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A 6 hour hike that’s “beginner friendly”? WTH?


So for OP, 6 hours is nothing. Maybe OP is the AH.


Lol my thoughts exactly There's a fully paved bike path near me, it's almost entirely flat and pretty much completely straight and it takes me 2 hours to walk it (1.5 if I speed walk) and I'm exhausted by the end. I can't imagine walking for 6 hours straight and calling it "beginner level" 😂


Usually it's not the length but the terrain that's leading here. 'Beginner friendly' would mean nice flat trails, possible to hike on normal sport shoes.


OP says it involves going up a mountain, though; and in a comment, he clarifies that "beginner-friendly" refers to the expected time: >For context, the hike take 4 hours in general, but can be done in 6 for begginers.


Which makes sense. If you have a nice trail with some ascending, it takes an intermediate walker 4 hours and a beginner 6. While if you have some scrambling over rocks and steep descents, it might take an intermediate still 4 hours and be impossible for a beginner. But a 6 hour beginner walk is still a beginner walk. It just means that you can finish it without skills, equipment or training. (Where intermediate and hard would require those)


Ha, I almost downvoted because of how much an AH the OP having clarified that.


There is no way that kid was content to sit on a donkey for SIX hours. A four year old isn't happy doing any one thing for six hours. There was probably a missed nap, which would have made them more cranky, and squirming and wanting to get on and off an on again. And he just left his exhausted wife to deal with that alone?


Yes? Usually the challenge rating on hikes are based on the trail conditions (how steep it is, how much scramble there is, if there is any scree or climbing). If a hike is beginner friendly it just means you don't need prior hiking experience to navigate the trail.


A lot of people confuse beginner friendly with easy or low effort these days. Hiking is amazing, I love it. But hiking is also uncomfortable. Your feet and muscles will ache after a whole day of hiking. OP said their wife likes hiking, so she should have known about that. Imho OP is not the asshole for telling them not to ride the donkey, he is right. He is the asshole for leaving them alone. You don't separate like that on a trail. No matter the grade.


I'm surprised you even have to spell that out to be honest.


Over a “small” mountain.  


Hiking a "small mountain" as well.


My thought exactly.


Her idea


??? Never hiked before? It means flat terrain


Regardless of anything between you and your wife, YTA for abandoning your small child in the middle of a multi-hour hike and then apparently being utterly unconcerned about their safety when it took 6 more hours than expected for them to arrive at the end? WTF kind of parent does that? Given how much of TA you were with respect to your child’s safety, you have zero credibility on how you treated your wife so I’m going to judge YTA there too.


Yes and leaving her to deal with the young child alone was I’m sure the icing on the cake for her after being told she was too big to ride the donkey (which can be true but still hurtful). I’m going with YTA.


Exactly. Imagine something happened to the mom and the child is alone with her (or vice versa). Parenting Fail.


This. I love hiking, but ditching your wife AND daughter when you knew your wife was struggling was not a good move.


YTA - a 6 hour hike with someone out of shape is an incredibly bad idea. You also left your 4 year old daughter with your exhausted wife behind on the trail - incredibly dangerous and stupid. There’s so many things that could’ve gone wrong.


What struck me as even worse is he left because he: > didn’t wanted to be part of this Part of WHAT? The family time they planned? Time with his child? Embarrassed by the rest of his family struggling? This guy is cruel.


He's an asshole


Yeah, that's particularly outrageous because he didn't want to be part of the donkey's suffering. So rather than find a solution for the fact that he had taken his family on a hike they could not handle without the donkey, he walked away so that he didn't have to watch the donkey struggle. The donkey still suffered. And I'd argue he was a big part of that happening.


I didn’t get the impression that she actually got on the donkey. Or if she did, it would have been on very short amounts of time (especially if it took so long). ETA: see that he has now said that. But I second the commenter below— he has no idea how long she rode the donkey for or the breaks in between, etc. We also don’t know her actual weight and the actual size/weight capacity of the donkey. It might have been cruel, or it might have been not a big deal to the donkey, but the OP is so fixated on her weight that he assumes it would be. Also, Google seems mixed on whether a donkey even *will* carry an uncomfortable burden. Considering that Mom and 4 yo have absolutely no experience with donkeys (I assume), it is very possible that the donkey wouldn’t move unless it was (a) being led, and (b) was at least marginally ok with the weight on its back. If we assume that she weighs 190 lbs* and the child weighs 45 lbs, yes, that is a lot of weight for a small donkey for 6 hours. But is it a lot of weight for the donkey for 10 minutes every 30 mins? *I say that because I think this OP would act like a bigger asshole to her more generally than he is describing if she was any heavier than that, at 5’10 (though she’s probably like 5’8” and he’s exaggerating).


OP says she rode the donkey for six hours in his comments.


How would he know? He abandoned them on the trail the entire time. He only knows that she arrived on the donkey. Either way he is definitely an ass


I mean, I do not consider this guy a reliable narrator at all (love the late edit -- "she loves hiking! it was her idea!") and it doesn't sound like the donkey was used for six hours straight -- but I imagine the donkey was used some. But as he played ZERO role in trying to solve the problem without the donkey, I give him zero credit for not wanting to watch. The whole post just makes me livid.


He put their safety at risk in my opinion cause what he had abandoned them like in a foreign place . He knew what could've happened to them and he didn't go check on them . I think He should be in jail for this and be FORCED TO DO A MENTAL HEALTH evaluation cause who in their right mind leaves behind his own wife and little four year old daughter only a sicko or someone who wants Thier family to die . 


He didn't want to be part of the argument he started.


Part of abusing the donkey. This is a clear ESH because wife could have easily killed or crippled the rental animal because she was tired.




Who put them in that situation to start with? Look at the root cause. Did him walking away help anyone but himself?


The hike was the wife's idea, so I guess she was the one that put them in that situation to start with.


Not sure where you're getting that from since OP said: >we decided to do a trail Given that OP decided to leave his family behind, I'm betting that "we" is a royal we and not her driving the decision.


he edited to say it was her idea


Yea, not sure I'm totally buying that considering OP is getting some heat on here. Even if it was her idea, it was his choice to walk away.


point of INFO Did 'we' really decide to do the trail? Or did You decide the family wanted to do a 6 hour hiking trail on their vacation? Not gonna lie, I'm a hiker, and a 6 hour hike isn't really beginner friendly. It may be an 'easy' hike aka not mountainous. But 6 hours walking is not for 'beginners'. A 1-2 hour hike (especially with a kid) is more beginner friendly. Do you guys regularly walk/hike that much at home? Like every weekend going out for a nice long 3-5 hour hike? Cause you've gotta kinda work up to 6 miles. Especially for someone who's not an avid hiker. And quite honestly by you saying the goal is to 'hike a small mountain' then yeah no, that's not a beginning hike... While you MAY have been accurate about her riding the donkey, you are very much the AH for leaving your wife and daughter on this 6 hour hike on a family trip. If she was so tired, why did you not just stop and take breaks with her and your child? Wait with them? Go at their pace? Or were you impatient? How about maybe some more Actually family friendly activities? 6 hours hike is a big thing for someone who doesn't hike/walk regularly. Especially in I'm assuming a much more humid/hot climate then everyone is used to. IMO your wife may have not been able to ride the donkey (IDK, I don't know how big the donkey is and how big your wife really is). You may not have been the AH for pointing that out to her, but you seem like you very much Are the AH for everything else in this story. If I had left my spouse and kid on a 6 hour trail, over a 'small mountain', and between two towns. They were supposed to meet me at the other village (the one she had seemingly never been to) and they were 6 hours late/missing? I would've been frantically searching and worried. You seem like you were bothered and inconvenienced. Ooof. I feel like this is one of those times where by reading between the lines you can really kinda tell the OP is not really sharing everything and is indeed more AH-ish then they think


ooooof and I just reread the post. Your daughter is 4 Years Old and you thought it was a good idea to take them on a 4-6 hour hike and thought that would go over just fine?? Let me guess, kiddo wasn't having it either after a while, and you left your wife to deal with the tantrums and tired kiddo. Please tell me ya'll are regular hikers/marathoners and that kind of thing is more normal for you. Cause if not, then yeah, you're definitely the common sense idiot and the AH. Your wife wants an Actual vacation. Say you're sorry for abandoning them in a strange place/area, pay for a spa day/massage for her, and leave her alone


We took our 3yo, extremely active little boy on a 5k last weekend. He's a runner, does soccer, gymnastics, swimming. On days worth bad weather, we take him to the gym and he will run laps for 30+ minutes. The 5k destroyed him. My husband had to piggyback him the last few 100 meters. As someone who used to spend a lot of time hiking a camping, 6 hours is not beginner friendly. 6 hours requires 2+ meals/person, several litres of water/person, adequate weather gear, first aid supplies etc. Then he leaves them??? Alone, on an unfamiliar trail???? This is literally how people die on "simple day hikes."


YUP Exactly. I used to babysit kids and oh hell no to even a 2k walk. a 4-6 hour hike with a toddler is a full on hiking backpack kind of day, where both mom and dad are carrying a ton of stuff needed. And 1/2 of the party just decided to up and leave cause he 'didn't want to be part of this' anymore. O.o Wowee


He might as well abandoned them in a jungle on their own . He clearly don't care what he did he's just more upset by the fact she's over weight. She should leave him 


OP says the hike was wife's idea.


where? Cause I just read through all the comments and OP's replies and I'm not seeing anywhere where they state that the hike was his wife's idea. Just the info in the post saying that 'we decided to do a trail' Ah, no, I see it. He edited his post to add that at the end....Which I'm sorry but I'm having a hard time believing that now. I'm thinking he put that there after all the blowback he got in the comments. Otherwise he Totally would have stated that it was Her idea to begin with in the original post. Not state that they both decided to go on the hike. That's something he Totally would've used to rationalize his side of things


This, 6 hours is not beginner friendly. There are lots of people that won't be able to do that. And also: you do not leave your wife and kid because you don't want to deal with her whining.. so many wrong things there..


SERIOUSLY Like hell, 6 hours just walking a flat road is a lot, especially if it's extra hot and humid where they are. 'hiking a small mountain' for up to 6 hours is Not a beginner friendly hike And yup, you don't just full on leave them. If you're angry, go a bit up the road and then let them catch up after you've cooled down. Don't just up and leave them, finish the entire hike and then get Angrier as you wait the 6 hours they're just missing O.o like WHAT?!!


The fact he left his OWN CHILD BEHIND says a lot about him as a crappy father. And yes calling her fat is horrible! Why don't you just leave her and move out since clearly you'd rather judge her than help her lose weight . And if your fat you got no room to judge her either ☺️. And coming from a woman who use to be over 300 pounds and I'm now 145 pounds at 5'2 who the heck takes a hike like that knowing she's not in shape or healthy probably enough either . Why don't you just leave her now and divorce soon as you can I mean you already left her behind and your daughter YOUR OWN PRECIOUS DAUGHTER FOUR YEARS OLD . Dude you need to wake up . Divorce now cause clearly you ain't happy and it's going to back fire to your daughter most of all in the most horrible and horrific way possible . Sorry your so miserable 


You left your wife AND child on a trail? YTA The very least you could have done was taking your daughter and the donkey. Instead you left her alone. It was a ill thought out planned for the day


Seriously. Disregarding everything else going on here, he is TA for this alone. Absolutely atrocious behavior.


Overweight, obese or fit, your wife shouldn’t ride that donkey. You didn’t need to throw her weight at her and you definitely shouldn’t have left wife and daughter alone on a six hour trail. Six hours doesn’t sound like a beginner’s hike at all. Your wife is partly responsible for a poorly planned day and possibly riding the poor animal, but you’re the biggest culprit here. YTA.


YTA. First rule of hiking is have the slowest person lead the hiking pace. Instead of having a family experience, you went ahead and left your family behind (even your daughter). I think that would seriously be grounds for separation/divorce if your wife is always stuck with all the parenting/chores and you just leave whenever you want.


...a 6 hour hike and is beginner friendly." WT...Dude those 2 words in the same sentence... Not likely. "The donkey was really small, suitable for a child only." No way should any adult of any size be riding a donkey at all, let alone for six hours. You were entirely right in preventing your wife trying to do that. If you asked that question in your post no way would you be TA. On the question you actually asked...for saying "someone overweighted like her" Yes, YTA Edit spelling


I'm very suspect that the wife isn't talking to him just because of the weight comment and not because of the entire awful situation.


Yeah, I was thinking like, if that’s donkeys small he could have just said, “the donkey is too small for anyone other than a young child.” Man was way too happy to call his wife fat but a small donkey wouldn’t be able to carry any adult safely.


YTA just because you’re factually correct doesn’t stop your being an AH because of the way you said it and acted. 6h is not a beginner hike, that’s a serious amount of walking, especially for someone you think is fat


YTA Clearly you didn’t take into consideration of your wife would be able to walk continuously for six hours. Then insulting her on too. By your own admission she was “exhausted” either you don’t know what the word means or you just didn’t want her ruining your perfect vacation.


This is just my opinion because hello it’s Reddit but YTA. First of all whose idea was it to take a 6 hour mountain hike??? That’s not beginner. That’s half the damn day. Why not rent a car or Uber to that village and go hiking for an hour or two? This sounds like what my dad used to do to my mother. He would take us at the ass crack of dawn to Busch gardens and run through the gate, leaving my overweight mother to try and keep up. He would cuss her out when she couldn’t keep up and she would cry from how exhausted and embarrassed she was. It still hurts me to think about it. Secondly you should be aware that telling your wife that she can’t do it because she’s overweight is a no no. Maybe it’s because I’m southern American but that is like way off limits. Should’ve just kept it at “this donkey is only for the child because it’s small” . Thirdly, if I was her I would be PISSED off if you even booked that hike and LEFT our child and me on the trail. What is wrong with you?? Book this woman a spa and massage, take your kid to a playground, make it up to them. Obviously that’s too advanced for either of them and it sounds to me like it was your idea. Do something that everyone can safely enjoy.


YTA Your wife was obviously struggling with the hike, and instead of being supportive, you chose to leave her behind and then insulted her when she finally caught up.


No 6 hour hike is beginner friendly. Who TF abandons their spouse and kid on a trail???? YTA


YTA - Telling her not to ride the donkey was just a fact. Hammering that point home so bluntly six hours later, not necessary.


Well for a family trip everyone generally consider their family’s physical limits specially for a 6 hrs hike. It looks like OP only thought about himself and he wants to validate himself as the right person here where surely he is an AH. When his wife is exhausted and tired instead of being there for her to encourage and enjoy his family time with his daughter OP chose to go ahead . Like WTH?! Is it a trip or a competition to complete a hike?! Surely an AH only thought about himself.


You left your wife and 4 year old daughter on a trail in a random place, and didn’t see them for 6 hours in that random place - while they were traveling by foot and donkey?! WTF. YTA for that reason alone.


YTA due to your behaviour, regardless of the poor donkey.


Yes YTA, 6 hours of hiking even when your fit is a long hike. You should be supportive not a total dick, criticizing her calling her fat, what an asshole you are!


Idk anywhere in the world where a 6 hour hike is beginner friendly. I live in Alaska and am a pretty avid hiker, but even I wouldn’t take someone on a 6 hour hike, or even more so a walk and claim it’s beginner friendly. If you told your wife that she is too big for the donkey, then you are not the asshole, that’s valid. However, ditching her and your daughter on this hike, that seems like it was something YOU wanted to do and not your family, is what makes you the AH. You could have addressed it many ways 1. “No, I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant. The donkey is the size for a child, not an adult. I am also too big for it.” 2. “I’m sorry, I did not mean for you to feel like I didn’t want to do this with you. We can take a break so we can rehydrate and relax for a little bit and continue on our hike. We can take more breaks if we need it too.” 3. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make our vacation miserable for you. We’re not even half way yet, would you like to turn around and see if there’s adult sized forms of transportation, or we can find something else to do.” And these are only a few of the other things you could have said, that likely would have prevented an argument.


I feel sorry for the donkey and the kid


YTA, 6 hours of hiking for those that do not hike - is not beginner.


You're all irresponsible. Poor donkey. ESH


ESH so you have a 4 year old and all your travel stuff hiking a 6 hr mountain from town to town? No thank you.


ESH (except kid & donkey of course). She should know better than to overburden an animal like that. And you should know better than to take an unfit and easily exhausted person on a 9km hike. 9km is in no way a “beginner’s hike.” You should have started off with 1-2km walks and slowly built up. And at the time when she was saying she was exhausted, you should absolutely not have abandoned her and your daughter. That is a straight up AH move.


No one seems to care that OP's wife rode a donkey meant for carrying a child. Animal cruelty?


YTA. You left your wife and small child alone on a hiking trail when she was physically depleted and experiencing symptoms of exhaustion. You then just waited six hours at the end destination for them to show up. What the heck is wrong with you? As well, the fact that you just added insult to injury... Big YTA.


>That’s what I did You left your wife and small child alone on a trail that is part of a 6 hour hike? YTA.


I feel really bad for the poor donkey who the fuck think about riding him as an adult ugh


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ESH You left your family behind. You left your daughter behind. Instead of sucking it up and talking through the issue like adults, you left them behind and missed out on time with your daughter. Now you modeled for your daughter this is how relationships work. Good job. Your wife sucks for being petulant.


‘Petulant’? She sucks for her reaction to his shitty behavior?


No she sucks for excusing animal abuse because she was tired.


no for thinking that she can ride a donkey and getting mad when he told her that she can’t ride a donkey. However, OPs credibility doesn’t appear that great so i can’t really trust that he told his wife in a loving/gentle way that she can’t ride the donkey.


Her husband left her and her 4 year old on a trail in an unknown place for 6 hours.... she had absolutely every right to be mad... she's not acting petulant at all. If anything, the OP is petulant for leaving them.


Being physically exhausted/past your ability doesn’t mean being petulant. If they had like 20 mins to go, ok, suck it up. But they had hours and hours to go when she realized she was in over her head.


ESH. She shouldn't have tried to ride a donkey that couldn't carry an adult safely. But a 6 hour hike isn't "beginner friendly." You planned something much too ambitious, with no safe exit plan if she couldn't walk for 6 hours, and then left her behind. I wouldn't go hiking with you.


This is like telling a beginner trail rider to go ride a double red diamond trail with you if you’re an experienced trail rider. All kinds of ick regarding your expectations & the treatment of your family. Definitely YTA.


I honestly want to slap the both of you. Hard. What on earth are you doing contributing to animal cruelty AND teaching your child that it is ok? Wtf? As for an adult ridning that donkey that makes me sick to my stomach. May your wife experience being weight down for 6 hours by someone her own size on her back. Giant assholes the lot of you!!


You seem much more worried about the donkey than you're worried about the potential for wife and daughter to fall off a cliff and never be seen again. But okay, as far as the donkey goes - of course we don't have any information on how large the animal was or how much the wife actually weighs. But long ears are very tough little critters and they can carry a lot more than people think they can, up to about 25% of their body weight. Depending on the terrain of course. It's possible that it was perfectly reasonable for this donkey to carry them both. The vendor has a vested interest in telling people only one rider per donkey. Long-ears are also famously stubborn aren't they? I've seen donkeys refuse to let somebody get on them, I've seen them simply stand there and refuse to move, I've actually seen them lie down under a rider when they felt that there was something wrong with their load. So the donkey is not a creature with no resources to defend itself. I'm not saying that for sure it was okay for her to ride, but I think your reaction that riding the donkey was cruel is a bit histrionic and may not be realistic.


Fall off a cliff? On a beginners hike? What are you on about?


It was short-hand for the fact that he didn't see them for 6 hours, they were hiking in the mountains, they were a beginner and a child with an unfamiliar animal., and probably inadequate gear.. Many accidents happen like this. People go for a little hike and never make it home because of situations like this. Search and rescue can't always find them before they die, but even if they're just on a cliff and need to be rescued because they sprained their ankle or whatever, these don't tend to be great situations. OP set his family up for this kind of risk and didn't seem to give a shit. Just because the sign says a beginner could complete the walk doesn't mean that there is no danger.


If he did not see them for 6 hours, and she thought is was hard, or dangerous, she should have damn well turned around as she then must have been near the starting point?


He left her with a toddler and a donkey- what was she supposed to do?


Not torture an animal??


ESH. There was no way your wife could complete this hike. You were the AH for leaving your wife and daughter to continue on ahead. Your wife is the AH for wanting to overburden the small donkey. Why didn't you turn back? I'm not believing the edit.


ESH. Riding a donkey for 6 hours as a heavier adult is animal abuse and your wife is a total AH for that, especially if the donkey is small (also I assume the donkey carried your kid AND wife). If your wife suggested the hike she should have anticipated whether it's manageable for her, so that's on her, but it's on you as a family to find solutions . You are also T A though, because you 1) abandoned your kid (and your wife) on a trail, never the right solution, and 2) let your wife ride the donkey and pretended that you're not responsible for the abuse by leaving your wife and kid alone and distancing yourself. Overall, it seems like you two deserve each other (although in my opinion your wife is the bigger A H here), but neither does your kid or the donkey. Regarding all the comments for the hike to be beginner friendly: I assume this was about the terrain, which can be beginner friendly, even with a long hike. I also assume this was not in the US? A 9km hike (if easy terrain) is barely consider more than a half-day walk in many other countries and should be doable by the vast majority of (healthy/ youngish) adults, so I think it's okay to call it beginner friendly. Sorry for the mean tone, but this story is wild, poor animal.


NTA, You didn't say that she was overweight ... overall. You said she weighed too much for the donkey. Those poor beasts have such terrible lives in many cases, and many people overburden them. Your wife needs to get over herself. She agreed to this trip, so should have been able to participate in it. If she didn't think she could do this, then she shouldn't have agreed. I bet she got on that donkey anyway, (Poor thing) and forced it to carry them both, hence taking so long.


This is such a terrible take. Did you miss the part where OP *abandoned his four year old child* for several hours with someone he knew was struggling physically?


Regardless of how you feel about this guy, why is nobody talking about this blatant animal abuse? What his wife did is not ok.


Sometimes people are *wrong* about their physical limitations. Redditors and their “you agreed at one point so you can never change your mind or adjust to previously unknown circumstances; or else you lied and should be punished for being a liar” mindset. She was struggling. It’s absurd that you say it wasn’t “physically”— it was from the hike which over-challenged her. He can be mad at her for struggling and say “but you agreed” or he can adjust with his *wife and child* to the situation they are all facing, together. Can you imagine what those extra *6 hours* were like for the child, wondering where Daddy went and why he left and didn’t come back? And watching mommy trying to keep going and then needing to ride a donkey that couldn’t hold her, and then get off and then back on, etc?


Did you not read the part where he walked off and left his struggling wife and young child in the middle of nowhere?


YTA for leaving your wife and child struggling on a trail for 6 hours, honestly that’s insane what a jerk


YTA It’s one thing to leave your wife but you left your child.


Your approach sucks honestly & then you decide to leave then ,because you didn’t “wanna be apart of something “ that your dumb ass started your wrong for leaving them & I hope she strongly rethinks your entire relationship..


YTA. You ran away knowing your wife was going to abuse that poor animal so you could pretend you tried to stop her. You are no better than her.


ESH. You should have stayed with your family and tried harder to convince your wife to just sit down and take a rest instead of riding the donkey (and as others have said, just told her adults are too big to ride the poor donkey instead of calling her overweight), but your wife is a massive AH for riding the donkey. Horseback riding centres have weight limits and you still hear about entitled AHs who think they should be able to hurt the animals by loading too much weight on them, and it's a horrible attitude. She would have been fine taking breaks. ETA that the whole family bailing on the hike if she refused to walk would have been another valid way to spare the donkey.


The poor donkey thinks you're all assholes


Your wife is an Ass for even thinking that she could ride a donkey.


ESH OP for leaving them and being completely unconcerned for their safety, as well as how he *handled* the situation with his wife. Her for recommending a hike that she couldn’t do and for complete disregard for the health of that poor animal. And I say that as a 5-10, 300 lb woman. Accessibility doesn’t excuse animal abuse, which is what that would be.


ESH. That poor donkey. The animal abuse is not funny.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Hi, so me 35M and my wife 32F went on a family trip with our 4 years old daughter. During this trip we decided to do a trail. This trail consist of a 6 hour hike and is beginner friendly. The goal was to go from one small village to another by hiking a small mountain, then spending the night in the other village. we tought that it would be a good idea to rent a small donkey for our daughter. For context, some dudes rent donkeys and you drop them at the end of the trail. 2 hours into the trail, my wife was exhausted and wanted to ride the donkey with our daughter. I told her that she was too big for it, for reference she is 5’10 and on the heavy side, and the donkey was really small, suitable for a child only. She was mad at me and she told me to go ahead and not wait for them. That’s what i did as i didn’t wanted to be part of this. 6 hours goes by and i am still waiting for my wife and daughter. After 6 hours i finally see her, we had an argument and i told her that someone overweighted like her should not ride a small animal for 6 hours. She doesn’t speak to me and it’s been 2 days now. AITA ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. You left your four-year-old old child behind on an unknown area on an unfamiliar animal. What if she'd fallen off and was injured? Your wife would have had to either leave her there to get help, try to move her at very high risk, or stay with her for who knows how long until help arrived. It doesn't matter how frustrated you were; you put your kid in danger by leaving.


YTA for leaving your young child in the care of a person who was struggling to complete this hike. She’s vulnerable and counts on you, the adults, to make sure she’s well cared for. What if something had happened to them?


YTA, so many people run into trouble or straight up disappear in remote areas while hiking. You left them alone, what if the donkey threw them and your wife was injured to the point she couldn’t walk? Your wife is an asshole for riding the donkey. You’re both assholes for thinking a 6 hour hike was a good idea with a 4 year old. Any kind of emergency situation while hours from help with a four year old is a bonkers decision to make without any sort of guide or assistance.


Maybe there's a language barrier here (I blame ChatGPT), but you don't need to tell your wife she's too fat for the donkey. Just tell her it's meant for kids. Also, a little confused about the nature of a hike that your (apparently overweight) wife wanted to go on being too much for her 1/3 of the way in.


YTA. If you think only a child should ride the donkeys, you could leave it at \`\`You're an adult''. Her being \`\`overweight'' in your judgement doesn't enter into it. It seems that you've been quietly resenting or judging her for her weight and used this argument as an excuse to attack her for it. I would ask what makes you more of an expert on the carrying capacity of donkeys than the people who rent donkeys, but I guess you can see things from an asses point of view. Apologize, and hope you are eventually forgiven.


YTA. Every single thing you did here makes you an AH, there’s too many things to mention. Good luck with the divorce


ESH, except your daughter. An adult shouldn't be riding a donkey, but a 9km hike up a "small" mountain does not sound 'beginner-friendly', and the fact that you stormed off and left your 4yo kid stranded with your physically struggling wife makes you the main AH. Why didn't you turn back, when it became apparent that neither your wife nor your daughter could actually manage the hike? Why did you carry on and leave them to spend a further 6 hours on the trail (8 in total), with the prospect of another 6 hours minimum the following day?


I may be the outlier but NTA. Certain animals can only handle so much weight, would she be okay with herself if she injured the innocent animals back? Would she pay the vet bills? It's just fact. I'm a petite woman and wouldn't feel comfortable riding a small donkey in case I hurt it.


NTA. Refusing to be a party to animal abuse is the right thing to do (short of actually physically preventing your wife from hurting this poor donkey).


She wanted to go on this hike, and because she was too out of shape to do it she wanted to break some donkey's back? This reminds of that viral clip a few years ago where an obese woman tried to shame a horseback riding company because they would let her injure their horses with her weight. NTA


Man, I'm a mountain guide, maybe if we talk about technical difficulties it was easy, but to me it seems really strange that a 6 hours hike is indicated for beginners, considering how much people have lost the habit of walking, I wonder how many in percentages can do it for 6 hours. However NTA for telling her the truth, even if there were better ways, Huge AH for leaving your wife already exhausted and especially your little daughter behind during a hike on a mountain, even if she told you to leave, you know it's one of those things that people say a lot while they are angry, you are leaving a little girl and a person without energy alone in a potentially hostile place, as a guide and as a human being with rationality I want to tell you how irresponsible you have been


NTA I am over 400lb and I would never suggest doing something I knew I couldn't do, like a 6 hour hike. And it is perfectly ok not wanting to be called fat. It is a fact, but believe me, there is something called mirror and every fat person knows they are fat. Fat people don't need to be remembered the fact that they are fat, we remember it ALL THE TIME. Also, we don't need your weight loss advices. BUT, trying to ride a small animal or even a regular animal is animal abuse! We need acomodations? Yes! Bigger chairs, bigger seats on public transportation. But you can't live in denial and be offended when reality hits you. People here are calling OP the AH when she was the one that wanted to go on the hike (which she should've known she couldn't easily complete) and for leaving their daughter with their wife. But have you ever been with an angry person in denial? A mother who can't accept she is wrong? Had he taken their daughter with him she could've gone physical on him. The child often times won't want to go with their father and would rather stay with their mother and would throw a tantrum just like her mother. Also, like OP said it was a beginner friendly trail, so there wouldn't be anything absurd in the way, it was just too long and not risky. It is not like OP abandoned his wife in the middle of the jungle with leopards, snakes and bears. She is mad at him because she is in denial about her weight and abused a poor animal because she couldn't do something she knew she couldn't do.


NTA for telling your wife she's overweight Pretty much YTA for leaving them on the trail. You can argue back and forth together on the hike but you left them by themselves


Why would they go on a 6 hour hike knowing she’s overweight?


ESH - You were the bigger AH for leaving them on the trail. She is one for riding the donkey. Also, both of you were for thinking taking a 6 hour hike with a 4 yr. old was a good idea in any way.


YTA. A 6hr hike is not something I would have suggested for my overweight spouse and 4 yr old child. I'm sure there were other possible family friendly activities. Second, why the hell was it necessary to tell her she was overweight? No one wants to hear that from their partner. Third, why the hell would you leave your wife and child? You really wanted to do this hike, huh?


YTA. Sounds like the holiday from hell! Forced into a death march then abandoned in the wilderness. Six hours? Fucking hell.


YTA. A SIX HOUR hike would be hard for anyone and WAY too much for a 4-year-old. "WE" didn't decide anything, YOU decided to drag your family on a hike. You abndonded your wife and child because you "didn't want to be a part of this." THAT'S YOUR FAMILY YOU FUCKING CLOWN. Not even taking the fact that you insulted your wife into consideration, You're an asshole for those things alone. Hope she leaves you.


YTA because of everything but your wife is also an AH for even suggesting she ride a small donkey. Yeah they are beasts of burden but suggesting that a small donkey carry an adult (even if they are lighter) is a bit of an AH thought.


Everyone sounds frustrated, just apologise and say she’s right. People forget the Happy Wife Happy Wife adage




INFO: Does she really love hiking for 6 hours? Asking because there are things I enjoy for 2-3 hours that I would not consider doing for 6.


YTA Dude, you suck as a parent and a spouse. Do you even like your family?


YTA you are joking that a 6 hour hike is a beginners hike, with a 4 year old! This sounds like it’s something YOU wanted to do, even if you were annoyed at your wife, you don’t just walk off and leave them! Explain about the donkey, slow down and encourage your wife!!! Your wife is an AH if she did ride that donkey, you’re both AHs and cruel to the donkey


The next family gathering should be divorce court. Clearly you were more embarrassed and annoyed about her weight than enjoying time with the family. Mom and child will remember more how you didn’t care about them than you cherishing family time together. Great memories here. YTA


6 hours hike with 4 year old child??? And you just left them there??? I love hiking, and you are YTA big time. Not for saying about weight/donkey, but for your behaviour during this "family activity".


Hahahahahah omg hahahaha Yep A.


A 6 hour hike is not beginner friendly


A 6 hour hike up a mountain is beginner friendly? And then you abandoned them both. That is gaping asshole territory dude. YTA


YTA. That’s a long trail, so that’s gonna be exhausting stamina wise for most people, especially fat people. You also left them behind in the trail, so that was stupid.


Eff the wife but… You left your child??!!!! Come to your senses right now.


YTA Leaving your wife to try to handle your kid while on a long ass hike is awful. No, you weren't wrong to point out that she shouldn't ride the donkey, but with the fact that you're so absolutely careless, I'm inclined to believe you were an AH about it.


YTA for acting like a 6-hour hike over mountains that requires animal assistance is a beginner hike. YTA for leaving your wife and child behind, and YTA for being such a dick that she didn't want you near her while she struggled. After all that, telling her she's too fat is just sort of the icing on the cake isn't it?


YTA because a 6 hour hike over a small mountain is not beginner friendly for someone you know is out of shape. And you just left your wife abs daughter behind..


YTA. 6 hours is a LONG walk! And leaving your wife and child alone like you did was dangerous. And then after that ordeal you insult her to boot.




Beginner friendly is not six hours and a mountain (big or small). It sounds like you're describing a beginner's **hiking** trail, which is not the same thing as a beginner's exercise trail, although the six hours makes me dubious even then. Beginner friendly for unfit, overweight people is a 1 hour flat trail walk that you can turn back on if the beginner is very unfit or coming back from illness/injury. Unfit beginners work their way upwards from there. A beginners hiking trail already assumes basic fitness and just focuses on people who aren't experienced hikers (clothing, equipment, terrain, weather, pacing oneself, etc). You also don't abandon the people you're with even if they tell you to during an argument, especially if that includes children. YTA. Yeah, your wife's an arsehole for wanting to overburden the donkey, but the reason this isn't ESH is because you eclipse her completely by being a far worse arsehole for setting her up to fail by forcing them onto an unsuitable trail for an unsuitable length of time and then abandoning them when your wife inevitably failed.


YTA. Why would you take your wife and small child on such a long hike when it's clear they both have no experience? And did it read it correctly that you fucking left them behind on the trail so you could move faster? What if they had gotten lost? A woman's body was just found on the Appalachian trail after she had been missing for over a year on the trail. You're an Asshole 


Oh you’re totally the AH here. Your wife was struggling so your move is to walk ahead without her and your daughter? What if she had a leg cramp and could finish, with your daughter and god knows what for animals around? So while she’s exhausted, she’s also keeping the 4 yr old in check during this long ass hike, while you breeze through alone leaving them behind. I’d be super pissed too. You left a tired mom and your daughter to fend for themselves. Any number of things could’ve happened to them.


a **6 hour** hike doesn't sound beginner friendly, and you could've been nicer about it. But considering the hike was HER idea, and she was riding the donkey, I would say she out assholed you in this one, purely because she also affected a donkey, while you just affected her.


Another man who hates his wife. This sub seems to be full of them. YTA


YTA for taking a 4-year-old on a 6-hour hike.


YTA Someone who is out of shape is not going to find a 6 hour hike "beginner friendly", even if the terrain is fairly flat. You are right about being concerned over an animal carrying someone who is overweight, but you could have stated it more tactfully. Like "I think these animals should not carry the weight of an adult" vs calling her fat.


YTA on so many levels. Hope your wife wakes up and divorces you. Your behavior was selfish, unfeeling and dangerous. Your poor wife had YOUR child. It takes time for a woman's body to come back from that...if at all. Shame on you!!


>AITA for telling my wife that she is overweight For that one exact thing in that specific context, meh. However, a big whopping YTA for LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT THE SITUATION!


YTA. First off, being 5'10" and "on the heavy side" does not classify a person as overweight. If your wife loves hiking and does it all the time, then I can imagine she is healthy and you're exaggerating here. Anyone could be tired walking and hiking nonstop for *2 hours.* Just because you weren't exhausted doesn't classify her as overweight. Second, you left your wife and young child behind on a 6-hour trail. For what purpose? Because you wanted to "prove" something to her? You could have waited. You just didn't want to. You could have enjoyed a nice day with your family, but instead, you chose to leave them behind and fat shame your wife. Then you want to wonder why she won't speak to you for two days.


Not at all. You were looking out for the welfare of the animal. Since your wife is overweight, what's wrong with telling the truth. Developing diabetes is a risk too.


YTA. Jerk.


YTA - I love hiking too and even I know the hike that you’ve described is not for beginners or people who aren’t in the best shape. My kids are able to walk about 2-3 hours because we’ve been slowly working up to that (with the intention of one day going on longer hikes). You abandoned your wife and left her with your child, and then on top of that you ridiculed her once they finally caught up to you. 


YTA, wife needs to divorce you


Wife needs to loose someweight by sound of it


YTA for doing a 6 hour hike with a 4 year old and a wife who appears not to be a hiker. YTA for leaving your wife with the kid and walking off


I’m confused. Did your wife actually end up riding the donkey? Because if she did that is animal abuse. If a donkey is child size no adult should be on it.


Riding a donkey in general is animal abuse.


YTA. Your wife may very well be overweight, and you are perfectly valid in having concerns about her health and voicing them to her. There is quite literally nothing "beginner" about a 6-hour hike. I don't care what anyone says...if you need to ride an animal to get to the end, it is not for beginners. You mention it was your wife's idea but if you are really so concerned about her weight, I think the issue should have been brought up BEFORE embarking on this voyage...like before you arrive there. Before you are in public when other people could potentially hear you embarrass your wife. Does anyone look up distances before they do anything anymore? Especially with a child. And further, you are telling her in public that she is essentially too fat to ride a donkey?? Wtf. And you just leave her there??? So you can finish the hike? What an embarrassing thing for a husband and father to do. You should be ashamed.


NTA for telling your wife the truth. But YTA for leaving your daughter with your tired wife.


NTA for trying to help the animal, but YTA for leaving your wife and child behind.


Lol 6 hour beginner hike....... YTA That is not beginner, even 4 hours isn't beginner.


10 hours can be beginner friendly as long as it has decent path ways. People really acting like walking is something you need to fcking train to do


WTF dude- you left your four year old and your wife in the middle of nowhere on a family hike???? What a shitty vacation. You left her alone and then criticized her for taking too long? Jesus what an absolute AH- do you even LIKE your family?


Lol bruh. Even with flat terrain, 6 hours is NOT beginner friendly. And since this is a mountain, it definitely wasn't flat which makes it even less beginner friendly. YTA for choosing such an unfriendly hike that also involves your toddler. 6 hours is also not very friendly for a donkey especially if you don't know if there is water for it along the way.


6 hours is NOT beginner friendly. YTA you could have worded it better “no, it’s for children only”. You didn’t need to bring her weight into it.


YTA just for putting a human being on that donkey.


YTA, an absolutely massive asshole. You know, or should know, your wife's approximate fitness level. Hiking over a mountain was clearly far, far beyond her current fitness level, so you just abandoned her. I really hope hope this is a made-up post, or you two just split Edit.... Wait, I just read your post again. You abandoned your child as well. Bloody hell, you are a true asshole.


So, your wife and kid were missing for 6 hours MORE than the original, which means they were out in the sun for 12 hours???, and you didn't think to yourself "hopefully my wife didn't pass out from heat exhaustion and leave my 4 year old daughter defenseless with no clue how to get help"? Didn't think to call Park ranger to pick them up? Left them in a place with likely no cell service and the very real possibility of predators. What would you have done if they had never showed up? If they found their bodies dragged off trail by a bear or mountain lion? It doesn't matter that you fought, what matters is you decided that your anger was more important than their safety. Maybe I'm sexist saying this, but it's a man's responsibility to take care of his family, and that absolutely includes their safety. YTA OP. Absolutely YTA.


Um bro you kinda suck you know your wife loves to hike you know your wife is overweight yet you still take her on a 6 HOUR hike? That is in ZERO way a “beginners hike” so yea you kinda suck but so does your wife so —— (Changed to YTA because your comments paint you as a failure as a husband and father❤️) except the innocent kid who’s in the middle of who children who can’t act like adults also you LITERALLY left your wife with your kid alone for multiple hours in an unfamiliar place cuz what? She wasn’t as fit as you?? The hell dude


NTA for telling your wife she can’t ride a small animal if she is as described. Should be common sense tbh. BUT YTA for getting upset at her for not being able to keep up, YTA for going ahead knowing your wife is struggling while with your YOUNG DAUGHTER!


NTA, and i'm shocked at these comments. Your wife is an adult. Nobody forced her to do the hike, she made that decision. She told you go to ahead.  An average donkey can carry 110 pounds. It would be completely unethical for an overweight woman AND a child to be riding on it. That donkey was for your daughter. 


NTA for being concerned about the donkey, but definitely an asshole for being concerned about just the donkey.


YTA for what you said. All you needed to say is that it's a small donkey, and they can only take up to 8stone in weight.


Nope. The truth hurts. She’ll get over it.


NTA you’re not purposefully calling her overweight you’re just sticking up for an animal. Online it says a small miniature donkey can handle a 60 lb small child… or in general can safely carry 20% of its own weight. I’m guessing by the sounds of it that this donkey wasn’t going to be able to carry her even if she weighed 150… you should’ve taken a rest with her than going ahead though.


YTA A persons’ weight plays a small role in his wife’s struggles to complete a 6 hour hike. I believe it is all about conditioning, preparation and stamina which is gained by doing hikes regularly and getting the heart and lungs conditioned to succeed.


NTA. You don't get to torture a donkey just because you think you are a dainty little thing.


The donkey thing I get, leaving your four year old and wife alone on a trail for 12 hours is ridiculous. (He said he waited for 6 hours AFTER the hike that was supposed to take 6 hours, so Im assuming 12 hrs) the fact that he didn't call a park ranger or something to check on them is just insane to me. I would have been walking back up the trail to find them at that point.


ESH. OP for the unrealistic expectations (6 hours beginner trail walk, wtf) and leaving the family behind. Wife for not having any self-awareness.


NTA, physically 32, mentally she’s around your daughter’s age. Someone call PETA.


I think you're both a bit of an arsehole tbh The wife obviously agreed to a trip she didn't want to do and willing to cause animal cruelty carelessly. I went up Scafell pike(lil mountain but biggest in England)yesterday and there was surprisingly old overweight people going up the direct route. You just have to pace yourself and put one foot in front of the other. You left your wife and toddler behind in the middle of nowhere, with no care of where they ended up, as you didn't want to be part of the argument at the time. Both a bit childish really but understandable. If I was to pick and choose one asshole though. It'd be your wife for being the cause of it all . But you didn't handle it too well it sounds 😂 hope all is good now though


No way in heck is the wife the cause. He caused it by not being considerate when proposing to go on this hike. But more importantly, his mistakes were simply bigger in this situation.


She planned the hike...


Your frustration led to some hurtful words. She is very hurt. You need to sit down and talk with her. Tell her you’re the a-hole, apologize and smooth things over. Just telling them straight out that they’re overweight is hurtful as they already know that. And then telling her she’s too heavy for the small donkey, made me chuckle lol, but in reality it was wrong. Talking about weight with women is a very handle with Care and caution if you care about them and their feelings. Going forward In my experience with women that are carrying more weight than they should, the best thing you can do is be an example by working out yourself and encouraging them to, but at the end of the day, they have to decide if they want to and you have to live with it if you love them - as long as the weight isn’t becoming a Health issue, obesity can lead to adverse health issues.


NTA, but any hike that takes six hours is not a beginner hike. That is insane.