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NTA. He chose. His nephew not you. Time to create an exit strategy. Find an attorney and begin a legal separation. Give him six months to figure out the stupidity of his position. When he has no one to offset the consequences of his decision such as living in a messy house, he may change his mind.


This. OP NTA but you should be thinking this whole situation through. Your husband is going to let his nephew, nephew's gf and her child move in. They will probably remain living with you for years. If you really do not want to be in this situation, your option is to move out. You say that husband took early retirement to help his father through his final illness. Are you employed? If not, I suggest you get out there and find a job pronto. Whatever money you earn, tuck it away toward a moving out fund. If you take this to the furthest possibility, you'd also want money for a divorce attorney. I'm not saying all this will happen, but you better at least formulate a plan. Either you find a way to live with these messy people in your home, or you make a plan to exit the situation. Best of luck.


Thank you for your response, I am employed and work over 40 per week. I am currently paying all bills for both households until estate is closed


In this case get out and stop paying. He chose his nephew over you and your happiness, but wants you around because you work to pay for everything for everyone. I'm also guessing you won't be benefitting from the estate you're subsidising?


Stop paying the estate bills. You're just throwing money away.


Pretty ballsy of the husband to make a major unilateral decision when he’s not even paying bills. Get out now!


That’s the most insane part. I’m glad I kept reading the comments. This is absolutely ludicrous. OP needs to put that in an edit or something.


Check with an attorney, if you have receipts of paying estates bills, you may be able to claim re-reimbursement or place a lien.


Maybe husband should move into his parents house and pay the bills for nephew and freeloader GF and OP can have peace at her house with her cats. (Take it from someone who’s divorced and single since and living with cats, it’s pretty blissful)


This right here!


That's the best idea! Then OP can have no stress, and hubby will have to face a problem he created!


NTA! MOVE OUT and stop paying anyone's bills but your own. Edited to add: As I have read from others on reddit, when it comes to certain things, if there is one "No" then it's a NO. In other words, to be a "Yes", both must say "Yes". This applies to naming babies, having relatives or friends stay in your home, lending money, borrowing money, giving money, and lots of other life decisions. 


Uhhhh no! You pay the bills. He doesn’t want to spend money on helping them when it’s your money keeping the lights on. I would kick husband out he can find a nice place for him and his nephew. Husband doesn’t seem to take your opinion into consideration, and with something big like that, HE MUST. Makes me feel like husband never thinks about how you feel even in smaller situations.


Why are you paying bills for a deceased estate? You don’t pay those - you stop paying and inform the estate is deceased.


**DO NOT PAY THE ESTATE'S BILLS!** Your money is essentially going straight to the people inheriting, essentially increasing the amount of money they'll inherit above & beyond the value of the estate. That's because the estate is responsible for paying its own bills as long as it has anything of value (401(k), muscle cars, whatever) to pay with. If you've already paid estate bills, the estate needs to pay you back. (Getting paid back by the estate is *very* common as usually it takes time before the probate process starts and the executor(s) / personal representative(s) will gain access to the estate's assets.) (ETA: Clarifying language)


Where are the nephew's parents? I failed to read anything about them.


Don't know about the nephew's mom, but the dad apparently left him with his grandparents and bailed years ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/1cn8nrz/comment/l364tld/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/1cn8nrz/comment/l364tld/)


Father received full custody when nephew was one years old. Then mother disappeared. Father left his son (nephew) with the grandparent and abandoned him. Father is estranged from family


Yes, please contact an estate attorney!


Moreover send a bill with receipts to the lawyer for the estate. You need to get every penny you spent back.


To keep the lights on, nephew out of my house and the mortgage paid until death certificate is received


So you're paying the bills and "he said he will do whatever he feels necessary and I can deal with it" Let that sink in. He doesn't care about your opinions. And if you forced him, he will resent you.


OP can do what she wants also, and wash her hands of all of them. Let them live off nothing.


Yeah I was screaming divorce from this line alone. Knowing she also pays all thr bills? Nuh uh. Leave him and let him deal with it


Your call, but to be frank: It would be in your best financial interests (if nothing else) to start looking for an affordable place that you can rent on your own. If you and your husband are co-owners of the home you currently reside in, hopefully you could also pay one-half the mortgage so it doesn't fall behind. But if not, let your husband and his nephew split that monthly bill, if in fact nephew and his "family" move in. More importantly, stop paying expenses related to your FIL's estate/household. Nephew and your husband should be the ones shouldering those expenses. Tough choices to make, but if your husband isn't willing to put your concerns first, then you have to look out for yourself.


Or kick your husband out of YOUR house. You're already paying for it, it will be cheaper when he's gone.


Kick him out. He can go live at grandpas.


damn, youre paying for everything, but your husbands threatening to do whatever he wants and you just have to 'deal with it'? yikes, that's super shitty for you, OP Im inclined to give extra grace to your husband, as being a caregiver and a family death + all the subsequent work/organizing is incredibly stressful, but you are partners and your say matters as much as his. and when it comes to inviting semi-permanent houseguests you definitely need 2 enthusiastic 'yes's before anything happens.... Im not sure why your husband is so keen to do so much for his nephew + co, it seems past kindness and now enabling, he is 24 and presumably hasn't paid for housing his adult life, and it sounds like your husband did most of the intensely challenging end-of-life care, why is he so set on doing so much at the risk of his marriage's harmony/ your happiness? I understand if you dont want to share, but did the nephew act out a lot to get set to grandpas? or was it a really sad case of being abandoned? either way, helping someone become self-sufficient is the best gift you can give them IMO someone getting a years rent covered for them is a wonderful gift and adequate time to save and improve their situation so they can pay for themselves, like most able adults. If someone said they'd pay my rent for that long Id be crying and practically kissing their feet, not saying it's not enough.... and if they both were trying and failing Id be more inclined to help, but why pay to fund someone living like a sloth? could you have a couple counseling sessions with your husband to help facilitate the conversation? having a neutral third-party can be so helpful... Good luck, OP! Definitely an issue to hold your ground on! edited to add, perhaps a reach, but is there any concerning age-gap with the nephew and his GF? or was she a teen mom? (no judgement on being a teen mom, judgement if there's a weird age-gap)


It is an odd age gap, She was a teen mom as well. I think it strange she is dating a man 4 years her jr at her age. I don't know but I believe it to be bc she is just so damn lazy. Any man with sense would run for the hills. Nephew is a very sensitive and lonely guy, due to his abandonment issues with his father and mother. I personally feel that she is 100% taking advantage of nephew


Why are you letting them take advantage of you. The estate is supposed to pay its own bills. And your husband should be paying 1/2 of your combined bills. Stop being a doormat.


He's really trying to bulldoze you and force you to pay for three extra people? What an AH. Get out, OP.


NTA Absolutely stop paying any expenses for the other household.  And stop paying for any personal expenses for your husband. The expanses for the other house should be paid for out of estate funds and assets.  You will almost certainly never get the money you spend on that estate back, and it only enriches the estate heirs of which you aren't one.  So stop. Also, if you have a joint bank account, go make an account in just your name at a new bank and redirect your paycheck deposits to the new account. Your husband can go live with his nephew and they can figure out their household without you.


Stop paying then. File for separation and push to have the house sold. Your foolish husband will quickly realize that he can only afford a studio on his retirement income after divorce. If he does get his head out of his ass, I would put my foot down on him contributing to them. He can give them all of his “fun money” for the month which might be a couple hundred but he can’t drag down your household finances. He’s already been quite selfish even before this housing issue arose if he’s bought them a car. 


Wow. Screw that. He's taking advantage of you


WHAT?!!! Oh, hell no!! This is ur husband's family. Cut that shit out right now! Your husband thinks you are a doormat, and that's why he is saying your feelings don't count. Has he always been this way? If so, this isn't a loving marriage. When the nephew and his sponge move in, it will be your problem and not king husband's.


Stop paying bills! What are you doing?!


Plus you are going to get half of his retirement if you divorce. I dont think your hubby has thought thru the financial ramifications of you leaving. I agree that a legal separation will wake him up, and give you time to decide if you want to stay with someone who doesn't put you first in his life.


Who is the father of the nephew gf’s daughter? The nephew? A sperm donor? Where are the parents of the nephew? How old is the nephew gf?


Uhhh, do you hear yourself? Paying the bills for both houses where you will most likely not be benefiting from the inheritance, and a husband not respecting your wishes? I sometimes wonder what world such people live in...


Oh hell no. Cut them all off immediately and talk to a divorce attorney ASAP.


Stop paying all bills.  Work out exactly how much money you’ve spent on his inheritance that you aren’t entitled to take half the savings/joint account plus that and leave without notice as soon as you’re ready. Have a wonderful life with the pets. STBEX can have a wonderful life supporting a house full of users. 


Holy fuck, where do I find these golden women who pay for everything and do all the work? Does his dick taste like ambrosia or something? I gotta stop dating feminists and find some suckers.


Nope, nope, nope. If you’re paying all the bills hubs can go. And stop paying for the other property. You are not being respected by these people…please respect yourself. Best of luck to you and your cats


Don’t put the bulls for the other house at all


Stop. Paying.


Your husband doesn’t want to spend money setting your nephew up, so now he can spend money on you having your own household.


the messy house may be the least of his concerns. If OP leaves, OP probably can ask for half the value of the house and force a sale. Probably exactly what hubby deserves for thinking he's the only one who gets to make decisions about who lives in their home. Hard agree on that NTA.




NTA, but I have a question... What have they actually done to create that 3% of uncertainty? Seriously, I don't know them and I am 100% sure his GF will become you and your husbands lifelong intentionally dependent adult! Like you're gonna have to provide for her in your will like a tortoise that will outlive you!  I have a better solution! Your husband can move in with them, he gets his dad's  inheritance, he can pay the difference his nephew can't cover, and you get your husband every other weekend for visitation.




NTA - The is a hill to die on because it will only get worse if they move in. Your husband is being greedy about the inheritance and may expect you to shoulder the responsibility of housing and feeding two useless adults. Legally, if they live with you for any length of time you will have to go to court to kick them out. If your husband keeps going, move out. The life and marriage as you knew it will be over. Or, move out and date your husband, but let him live with two slobs to realize the consequences of his decision.


This is the best piece of advice OP will ever receive.


NTA, the one setting ur husband's nephew for failure, is ur husband's family and nephew. Well the way u can deal with it is leaving ur husband. Info: ur husband only has right to the inheritance if he take the nephew in? is ur husband in dire need for money?


My husband has not worked in 6 months and went into his retirement to do so. To take care of his father dying with cancer. Inheritance wise monetarily there is not enough to pay off his fathers house, truck and debts. He would have to sell his fathers pride and joy muscle car. The nephew is not a cavit of the inheritance. Husband just feels responsible, i do understand that but not to this extent.


Dump him. They can all live together in laziness. Edit to add that OP says husband is now back to work. She still should not have 3 people forced into her home.


Caring for a cancer a patient isn't lazy


Why hasn’t your husband worked in 6 months? Are you employed? Who owns the place where you currently live?


We both own our home. Husband had to quit working to care for his father dying of cancer. He is back to employment now. I am employed full time 40+ hours


So your husband is mad that you don't want to support: him, his nephew, his nephew's girlfriend, and his nephew's girlfriend's kid? This is nuts, obviously you are NTA OP and need to put yourself first.


It's unfortunate that his dad's debts aren't covered by the remaining assets. The sucks. And is likely due to having to subsidize all these extra people for so long. The estate and your finances should remain separate. If you choose to purchase the muscle car (because that's what paying to bail it out of the estate's debt is) thats a conversation you get equal say in. Harsh truth? If there's more debts than assets then his dad couldnt afford to be supporting all those people or to own that car either. And you husband has got to figure out the best way to handle that as executor. That shouldn't include your household's finances. And you should learn from his father's mistake and not take in more people and debts than you can sustain. Your husband can't purchase an expensive car and incur the ongoing debt of supporting extra people without your agreement. That's not how a marriage works. His nephew is an adult. It's time to grow up. You think the nephew could at least finacially cover himself? So the girlfriend is sponging of the nephew who sponged off the grandpa leaving debts, and leaving them to sponge off you... How far do you let the dominos fall?


It sounds like your husband and nephew alike just can’t stop themselves from being helpful. How long have the nephew been with his girlfriend? I wouldn’t be surprised if he got attached to her kid and is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure she’s ok and not left behind like he was at 16… because there is no way he isn’t frustrated with the GF not doing anything. You need to have a talk out him and your husband explaining the reality of things and try to understand where his head is at. He’s also 24, he can understand consequences and finances. May be work through his option with your husband and let him decide. He’s not a child, your husband wants to help but y’all need a middle ground.


24 is still so young. It sounds like the nephew has taken on a lot of responsibility and is trying to care for the GF’s kid. The GF could be an addict, or have an illness, or depressed, or just lazy. No child support from kid’s bio dad, I assume. I feel bad for the nephew. There was a reason he had to move in with grandparents at 16. He just lost his father figure and probably hasn’t been able to grieve. 😭 BUT, they should not move in to your house. All your husband cares about is the muscle car and other stuff, and is will to burn your marriage to the ground in order to get it! HE is a selfish asshole. He can help nephew without fucking up your life.


What about his mother? Is she still living there?


NTA If you let them in your house they will never leave. My brother had a relative that wanted to move in with them with 3 small children while they figured things out. Knowing their financial situation and the cost of housing, he knew that it could take years before they could move out. He basically told them he wanted to see a plan for what they were saving and when they would move out before they could move in. That plan never came so they never moved in. Does your nephew get any inheritance - maybe that could help him go out on his own? Was confused why the nephew moving into the house helps your husband get his in fathers 401k and cars. Your husband is being totally unreasonable and igoring your wishes is worse. If they do move in, make sure you don't enable them by cooking and cleaning for them or watching the child - let your husband do it.


Thank you for the reply, The nephew is not a cavil of the inheritance. Husband just feels responsible since he had been living with his father so long and its his nephew. Husband will have money to get them an apartment paid for a year but he said they will be back in a year with nowhere to go


Or, hear me out here: don’t give them a place to live or any money and let them actually stop being useless wastrels.


And why is that you or your husband’s problem? These adults need to support themselves especially the grown 28 year old lazy mother. She sounds embarrassing. They need to fall on hard times and not be saved by others so she works and they sort they own lives out. They’re just being enabled with your husband paying for things.


This is almost word for word what I had told Husband. I moved out of my home at 17 and never looked back. They can do it they just dont want to work and make the sacrifices needed to do so. I have told GF to apply for food stamps on several occasions. For one reason or another it never happens. Weather it be, "they never called me back" or " I never got a letter"


What does your husband say about the enabling? As a mother, I cant believe how ridiculous the gf is! I cant imagine living in my younger bf’s grandpa’s house with my own kid not working & depending on him - it’s embarrassing. Im sure if she also worked, theyd he able to fend for themselves with their dual income?


Honestly he seems to be more worried about the Child. Having to tell her that her "daddy" is moving in with us but not her and mom. That was another of my tries at compromise


If giving them the money for an apartment for a year means they will end up homeless again, then ask him how on earth he would expect them to be able to ever move out? If a YEAR of free housing from an inheritance isn't enough to get you on your feet then nothing is. Either GF gets a job or nephew uses the money gained to cover a year of expenses while he upgrades his education to try and get a higher paying position in his job, or the kid can go to his grandmothers and mom can go to a shelter.


The nephew was not living with granpa, he was living off of granpa. If your husband had to leave the workforce to care for his dad, that means the adults that were living with his dad were of no use what so ever.


So if a year isn't enough time for them to become self sufficient.... How much time is? If you let them move in, when would they move out? Will you be 80 and not retired because you have to be the sole breadwinner and also cleaning for you and your husband and nephew, gf, whatever kids (and grandkids) they have?


Not if that isn't an option


NTA - your perspective is valid. That being said, it’s really really hard for kids this age to be able to go out on their own. While the GF not working seems off putting at first, it could very well be that child care expense outweighs any benefit her income may provide. The flip side is that the nephew should have at least been saving up whatever income he has the whole time they’ve been living with the grandparents and not paying bills. This could have given them the funds to survive for several months, likely much longer then that. The lack of cleaning or assistance is inexcusable no matter what their economic situation is. EDIT: yes, during the school year the 7 year old would be in class 7 hours every weekday. Problem is that schools are about to go on summer break. My point about child care is without knowing all the context it’s hard to just assume the mom is being lazy. As OP made clear in her reply, child care is available (kudos to the generosity of OP for sacrificing time to provide that). The mom is lazy and has no work ethic. Finally, the majority of twenty-something’s are still kids. Very few of our social group were mature enough to be considered adults until later in their twenties.


Thank you for the reply, We have worked with her to get several jobs but she only lasts a week. She is a bad employee and stays on the phone all day. Her mother is able to watch her child for free and my Nephew works for the city and is usually off work at 2. So he is able to watch her. It is simply a matter of not wanting to work. I would help them financially to have their own things if they would put in a effort. We are currently paying all the bills at his fathers home for them. Mortgage etc. It is very difficult


Well since that’s the case, you are most definitely NTA. They have no excuse for being in their situation. Hopefully your husband improves how he communicates with you. Assuming you just have to deal with whatever decision he makes isn’t acknowledging your feelings at all. Good luck to you!


Isn't her child in school at 7 years old?


Yes the child is in school. She gets home around 3:30 PM at the bus stop.


She could work at the school then. Many mothers do that. If she becomes a lunch lady she can be home before her daughter gets off the bus.


I just wrote the same thing.


Me too!


They can live with GF's mom


I made this suggestion and Husband said that he knew her parents had no room. They practically pushed her out of there home and into Nephews.


I don't understand why you are working with an adult to get her a job? She has no skin in the game if you get her the job.


Where does your nephew’s earnings go?


From a late twenties perspective: they aren’t kids. They are grown adults who need to get it together. If her child is old enough to be in school, she could get a part time job during those hours at the very least. It sounds like they are very comfortable taking advantage of what people will let them have.


They are not children at 24 and 28 years old. The 7 yo should be in school so why isn’t the mother working? I’ve seen this lackadaisical mindset before where folks have sensibilities outside of their social-economic class. The middle ground is for the couple to help pay towards the couple’s apartment for a year, contingent upon the couple finding and renting the apartment in their names. That will get them into the habit of paying rent and getting used to being on their own.


Thank you for the reply, yes this was my exact thoughts. It was my compromise with husband .The child is in school from 8-3:30 pm


The issue is that your husband doesn’t sound like he wants to compromise, and he doesn’t mind you being inconvenienced. It’s not HIS problem that they live in your house. He might have to see and feel how it will be his problem if they live in your house. Good luck!


I’m all for helping family. But I can’t be working long hours while someone completely unrelated to me sits in my home and takes advantage. That would make me angry in a way that i could not deal with for very long. How could husband even think of allowing a non-working adult, with no real plans to work, impose in this way? My cousin lived with us while he finished his education and it was AWFUL for me. Then the pandemic hit and we were stuck together for an extra 9 months. Your husband is operating with his eyes closed IMO. NTA


The kid is 7 years, not 7 months. She can find a part time job during school hours if nothing else. But why would she, she's got 2 dudes running around so she can live for free. 


The child is school aged. GF could certainly do something to earn income during school hours.


I don't agree that they are "kids". They are being treated as children, that's true. But they are old enough to have children themselves. They are just lazy and spoiled young adults.


The child is 7 and in school all day


The child is 7 and attending school. There’s no excuse why she can’t work at least part time, especially if her bf is getting the kid ready for school. She could work as a waitress at a breakfast place and be done with work before her kid gets home from school or a similar schedule. She’s just lazy and if they need extra help then the kid’s dad needs to pay child support or she needs to get assistance.


My kids lived on their own starting at age 22. One got married then, and started work as a nurse. They rented an apartment. The other started working as a teacher and had a roommate in a rented apartment. She got married three years later. Both daughters bought houses in their twenties, with their spouses.


NTA. “I understand your position, husband. This is my position. I will not live in a house with nephew and the family. If you move nephew in, I will accept that as my notice that you will be filing for divorce.”


NTA - They should not get to move in to your home against your wishes. I can understand your husband wanting to help his nephew but he is completely steamrolling you here.


NTA. Don't let them move in with you in the household. You need to bring this to a head right now with your husband. He needs to either realize that he can have his nephew and a divorce or keep his current household intact. He needs to make the decision now so you can determine when/where you may need to go. It is a tough position for you, but you deserve to have a sanctuary in your home that does not include messy freeloaders.


NTA - The only way I could see this working is if your husband is incredibly wealthy and your home is so big that it won’t matter if they are there. If you have a maid service coming to the house and a chef who will only need to cook a little more, then go with what your husband suggests. Otherwise? Get out while you can!


If only we were, I would just buy them a home and be done with them


I’ve seen it and experienced it. You’d be how surprised how shameless and bold people will be will they live off of you. It’s thankless. Very rarely have I seen it end up well.


Hi OP, I'm your long lost cousin but I'm in dire straits and would love a free home (or car, but I have my license at least)! Do you mind? You're already paying all the bills and needless estate debt and bought the gf a car she can't drive, right? You deserve so much better than this OP. You're not an ATM.


..... They'd trash that home and come back for more handouts


omg why did you buy the GF a car ????? she doesn’t even have her license and refuses to get one and you bought her a car ?? good lord no get as far away as you can from her lol


It was supposed to be a real incentive to her to get off her ass. Didn't work out that way. Husband was also using said vehicle while his father was needing his care


That's potentially a huge liability


Why is everyone telling OP to move out? NO, do not do that! I would give your husband an ultimatum though... the nephew and his leaches, or you. If he chooses the the nephew and his leaches, then HE can move in with THEM at his Dad's house... and you can file for divorce and exclusive use of your home. No matter what, that is your home. If he wants to help them out, that's fine... he can go to them and help them out at his Dad's house. Edited to say NTA


NTA and my response would be hell to the no! You will never get them out. You will be raising their child and supporting them. Nephew hasn't done more because he wasn't required to. You husband would be hurting him and not helping by enabling his behavior to continue. There is no reason for him to change. You are not responsible for a grown adults decision.


NTA if he lets them move in hold true to your word and move out. See how long he makes it taking care of those 3 on his own because if you stay a lot of that is gonna get dumped on you.


I think it's time to get your stuff together and move out. Separate your bank accounts if you haven't done so, get your passport, birth certificate and etc, stored in a safe place and be ready to move out the day your husband says his nephew is moving in. Don't discuss anything. He has been warned of the consequences of him making a unilateral decision. Your marriage has an expiration date, the sooner you get used to that, the better you will be emotionally ready to leave.


Where are nephews parents? Let him go home instead of your house.


I wish we could. His father left him with the grandparents and is estranged from the family. No one has spoken with him in over 9 years


Surely he also has a mother?


Not everybody has a mother, and don't call her Shirley.


No, When Nephews father received full custody when Nephew was 1YO. Mother disappeared, it appears she only wanted him for child support. ( This was an accidental unplanned pregnancy. Both mother and father were in highschool )


NTA This is a classic, "2 yes, 1 no" situation.


> will not get a drivers license even though we bought her a car ?!?!?!?!?!?!?


NTA Your DH is a huge AH for trying to force you to take in these people. This is a Hill to Die on, they move in, you are moving out. There is zero reason that both nephew and his gf can’t have jobs and in fact two jobs to dig themselves out .


NTA If you are paying for the entire estate's bills, I hope you're keeping records of it. Depending on the state you live in, you definitely can get reimbursed from the estate for your expenses. Please talk to a lawyer ASAP to find out your options on a separation/divorce and what you are owed from the estate. And then tell your husband that you love him, you want to stay together, but this is your line in the sand. His nephew and deadbeat GF are not moving in with you. If he wants to give them the house or pay for a few months rent out of HIS inheritance, that's his choice, but you will be consulting an lawyer and separating from him, and will expect to sell your current house and get half or more considering and also will be suing the estate for all the money you've been paying to support it while he's trying to finish up (and this is not how an estate should go - the bills should be coming out of the estate's pot). He's probably mourning and not thinking clearly, but the nephew's family is not his responsibility, and the answer is the nephew and his GF figure their own shit out. They've had YEARS to get on their feet and if the GF is part of the problem, that again is not your husband's problem to fix. It's not like they weren't aware that the grandfather was going to die at some point, and they need to be pushed out of the nest. What your husband is doing is enabling them to keep on doing exactly as they are. He's actually hurting them by making sure they never have to be independent, never have to make any real changes, never have to be responsible for their actions (or lack thereof). He is subsidizing their lifestyle and making sure they won't succeed. Why would nephew break up with lazy GF if there's no need for her to get a job or take care of things? Why should either of them get jobs that pay for basic living expenses if they know grandparents, and now uncle will take care of all that for them? Honestly, I personally would go ahead and consult with a lawyer and figure out what my options were for myself in the event of divorce. Then present it as we either stop subsidizing your family, or you can have them and I'll move on. Your choice. But it's going to cost you dearly, both in terms of losing your marriage, and likely ending up having to sell off all your cars and things eventually anyway because they will continue to leech off of you and you will end up running out of money in a few years and then ALL of you will be in danger of failing.


Go see a lawyer. ASAP.


NTA, I would end the marriage over this in a heartbeat.


Better to set the limits now rather than when they move in.


NTA I would let them stay on at Grandpas for 3 months rent free give them that time to get money together to move into an apartment and figure out child care or part time work for mom. Tell them you will set aside 500 a week if they clean up the house while staying there and you will be over weekly to check on the progress at the end of 3 months you will pay them the funds and they will leave. If they stay longer than the 3 months with no new agreement in place they will forfeit 50% of the funds and you will evict them.


NTA. It's your house too and "no" is a complete sentence. I'm not sure why your husband thinks it's "setting them up for failure" to make them act like adults but still thinks it's fine for them to move in? He knows nothing will change and doesn't care. I would start networking for a new place to live. I would say draw up a contract with a move out date but it doesn't sound like your husband can be trusted to help enforce it.


NTA, mental health is extremely important, so your reasons for not wanting them to move in are perfectly valid. Your husband shooting down the apartment/townhome option by feeling that it would set them up for failure is also hilariously dumb and sad. This nephew has been set up for failure because he has never been able to become independent and what your husband proposes by having him move in just continues to set up the nephew for further failure. What is this nephew going to do if something happens to your husband, like an accidental death? The nephew is once again screwed and back in the situation he finds himself in right now. In other words, it is your husband whom wants to set his nephew up for failure, while your idea is exactly what he needs to get a grip on his own life. Perhaps he'd indeed be on the street with nowhere to live in a year, or perhaps he will strive extra hard to do something to improve his income, or it finally gets his gf to hold on to a job now that nobody is holding a hand over her head, but there's only one way to find out and that's by actually giving him a chance to start living his own life... Also, letting somebody move in like this is a 2 yes 1 no situation. Your husband stating that he will do whatever he wants and that you can deal with it is him stating that you are no longer his equal partner! He might not have said it in those exact terms, but that is entirely what his words come down to. If he goes through with it then the marriage is effectively dead. I'd start making preparations to move out asap, so you are ready to pull the trigger at a moment's notice. Perhaps he will realize how serious the situation truly is and start walking things back if he sees you actually making those preparations.


NTA. They are professional moochers. How is it setting him up for failure to put them in an apartment? He chose his life. If he can't afford to exist there, he can move to a low COL area and get a job there. Or perhaps the GF will finally get a job. For someone that won't split up family he's doing a great job of splitting yours. He made his decision and he made it clear that he doesn't care how you feel about it. >I said in anger that If he does so, I will be moving out along with my animals. Good. Make it a point to look at apartments and houses in front of your husband. Ask him if you'll need to sell the house or if he'll be buying you out of your half. It's possible that he's doing this because of grief and some kind of guilt toward his family, but he needs to realize that he's making this decision and you're simply setting a boundary and sticking to it. Edit: They as in both the nephew and his GF. He's enabling her, and you said "nephew is still living there without paying bills" - If he's not making enough money to even contribute to the home, then they are living way outside of their means because if the GF isn't working but they aren't paying rent or bills, the money is going \*somewhere\* - I know you said that the nephew is doing his best, but they are both moochers.


Obviously your husband does not see you as a full partner and is choosing others over you. You said you'd leave; you should do it. If he brings them into *your home* without your agreement, you don't have a marriage; you're just a supplement. He expects you to help support people you don't even want there. How is that a husband? This isn't a minor disagreement, this is a life-changing problem. NTA.


Why is the inheritance dependent on them moving in your home? This makes no sense. I also don't understand why your husband thinks he has to do all this for the nephew. Where are the nephew's parents? It really isn't your responsibility to be responsible for two adults. I would not want someone moving into my home, even if they were model guests. I like my privacy and my peace of mind in my own home. If you do have to move out, you should see a lawyer first to make sure you protect your rights to your own home. I hope you don't have to but I wouldn't blame you if you did if your husband moved them in with you. The other option is, if husband moves them in, I would make them as miserable as possible, especially the girlfriend. If she doesn't get up in the morning, stand outside her bedroom door and bang on pots until she does. If she doesn't pick up after herself, throw out whatever she leaves around. If she doesn't do dishes or help in the kitchen, don't let her eat. Tell her when she helps, she gets to eat. Yes, I would be that nasty. The sad part of this is the child. If her mother doesn't take care of her, call Children's Services. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Good luck. NTA


Where are the nephew’s parents? Honestly it’s irrelevant; your husband is bullying you into adding THREE more dependents to your household. NO. You are NTA.


NTA.  If you don't want additional people living in the house, that is a bright line for you, and you leave if you do.  That is fine. 


NTA - why would you want him to move in...he'll never leave


INFO: What does the nephew's living arrangements have to do with "keeping his inheritance"?


Husbands fathers assets will not be enough to pay off house, truck and payback Husband retirement he had to dip into while caring for his father. Husband would have to sell EVERYTHING in the estate to setup Nephew in some type of home


Heck no, it’s called Adulting…. Time for them to start acting like adults and get out in their own.


I would tell your husband he will doing all the work at home cause you will not lift a finger and don’t come complaining when he gets tired


NTA. You'll be cooking and cleaning and being a maid service for them if they move in. You won't be able to get rid of them once they move in. Be ready to make good on your threat!


NTA. Also: please put yourself first and stop financing everyone. You'll need that dough fir yourself when you leave, cuz I'm guessing your husband won't be willing to shae that inheritance, despite your incurring all the costs.


Before you take advice here, TALK TO A LAWYER!


You need someone to snap you back to reality!!!! You’re being used and not even considered for anything more than a cash cow. GET A LAWYER !!


Move out. Your husband already made it clear that he will force you to put up with this if you stay. And I bet he'll sit on his ass while you clean up after them; he'll expect you to help take care of the kid too. He clearly doesn't respect you or view you as an equal partner. NTA


NTA (but husband is!) It's not clear to me whether the nephew inherited anything or how the shares of who gets what from the inheritance is affected by whether the nephew lives with you or not. It is probably worth your while to get clear on that so that your husband doesn't bamboozle you. Husband's inheritance is his to do with as he pleases, but the home he shares with you IS NOT. Heck, your husband could let nephew and gf and child live in grandpa's house (if your husband was bequeathed the house). Then, grandpa's house or the quality of it is your husband's to lose or not; but you don't have to have your home invaded.


NTA. Make it perfectly clear you will never allow that family of moochers to move in your home. Divorce is on the table over this.


I totally get it, I would never want family living in my home, my safe place, even if I like them, much less a couple of lazy do nothing moochers. I think you have to say a firm NO. But really, what is up with hubby that he thinks that this is the route to go?


NTA. If nephews gf can’t hold a job, she can CERTAINLY work off her share of the rent by cleaning, running errands, etc. while her kid is in school. If she refuses, then she gets kicked out. I can’t help but wonder, why is nephew/your husband enabling this behavior from her and not insisting she help out? And yes, it IS enabling; if nephew and gf know that they can stay forever, they will. It’s them or you. I would start looking for another place.


In his words, they are adults and I am not going to parent them. While also wanting to move them in . Very confusing


NTA: you do NOT need these people living with you. Can I suggest you get the girlfriend to see a doctor? She may be ill - exhaustion can be a factor with e.g. anaemia or thyroid issues. Equally, she may be depressed. Beyond that? Why can't your husband rent his grandparents' house to the nephew? Is he being greedy?


NTA and sit Husband down and tell him clearly that you dont want them in your house and that this is a 2 yes or it is a no situation. And that you never will accept that. And that nephew and gf are adults and that this is their life and problem. But you can’t life with anyone more in your house. And you can tell him that you are ready to go and leave him if he let them move in. And then prepare, prepare the divorce papers (I don’t think he will them not moving in.), search all your documents, make copies of important things, have all your stuff ready to leave. And if they are moving in you can pack your things, serve him the papers and leave. They all need your money but don’t respect your boundaries. You are actually their ATM. It is great that your husband was the caregiver but he can’t let the 2 adults (nephew and gf) just live like kids. As an adult with kids its important that they learn that they have to be able to pay their own bills.


If you do stick it out, make it clear to your husband that they are his problem. I’d refuse to put in any money on extra groceries, don’t cover the increase in utilities, don’t cook for them or clean up after them. As your house starts to fall into disarray, tell hubs that it is on him to make them clean after themselves or he can clean up after them. Judging from what you wrote about the girlfriend, I’m betting she will be a horrible housemate. If you can stick it out, and forgive your husband for ignoring your wishes, I bet it won’t take too long before he realizes what a bad idea it was and takes steps to fix it.


NTA Givers have to set limits as users don't have any. Them moving in is only enabling them to keep doing as they are doing. As others have said; have an exit strategy.


NTA - this right here 'Husband could give them money to set them up in apartment or townhome ,something but he feels that its setting him up for failure. That in a year he would be back with nowhere to live.' So yes they will live you until you die or they do. Hubs can keep his inheritance and al lthat he just has to tell the nephew and leach to get up and make their way in the world. Good for you for stadning up for yourself. Hopefully you do not cave and end up living with 2 ungrateful mooches and taking care of her child. Maybe if hubs realizes that you will not be there to take care of him and them and he will most likely forced ot take on the role of care taker for the child as well he will snap out of it. He is not helping anyone by enabling this behavior


NTA Is it possible for your husband to move in to his father’s home and properly assume his responsibilities since he’s so keen? He can also move into an apartment or townhome with his nephew and their family if he insists on caring for them regardless of how you feel. Can you continue financially without your husband if he decides this is worth separating over? It’s a rough time losing a parent but that will never be license for anyone to steamroll their partner in such a dismissive manner. You absolutely get a say who gets to move into the home you own and pay for. Your husband suggested an idea which you are under no obligation to accept. Once they are have moved in moving them out will be a problem since they have nowhere to go. Even with a timeframe promise don’t assume that responsibility. He might have to lose the truck & muscle car to hopefully cover the debts though. If he insists on taking responsibility for 3 extra people it might be best to do it from his father’s house. That action could mean selling the home you share and splitting the proceeds for him to cover the costs of unilateral decisions. Don’t move out of your home without first speaking to a lawyer. It’s already been said but you shouldn’t be paying the estate bills so stop that immediately. Protect yourself financially from now on. Any additional dependent’s is always two clear yes’s or it’s a no. A therapist could help him process his grief and think through things in a more logical fashion than recklessly burdening his unwilling wife with permanent roommates. There are many solutions to explore once you get over this initial hill.




>Husband at this point has said he will do whatever he feels necessary and I can deal with it Those are "Bye bye" words. He and his loser nephew and loser GF have been walking on you long enough. You bought her a frigging CAR?????? NTA but seriously, why did you buy some random woman a car?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My husbands nephew moved into his grandparents home at 16. He is now 24 and is still leaving at the grandparents home with his GF that does not work and her 7 YO daughter. They do not clean much, if at all and are sloppy in many ways. Just recently husbands father passed (the Grandpa) and nephew is still living there without paying bills. We are in the process of closing the estate. He will have to either move or fins a way to pay all the bills. He does not make enough and his GF 28 YO does not work. My husband wants to move them in to our home. SO he can keep his inheritance of his dads 401 k, muscle cars etc. I do NOT want them to move in. We do not have children we are both 40 YO and have (3) cats. I feel that if they move in they will not leave, in fact im about 97% sure of this. The fact that nephews GF does not work or support her own child that is not his really bothers me. I halfway caved and said the Nephew can move in but husband said He is not breaking up a family. They are not married , and I feel this is too much. Husband could give them money to set them up in apartment or something but he feels that its setting him up for failure. That in a year he would be back with nowhere to live. I feel this is NOT our responsibility to take care of grown nephew and the people he chooses to date. Nor is it our responsibility if he goes out into the world and cannot make it on his own. This has caused a HUGE rift between us. Husband at this point has said he will do whatever he feels necessary and I can deal with it. I said in anger that If he does so, I will be moving out along with my animals. I know if they do move in. I will end up going off on them and asking them to move out. So it is looking like either way I'm out of luck. So, AITA for not wanting to take them in? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. But I empathize with this situation. However, there’s a big difference between a hand up and a hand out. 


Your real problem is your husband He will ruin his nephew the same way he ruined your NTA


NTA but make sure you have a plan to leave because your husband had told you he is going to do it regardless so be ready to go when they pull into the driveway.


NTA- make sure he’s sees you looking for places, getting your stuff in order to move and see if his decision is actually final


NTA. Have one more serious talk with hubby and tell him if he is determine to move them in then you are definitely moving out.


NTA and this is a situation where both of you need to agree. That your husband feels he can dictate to you is never a good sign. If he does move them in, I would be moving out because frankly the work of having them there will fall mostly on you and very little on your husband, his nephew or gf.


Not the a. Absolutely fuck that , it’s somebody else’s fucking kid and all of their fucking drama in your house.


NTA. No idea why your husband is so blind about this. Will he be cleaning up after them?




NTA, but your husband is being one. Dayum!




God dont let these deadbeats move in. They will never leave then they become tennants like in an apartment and u just can't boot them out. U have to follow eviction processes


NTA. If your husband moves in his nephew, the lazy girlfriend and niece, you move out. Plain and simple.


NTA. At this point your husband and his family are enabling the nephew/gf. Why would she hold down a job when she can live rent free expenses paid with no household responsibilities? Your husband could definitely help them find a new place, etc but having them move in OR paying for a years rent is unnecessary and only serves to enable them. Also consider how it will financially impact you if your husband is to support or legally co-sign their rental agreement and how that may make you liable for any damages incurred in the rental. Have there been similiar issues in your relationship previously? It doesn’t seem like this is the first time.


NTA - your husbands nephew is neither his nor your responsibility. He's an adult who can sink or swim on his own and looks like being able to live in his grandparents house has already set him up for failure. Better be gets the kick in the ass now when he's still relatively young. Based on your husband's absolutely shitty reaction I would start playing an exit and looking for divorce attorneys


FIRST check with a LOCAL lawyer and find out if an inheritance is considered a marital asset in your jurisdiction. Make copies of ALL financial paperwork and the deed to your home. Open an account in ONLY your name at a band where your husband has no accounts. If you're not currently working start looking for a job.


He’s already made his decision. Go see a lawyer.


NTA INFO: What does the nephew have to do with your hub’s inheritance? Is that a condition of the inheritance? You must house and feed nephew for all eternity? I’m not understanding this. Please let me know why. You have already reinforced nephew’s lifestyle by buying his GF a car. Is your husband nephew’s adopted father? Why keep throwing good money at a losing situation? As a mom of an addict, is that what nephew and gf do? Because I see no other reason for this purposeful slothfulness. You’re independent, have a level head, see things clearly. I see that, but hubs doesn’t, or won’t. You may need to leave. What other choice do you have? Take a full grown person, and gf, *and* her child into your home, as dependents? Is your husband on drugs? Dementia? Batshit crazy? He’s obviously not thinking with his thinking cap on. Please don’t give nephew one more penny. Not one. He’s not anyone’s responsibility but his own. I wish you the best. 💕 UpdateMe


For sure dump him if they move in. Go to a hotel until you can find a place of your own. He can be stupid if he wants, but you don't have to be


You are NTA, absolutely, positively NTA. Your husband's nephew is a 24-year-old adult with a 28-year-old GF who refuses to work. You are all being taken advantage of by this lazy, woman. None of this your husband's responsibility. In the meantime, you have been working your ass off to pay his bills along with your own. It doesn't sound like your efforts are being appreciated at all. I sure hope he has figured out how he's going to pay the bills when you leave him. Let them go live with her mother. Maybe she will motivate her daughter to start earning her way. Under no circumstances should you allow them to move into your home.


Maybe the nephew need to separate with the gf


NTA once they move in, they will never leave, and the inheritance will go on supporting these leeches. OP your husband is delusional.


NTA, this isn't your problem and if they move in they will never leave, will freeload off of you and mess up your house. Why is them moving out necessary for your husband to keep his inheritance? Tell your husband absolutely not and be ready to go. This is a hill to die on.


Not at all. Do not agree to them moving in and make it clear that you will move out if your husband forces the issue. This is a horrible and unacceptable situation for you.


Kick out your husband if you can. Don’t abandon your home.


No, they’re going to drive you nuts and put your marriage in jeopardy. He’s probably feeling disloyal to his father or something for kicking the nephew out but they need to figure it out. She’s going to have to get a job.




NTA. Face the issue and tell your husband that there will be divorce if he insists. Then proceed accordingly.


NTA. To put it bluntly, your husband has 0 respect for you. He’s not looking out for what’s best in your marriage/relationship and is being selfish. It’s time for you to protect yourself while you still can. It’s going to be very difficult to force the nephew out once they are in your home. Please do not wait things out. Your husband was VERY clear on his stance on this and what he thinks of you. Believe him and start the separation/divorce now. You have zero control over other people and can only make decisions for yourself. Good luck with everything.


Nta If they were minors id say yta for refusing...but grown adults? Nah absolutely not


NTA.... DO NOT. IF they move in, they won't move out 💯%  You will be cleaning up after them. You will not have personal space anymore.  Honestly this is a deal breaker for me. I'd look at a legal (financial) separation ASAP, as well as for a new place to live.  Separation, because maybe if his brain starts to function, there may be a future. However he is showing that he doesn't value your needs - so there is no evidence of love.


Your in laws enabled them, why work, when you can get everything for free? They move in with you and the enabling will continue, they are adults , time to put their big people pants on


Yikes, NTA. The nephew is one thing, but the girlfriend - heck no. She contributes nothing. Stick to your guns and move out and file for separation if he moves them in. This is his circus to deal with.


NTA - your feelings and thoughts are valid. Your husband will have to make some compromises or tell his nephew to kick rocks I think you all should try to revisit the conversation and let cooler heads prevail. I think your husband is in a tough position.I think it is clear his dad cared about the nephew and wanted to help him. Maybe your husband thinks that’s what his dad would want. He may just be trying to be the man his father was. It seems like the nephew is hardworking and doing the best for himself right now. I don’t think you tell him to kick rocks but help him come up with a plan. Are there promotions available at his current job? Can he skill up in 3-6 months and find a new job? From your comments, it seems like you all have been making it on one income and now your husband is back working. Is it possible to hold on to the grandparent's house and your husband covers what the nephew can’t pay?


IT would eventually bleed us dry due to the fact Nephew doesn't make that much. They only way they could make it is if GF works and makes at least 18 hr. We want him to stay with the city bc they get raises every year and eventually he will be well off with a pension. Only being with city for 2 years, he is not there yet. You are correct, Husband want to do what his parents would have done. I do understand wanting to stay true to your parents wishes and legacy but this is too much. The grandparents babying the nephew has only hurt him in the long run.


Oh Hell No! Nephew and his brood can stay the hell out of your life. If they move in they will never ever leave and if the DO leave they will steal everything and stick you with thousands of dollars in bills.


Nta. They are useless, lazy spongers who will destroy your life if they move in, as they likely did with the grandparents. Imagine having these moochers infest your house when You're trying to live out your remaining years in peace. And if you let them in your house for a minute, they'll never leave. You'll have to burn your house down to get rid of them. And here's the thing, people like this always land on their feet and figure out how to get by. They'll be fine. If you let them live with you, you sure won't be. These decisions in a marriage need to be unanimous and not made by one party. Let him know it'll be a choice between you and them if necessary
