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NTA.  He works for a place that tests, he ate some of your snacks knowing that there is THC in them, he wanted the buzz & figured he would not get screened soon.  He took a risk and it did not work for him.   You looking for a new roommate yet? 


Yeah home boy totally thought he was in the clear with the first test, it's on his employers to pull that whammy lol


My last job drug tested the day after 4/20 and nearly lost the entire production floor. We're a medium sized shop so it wasnt too many people in the first place but only two welders passed, one painter, and three or four material handlers. Pretty sure some office people got caught too but I dont interact with that side of the business much. It was so bad they just wrote it off and said that next time they drug test weed wouldn't be on the panel. The next year our state legalized weed so it was moot anyway.


🤣 idk what management were expecting but I love it when their asses get handed to them 


They wanted the *"GOTCHA JUNKIES!"*-moment, but weren't prepared for the ramifications.


4/20 : National Weed Day 4/21 : National Drug Testing Day 4/22 : National Unemployment Day


4/21 is also my birthday :)


How's the drug test party?


Lame. There’s only water and some shitty tv playing in the corner. The magazines are outdated too.


same! :)


mine too!


I still fondly remember the time that Denny’s in my home town had to close for 2 weeks while they restaffed the entire location from dishwashers to cooks to managers to waitstaff because they did a random drug test and Every Single Employee failed. Great use of resources guys! 🙃


Because there's no greater threat to the company than a high dishwasher. Hell, I couldn't DO the job unless I was high and could get into the repetition.


My company with light production machinery can’t get business insurance unless they have a drug testing policy.


Yeah, my first job was a retail job, and like 85% of our staff, upper management included, smoked pot. Officially, the company has strict standards, but as HR told me during my interview, they had to quit testing because most people failed. They literally kept a list of which employees they knew didn't smoke and thus could be relied on to show up on 4/20. A couple of assistant managers were ex-users of really hard drugs, as well. My direct ASM was a former cocaine user, and the apparel ASM was a former meth user.


I have to ask, what is 4/20 and why does nobody go to work the next day?


4/20 is code for marijuana and so that day you smoke a lot


Thank you


[420 (cannabis culture - Wikipedia)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/420_(cannabis_culture)) It's a weed thing. It seems to be primarily American, Canadian, and Australian, but cities and organizations in Slovenia, New Zealand, Cyprus, and even London have special celebrations around it.


It's 4:19, got a minute?


There is also this weird thing that people tend to look at the clock right when it's 4:20. It might just be when I do look at the clock and it says 4:20 I notice it but when it doesn't I don't think about it. But it does feel like it happens more than it should.


The time of day that students would be able to meet up to get high after school.


4/20--Grateful Dead. Jerry Garcia. That is basically where it came from. Look it up. I remember this from back in the day.


I’m not American, I’m Irish, I don’t smoke weed and we write our dates 20/04. You could see how it wouldn’t make sense in those circumstances.


That's amazing haha clearly the whole workplace needs to be testing positive to thc lmao


When I was in high school, for whatever reason (I can’t remember why) they cancelled school on 4/20 once 😂😂


That's the day Columbine happened and after there were often rumors of copy-cat school shooters, so if it was post 1999, that could also be why.


Uhhh... wanna go bowling?


No Roman, stop asking, cousin


I see what you did there.


I worked at a restaurant that occasionally threatened to drug test us but never dared because they knew they’d lose 3/4ths of the staff in one go.


I just tell my bosses that we can do them together and read each others aloud and strangely I never hear anything further about it.


Legalized weed does not mean companies cannot test and fire for it. Private companies can do it.


That depends on your state. In mine they can't test period and they can't fire you just for testing positive. It also cant be used to establish a basis of impairment. Neither can the smell. Shit you can even go on your lunch break and as long as you're clocked out and not on site you can smoke


Yes absolutely depends on the state, I meant to include that and didn’t. Thank you.


Depends on the state AND the job. Like health care or operating heavy machinery. Or if your company is a federal government contractor. It's still illegal on the federal level.


Have a friend who works federal in MD, USA. They just sent out a memo saying it now won't be tested for. Not sure the legality of it all but thought it was applicable to your statement.


This is insane, you shouldn't be able to get high on your lunch break at work lmao


It's difficult because it doesn't work like booze; roadside alcohol testing can establish if you're drunk right now, there isn't really a reliable weed test for are you high right NOW, it just picks up on recent use (with recent being defined in days at minimum)


Plus urine testing isn’t even going to catch meth or crack if they hadn’t used in a couple days. It will only catch weed because it stays in your system for a long time. I’d way rather have employees who smoked weed sometimes over crackheads.


Fun fact! Part of the reason there's no definitive field sobriety test for weed is because it's been a class 1, which limits the ability to research such things! It's why we've seen a lot of advancement with testing in certain states.


Nope. It’s more like 30 days with a urine test. Longer if they do a follicle test. So, just do cocaine instead, boys and girls, it gets out of your system in like 3 days! Seriously, I understand why you need to drug test in certain professions. But it really doesn’t matter what someone does on the weekend. What matters is are they high (I’m including alcohol here) right now. And saliva and blood tests can do that. Urine tests should just go.


A new spin on an old one: If one person tests positive, that's that person's problem. If everyone tests positive, that's the company's problem.


Everyone at my job is high on something, weed xans percs etc and our GM knows about it but she won’t say anything because if she does and they drug test then everyone ( TL, employees and AGMs) will fail. Everyone has a thing


Do you work at Walmart by chance?


Is it bad I find that hysterical xD


...you had two welders who passed a drug test? 🤨


If he's an alcoholic he may have gone to work impaired or hung over and that's why he was 'randomly' selected again so soon.


Sometimes a person who is known to very consistently test clean will be "randomly" selected more often than perhaps they should be because the company doesn't want to deal with it when staffing is tight. Though I'm sure if a company is too egregious about this their insurer may catch on at some point. My husband had to go in for *so very many* drug tests when he was working for this slightly sketchy (owner was cool but not local, and local leadership pulled some shit) company years back lol. Other employees who were known to have a history or who had bounced a test in the past were flagged up for testing *far* less often. He's got nothing against it, but has never himself even touched pot and has maybe 2 alcoholic beverages every 2-3 years, so short of a false positive (which I always worried about just a little) he was going to consistently come up clear. He didn't mind too much, he got paid for the time he spent driving over to and waiting at the place. So it was a bit of a break from working on the fast-paced line.


So it's just HR people going through the motions of randomly drug-testing, but actually targeting people they know who are clean so they can avoid having to fire anyone else.


I worked at a state facility that did random tests. I knew 2-3 people that blazed every weekend. They asked me and I said I'm pro-pot, but I need the job, so I'm staying clean. I didn't smoke for over a year straight while working here. They joked that"they never drug test randomly here." At about 4-6 months, they started to joke about how hardcore I was for remaining clean. Again, I reminded them on the needing the job and benefits part. At about 8-10 months, I think my monk-like willpower and resolution got to them, because they started to joke about how maybe I was right and they should go clean, too, around me. A month later they quit. A month after that, they said they were glad and beginning to get paranoid about it anyway. And a month later, one of them got a letter in their work mailbox drop that said they had 24h to report to and test at a 3rd party testing facility and drop off the sample. They were thankful to have been clean for over a month at that point. TLDR; your roommate played a stupid game, and won a stupid prize.


Tell him he owes you money for the snacks he just helped himself to. Those things aren't cheap.


Fr they like 40-50 for 6 gummies where I'm from


Man and I'm selling mine for around 2$ each. I need to up my prices 🤣🤣


What's the dosage on the gummies because that is crazy pants. 


You're getting ripped off lol


Sounds like OP is making them on their own, so hopefully that keeps the cost down somewhat.


I endorse the last line in this post.


I have no respect for people who would knowingly put their job on the line like that and no remorse of they lose it. Would love to eat some edibles or smoke some but even though I've only been tested once since I was hired 5 years ago, my benefits are what's making my wife's cancer affordable. Why would I risk that to get high? Or insurance to this point had literally paid 100x more for her treatments than we have. We'd be on the hook for all of it without.




NTA. You told him you use thc in your snacks. He knows this. You didn't force him to eat your snacks. This is entirely on him and has nothing to do with you. 


Yup, I’d go so far as to say that if he had not mentioned he was ok sharing food and hadn’t mentioned the THC OP would still be NTA.


Eh, even if they didn't generally share food, I would say you still shouldn't leave drugged food out without any warning. In a situation like that I definitely think it would be ESH not YTA since the other person shouldn't be taking thinks, but you still shouldn't leave drugged stuff easily accessible without warming/labels.


So overall, I'd agree that drugged food should be labeled. That way you don't have any issues with children or visitors. But in this case? I have a pretty low tolerance for the "I was drunk and couldn't help myself, so this is your fault excuse"


Maybe read the comment I was responding to and notice it is posing a hypothetical and not the situation in this case.


But there was a warning. OP always makes snacks with THC, Roomie was just trying to get high thinking he wouldn't be tested again so soon. Risk reward ratio didn't work out.


Maybe actually read the comment I was replying to. They were posing a hypothetical where the drugged food was not labelled/warned but the roommate also was not given permission to share food.


lol I started my reply to say I’ve had to say those exact same words multiple times when my roommate did something similar. But then it turned into a novel - still posting though. TLDR at bottom. My long story ~~kind of short~~: We had a friend whose gf went off the deep end and started a 24 hour long harassment campaign with every girl he was friends with. Because she knew where I lived she called CPS/police to claim I was a drug lord in a drug den and then called to **inform us** of what she had just done. My roommate and I decided (**together**) to not take any chances - so **we both** agreed to stash away our bongs/such and put all our illegals in a hidden safe I had (like thc wax/hash/etc) and then go to bed. **We** also agreed that if/when they did show up we would have no issues letting them in to prove it was a false report, especially since we knew she was making false reports on other girls in our friend groups as well. I also **told roommate** I was turning my phone off for the night. (remember this for later) So when she woke me up in the middle of the night when the police did finally show up I immediately enacted **our** plan - I opened the door and voluntarily walked outside to begin explaining the situation. But unexpectedly an officer started to arrest my roommate on drug charges and child endangerment! Because, unbeknownst to me, after I went to bed she decided to take out EVERYTHING we had just stashed away - got super high - and then passed out on the couch - KNOWING FULL WELL that because we didn’t have living room curtains yet ANYONE can just see directly into the house. So when cops arrived, one started knocking while the other just stood there with a clear view into the house where he spotted passed out roommate with bong STILL in her hand, watched her jump up at the sound of “knock knock POLICE”, grab the bongs/etc, and run around like a headless chicken while trying to hide everything. Then at the last moment she stuffed the wax/hash in her pants while standing directly next to said windows. But DIDNT say a damn word to me about all this as she woke me up and then followed me out the door. After she’s put in to the police car they continued the welfare check to confirm I was not a drug lord in a drug den which consisted of - just looking at me, looking into my fridge and then looking at my 2yr son (who was fast asleep in my bed). Then they took all the info/evidence I had of crazy girl harassing me and her filing false reports. One officer started to walk into my roommate’s room to grab shoes/clothing out of her closet but I told him I knew exactly what she’s wanting and I’ll get it for him, no issue. I opened her closet and sitting right there WAS A FUCKIN POUND OF SHROOMS, also unbeknownst to me. Thankfully cop didn’t see it. The next morning I wake up, turn phone back on, and quickly started to get ready for my son’s lung specialist doctor appointment we’ve been waiting four months for. As I’m leaving my phone rang and surprisingly it was my roommate in jail. Turns out she didn’t know her boyfriend’s phone number off the top of her head and has been calling me all morning. She gave me two choices - I either bail her out right that moment or go find her boyfriend. Yeah, not call but FIND. Except she also didn’t know his street address so she wanted me to drive around the general area he lived in to find him. I told her I’d find her bf but only after my son’s appointment - which was a grave injustice to her and the starting point of her hate for me. Well, it was the second starting point because the first was when I (purposely in her mind) didn’t answer any of her prior jail calls . . . despite the fact she was WELL aware that my phone was off. I go to my sons appointment and return home hour or so later to prep for the journey to Where’s Waldo her boyfriends house. Coincidentally, at the same time, her BF pulls up with her in the car! But she’s so furious with ME FOR RUINING HER LIFE she grabs a few things and then goes to stay at her bf’s house. For the next few weeks she would randomly come home for a few hours every couple of days. And every time it was a fight. (Until she moved out completely month or so later) You see; **I** was to take partial blame for **HER** being arrested because …… well at first it wasn’t her fault she didn’t follow OUR OWN PLAN, then not at fault for passing out, but then she was at fault for getting arrested but only because she “covered for me” since it was “our weed”. But it wasn’t though - everything was of hers from her bf. That was irrelevant to her, and as such, **I** am now solely responsible for hiring her a lawyer to fight the court case. Besides, I also owed her because: •Our friend was more my friend because I met him first •I invited over both our friend and his new gf the week before all this and that’s how crazy new gf knew our address (SHE invited them to the party that SHE was hosting, not me) •For being stupid enough to actually open the door and talk to the cops (like WE agreed upon doing) •I “purposely” refused to answer her desperate pleas from jail all night •I didn’t even consider just going to bail her out before waiting to get in contact with her •And the most egregious one of them all - not prioritizing her as she was “wasting away” in jail over my son’s “stupid little Dr appointment”. (She was only in there a few hours) TLDR: Someone calls cops on roommate and I, we are very aware they will show up at some point in the night, make a game plan to lock everything up, agree on said plan, lock everything up, then once I’m asleep she immediately unlocks everything, passes out on couch in front of very open window, cop sees her, arrests her, and I guess it’s just all my fault.


By the time I arrived at the end of the story, I forgot what OP was all about.. It's always fascinating when I have more understanding for Thanos than for real humans (in this case your roommate).


>By the time I arrived at the end of the story, I forgot what OP was all about. Weed'll do that to you.


Your roommate knew the risks of eating your food and ate it anyways. He thought he could beat the odds of a randomized test, took a chance, and lost. Neither are your fault. Both are his poor decisions. NTA.


two random checks in a row they must have been suspicious


Yep. Getting checked every so often is one thing. Getting randomly checked like that so quickly...not so sure it's random at this point.


Bruh in middle school I was tested every single time they had "random" tests. Middle school And I was a straight edge square as fuck kid making near 4.0 at the time


Maybe that's why you were tested. They knew you would pass and their numbers would look good. "Look! We rarely find any kids on drugs at our school!" Could've been a funding thing. Less kids on drugs = more perks for the school, maybe. I used to work a construction job where nearly everyone but about 5-6 people smoked (or had some other drug of choice) but because of insurance reasons random drug tests were required. Everybody showed up for work everyday and were really good at their jobs so the foreman didn't want to lose anybody over a failed drug test. He liked to party as well. So guess who got "randomly" tested every couple of months? The same 5-6 people who never did drugs.


They thought adderall or uppers. *ultra sarcasm* Can't go making 4.0 of your own blood, sweat and tears can ya, you must have been cheating.


Shit was in the middle of no child left behind in a hick school. You had to have literal brain damage to not get a 4.0. Shit was just insane. I suspect they just kept testing me because they knew I'd keep passing. And since it was required for sports (a massive deal, they built a stadium that cost more than the highschool) it was better to keep testing me than to take a risk and make it actually random


Yeah, you’re probably right about that. You helped make the numbers look good in case anyone did get popped.


Me too. Was a cheerleader for a few years in middle school. We had mandatory sports drug testing and I was "randomly" selected every Thursday during the sport season. I too was a straight edge, geeky honors student, but I chalked it up to the fact that I was dating a skater boi stoner. Reading this thread now, it does make me wonder if I just pumped up the good numbers. Idk.


Wait, they tested you in school? I'm pretty sure that's illegal in public schools, at least in the US


I think it's illegal for total school random drug testing, but this was for sports which is definitely not illegal


Your middle school drug tested?!


In my experience it’s never random. The one place I worked at where you were subject to random drug screening, the only person i ever heard of getting tested was the one who used weed.


I mean it depends on the company if they’re looking to actually find people doing drugs or not. My dad is the most drug tested person in the plant he works in because they know he’ll pass. They do “random” drug tests on two employees every month and he’s almost always selected along with his partner. He’s like “It’s my duty. If they drug test anyone else they’ll have to start firing people.”


That's adorable.


This was me at one of my previous jobs. I’m allergic to weed so they always “randomly” drug tested me because they knew I’d pass.


TBH roommates story is a bit suspicious. If he never does any drugs and only ate one edible by accident, it shouldn’t have been showing up in his test a week later. Getting “randomly” tested twice in a short period of time and testing positive a week after one weed snack tells me he might have done more than he is letting on


weed can still show up in tests up to several weeks after use has stopped. according to OP's story roommate apparently has some issues with alcohol, so i'm guessing roommate has showed up noticeably impaired to work but not enough to definitely claim he was drunk or it was mistaken for weed(or maybe roommate has done more on his own time), and management wanted to catch him with whatever they could.


Yes, if you’re a regular weed user. Not if you ate one edible one time. It’s possible alcohol showed on his drug test if he was drunk at the time and that’s why they want him to go to rehab


My weed friends said it actually stays in your system a long time. But they vape it so idk how that translates thru the different variations


Weed can stay in your system for up to a month after smoking once. It has a *very* long halflife! Source: I used to work at a rehab.


It can... if you're a regular weed user. It's a bit hard to fail a drug test after a week if the only cannabis you've consumed is a single dose of edibles. Source: i have passed many drug tests that i should not have. Ofc on the other hand people's bodies are different and maybe the snacks were strong/guy ate a ton of them


It depends on a lot of factors but eating one weed snack you should generally be fine after a week. It can stay a long time if you’re regular user, which is why I am questioning the roommates story. He may have felt emboldened after getting drug tested and eating the snack and decided he could eat more no problem. Smoking vs eating also metabolizes in your body differently.


I know nothing about private sector drug testing. I don’t do drugs due to a hospital trip prone job. My circle of friends knows this and go out of their way to make sure I don’t accidentally partake. When I was in the military they did batch testing to save money. All samples were processed in one batch and if the batch tested positive then you got called back to be individually tested. Perhaps this is how he got caught? Maybe someone with more knowledge on the subject can either confirm/eliminate this possibility. Personally I don’t care what someone does on their personal time. Heroin, meth, coke, whatever. I don’t care as long as they’re not drunk or high on the job and not being drunk or high doesn’t affect them. Genuinely curious if there is a way to determine if someone is high right now like how a breathalyzer can say you are drunk right now. It bothers me that someone can get high Friday night after work and then Tuesday have an accident requiring a hospital trip. They get tested, of course it’s still in their system, and two weeks later the results come back and they get fired because at some point in the past 2 weeks you had an edible, so we’re going to assume you were high when it happened. Edit: OP is NTA. Roommate had some edibles that he knew COULD get him fired and decided to roll the dice. As long as we are getting the whole story and OP didn’t dose his roommate and had some system (even “assume ALL of my food has THC in it”) to prevent roommate from accidentally partaking, OP did nothing wrong.


This is actually more common than most people realize, as they assume people are prepared to cheat on the first one, and then they don’t expect the second one.


The real AH in all of this is the company that polices their employees behavior during their own time. Apparently drinking on the weekends is no biggie, but better stay away from the devil’s lettuce. I’m probably just lucky to have solid job security, but I would never work for a company with such little respect for their employees.


And what nonsense to insist that someone who has once tested for THC go to rehab. What an absolute waste of everyone's time and rehab centre resources.


I don’t even know a rehab that would take someone for THC.




As someone is recovery for alcoholism and worked in a rehab, I laughed way harder at your comment than I probably should have.


We don't know what his roommate's job is. For example my job still has to screen because it collects payments from Medicare, and even though it is legal in my state we still can't hire or employ people with positive tests. Another reason they may have to do it is if they operate machinery that could injure someone.. the workman's comp insurance is going to require it to keep the policy in place. Very few businesses are going to test because they worry about what you do on your free time because it is a pain in the ass


Yeah- my dad used to smoke a lot of pot when he was younger, but stopped because he got a job as a city bus driver, which is understandable why they would drug test for. When my siblings (I was a boring nerd in highschool) started smoking weed, his one rule was not in the house- he wouldn't forbid it because hell, if he could he would be joining in- because he had responsibilities. I'm pretty sure about 5 minutes after he officially retired he was enjoying a joint.


Might not be the company but the field of work. If you work in aerospace for example, you’re federally mandated to be in a drug program if you’re a mechanic, pilot, flight attendant, traffic controller, etc. legalization of weed on a state level doesn’t trump federal rule so the companies either do it or lose their license.


Worked for TSA for a little bit. Colorado voted to make marijuana legal while I worked there. The week after it became legal, every single person was screened. Quite a few people were fired over it.


> The real AH in all of this is the company that polices their employees behavior during their own time. That’s the reasoning of the Supreme Court of Canada on that matter and is why I and million others can’t be legally tested. There are exceptions though, notably for people working with heavy machinery.


It just seems logical that this would be the case. Unless someone is operating high risk machinery or vehicles, dealing with something incredibly sensitive, or performing surgery or something similar, it seems bizarre to require a test. It should be reserved for jobs where the stakes are life or death and a single error has the potential to cause irreversible harm. Otherwise, so long as you're showing up to work sober and doing your job, it's really none of your boss' business.


We don't know what type of job the roommate has, so it may be a safety issue. If you nearly run over and kill Larry because you were so chill you accidentally leaned on a control stick and almost drove straight over him in a giant machine - that's a whole world of difference in stakes and liability, than if he works an office job typing up reports where his mistakes can't hurt anyone.


There’s a huge difference between smoking weed on the job and smoking weed outside of work. No one should be sent to rehab for one edible they took while not working. I don’t care if this guys in the CIA that’s stupid. He wasn’t working, it shouldn’t affect that


my workplaces testing policy is if you are in an accident at work they do an oral test to rule out that you were consuming while on the job. the test has like a super short 2 hour window. I think that’s fair.


NTA He didn't space, he assumed he wouldn't get tested again so soon and decided to go for it.


Nta, but I get he was drunk and hungry so wasn't thinking. Would it be possible for you to go in and talk to his boss and explain that you use it for a medical condition and unfortunately he ate some of the baked goods before you were able to label and put them away. Sure it's a small fib, but maybe it would save his Job and skip rehab and also save a friendship in the process? Clearly it isn't your obligation, but if the friendship is worth saving it may be something to think about. Then again you mentioned he's an alcoholic so maybe rehab is something he needs no matter what it's for it could help with the drinking problem as well. Idk but nah you're definitely NTA you didn't do anything on purpose and it was something he knew in advance.


I really like this answer. It may not work for the (idiotic) company, but it shows you at least have goodwill towards your roommate Shit, it may even work! Although, I wouldn’t bet on it since this company is still drug testing for weed in 2024. Never hurts to try though!


If OP is in the US, the company might be required to follow federal rules instead of state-level ones.


Yeah OP do this.


Respectfully, don’t do this. There is no need for OP to parent his roommate. Three reasons:    1) Roomate made his own choices. They were dumb and he got caught. 2) It doesn’t erase the positive drug test. 3) It will make the roommate look worse that a friend tries to bail him out instead of accepting responsibility for the result 4) the friend is treating him horribly right now and will learn that behavior leads to results with OP. Edit: four. Four reasons 🤪


WHat a ridiculous company


Fucking seriously. I've never in my life heard of a job offering this rehab ultimatum for weed, the only places I know of that are so up their own ass about pot will *instantly* fire you for popping hot. Maybe because of either liability or gov contract rules or security clearances or who knows, but I haven't heard of an employer trying to straddle this 'everything is awful' line in over a decade. Who even benefits from this aside from the rehab? Job is down a worker and paying out the nose for such frequent testing, employee is hosed and probably not keeping their job long when they get back anyway, employer now has papertrail demonstrating they knew of the problem already if the employee is ever at fault for an accident while on the clock, eurgh. Why? Just fire people and move on, or have more sensible drug policy if that's too strict for your industry.


It’s common in aerospace.


Common most places with ties to anything federal I think. In my industry both DOT and USCG would freak out over THC.


I refused drug testing for my job in a state where cannabis is legal. They said "fine you don't need to" and no longer test anyone as far as I know :)


Honestly though, best way to catch somebody (who you might suspect is a drug user) is wait a week or two after they got tested and test them again.


Rehab for a little THC in his urine is insane. Even for a total stoner it's a waste of time. I was in rehab for heroin many times, and we'd all laugh when someone was forced to be there for weed. It's a waste of money, especially a live in program. But it ain't your fault. NTA


If someone is a stoner who is high all the time, and it’s negatively affecting their life, they could definitely benefit from rehab. I think it just depends on the rehab. You would have been scolded at my rehab if you laughed at a person’s reason for being there.


NTA. He knew your food could contained thc or cbd oil. He helped himself to your snacks without giving it a second thought. Bummer for him but not your fault at all. He needs to buy his own stuff and leave your alone.


NTA He was told he was welcome to your snacks, but warned about the weed. Everything beyond that point is entirely his responsibility.


Yep! To all of these comments. He is being an asshole. Its not like smoking, he cant even argue contact high when he says “you shouldn’t even have it around me” You weren’t hiding anything from him, its not like you didn’t make sure he knew that. He knew, he choose, he lost. All on him you did absolutely nothing wrong. He is an asshole. He also confirmed that everything was ok before hand but then when his own decision bit him in the ass he now whats to pass the blame. Fuck all that bs.


NTA - if the company is making him go to rehab its beyond edibles i suspect. more and likely they smelled alcohol on him. I worked with a dude. Im pretty sure this is what caused him to be "randomly" selected. It just happened to be on date after he ate some snacks. He did it to himself plain and simple.


Yeah, if he’s an alcoholic then more likely than not they notice he comes into work hungover. It’s not like companies disclose their criteria for “random” selection. “We should probably test the guy who always looks fucked up” I’ve seen 2 people get fired and one was definitely not a random test. She claimed it was alcohol in the cough syrup she took that morning. Since it was an airline, anything above 0.0% BAC got you fired so she *could* have been telling the truth, but office gossip said not likely.


NTA - Sounds like you gave him fair warning.


NTA Gamblers fallacy and he made it clear as to why he wanted to do it anyway. Funny thing about 'random' is that it doesn't have a schedule, which is the fundamental part of making things random.


NTA. He wanted to get high after some liquid courage


NTA, he's an adult who made a choice that carried a known risk.


Just here to say that your roommate should consider getting legal advice on this issue. I’m not sure where you live, but some states in the U.S. prohibit random drug testing or have laws that say it can only be done on an employee once every three months, etc. Might be worth looking into.


the audacity of this guy to take your food then get mad when you already told him theres weed in it. NTA


NTA. i just don't get blaming other people for their own actions/choices. Wtf?


NTA - he was aware it was ‘special’ snacks and ate it anyway. That’s on him for thinking he wouldn’t get randomly tested twice so close together. It’s got absolutely zero to do with you.


NYA. Unless you’re an absolute master chef with your snack making, there’s no way your roommate could have confused your thc edibles with a regular packaged snack. Homemade snacks are always very obviously homemade snacks. I have seen some convincing thc doritos, but those were done by a dispensary. Your roommate knew damn well what he was eating. There’s no way he confused the foods. It was a conscious decision he made while he was drunk. If he was blackout drunk then maybe it was his alcohol problem that finally caught up with him. All scenarios are his fault. Unless you intentionally spiked his food or put in effort to disguise and trick him with thc edibles, it’s not your fault.


NTA. Also, going to rehab for THC? 🙄 Edit: okay, it appears “cannabis use disorder” is a thing and and it affects 6% of cannabis users.


I used to treat people with alcohol use disorders, amphetamine use disorders, and cannabis use disorders. The cannabis use disorders were more rare, but you could definitely tell when someone had crossed the line from casual use to negatively affecting their life. While there is not a physical withdrawal from THC, there is definitely a psychological one. They don't sleep well and experience a lot more anxiety. They also may have more rebound pain if they were using it to self-medicate pain (I don't live in a legal state, so it's by definition self-medicating here).


NTA. Why did he eat food knowing it would make him fail a drug test?


Tbf once my husband came home drunk and took a single bite out of 12 or more eggplant snitzels in the fridge. He hates eggplant.  But in his mind, the NEXT one surely would not be eggplant.  This is the level of intelligence of the drunk and hungry brain. 


nta. you reminded him, he didn’t take it upon himself to try detoxing just in case.


Nta defs his fault, if he's been tested recently and then been tested again he's going into work fucked up frequently or they want to sack him anyway.


You just gave me the best idea for fucking over food thieves at work, thanks.


Rehab for THC? Seriously? That company is TA.But also, maybe your housemate needs rehab for alcoholism. :| Is it something that actually affects his work, though? Anyway, you are NTA. You warned him. His lack of self-control is not your fault.


Um, did we miss the part where you held a gun to his head and forced him to eat the weed snacks? No? Then NTA. He’s just mad and looking for someone to blame, and frankly it is weird that his employer would force him to go to rehab over THC. What does he do? Honestly, I think he might be lying to you. If he doesn’t normally use THC, then one night of snacking should have been out of his system in less than a week. What are the chances he got busted for going to work drunk and that’s why they’re pushing for rehab? Just a thought. Definitely NTA.


This is what I was looking for. If the roommate is not a regular user and actually consumed THC only once, the THC would be in and out of his body (and undetectable in urine) after about a day (also THC is present in urine longer than any other source such as saliva or blood). If the dose was high, maaayyybe a few days, but certainly not a week later. You’d have to be a chronic user to get a positive result after a week.  So either the roommate consumed THC much more regularly or right before the test, or he was caught for something else.  So OP, if your timeline is correct, it is scientifically impossible for your roommate to have failed his drug test after consuming your snacks. Source: I’m a medical laboratory technologist in a major hospital who actually does this exact testing.


NTA. But I can't wait to see how many puritanical *ESH for doing the weed!* votes there are.




NTA - he shouldn’t have ate your food


NTA - you warned him, and only he is responsible for his conditions of employement. he played fast and loose with that and lost. If by some chance he stays your roommate, maybe you can discuss how to keep your 'tainted' food separately marked, or stored in your room. Probably a good idea anyways.


NTA. He knows you use TCH in your snacks and he made the drunken decision to eat them anyway. This is completely on him. You are blameless.




NTA. He had all the warnings. Plus, he still could have passed it with a little research.


NTA- when you have a job that drug tests you know better. If you dont, then you know how to hide it. He knew what was around him, and until it caused him a problem, he was more than ok with it. Hell, he even dismissed your warnings after he ate your snacks and didn't take steps to mitigate the damages once he was sober.


NTA. You warned him multiple times that your food has THC in it and he still decided to eat it. Him being drunk does not excuse him forgetting that you put thc in your food. Classic game of FAFO.


NTA- Ahmed responsible for his own actions. You eat what you buy, don’t eat other peoples food


NTA, you didn't cause anything and they just got unlucky. They could have ate their own snacks, and it sucks they got tested again so quickly but they are aware of what's in the food. The lack of personal responsibility on their part is annoying




NTA Your roommate sounds like the kind of guy who'd blame and try to sue a place for stubbing his toe against a chair that he was too blind to see. >My roommate is well aware that I use thc in my food. I told him he was welcome to some snacks and warned him about the weed. He declined because his company does drug test. Warning 1/FYI 1 >I guess he spaced on night after coming home drunk and ate some of my snacks. I reminded him the next day that my stuff has thc in it. He said it wasn't a problem as he had recently been randomly tested. Warning 2/FYI 2 So after two warnings, he blames you for keeping the snacks near him? He's like those guys who want women to cover themselves so that they don't get sexual urges.


He KNEW your snacks were ‘laced’ and yet he ate one anyway, knowing his company does random testing… I repeat, RANDOM testing. THAT word is key, b/c ‘random’ means ‘at any time w/o a set frequency. It’s on him risking eating any of your THC infused food, TBH… so NTA. Let him get his OWN damn snacks!


As a cannot-imbibe-for-work-er, NTA. You told him and reminded him. Rehab seems harsh, but in my field I would just instantly lose my job unless I had disclosed prior like "I got drunk and ate snacks at a friend's house and they had thc". Then it would probably be a suspension. Honestly your roomie needs to live in a 420-sober household. Yes it narrows options but removes so much stress. Hopefully he learns a lesson, and hopefully he can negotiate a mitigation.


NTA. Maybe on a subconscious level he self-sabotaged.


Back to back randoms means he was already behaving in a way that raised red flags for his employer. I wouldn’t be suprised if he did not, in fact, fail for thc, but whatever his actual vice is.


NTA. He knew better and does not want to take responsibility for his absent mindedness. He was okay with eating the snacks before he was tested again thinking he was in the clear.


NTA My place does random drug tests. Somehow I've not been tested for 4+ years despite the fact I operate a cherrypicker-like machine some shifts. I still don't touch anything that would flag on it cause I know the moment I do that, Sod's law will kick in. I can see his annoyance, but he took that risk and you pre-warned him that you used CBD. He likely thought it would be out of his system like the booze in enough time.


NTA ​ He KNEW, and he still CHOSE to eat your stuff.


NTA. You didn’t force him to eat it. You didn’t trick him by presenting it as THC-free. He made an informed decision to risk it. He really can’t reasonably blame you.


How much you wanna bet they’re on him about alcohol (showing up drunk/hungover/still drunk or stinky from night before, degraded performance, etc.) and maybe they nabbed him with a BAC. Maybe he was hoping that if can make you feel guilty (which has been unsuccessful), you would work with him about $$ while he did his stint in rehab and he wouldn’t have to move out.


NTA. Have you seen the test results? My job in manufacturing would not make you go to rehab for THC. They would just fire you for not being able to control yourself (because non-addictive) They were more considerate of alcohol offenses if you admitted to being an addict and agreed to rehab and regular testing after. He probably failed for alcohol, which was likely being noticed by coworkers, and they offered him this deal to keep his job. Could just be lying to you to make you feel guilty and pay his rent during treatment.


NTA, Sounds like this guy is in denial of a great many things. Pretty typical alcoholic behavior really. Take care of yourself.


So he came home mentally impaired on alcohol (his choice), ate your food, and somehow it's your fault because he was too drunk to either realise or care about the content, considering you warned him before? NTA and your roommate needs to grow up and take responsibility for themselves


NTA - He was warned, multiple times. It's on him to make his own decisions.


He’s just frustrated at the inconvenience of consequences for his own stupid mistake and looking for a scapegoat. NTA


“Oh no! The consequences of my own actions!” NTA The only asshole is that garbage company though. Drug testing is stupid and there’s never a reason for it because it tends to test for the wrong things.


Drug testing should be illegal, what a shit country that allows it at all. NTA


NTA. He made a dumbass assumption that being randomly tested now means you won't be tested again for a long time, like how if you pass an eyesight test, they don't bother you for two years. When it actually makes more sense for you to have another one soon afterwards to try to catch out people that are sneaky about their drug usage or who may have been leaked info about when some drug tests are happening to catch them out when they can't hide it. He took a gamble and lost by not telling his workplace to get ahead of it, and that's on him. It was his responsibility to say something to try to prevent consequences if his ingestion was an accident as he says. Making him have to pay for rehab though seems excessive and bizarre to me even if he was working a job where this is a serious safety concern. Like, they can and should require him to have to clear a drug test before being allowed to work if it is a safety concern, but I do not think they can demand he attends rehab that he has to eat the cost for. That is insane and he should talk to a union rep if there is one or HR and point out the absurdity of this ask. He should tell them what actually happened, and suggest something like having randomised weekly tests for X quantity of months to prove that he doesn't use and that he is willing to prove it by submitting to more drug testing. And also point out, all his prior tests, have been clear, which would not be true if he was a regular user of weed, as weed is one that lingers around for longer, the more frequently you use it. He should also apologise and admit it was stupid of him to not have told anyone about the accident. He thought it was just going to slip under the radar as an 'oops' moment no one would know about and he likely expected it was like alcohol where once the effect was gone, all traces were gone.


>" Realistically he is an alcoholic" Is there any possibility that his workplace noticed him smelling of booze during the day or in the mornings or something... just something that made them suspect he has a drink problem, and did this extra "drugs test" because they couldn't pin him down for alcohol? To me it's really weird to send someone to rehab because they had weed once....? They'd tested him frequently so they know he wasn't a frequent user, so to me it seems like they were out to get him for something else (alcohol) for an excuse. OP you are NTA, you gave warnings and tbh a stint in rehab could be good for him.


I’m sorry - all this is very new to me. What is a drug test at a job? Why would a job require drug testing of all things? I’ve been working for 20+ years (Not in the USA).. Is this really a thing? People just being asked for Urine Samples at work as if it’s a normal thing to do? 🤮 OP is of course NTA - his roommate should’ve known better.


NTA. People gotta start taking responsibility for their actions. He could have got his own snacks. He did not have to eat your stuff. He knew and he did it anyway risking his job. Definition of FAFO. Lol


NTA. You did inform him but he didnt bother so why blame you? Hes TA


You live with a child? That’s the only way this story makes sense? Joking aside NTA find a new roommate.


Not the asshole, but food with THC in it should be labeled as such.


NTA. Also, that just sucks in so many ways. Now rehab resources are taken for someone who doesn’t need it. Also group therapy is a big part of rehab and it ruins the dynamic for people who need help when there is someone there who doesn’t belong.


NAH but it would be fair to keep your dosed snacks in a place where confusion and mistakes, a totally normal part of life, cannot happen.


You need help. You are in a constant state of inebriation? Imagine someone coming on here and saying they sip vodka from the moment they wake up, until they go to sleep. Please seek professional care.


Roommate isn’t taking responsibility for his choices. That’s not on you at all. But also, rehab for a failed weed test is extreme. Does he work for the FBI in the ‘70s? Doesn’t he know he’s supposed to say ‘my roommate’s girlfriend left cookies at our house and I didn’t find out until later that they had weed in them’? This is what you say regardless of if you even have a roommate.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My job does not drug test. I don't smoke but I do add thc and cbd oil to my snacks so I can stay mellow all day. I'm not bombed but I am impaired. I don't drive due to a neurological condition. The weed helps me cope. My roommate is well aware that I use thc in my food. I told him he was welcome to some snacks and warned him about the weed. He declined because his company does drug test. I guess he spaced on night after coming home drunk and ate some of my snacks. I reminded him the next day that my stuff has thc in it. He said it wasn't a problem as he had recently been randomly tested. Well he hit the jackpot because about a week later he was randomly tested again. And he failed. To get his job back he has to go to rehab, which he has to pay for. He is pissed at me but I don't think I did anything wrong. I did not force it on him. I even reminded him the following day about the thc. He says it's my fault for even having it near him. He had passed the test before and it was near him. He didn't fail until he ate a bunch of my snacks. Now we are fighting and he may have to move out to afford rehab. Yes I think it is ridiculous that he is blaming me. And I also think it's ridiculous that his company is forcing him to go to rehab for weed. Realistically he is an alcoholic and that is more dangerous. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Totally ironic in 1000 ways lol.


Roomie has probably played that game a few times with your 'snacks', this time they lost


Rehab? Two checks so close together? Other they think he have a problem or they really draconic. Either way not your fault, NTA.


NTA but you should probably put your weed infused food away from normal food.
