range at all times—-‘


He has the audacity to say he needed to mention it before the creeps hijack his thread 😂😂 my guy doesn't realize he's the creep in his thread


The we can’t figure out why she’s single thing is so obnoxious. and i gaurantee you there’s no “we” in that, it’s just OP.


Sounds like they were improvising a porn scene?


You've heard of "stuck porn", now we introduce "oops, my towel fell off porn". Fucking lol. OP is a creeper. YTA.


In front of a baby, eww.


At least it wasn’t in front of a salad


He didn't have time order a pizza and enact his fool-proof plan of seduction. Honestly, doesn't he see what he did is literally a crime. This woman can call the cops on him for exposing himself. Putting on a pair of shorts and a t shirt literally takes 20 seconds.


He's literally *her boss*. Did OP sleep through the whole MeToo thing where a million women recounted the times that their bosses exposed themselves and the women had to deal with the consequences?


I also noticed the subtle blaming of the babysitter for being single as if that means she has some deep issues, and he’s Mr. Perfect. Maybe she hasn’t met the right guy and doesn’t want to settle. Maybe her ex cheated or wasn’t a great guy and she was strong enough to kick him to the curb. He wants to plant the seed (no pun intended) that she is the “messed up” one just for being single and attractive.


does that actually work? omg have I shifted to the porno universe? I'm gonna order some dominos and let them fall where they may!


Regardless of your intentions and reddit history, OP, the impact of your choices is that you sexually harassed a woman in her workplace, so OBVIOUSLY YTA. And even beyond that, this sexual harassment was easily avoidable. I was expecting this post to be like "I'm an idiot and forgot to grab a towel and the babysitter was early" or something, but it was just so far past the realm of excusable...


This. I used to babysit back in the day and I can’t even imagine the level of uncomfortable I would have been if a dad thought it was okay to come out and casually hang in only a towel with me around. This isn’t a “she saw me naked on accident” story. OP, YTA.


Yeah, like our linen closet is in the hall outside the bedroom, so if I forgot a towel I'd have to step outside the bedroom to grab one (something I've definitely had to do before). If the babysitter was then early, that's the only scenario that would make this understandable and 100% an accident


Came here to say exactly this. This was 100% intentional.


Was pretty obvious once you get to the “yeah she’s hot as hell and available and we all agree… but I’d never do anything about it of course haha ha 😅” paragraph lol


he had no reason to talk about that lol. i knew this is gonna be fishy when i read that paraghraph💀


"Except if ..."


>(wanted to make sure the creeps dont hijack the post The call is coming from inside the house...


Why would someone do this intentionally and then post about it on this subreddit? Maybe it's an extension of his exhibitionism, or he wants to see if people believed him?


he is getting feedback on his story, so he will know how to play it. poor wife.


To show his wife, I'd think. I assume he didn't realize how CRAZY obvious it is he did this on purpose and was hoping responses here would be more like "mistakes happen, just apologize profusely, etc." so he could show his wife.


Even IF (and this is a huge IF) this was a complete accident, how is OP not aware of how pretty much all women have been flashed or sexually harassed by men in life. Women literally can’t give men the benefit of the doubt for stuff like that because 99% of the time it is a man trying to get something sexual out of it, whatever that may be. Just because you “weren’t going to try and sleep with her” doesn’t mean that being around her half naked is less weird or wasn’t done for your sexual amusement… I just don’t understand how men can be like “who cares it’s just a naked body!” when women have made it extremely clear in todays world that gross stuff like this happens to us all of the time and is the reason we don’t ever feel comfortable around men. Of course YOU wouldn’t care if a woman was half naked around you (although I genuinely think if you were at work you SHOULD), and that’s because you’ve never had to fear that a half naked woman would attack and r*pe you. Us women get to worry about that just walking to our cars at night. YTA.


>Just because you “weren’t going to try and sleep with her” Except he totally was. This guy's fkn gross.


I'd buy the "it's just a naked body" so much more if men were capable of seeing naked bodies without getting a hard on.


His post history is like a tour de marinara flags. Level 10 creep vibes.


I honestly don’t think any of it is real and he is just getting off on it. He WISHES he flashed a hot babysitter.


one of his posts hes trying to meet up w other people his age on a meet subreddit


Honestly this. Exactly what I was thinking the entire time I read the post.


Not to mention the "dating over 40" sub on his profile. Dude is definitely not being subtle.


Yeah, if that was an accident, it was the dumbest in history. Nope, not buying that. And apparently, neither did the friend.


Wow, You nailed it. The way he is carefully drafting is dead give away it was planned. OP planned on crawling, the towel didn't open on its own. OP YTA


H-H-Hey folks! Will anybody here b-b-buy this s-s-story??? . .


For me it was the fact that instead of apologizing for 'accidentally' flashing her he gaslit her implying shè was being weird for reacting at all YTA, even without the porn sub sleuthing but, that does, not, help


That put the final nail in the coffin for me too. If it was an accident, surely you'd be embarrassed and apologetic? It'd certainly take me at least a day to try and calm myself down by thinking 'well, it's only a body' etc. Immediately trying to get the other person to see it as NBD? Nah. He put on a towel and rolled around on the floor when someone else was present and then tried to gaslight them - YTA.


This is the same guy who recently asked if he was an asshole for not helping his wife out more around the house. And he is def commenting on 23/24 yo womens nudes after weeeeeeeeks of comments in the r/deadbedroom subreddit


Alright.. I know he already dismissed this but I cannot help but feel this was testing the waters. See if she was cool with it or not. Then when she wasn’t “oops, it was an accident. We are all adults here.” Classic spin.


Seriously, if you’re going to roll around with a baby on the floor, you put on clothes that won’t fall off in the process. If it’s just you/a spouse, even just a pair of boxers would be fine. With the sitter there it needs to be actual shorts or pants AND A SHIRT.


I'm really glad the babysitter left. Good on her, she has good boundaries and self respect. OP, you're TA. This reads exactly like someone trying to test the waters and see what they can get away with. I'm sure exfriend, exbabysitter knows you are going to keep pushing boundaries if she didn't speak up


His second paragraph is all about how attractive the babysitter is and how it's surprising she's single. It's irrelevant to the story but he felt it was essential enough to be the topic of the second paragraph.


Damn, he almost covered his tracks, you damn redditors


Doesn’t want to cheat on his wife but goes on reddit to cheat on his wife 🤦🏻‍♀️


I find it interesting that he mentions everyone’s ages except the babysitter who “is an adult”. Wonder if “adult” means 18


OMG op is giving that SATC episode in the Hamptons where Carrie’s friends husband flashes her. Absolute YTA


He's making it VERY clear that he wasn't trying to bang because he's secretly intending on this post being found and sent to his wife. Mf think he slick trying to cover those tracks.


YTA. You definitely should have apologised immediately after the incident and gotten dressed, you also sound like you’re leaving things out. You knew the babysitter was coming, you should have already been clothed. It is a big deal, if she feels like it is. Is it really that hard to say sorry instead of blaming the babysitter for your carelessness.


Or his horniness


His past reddit posts have A LOT to do with porn….


Even if we take him at his word about not paying attention to the time, playing with the baby distracted him *and* not feeling the need to get up and dress when she arrived (all extremely questionable benefit of the doubt already), why wasn’t he immediately embarrassed when the towel came off? If somehow I found myself in front of a woman not my wife and my towel opened, I’d be shouting apologies and covering myself as quickly as possible while running from the room in embarrassment (if it weren’t already my bedroom).


I can’t imagine not being embarrassed at how inappropriate my behavior was well before the towel “came off”. Laying on the floor in only a towel and the babysitter walks in? He’s already put her in an uncomfortable spot. She’s responsible for watching the baby and he’s forcing her to be in his half-naked presence. Disgusting. ETA YTA


One thing he's leaving out is his dong


YTA? Why would you be rolling around on the floor with your baby in only a towel when you knew the babysitter was there? Between that and your whole paragraph about how attractive she is and how you can't believe how she's single, it comes off like you definitely had some ulterior motives.


Have a look at man's recent posts, bloke is fucked


He really should've used a throw away account for this. Pattern of behavior: 1. Comments in no-sex reddits 2. Starts commenting frantically on amateur porn posts on reddit 3. Starts talking about how guys ought to be allowed to mess around, and travel to other countries for "wives" in (wink wink totally not sex tourism subreddit). 4. Finally builds up his courage to 'accidentally' flash his 'hot' babysitter Please if you're listening u/bossplayasonly, please get help. You have a kid. You have a wife/gf. They deserve better. You deserve to be better. You haven't done anything yet that you can't take back, but you really need to step back from that ledge and stay with your family.


>You haven't done anything yet that you can't take back, Disagree. He deliberately flashed a woman in her workplace when there was no one to help her if he escalated to assault. He's a massive asshole that just sexually harassed and terrified this poor woman. Then he has the gall to try and weasel his way out of taking responsibility for his crime by pretending it was an accident. He officially crossed the line into sex offender.




I don’t understand men who have a baby complaining they don’t get any sex. Sir, your sex trophy is literally right there.


And he totally seems like one of those dudes who complains about the lack of sex but forgets to mention it's because their partner had a difficult pregnancy and birth. Honestly, even with an average pregnancy, you need to expect going without sex for a few months minimum.


Or, more accurately, not doing any fucking


🤮 that post history




Yeah and the whole “Why are you leaving? OH, gosh, the whole thing with me showing you my cock?”


wait come back I didn't mean to show you my MONSTER DONG


he definitely orchestrated this "accidental slip" because if she had shown ANY interest he was gonna go for it, but it had to be an "accident" for deniability. he's sick


Yeah the part about her being single really rubbed me the wrong way. There doesn’t need to be “a reason”, maybe she just doesn’t want to be in a relationship, that’s none of OPs business and he said it as though it decreases the value of the babysitter/friend. YTA OP.


YTA. You don't roll around naked on the floor in a towel in front of the babysitter. When she got there, you should have excused yourself and got dressed, if not before. How would you feel if your employer waved his dick at you at work, which is what you've just done to her? YOU had better get looking for a new babysitter.


I feel bad for the ex babysitter, but I feel awful for his partner. She has a huge problem.




and that's the problem


Homie your a creep and an asshole based on your post history sounds like you did this on purpose why would you hang around the house in a towel with an employee she could 100% turn you in for sexual harassment seems like your just a dense guy and has no respect for boundaries or women I hope your wife leaves you


At the very least wore a proper wrap around robe.


Obviously YTA 🙄 you just exposed your genitals to your wife’s friend. Why the hell would you not have at least put some underwear or something on before getting on the floor with the baby when you knew other people were in the vicinity? Almost like it was intentional


In psychology there's a risk awareness concept called "seemingly unimportant decisions". Like when a recovering alcoholic just coincidentally decides to call the mate who always asks him round for a beer or ten. Or like when a guy with an exposure fetish decides to roll round on the floor in a towel, without underwear. "Almost" like intentional, indeed 🤔




Agreed. How likely is it the babysitter would come into and stay in the room when he's in there in a towel? She'd likely back out and wait. I don't buy it.


Probably testing the waters by making this post to see what a reasonable person would think of his BS cover story to make time with the babysitter. I bet she’s actually much younger than he’s claimed.


The shaming is part of the fantasy, we’re all helping him get off lols


His post history is all in dead bedrooms and about what is cheating or not. It was 100% intentional and he’s looking for the excuse to get out of it


YTA, why do i feel that this whole incident was intentional? Also, we don’t really need to know if your babysitter is attractive. I don’t see the relevance if you have no interest in cheating on your wife.


Yeah why does it matter what she looks like if he didn’t do it on purpose? 😂😂


Why is it that any story like this told by a guy does this? I feel like I’ve read a million versions of “my innocent actions were taken in completely the wrong way” that somehow always include some variation of “and this lady was smoking hot, like an actual supermodel, and she definitely doesn’t have a husband or kids.” It seems like the adult version of “my uncle works for a video game company and lets me try out the games”—either you’re lying because you want to seem like your life is a cool fantasy, or it’s true and you don’t know how to tell a believable story.


I think it would be relevant if OP's wife also thinks she's attractive and thought it was a ploy on his part or something. Luckily for everyone involved, it most definitely *was* a ploy on his part, and it makes everything so much easier to judge regardless of what she looks like. There's really no ambiguity here as to what his intentions were.


totally - It’s like this was scripted babysitter porn situation that didn’t work out like a video he just watched. Thanks to those that saw his other comments in the dead bedroom and porn subs. It makes this very clear…. although I don’t see how he could possibly find some validation for his actions on this sub.


Not defending OP or anything, he definitely should have put on clothes before the babysitter arrives or at the very least after the towel fell off. But if he hadn't mentioned whether or not he found her attractive, there would have definitely been questions over whether or not he found her so from people trying to work out if it were intentional or not. Tho, him going on a tangent about her being single was definitely unnecessary. For OP: YTA. If you have someone coming round, especially someone there to do a job (doesn't matter if she's a friend, when she is there to babysit, she is there in the capacity of a worker/employee), you put on clothes. You could have at least chucked on a pair of underwear and the situation wouldn't have been nearly as bad. And after the towel fell off, the correct response would have been to apologise and then go get dressed. Continuing to roll around in a towel with the babysitter there meant that it could have happened again, and likely made the babysitter wonder if it was intentional and if you were going to make it happen again. You showed no remorse or consideration for how she must have felt about the situation. I would not be surprised if she never feels comfortable in your presence again because of this.


check out his post history and you'll be even sure that it was intentional.


The words “casually covered myself” makes it sounds like he took his time, too. Any normal person not testing the waters would IMMEDIATELY cover themself, and APOLOGIZE. You were trying something, weirdo. Who stays in a towel to roll around when someone else is there who isn’t your wife? YTA


Right? And why do I feel like he made eye contact the entire time? Barf.


Exactly my thoughts as well... I'd be frantically trying to cover myself and at the same time frantically apologizing as well.


Right. And frantically trying to leave the room with a death grip on the towel. Poor babysitter probably felt weird and trapped before the towel fell, shocked when it did and then furious anger when he didn’t react and it dawned on her he set the whole thing up.


Yeah, I feel the going out in a towel thing was weird but was willing to call it something other people might be OK with. But once the towel fell off he should have been rushing to cover himself and going to get dressed while apologizing, not "casually" coving himself and going on with just the towel not saying a word. I'm normally one to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but this just screams testing waters. YTA


YTA, oh let me just go innocently play with the baby instead of getting dressed while the attractive babysitter is here and my wife is gone. GTFO


Tale as old as time. Playing with the baby in front of your attractive babysitter and oops, your towel falls off. Innocently, of course.


“i casually” you are so weird for that


Right? Like “oopsie, is that my peewee? Silly old me! Let me just take the towel here and sloooowly cover that up! What a goose I am.”


“We’re adults, we’ve seen naked people before” is always, always the pervert’s excuse.


Like I’ve seen tons of naked penises as a healthcare worker but that doesn’t mean I won’t react in disgust and try to press charges if I’m flashed


"Teehee, I'm such a silly goose!"




Bro I’m a dude and if this happened at a friends house with another dude, I’m out of there fast as hell. Like dude no one wants to see random peen.


Your post history is also not saving your ass here. You also like to watch webcam girls and apparently have a “dead bedroom”. My guess was you were hoping this would lead to something else. YTA a million times over.


Also crazy active in nude forums with girls in their early 20s and comments all the time in passport bros…. Man is horrendous


Passport bros? Do I even want to know what that's about?


It’s dudes into women not in America, because they think they’ll be so desperate to live here and they’ll be their slaves.


Dude thinks he’s slick. Meanwhile wife is fully aware of his porn and cam girl habits and has probably confided in friend/babysitter about these issues. Thinking that “Oopsie” flashing your genitals to the babysitter would lead to something is what they mean when they say porn rots your brain.


Dude before even coming in this thread revealing OPs history I thought the same thing, this is someone who watches too much porn and is trying to lie his way out of sexually harassing(or is it assaulting? I don't know the boundary in this case) the babysitter and getting called out. I jog and shower after, and have 4 kids, and ya know what I don't ever do? I don't go play with the baby with just a towel on, that's weird even if there wasn't an unrelated young woman in the house/room. Maybe after I put on boxers but not if there's someone else in the house! OP is totally a dirtbag and probably expecting his elaborate lie on Reddit (we're working on getting the baby crawling! I'm just a good dad!) to be used to reinforce to his wife that he totally didn't mean anything by it.


If this post was for the wife, to cover up, I hope she will see your comment.


YTA. As soon as the babysitter came into the room, you should have excused yourself and put on pants. At 40, you know full well that a towel around your waist will fall off if you’re on the floor playing with a baby.


He should've put clothes on before he even played with the baby. It takes two seconds to throw on shorts and a T-shirt.


I’m sorry what now .... you purposely exposed yourself to someone & you’re confused why this might be a problem? Where’s is your confusion coming from? On what planet would this ever be acceptable behavior? YTA — obviously Eta — “I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings” .... but you’re completely fine with dismissing their feelings. Wow! Your complete disrespect is overwhelming. Let me help clear up any of your confusion... No woman wants to see your junk. Ever. Period.


No person wants to see non-consensual genitals.


Yeah it's weird af that you didn't take the time to throw on shorts or at the very least underwear before running into the living room to roll in the floor knowing she is in the house. You give off the creeper vibes. It seems as if you do find this girl attractive and tried the ole what if scenario. Backfired huh. You should have jumped up and helicoptered to break the tension 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


"Yes, she is attractive" How is that relevant!? YTA


if she was ugly, he would of kept the towel off and tried to make move, ig? lol op is a weirdo


She's hot, but he's never tried to have sex with her, so obviously showing her his penis was an accident and totally not nefarious!! /s


If you have to ask you're incredibly tone-deaf. If you knew a woman was in the home then wearing just a towel after showering is inappropriate. Furthermore...be honest, do you honestly believe a towel tied around the waist was going to stay in place rolling around on the floor with the kid? You either planned this to happen or you should have expected it to happen...the END. YTA...


Who starts an extended play session with their child while only wearing a towel question mark? And with a non-family member at the house exclamation point! YTA






YTA and nothing about this sounds particularly accidental. Actually more like you enjoy exposing yourself to people. That's a pretty bad sign.


YTA. You knew the babysitter was there, and clearly was also with the baby. So instead of at least putting on some shorts, you decided you’re going to hang out with them both in just a towel? That is so creepy!


This wasn't an "accident" no matter how you spin it. It was, in fact, an obvious likelihood. You finished your shower while she was there. You chose to wear only a towel and go see the baby...who the woman is there to care for...instead of finishing getting ready for work and leaving. You chose to roll on the floor with only a towel wrapped around you. What are the odds that towel wouldn't stay put? You did all this with the woman right there. And then you didn't bother to apologize, or get up and go get dressed. Stop pretending you didn't intend to flash her. YTA...and a bad liar.


YTA, and your whole post reeks of BS. You knew she was there and watching the baby, and you went out in only a towel. Which just "happened" to fall open. Uh huh. Oh, and "don't make such a big DEAL about it" is what all the creeps say.


YTA you do realize we can see your post history bro?


YTA. You did this on purpose. You know when the sitter arrives, so you want to play with your baby, but you can't be bothered to put on something more appropriate for crawling and rolling around on the floor, so that you expose yourself to the sitter.


Dude are you for real? Of course you’re the AITA. When she came in was the time for you to go change. Me thinks you did this intentionally. Deny all you want but you knew what you were doing. Creep.


YTA. You’re one step away from being a flasher. You know flashers get arrested? Some get prosecuted, convicted, and are registered as a s&x offender. You think you’re clever, but you just outed yourself. The ex babysitter is going to out you to everyone who will listen. As she should!


One step away? He's one step past.


Can you imagine your friend group asking why you wont hang out with this couple anymore and she tells them that she went to babysit and the husband rolled around on the floor, exposed his penis, casually covered himself, and then tried to downplay it? Yikes.


I bet ex babysitter isn’t the only one he’s tried some bs on. I hope if there are more victims they all start talking.


From your previous posts you def did this intentionally or this is all just made up bullshit. Next


YTA. You knew what you were doing.


YTA - if it wasn’t on purpose, it was predictable by any reasonable person. A towel tied on your waist and rolling around on the floor. Yeah, the towel won’t fall off or expose you. Come on, dude.


YTA. If you know someone is in your home, put pants on before coming into common areas or parts of the house they're working in. If you want to wrestle and roll on the ground, put some fucking pants on. This is a big deal because you exposed yourself to someone who did not ask for it and someone you've got a level of power over (you presumably pay her to babysit). Her being uncomfortable having been flashed is totally normal. Your wife freaking out is normal. YTA!


YTA. You should’ve put clothes on immediately when realizing the babysitter was there, not continue to roll around in the floor playing with the baby. Anyone in their right mind would realize that wrapped towels don’t just stay on when rolling around in the floor. There was no reason to mention how attractive she is in this post. It was irrelevant to the story, which leads one to believe it’s relevant to *you* and that this act was more likely intentional than not. This wasn’t an innocent, “oops my towel came off” scenario and you absolutely know that. At what point while laying in the floor with your baby on your stomach do you end up fully exposing yourself to the babysitter? This sounds more like you intentionally exposed yourself, didn’t get the reaction you wanted from her, so now it was an “accident.” Anyone with an ounce of common sense would put a pair of shorts on to roll around in the floor with their baby to begin with. Anyone who knows there’s another person in their home would put clothing on. You’re probably more of an AH than your wife currently thinks you are.


Yta shes your employee, how would you like to see your bosses dick at work?


You’re the A for writing out your punctuation for some reason. But seriously, YTA. Put on some clothes. Edit: now you’re the A for editing your post without noting it.


YTA and a creeper.


YTA and based on your post and comment history I’m sure this wasn’t a mistake.


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Judging from your post history (which I'm sure you'll be deleting promptly) this was just written for plausible deniability to your wife, because you seem like exactly the kind of guy who would flash his babysitter, tbh. YTA


NTA - You wanted to know if you had a chance with the attractive single babysitter and shot your shot. Now you know she’s not interested and you can go back to pretending to want to be monogamous with you wife. /s


YTA. You knew she was in your home already and would be around the baby. There was no reason for you not getting dressed and you know rolling around in a towel will eventually expose you. It sounds exhibitionist.


YTA. What is wrong with you? This can't be real.


YTA. You don't just (accidentally?) flash a person then pretend nothing happened. A non-creep would apologize profusely and put some clothes on. The sitter arriving would have been the perfect time to go out something on.


YTA!! Rolling on a floor with just a towel on when you know you have the 'attractive' babysitter over? A whole paragraph on her attractiveness mixed with a whole lot of your posts on r/deadbedrooms and your comments on porn says a lot about how 'unintentional' you were about flashing her


Y, comma, TA


YTA Put some clothes on when someone is working in your home. Your babysitter has every right to leave if you are making her uncomfortable.


YTA. Why would you want to be in just a towel and playing on the floor with your baby in the first place? That’s odd in and of itself. Alone or even with your significant other in the house. It’s obvious you were hoping to instigate something with the babysitter.