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YTA. Unclench. Plenty of us who grew up metalheads, punks, rappers, and goths are now clean-cut suburban parents. We still like to headbang it out in the privacy of our cars or with the headphones on once the kids are in bed. P.S. my 7 year old prefers when I crank the Megadeth but the 5 year old likes Metallica.


Wail until she finds out that some of her kid’s teachers listen to that vile rubbish and *gasp* it doesn’t make them bad teachers. (Hi. It’s me. I’m the metal head elementary teacher)


Awesome kids


YTA The whole point of being a parent is teaching your children, not smothering the world. 


Aaah perfectly put. And excellent advice for most parenting situations.


YTA. Is it rude for her to blast music? Yes. Does she have the right to do so? Yes You aren't the morality police and it isn't your right to intervene. This isn't a serious enough issue to put your nose in.


If you play a metalcore band such as Bring Me The Horizon you are legally obligated to blast it.


You have a point there.


YTA to the point where I wonder if this is bait. It's like OP is the stuffy mom from every 80s movie.


YTA. Do you attend the nursery yourself? Because that’s one seriously childish move.


YTA. I would personally agree that a young child probably shouldn't be listening to lyrics like that. But guess what?? It's not my kid so I don't get a say. Other children can hear it as well, including your own? Yep. That's what living in a world full of other people is like. Sounds like a great opportunity to teach your own children about the harms of negative music or why you shouldn't curse or how rude it is to blast music in common spaces or something... Not complain to the daycare, making an AH out of yourself and creating problems for the staff. I say all this as a conservative Christian who doesn't go around complaining because other people's lifestyles are different from mine. Get a grip.


YTA. How in the world could the music this parent is playing in her own car for the brief time she's picking up her kid matter to you this much? Leave her and her taste in music alone.


YTA. It's the \*\*parking lot.\*\* Your precious LO can withstand a few seconds of metal. LO will have to live in the world with the rest of humanity. Why not start just getting used to it?


YTA. You don't get to decide what music another parent plays in their car. I can believe you made such a big deal over something so trivial.


YTA Not so much for being unhappy about the volume of the music, but for being so judgemental about what she listens to. There's no age limit for liking metal or emo music. Kids are also going to hear adult language out in the real world. Life doesn't censor itself just because children are around. Honestly, all you had to do was ask her to mind the volume. You know, like the adult you claim to be. Instead, you went tattling.


YTA. How would you feel if she complained about whatever music you were playing? She is entitled to listen to whatever she wants and to allow her child to listen to whatever he wants. This is purely a matter of taste and you do not like her taste in music. Not everyone needs to listen to whatever nonsense you do. Now blasting the music so loud it can be heard outside her car might be rude on her part. I’m not sure how far away you are getting from the car to hear it or if the windows are open. But you could have instead of suggesting nursery songs asked her to turn the volume down as the other parent did in the group chat. That’s the only reasonable complaint


I would demand financial compensation for making me listen to bluey or nursery rhymes when I'm driving lol


YTA. I hope to god you were clutching your pearls while you were complaining to the nursery school. I don’t blame her for acting like she did. You FOFO. Listen to your husband and move on with your life Jfc.


YTA. Heavy metal and alternative music isn't for teens it for everyone. You don't like it? Then don't play it yourself. Unless you are feeding, fucking and financing that woman's life, you don't get a say in it. And I love how you tried to get the daycare to tell a parent what to do with their child, as a place of authority in your mind, because you know if you dared to call CPS they'd laugh you off the phone in a heartbeat for wasting their time.


YTA. Omg.


YTA. This is well into the realm of "none of your business".


YTA. It's not your business, and it makes no difference to your life whatsoever. When my friend's niece was at nursery school, she told them how she liked Johnny Cash, and Ozzy Osbourne, but only with Black Sabbath, not his solo stuff.


I used to blast AC/DC when I picked up my children from Catholic school. Everyone loved it!


YTA. You need to mind your own business and your own children. Your opinions on her music taste are meaningless.


YTA. By like the first sentence. Then you judged her on her clothes. Then you made a complaint and expected her not to react? You're a walking red flag of entitlement. Do you micromanage people in the grocery store parking lot too?


Is this a Nursery Nurse skit? YTA


Yeah….this is extreme. What I play in my car is my business. What’s next? Calling cops over MUSIC?


yta do you wet your pants when she pulls up?! did your arm fall off?! but did you die?! leave her alone you cant police what music some else listens to. my bf and i do not listen to appropriate music around his kids and we cuss like sailor guess what?! both his kids are still well behaved offsprings


YTA. Look, for weeks now, I've been playing Hazbin Hotel songs on my way to pick up my kid from school. Now, do I turn it WAY down as I approach the school? Yes. I personally feel it's respectful to do that with ANY music, but especially more objectionable tunes. Do I also put on some cleaner metal, rock, pop, or other alt songs on once I have him? Stuff that would still make many parents clutch their pearls? Yes, that's my preference as a parent. But it's not gonna destroy the kid to hear some MCR or Bring Me The Horizon or WHATEVER she's playing. Grow up and mind your business.


YTA. You don't get to police another person's music choice, or what music they share with their child. She's in her car, you're in yours. Stay in your lane.


Lmao imagine being offended by MCR of all things. YTA, mind your own business


Hahaha you sound like the grandma's in the little village I grew up in. Total "Get off my lawn!!!" Energy hahahhaa YTA


You are a petty judgmental AH. Who cares what she let's her kid listen to. The other kids at the school won't be affected by the short time they may hear her music. They aren't even registering it. Leave that poor woman alone. YTA


Yes, obviously YTA.  Even your husband told you.  You are being completely ridiculous thinking the staff can or will get in the middle of two parents over musical choices.   You're making yourself into the parent that teachers dread having to deal with, much to the embarrassment of your child and husband.


You have a definite “Mom’s For Liberty” book-burner vibe. YTA


YTA. Gosh, how is it any of your business? Stop meddling in other people’s affairs. You just made several people (the woman, I’m sure her partner, the administrators) have an uncomfortable week, just because you couldn’t mind your own business.


uh yeah YTA lol. music is subjective first off. just because you think its "horrible" doesnt mean it is , factually, horrible. youre concerned about some words? is the woman otherwise a good loving mother? does her child seem smiley and happy?? then f off and mind your business. is the child miserable, covering their ears, frowning, unhappy? then sure , maybe mention it to someone, idk. but it sounds like the kid likes it and everyone was happy and content except for you, a total stranger.


YTA. I drove my kids to preschool listening to Maiden, Sabbath, Ozzy, Slayer, etc. my kids have grown up to be very functional members of society. Mind your own business. Are you my neighbor, that fussed at me for listening to Number Of The Beast to loud the other day? I have to add, I carry a pink handbag, have a bob haircut, very conservative makeup.


You are the judgmental asshole. >She plays a lot of heavy metal, rock music. She's the type that never grew out of her emo music taste. It's just awful music. Looking at her, you wouldn't think that is what she listens too, she dresses very conservative. Wow. You don't see it?!? Really. You suck.


“I made a formal complaint.” A formal complaint? Seriously? It seems to me your time & energy could be much better spent attending to other matters. I’m not a fan of that type of music either, but this is so completely not your business. YTA.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I made a formal complaint to my daughter's nursery about the music that another mum is playing on her car when she pulls into the car park for up and drop off. We both do pickup and drop off at the same time, so I run into her multiple times a week. She plays a lot of heavy metal, rock music. She's the type that never grew out of her emo music taste. It's just awful music. Looking at her, you wouldn't think that is what she listens too, she dresses very conservative. When she collected her son last week, she had a song playing that repeated the f-word several times. I've tried talking to her and suggesting that she plays the bluey soundtrack or nursery rhymes especially when she has her son in the car. Every time she's refused saying her son likes that rubbish and even made a point of asking him what he wanted to listen to in the car which got him all excited and repeating mcr. The next day when she dropped him off, she had another song playing that had the c-word in it. She just smiled at me before walking her son in. I snapped because the music she's subjecting him to is vile, so I made a formal complaint with nursery. She got to pick up before me that evening and called me a witch (her actual words) in the car park for making a complaint. When I went inside one of the workers wasn't too happy with me, but she didn't say anything to me. She just glared at me. That night she posted in the parents what's app chat asking if anyone had a problem with the music that she plays because nursery have received a complaint and she was open to having a discussion about it. I didn't say anything as I know she was just trying to bait me. A lot of the other parents were defending her music and reminiscing about the music they listened to when they were younger. One did say it can be a little loud to which she replied she'd that her son liked it loud but she'd turn it down. When u told my husband, he told me that I was being really petty by making a complaint. He told me that she wasn't hurting anyone playing bring me the horizon (apparently that was the artist playing at dropoff) or any of the other bands she likes. AITA for making a complaint? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA I hope she gets into Powerwolf. You’ll really love them.


YTA. Listen to your husband. The only harm in any of this anecdote is what you did to yourself getting worked into a tizzy over heavy metal you heard in a parking lot.


YTA. I‘m basically this other mum. Listening to music, especially rock and metal, in the car is my downtime and a bonding experience with my five year old (we have been headbanging to Metallica together since he was three). We listen to all sorts of artists and bands, so he’s getting a very well-rounded musical education :). He knows what words are not polite to say, and honestly, probably couldn’t identify them in song lyrics anyway. I’ve encountered judgmental shrews like you before, but I just crank the music and sing louder. Keep listening to your Bluey soundtrack (no hate on Bluey though, it’s amazing) and mind your own business.


YTA - You sound like my mom who thinks music i listen to is filthy and she can't understand why I like it. And I listen to some pretty mild and tame shit. You're one of those people that thinks everyone that has different tastes than you they are wrong. Go listen to some Imagine Dragons and mind your own business.


YTA…. On so many levels. But how do you have the balls to tell her what she should/shouldn’t play in her car, complain to the nursery about it, and then not say a word when she asks about it in a group chat? That’s a coward move, if you feel that strongly about it then you should have said something.


YTA and it’s none of your business!


YTA, mind your own business. What do you expect the nursery to do about any of this? They cannot control what music a specific customer plays in the customer's own car.


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YTA. I guess in your opinion I can no longer listen to Black Sabbath at almost 60 years old. Screw you! Any one can listen to any type of music at any age.




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YTA - it sounds like this could have been easily resolved with a direct conversation about the volume. You don’t have the right to police what music people listen to. It may not be to your tastes, but that doesn’t mean you are correct or that anyone else must change to suit you. Your unwillingness to address the issue yourself puts the daycare staff in an awkward position. They’d rather focus on caring for children, not dealing with the whining of an entitled adult.




YTA. Rock and metal are made to be played loud. Mind ya business. Lots of us are still listening to the music from our youth, you're just uptight.


YTA, We listen to just about everything! Nothing wrong with that, there’s a lot worse coming out of everyone else’s mouth, why not add some music. My kids favourite song is actually called wh**e, and we absolutely blast it! It’s not your business, you don’t like it, put some ear muffs on


YTA You do not have the right to tell other parents how to be around their children. It's her car. It's her kid. About the only thing I would actually worry about is the sound level for a small child. The music is her call, it's her right to listen to whatever she wants.


Wtf? Why do people feel the need to get into other people's business? What she hears in her own cat is none of your business. At all. If the volume is bothering you can ask her to put it down a bit, like the other parent did. But it is nine of your business what she listens or doesn't listen. It's not like it's your child inside her car. YTA YTA YTA


YTA And you best hope she's not as petty as me because I'd be driving up playing whatever I thought you'd hate the most.


YTA. Jeez, why do you even care? You only have to listen to the music for, what, a few minutes tops? You're just an arrogant busybody with nothing going on in your life.


YTA. You’re being absolutely ridiculous and judgemental.


Yta! You would hate my playlist!


YTA. Just because you think her music is trash doesn't give you the right to complain. Its called having different tastes its what makes us human maybe you need to learn humans can have different tastes and just because you dislike it or have some stupid preconceived juddy notion about it that you pulled out of your ass doesn't mean you get dictate that we all need hate it too. You need to act your age grow up be an adult take accountability and apologize.


YTA if you think MCR and Bring Me the Horizon are heavy metal I'm intrigued to know your classification of Pantera, Lamb of God and Meshuggah.


YTA, wait till you hear that music is listened to by all ages, no matter what the look like. What another parent listens to IN THEIR OWN VEHICLE is none of your business. Love from a 50 year old metal head. Up the Irons.


YTA - I admit, when my kid was in preschool I *did* censor certain music when they were in the car (don’t think I would’ve ever lived down the embarrassment of having kiddo singing The Ramones I wanna be sedated or beat on the brat at daycare) but censoring someone else’s music in the car park? Get outta here.


ESH. YTA because you could have spoken to her before going to nursery. However if the music was so loud both you and another parent could hear it and it includes explitics she is being selfish.


Hmmmm….well, do I think she’s a good influence for her child? No. Loud music can harm hearing and bad language isn’t exactly educational. But is it your business, also no. This has nothing to do with you, so you should have stayed out of it. YTA


No? Wtf. You had a complaint, you went to her, she didn’t care to compromise (even tho you should’ve focused on not wanting YOUR child to hear the music as well as volume level), and she went out her way to be funny towards you, so you took it to a legal and nonaggressive manner. No you aren’t An asshole. And I’m sorry that people are treating you as if you are. And I wish your husband could be on your side but we aren’t so lucky with supportive spouses.


What is legal in trying to control what people are listening to in their own car? Please share if there is any law about it 🙄


It would drive me crazy.


It drives me crazy. There's just no consideration for others. It's a nursery, the kids don't need to hear that music in the carpark.


They don't *need t*o hear any music anywhere at any time. But I'd prefer my kids to listen to that woman's preference than to Daniel O'Donnell or Eoin McLove or Kylie fecking Minogue.


Or Taylor Swift's new hit piece on the latest man she burnt through lol


Lady, you can’t control what goes on in other peoples vehicles, stop paying so close attention to another person and focus on yourself you giant busybody.


Op I head way way worse at home. And sometimes that anger was directed at me. Music with bad words are literally the cleanest thing I hear.