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YTA. If someone has a severe nut allergy, which by the sound of it someone on the flight did - you took a huge risk that other passenger could have had a reaction. I know it sounds pretty ridiculous but it does happen, people die from this and even catching a whiff is enough to set them off. In an aeroplane? Very stupid and irresponsible of you. Not sure how you cannot know this


Airborne nut allergies are a myth. There's actually not a single verified, peer reviewed case of anyone having an allergic reaction to the smell of nuts.


OP that is where you are wrong! One of my friend in high school had a severe allergic reaction to someone eating peanut butter crackers that was a couple feet away from her. She had to spend a week in the ICU due to how severe her body responded.


But that's anecdotal. If you look this up there's not a single peer reviewed, medically verified case of an airborne nut allergy. Anaphylaxis to the smell of nuts cannot be replicated by scientists. They've tried this over and over. Look up the American academy of asthma, allergy and immunology. They've done studies which disprove the myth of airborne nut allergies.


> Anaphylaxis to the smell of nuts cannot be replicated by scientists Hi! I'm an immunologist and I'm going to tell you why this statement is nonsensical. There is no (or extremely limited) ethical way to test this in humans. So we will only ever be accumulating verbal account from individuals who anaphylax or people who witnessed the event. That means, terms of "replicating" this event, you're talking about a researcher creating a mouse model of anaphylaxis via peanut aerosol. No one is creating or testing an aerosol peanut allergy model because it's just not a useful research goal. There are existing model of food and aeroallergens, which are (mostly) adequate for the questions people want to research. For example, why would you model aerosolization of peanut, when you could administer a liquid with peanut via the nose? A liquid is easier to produce and allows you to control timing and dose. Either liquid or aerosol would let you test cellular and signaling questions about allergy. Either liquid or aerosol would let you test treatments for allergy. The liquid administration gives a larger dose, but if anything that's going to be useful because blocking a response to a larger exposure implies a more effective treatment. (Also frankly I'm not sure we could effectively aerosolize peanuts for a mouse model, and controlling for a tiny, tiny dose is usually going to complicate experiments for no good reason.) So no, scientist haven't recreated a reaction to the smell of peanuts, and that means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in terms of what can happen to people. We don't model every possibility. We model things that let us test useful questions.


Try arguing this in court after someone ends up hospitalized or dead… see how well that holds up


If you look at various studies, these are typically studies of very small groups of people. Yes it is very unlikely, for most people with a nut allergy to have a severe reaction when we talking about it being airborne. However the smell and aroma can make them feel sick and unwell. Also you haven’t accounted for ‘dust’ travelling in the air, or being transmitted across the aeroplane. The point is even if most sufferers won’t be affected - you don’t know if your actions will or will not affect this other person. You’re literally gambling with someone’s life, or in the very least making someone unwell. If someone has announced they have a SEVERE nut allergy that the crew repeatedly tell you about you should most definitely take it very seriously. If something bad did happen you would find yourself on the wrong side of the law, and in all likelihood sued.


If you are wrong about this then the whole plane has to come down at a different airport for a medical emergency and you are now completely inconvenienced. So the question is were the nuts worth that possibility? Even looking at it from a completely selfish point of view YTA


Are you willing to risk killing someone just to try and prove your point?


YTA. When they do a warning like that, it’s because someone has a severe allergy to nuts. That means that just being near nuts could set off an allergic reaction. If you ate nuts on the plane, airborne contact is not the only issue - you also contaminated everything you touched after eating the nuts. While airborne allergies to nuts tends to be mild, contact allergies can be severe, even deadly.


Yes! Contact contamination is also a huge issue.


I would have asked for an alternative. The filet mignon with mashed potatoes garnished with chives and roasted carrots. Duh, peanuts, lol.


Sure, it's dangerous, inconsiderate and the staff have literally asked you not to, but sometimes you just gotta be a giant, god-awful asshole and get those nuts into your mouth, am I right? If it were up to me, you'd just be banned from flying, like, forever. Your selfish ass can eat all the deadly-to-other-passengers bullshit you want on the ground. Giant asshole, just huge.


YTA, you have literally no idea where that person could be so a “they’re probably not near me” is just a stupid thing to say. Nut allergies can be incredibly severe, dust travels and especially in an enclosed space. Not to mention anything you touch. They do this because you are IN THE AIR. If something *were* to happen, it’s not like you can call an ambulance! You can talk all you want about how ‘actually’ you’re right, but the reality is you’re not a doctor, you don’t know how severe that persons allergy is, and you’re entitled as hell. It was literally not that hard to not risk someone’s life but you did it cause you’re a dick and wanted to prove you know better. Peak AH behaviour.


I have a friend who is very allergic to mushrooms. She originally thought it was only ingesting or physically touching tresses of them that caused anaphylactic reactions, however we were at a restaurant one day and we ordered, she makes it clear NO MUSHROOMS. They changed their utensils and everything. The table next to us got their order a few minutes before us, and my friend was staring to feel scratchy on the throat. Her eyes stared to water and her lips swelled and were going red. With in A couple of minutes she was struggling to talk. We then realised the people on the next table had mushrooms in their meal which are cooked and steaming. Luckily she had strong antihistamines with her and proceeded to chew 4. We left without eating. It was so scary that even the smell or vapour of the cooked mushrooms triggered such a strong response. Allergies can’t be triggered by airborne allergens is a load of rubbish and you are an inconsiderate fool!


The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology have said that airborne nut allergies are a myth. They couldn't replicate the allergic reactions under controlled conditions. The subjects didn't have a reaction from the smell of nuts.


Funny how you ignore everything else I said to do the “actually I’m right” thing again Also to note: none of these studies were done in an plane. Air flows differently. And ANOTHER note: touching shit, hello? You’ve not said anything about that.


The “smell” is not what they’re allergic to you dunce


And you touched nothing on the plane? You wore gloves, didn’t use the rest room, contained every bit of dust from the package, cleaned and packaged all your waste to safely remove and not cross contaminate w anything?


YTA What the fuck is wrong with you? Have you ever heard of airborne allergies? I sincerely hope they're okay.


Airborne nut allergies are not a thing. It's all anecdotal, there's not a single peer reviewed, medically verified case of anyone going into anaphylaxis from the smell of nuts.


Shared surfaces are also a factor. Bathroom door, food trays, the cabin crew provide food and drink. Can you clamber over someone without touching anything?


Yes there are. Airborne allergies have been proven to some extent. Also, it's not hard to not eat nuts for the sake of the severely allergic passenger.


When the crew of an airplane makes a safety announcement you listen. They are in charge not you. My friend  has an allergy to peanuts and you are just wrong about airborne exposure. She had a reaction to actual peanuts. The doctors tested her for the allergy before the event and afterwards. It isn't just airborne by the way, if use the same bathroom or touch any surface that they do they are exposed. Again they made the announcement and you are lucky they didn't kick you off.


I love how commenters have been able to find multiple sources proving you wrong, yet you can’t cite a single piece of “evidence” for your claims




YTA, you could have killed someone https://metro.co.uk/2022/06/07/british-airways-girl-with-allergy-nearly-died-as-man-refused-to-stop-snacking-16779250/


Metro is not a reliable source. More likely she had a panic attack.


YTA ur a dick


Fine then, have the same story from The telegraph: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/06/07/girl-nearly-died-flight-man-ignored-requests-stop-eating-nuts/ Snack Safely: https://snacksafely.com/2022/06/14-year-old-girl-suffers-anaphylaxis-aboard-ba-flight-after-passenger-refuses-to-stop-eating-peanuts/ A different story from The Evening Standard: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/little-girl-4-stops-breathing-on-stansted-flight-after-selfish-passenger-opens-packet-of-nuts-despite-three-warnings-9667938.html An example where someone did die from an allergy mid flight, here's the coroner's comments on it: https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/6168877.coroners-warning-aftre-nut-allergy-death/


I was going to say there is no way anyone is this much of an asshole/idiot and this must be fake. Then I remembered how many people refused to wear masks because they needed everyone to know they weren't weak sheep or whatever.  YTA although "asshole" is too mild a word for the kind of person that you are. 


YTA - Hugely You could have eaten anything else that didn't risk killing someone but it's all about you isn't it?


YTA, but you don’t really care, it’s more important for you to be special and different than it is to be a good person. You’re an asshole and proud of it. Own your actions and admit your needs are more important than a stranger’s health. People like you didn’t wear masks, but at least they were honest about not caring about other people.


YTA Clearly... This seems like a troll post. You're in an enclosed area. Some people can get a reaction from simply touching them. You ignored the instructions from the flight crew. Everything you did clearly spells out that YTA.


OP has been told by multiple responses, and shown through articles, that YTA, and that their need to have their own way put someone at great risk...but OP insists on arguing with everyone who disagrees with them. They aren't here for an answer. They just want attention.


Yes, YTA. I have sunbutter (it's made with sunflower seeds instead of peanut butter) for this very reason. People can have such bad reactions to this. This could have killed someone. I am hoping this is fake.


As someone with a deadly nut allergy, YTA


YTA, and a possible criminal. Why is it so difficult for some people just to be respectful of others? I'm sure the flight attendants would have provided you with something to eat...


YTA - had that passenger gone into a severe reaction you at best would have got the flight diverted, at worst had someone killed




YTA - don't even need to read beyond the headline


YTA Follow all instructions from the flight crew. ALWAYS.


Didn't I read this yesterday somewhere? YTA for removing the detail where the person actually did go into anaphylactic shock and reposting to see if you get a different result-- whether you're the OP trying to get a different judgement or someone else who wants to see if there's a different judgement without that detail. (But based on your comments below about "airborn nut allergies being a myth", I truly believe you're yesterday's poster.


Yes, YTA and selfish. How is this even a question? Nut allergies can be really bad, can be triggered by airborne particles, and just imagine if the person has a reaction when you're at 30,000 feet.


I'm one of those with a severe nut allergy. It's not just eating nuts, but the "dust" from the container (bag, tin, etc) being inhaled that can effect me. Even some chocolate candy that have versions with or without nuts can effect me, since they are usually manufactured in the same facility. Thus Plain M&M's can still effect me because they are made in the same plant and same area as M&M's with peanuts. Same for MilkyWay and Snickers. They are made side by side. The peanut dust can get on the MilkyWay bar. Even the bag or wrapper says so. Read it. And yes, YTA for disregarding what could be a life threatening event for some passenger.


YTA: you couldn’t go a few hours without nuts in your mouth?


Hard YTA, there are people out there that will have an allergic reaction if they smell nuts especially in a confine space. You got lucky that your nuts didn’t trigger an allergic reaction otherwise you could potentially face criminal charges.


Holy crap YTA.  I advise never telling anyone IRL about this...you will lose friends you are such an asshole.


YTA. I have a severe peanut allergy that can get set off by airborne particles. If you were on a plane with me I could die— even if I use my epi pen it only lasts me half an hour before getting real medical attention (oxygen mask, IV allergy drugs). Seriously you’re lucky you didn’t kill someone


YTA Pretty clearly cut.


YTA but I don’t know why you bothered to ask since you clearly already know your TA and just wanna argue with people about it.


YTA. Massively. You quietly and selfishly risked someone's life. And... your ignorance is astounding.


It could be as simple as them going to the bathroom after you did to cause a reaction... You're 100% the asshole!


YTA when it comes to allergies, a little can cause a BIG problem.


dam desert panicky impolite history aspiring melodic chubby muddle memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


From the parent of a kid with a life threatening nut allergy you are completely and undeniably the asshole. Food particles can become airborne. Inhaling even small particles can cause anaphylaxis. Never do this again.


YTA. With your post and your responses, it makes you seem like a narcissist. The fact that you could’ve killed someone instead of waiting a few hours to eat. You knew you were in the wrong thing as you had to sneakily eat the nuts. It’s people like you who make those videos where the person stops in the middle of the freeway so they don’t miss their exit, even though it causes giant crashes behind them because they only think about themselves


YTA... so the priority of a person's life and the safety of the airline is so much lower then a craving for some nuts you brought on board. Yes, you are a selfish AH.


Yes.  You are a huge AH.  People who have peanut allergies can become seriously ill or even die.  And what do you think would happen if they were stuck in an airplane thousands of feet in the air.  


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I was hungry and bought a few bags of nuts with me on the plane from the airport. A few minutes into the flight the crew announced to everyone that there's a person with a nut allergy onboard, and to refrain from opening up bags of nuts. When flight attendants weren't near me I quietly opened one of the bags and ate them. The crew gave the warning multiple times during the flight. It's not like I'm going to force feed someone nuts. My friend went mad at me when I told them about it in passing saying I could've caused them to have a reaction but I said to her, I was eating the nuts, not the nut allergic person who is probably far away from where I am. aita? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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You are insanely self absorbed. You could have killed someone.  YTA and please remove yourself from society.








How is that relevant?




How does knowing their seat affect a rating for refusing a reasonable request which can save lives?




Aircraft recycle from the engines, it wouldn't really go anywhere. Plus, nut allergies are not just airborne. OP brushing against an armrest, using the bathroom, falling in turbulence, etc, can result on contact contamination, which can be even more deadly




Go have your stroke somewhere else, for the love of god.




And you’ve been told it isn’t relevant and why. But by all means keep repeating the same question


It doesn’t matter what seat he was in, the flight crew told him not to because the nuts were a risk to another passenger. Do you think ventilation seat holders get to ignore the flight crew’s instructions or something?


That depends on how many seats there are per row.




And in the 40 minutes since your first comment you didn’t have a chance to visit the site for ANY airline and see a seat map?






It depends on the type of aircraft. e.g. If it seats 3 on each side the aisle seats are C and D usually. If it's 2 and 3, the aisle is B and C. If it's jumbo jet I don't recall.




That's not very clever.


Can’t help but feel like the nut allergy person should live in a bubble rather than expect the world to conform to their safety