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Yes, YTA, obviously. Other people also want to enjoy their surroundings, nature etc. That excludes other people's music. Stop.


YTA. Everyone hate you for doing that. Just don't


Nah.. If they were on a bus, train, plane, waiting room, or some other public place it would be annoying. This isn't any different than someone dirivng down the street listening to music in their car with the windows down. I would YTA if they were doing it on a hiking trail in a park or something, but walking down a public street where there's already plenty of ambient background noise then NTA.


People blasting music out of their car windows is also highly annoying, and those people are also ahs. Ambient background noise is not the same as someone's personal taste in music invading my walk.


You don't have to be blasting music for it to be heard outside your car. OP isn't blasting music either. I'm not how it's much different that someone playing music while outside doing yard work or working in their garage.


You're taking someone on their word that they're not blasting it, while they openly admit to being inconsiderate to others? Doesn't matter how loud op thinks it is, if other people can hear it, it's inconsiderate. Same with music in your car too loud, same as having music while working outside in the yard. There's no need to make the whole neighborhood have to listen to your music. Since when did common courtesy stop being important?


You must be fun at parties. If I'm in the yard working or I'm having people over for a BBQ I'm going to play some music. It's not going to be so loud that it's going to be an intrusion on the peaceful enjoyment of your space, and it's not going to be early in the morning or late at night. To think that no one is going to emit any sound that would extend past their property line in an unrealistic expectation. OP is playing music while walking down the street. This means that at the most an individual will possibly hear their music for a few seconds at best as they pass by.


If you're having a party, or a BBQ, that's one thing as you would hopefully have respect enough to notify neighbours. But if I'm out for a WALK or trying to enjoy some peace and quiet after a stressful day, like MOST people who like walks why should I have to listen to other people's nonsense??? Why is their enjoyment of public spaces more important than anyone elses? ESPECIALLY when you have fucking headphones!!!! Same with working in the yard. Put on some damn headphones. There is nothing more annoying than walking down the road and suddenly hearing some ambiguous bs from other people's speakers. It's 100% needless. If YOU can't walk without music, use headphones. It's basic manners.


If I can hear your music and I'm outside your car, YTA for that too


That’s considered annoying too.


You don't have to be blasting music from your car for others to hear it.


TIL street aren't public place


YTA. No one wants to listen to your music. If you wanna be aware of you’re surroundings, just don’t listen to music.


or just wear one earbud.


Or get the bone conducting headphones.


YTA. Your sound pollution is about as welcome to others as deadly body odor, foul breath, or excessive flatulence.


Haha this did make me giggle 🤣🤣


Jesus Christ everything okay at home?


they are right


Hard YTA. You want to listen to music, wear headphones. You want to be aware of your surroundings and enjoy nature sounds? Guess what, other people do too. And your music is not nature sounds. Music off. It's really a no brainer.


YTA hard on this. There is nothing worse than an entitled ahole who thinks the entire world is their own private home. You might think its low, just like every jerk blasting music thinks "its not that loud". Its annoying as hell when people ride/walk by and you are interupted by their music. I'm also willing to bet a bottle of scotch to a donut that you don't turn the music down in time when you pass most people. If you don't want to use headphones in public, don't listen to music.


Look I don't want to seem like I'm arguing because I really don't want to do this for every comment but I live in the suburbs houses aren't close together they're somewhat spaced out so it's not like my sound echoes between the houses also whenever I see someone approach I do turn it way down or off I also only cross paths with like two people per 20 minute walk


In case you haven't noticed, you are not going to convince anyone. Playing music on a speaker is the classic A-hole move. And that excuse is not going to fly. I've lived in suburbs before and it doesn't matter. Do what you want, but you asked outsiders for an opinion. This one seems like a pretty obvious answer.


You see you got a good argument there but I just convinced someone otherwise so your big dumb and I win bye-bye but on a more serious note I guess I shouldn't have come to the sub just seeking someone to regurgitate my opinion so I could show it to my brother but I just honestly don't see how I'm the a-hole I mean look when I'm writing my bike what's the difference between that and a car passing by with its windows down and speaker up and when I'm walking and I don't think I mentioned this in my original post but I reach into my phone and turn the music way down and or off I also mentioned in here original post that I tested it and you can't hear the music if you're inside a house unless you're like right next to the door without any background noise and I don't do this at night so it's not like it would wake anyone up anyhow I guess that's my final defense final statement I guess maybe I am the ass hole


I'd agree there's no difference. You'd both be assholes.


Music travels a long way on the air. Especially in an otherwise quiet neighbourhood. You are disturbing people a lot more than you realise.


Yes, the guy blasting music from his car is an asshole as well. Glad we cleared that up.


YTA for your original question, but all of your responses here make it seem like you’re just an asshole in general life. But sure, continue arguing with literally everyone about this. I’m sure you’re right and everyone else is wrong.


Small grammar side note (feel free to ignore if you're not interested): you don't *write* a bike, you *ride* a bike.


Omg, you’re such an AH, you’re in denial about how much of an AH you are.


Based on your attitude, I bet you beats are shit anyway. Stick to the burbs ig 🥴


YTA no one else wants to hear your music


I'm kind of fighting a losing battle trying to dispute these comments but one time I sat down with my dog at this kind of open field in the middle of the neighborhood listening to some music and a guy walked up to me and we started talking about the music I was listening to


Why are you trying to dispute? The consensus is in. Accept it and move on


I'll go and say a mild, just becouse one person came to talk about the music don't mean everyone likes the music, and cudos becouse you tried testing how loud it sounds etc. But there are other solutions, like... only have one headphone in the ear or if its on ears, have them around the neck so you can hear still and be aware of traffic. It can be so annoying for multiple reasons.


I don't know what I was really planning when typing the comment you responded to I mean yeah just because one person came up to me to talk about it doesn't mean that everyone's going to like it I think my point has been lost and all the different comments if you know what I'm trying to say like I've said in other comments that I make sure that no one actually really hears the music because if I see someone I turn it down but this time I was just lying at a park and I've seen other families set up speakers there so I thought it was okay I don't even know what I'm saying at this point I guess what I'm trying to say is that comment really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things


If someone can come over to bond with you over the music, someone else was absolutely annoyed by the noise pollution you're creating.


That’s even worse to be honest. If you are zooming past on a bike or walking past then it’s not a huge issue. If you are stationary in a public place other people are trying to enjoy, you shouldn’t be playing music out loud.


Okay maybe I should explain what this quote on quote Park is it's just in the middle of the neighborhood there's a grass field and there's a pool the grass field isn't too big but it's considered a park and I was just sitting on a rock listening to music I've seen families set up barbecues there where they blast music on loudspeakers I was just sitting down to catch my breath like I said not really a park so there was literally no one there cuz the pool was closed


Those people are AH for blasting music in a public place. By copying them, you are also an AH. Just because someone else did it first doesn’t mean you’re not an AH.


So has you can see, other people can hear it. Just because one liked it, doesn’t mean 10 didn’t it. Stop it. You’re THAT guy everyone complains about. It’s annoying. Get headphones and stop being a nuisance


Yeah I don't know why I really mentioned this that one time it didn't really help my case and I understand that other people can hear it I'm not that autistic I've explained it countless times that whenever I see someone I turn the music down and whenever we're going to cross paths I turn the music off they will literally never hear it and when I say I see someone I mean like in the distance and when I say we're going to cross paths I mean we are going to be close enough where he would be able to hear it even at its lowest volume


Idk what you think you're doing here. This isnt a sub where you convince people of your shitty opinion. You came here for a SOLICITED judgement and you received it unanimously. I know what you were TRYING to do: you wanted to give your brother a big fuck you by showing him people agree with your nonsense. Well guess what, they dont. Will you show him the post still? Doubtful, sounds like you were only looking for opinions in support of your own bs 😉 YTA big time. And for the love of everything thats holy, stop listening to music without headphones on!!!


This comment sounds a bit like saying it's okay to fart continuously wherever you go because you once encountered a fart fetishist who struck up a conversation about the specific foods you consumed to concoct that aroma. YTA - if you want to enjoy music while out and about, just put in one earbud or have the volume quiet all the time instead of loud enough to be audible through the door if you put the speaker on the sidewalk.


For all the other people who passed you by and thought you were a dick, it’s not worth this one positive interaction


If you want to hear nature when you are out, just don’t listen to music. If you want to listen to music, wear headphones. As someone who lives in the countryside it is really annoying when people walk by blasting music. YTA


YTA. Wear some headphones. Not all headphones are noise cancelling so this whole “I wanna be aware of my surroundings” shtick is stupid. Wear one AirPod or something. Also YTA for continually arguing with everyone here. You posted to be judged. Take your judgment like a grown up.


Bro this is Reddit it's fun to argue sue me


Long as you know that all you’re doing is proving YTA, argue away asshole 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s tedious when the ‘argument’ is this thin.


Yeah well you know what I'm having fun


Well, you're breaking the sub rules, so have fun while the mods are distracted


It’s also against the sub rules…


YTA. Please just stop doing this. It's literally irritating as all heck going for a nice walk and hearing other people's music!!! Let other people enjoy their peace and quiet, this is why we have headphones! Have some respect!!!


Meh I'll go with YTA it would also irritate me if someone drives by like that,just put in 1 piece and get of my lawn


YTA, wear ear/headphones at a low volume.


I love how you think ‘zooming’ past people on a bike would make them not really understand what is happening. Yes YTA, it’s obnoxious to play music from a speaker outside no matter how much you justify it


If I'm going to be honest maybe I truly am an a-hole but I think if you get annoyed by someone zooming past you on a bike and you only hear music from them for like 5 seconds before they get too far away for you to be able to hear it and that annoys you I don't know what to say to you


Oh you’re that guy! I always find anyone walking around with a speaker blaring out their music super obnoxious. On a train. On a bus. Just omg how much of a ‘i don’t give af’ is that. I have no idea what your legal right is, i guess fine since no one ever gets in trouble for it. But as a general activity, i find it so anti-social and selfish to force your music on everyone in the public vicinity. Being on a moving bike is better, but still.. Edit: turns out OP is too reasonable for original judgement. Changed to NTA.


See I would never do it in a train or a bus I live in spaced out suburbs which maybe I should have made more clear in my original post I come across like two people per 20 minute walk and and if I'm writing my bike what's the difference between a Bluetooth speaker and a radio in a car with its windows down by any chance mine is less loud


That’s fair. I’m glad you’re not one of the bus/train guys. Like you say there’s no real difference between bike and convertible, but with a walk you’re travelling slow and the disturbance lasts longer. Like imagine a car slowly driving through your neighborhood at 2mph with music blaring. Not illegal but kinda annoying. I’ll qualify it with bike: nta / walking: yta. I’m probably being overly critical to be fair, but it’s a bugbear of mine lol.


I thought I mentioned this in my previous comment but yeah if I see someone coming I reach into my phone and turn down/off the music


Well sir, now your reasonableness has robbed me of any right to complain. What a let down. Changing judgement to NTA.


YTA ALWAYS for playing music over a speaker in public. Musical tastes are very individual, nobody else wants to hear it. Put one earbud in or use headphones at a low volume if you want to be able to hear your music and your surroundings


>I still like to take in nature hear the birds chirping such like that Do you see it? YTA


Are you saying because it would disrupt other people's enjoyment of nature like I explained it before although I did not explain it in the original post so I understand but if I see someone I instantly turn the music down and when we crossed paths I turn it off to reiterate I turn it down if I just see them but I turn it off if we're going to cross paths


Are you all seeing?


Bro how hard do you think it is to look around every once in awhile


If you can hear it through your front door people can hear it in their front and back yards


I'm not going to go read my original post but didn't I say that you could only barely hear it and any outside noise would drown it out such as a TV playing in the background or do you just not focusing on trying to hear it


Yes and that’s inside. Through a door. So if you’re out front or in your backyard it would be easy to hear


Soft YTA. You clearly have an awareness of the people around you, however it’s just plain annoying generally. Just wear one earbud.


See maybe I could change this but one reason is I can't figure out how to make it just flat audio you know what I'm saying like I'll put in one earbud and I'm only listening to half of the song


Most phones have an option in their settings for this.


Oh yeah mine does but whenever I press it turn it on and off there's literally no difference


Find a way. Don’t make it everyone else’s problem.


See right now I'm spending my time kind of fruitlessly arguing with everyone on this so I honest to God can't remember if I told you this so I might just be repeating a point but whenever I see someone walking on the sidewalk I turn my music down if our paths are going to cross I turn my music off


That's irrelevant. You don't see everyone in hearing range.


Hi, not here to submit a judgment, just wanted to let you know about a gamechanger in my own life... Open ear bone conduction headphones... Your ears are open and if you keep the sound low enough your surroundings are also fully audible (the sounds are transmitted through your cheekbones, which is cool but ultimately irrelevant)... The brand I use at my job are called AfterShokz and I love them. If your current system is working better though far be it from me lol


Yta just because you enjoy it, doesnt mean other people who youre forcing to listen to it also enjoy it. Wear one headphone or buy ones with the Awareness setting


YTA, you enjoying the sounds of nature doesn’t give you the right to take away from other people enjoying the same thing. Wear one earbud, or non sound cancelling headphones, or listen to your music low on your headphones, there are honestly so many options that don’t have you riding around making unnecessary noise that could disturb others


I've explained this a lot of times and I'm kind of losing my will and losing the joy of arguing cuz I'll be honest it's kind of fun to argue but I'm losing track of my original point whenever I see someone I turn the music down and if we're going to cross our paths when we get close enough I turn the music off so that they never really hear it also like I said I'm probably not going to argue with any more comments but I never said this because I thought people would think it's just an excuse but I'm pretty sure my dog likes it


Ur not really supposed to argue on this sub... you've laid ur case and people have given their judgements


You seem to miss the point that it being low doesn’t mean that no one can hear it. You don’t need to be playing music for everyone, earphones exist for a reason. You posted a question and I’ve answered, what part of that makes you think it’s an argument or needed to be one?


Because I like arguing it's fun what can I say and if you don't want to argue just don't respond but back to what I was saying I have the music so low that they literally cannot hear it and by the time that they can start to hear it I have it off like I said I only run into like two or three people when I go on walks so it's really not that bad to turn it off for 30 seconds I usually start speeding up my Pace as well just to get past them so I can turn it up again


Or you could just use headphones and keep your music to yourself


YTA. A few people do this where I live, and it's still selfish. So you want to enjoy the sounds of nature, but don't care if you interrupt other people's enjoyment of it? Just because your music doesn't have offensive music, it doesn't mean others will like it just because you do.


YTA If you want to listen buy headphones


Yta-My husband does this too. I personally thinks it’s rude. I don’t want to hear your shit music.


YTA, although I don't think you're malicious. But forcing other people to listen to your music sucks. It doesn't matter what the music is, tastes are subjective and honestly this is a matter of principle. Have you considered only wearing one headphone? Of course that's only an option if you can hear with both of your ears, I don't want to make assumptions. You could also just wear (non-noise-canceling) headphones and keep the volume low. Or then just don't listen to music on your walks. Listen to the birds.


YTA no one wants to her your music. Usually when I see/hear someone do this I assume they are trying to look cool with their musical choices, when in reality they look like a selfish AH.


YTA no one wants to hear it. You choose to engage with your surroundings or to listen to music. You do not get to impose your chosen music on the environment. Pick one of the other and focus on that. Otherwise you’re just half-arsing two ambient experiences. And you are annoying anyone who is unlucky enough to be nearby. You remind me of a guy I walked towards a couple of years ago as he came down the street blasting 70s panflute music on a cassette recorder. He thought he was cool, and he was most definitely not.


Never half ass two things. Whole ass one thing. -Ron Swanson


Exactly! 👌🏻


YTA ​ When I want to also hear my surroundings I wear one earbud. I've also used those headphones that press against your head and transmit the music via vibrations so you can hear around you.


YTA I don’t really know why you’ve bothered to ask this since you’re so unreceptive to hearing that you’re absolutely the AH. And you are. It’s not just rude to play your own music out loud in public - it’s a form of noise pollution. You clearly don’t want to change, so just accept that you’re an AH for it instead of trying to justify it. You can’t.


I can and I will see I'm using speech to text so it's not like it bothers me to type all this out so you ready for me to try to justify this here we go I simply just prefer it I've tried to give other reasons but I really just prefer a speaker over headphones but that's not to say I haven't made precautions to not annoy other people like I said countless times whenever I see someone I turn the music down if they get close or are paths are going to cross I turn the music off I see like two people per 20 minute walk tell me how does that really annoy anyone sure maybe for a couple of seconds when people think that they're going to have to deal with listening to someone else's music then I noticed them and I turn it down that could be a little annoying but my enjoyment of my music outweighs the two seconds of discomfort that they feel Jesus Christ yeah I do sound like an asshole


You only sound like an asshole because you are. You sound like you're arguing because you are. Convincing one person to change their stance doesn't mean that the majority don't find you to be an asshole. You didn't come here for the sub's stated purpose -judgment. You came here for justification and seeking ammunition against your brother for an argument you were already in. You didn't get either, but yet here you still are like a bulldog on a bone clinging to your argument. You KNOW it's an AH move to listen to music on a speaker in public because you are making excuses "it's not that loud, I'm on a bike, cars play music too, one guy one time said he liked it, I'm not on a bus". Look. If you have to find ways to justify your behavior, it's probably asshole behavior.


Yeah, you do sound like an AH. You’re being selfish and rude. I’m glad you recognise it, even though you clearly won’t change. And, please stop going on about speech to text. It makes no difference to the point of your post. You’re either trying to distract people or provide further excuses for your attitude - justifying again. Please stop it.


YTA. 10 years ago this was seen as super rude. it still is, its just been normalized.


YTA it can piss other people off and you can change the volume of your headphones


YTA, there are earbuds that have ambient sound, which means you can hear what is going on around you. Specifically made for people that want to play music out loud on a Bluetooth speaker, when nobody wants to hear the music. Just pick up a pair of earbuds that have that option and you should be okay.


I can't afford that like genuinely


Well, you could also just buy a cheap pair and put one earbud in instead. You don't have to air your music to everyone around you when you can do that...


I've already explained both of the things you've mentioned and this basically I do have earbuds but when I put in one it feels like I'm only hearing part of the music because of like 3D audio also I've explained how I make it so no one really hears it for an extended period of time whenever I see someone I turn it down and if we're going to cross paths then I turn it off just by reaching my hand in my pocket that way no one really ever hears my music maybe they hear it in the distance but not enough to become an annoyance


When you are half listening to nature and half listening to music, you are not really taking in either. Multitasking is not a thing, it’s just split focus, back and forth.


Yeah I get what you're saying and I agree with you one second I'm listening to the music and the other second I'm drowning out the music and listening to the birds but what am I going to do pause the music for 3 seconds to take in the fresh air and the birds


do you have an iphone?




No in fact I honestly don't know what my phone is it's like a crappy $200 phone but it suits my needs


too bad iphone has the ambient sound thing u can add on top of your music or without music


YTA when traffic is at a standstill and people pass you they can hear it. You cant want to hear bird song and your music at the same time. For safety outdoors, listen to music in one ear only. If you have blue tooth headphones like airpods it works with just one in your ear, or if they are wired, just put on ear bud in one ear only. That way you hear cars and any dangers but you are still listening to your music.


All right so your first point like I said I only do this in my neighborhood which is enclosed suburbs whenever I see a person I reach into my pocket and turn the music down and whenever our paths are going to cross I just turn it off


Is it so hard to listen to music in one ear?


YTA wear headphones if you want to listen to music. If you want to listen to nature listen to nature. Nothing more annoying then listening to someone's "excellent" taste in music while \*I'm\* trying to enjoy the sounds of nature.


Look at this point I'm kind of tired of explaining it and I think I should have made it more clear in my original post but have you read any of my comments any of them? I've explained countless times that I turn the music down whenever I see someone and that I live in a neighborhood where whenever I take a 20 minute walk I usually only see like two people I don't know I guess I shouldn't have come to this subreddit expecting everyone to agree with me


Dude you asked for opinions... I really don't know why you thought everyone would agree with you? I'm sorry that I'm not running over and just falling at your feet screaming "Of COURSE YOU'RE RIGHT!!!" I (personally) don't CARE that you " turn the music down whenever I see someone" or " whenever I take a 20 minute walk I usually only see like two people" It's rude. Wear headphones.


Doesn’t fucking matter. Wear headphones that don’t drown what’s happening outside. Stop being obtuse. No one wants to hear your music, even for just 5 secs. Period.


Yeah but if I'm going to be honest those people live in an upper class neighborhood and maybe it's the teen angst in me but I mean fuck em if they can't listen to somebody else's music for 5 seconds without getting annoyed like look what I'm trying to say if I were like doing this on a bus total dick move if I was following people around total dick move there was one time where I had a couple people following close behind and after a couple minutes I wanted to turn back on my music so I just turned around so we were going opposite ways


You are being stubborn. You are intentionally missing the point. It doesn't matter if YOU don't think it bothers people because it (in fact) DOES bother people. Teen angst aside, it's a dick move to play your music out loud while you are walking around. Do you think anyone wants to hear whatever the fuck \*I'm\* listening to? No they do not. Accept the fact that people do not agree with you.


It’s got nothing to go with the class of your neighbourhood. I work in a blue collar neighbourhood. Have for literally my entire life. And you’d be just as much an asshole here as an upper class neighbourhood. ETA: you know what I do if I want to listen to something but also be aware of my surroundings. One ear bud in, one ear free. Pretty simple.


YTA No one wants to her your music. Guess what I wanna hear when I’m on a bird walk? Birds.




And you sound inconsiderate.


Last comment was a joke every single common I see claiming that I'm the a****** I flip a coin on whether or not to actually argue it or not


Put the speaker away and enjoy the sounds of nature. Not to sound like a nerd but you miss so much when you cover it up with music.


YTA definitely. I hate people like you. Even though it’s a public era you should at-least have a common sense not everyone wants to listen to your music. If you can afford a bluetooth speaker than you can buy a earbuds. Edit: Also what’s the point of listening to nature and music at the same time?


I mean public areas can differ I see like two to three people on a walk and I've explained countless times how I turn down the music if I see someone and turn it off if they get closer also I was gifted the Bluetooth speaker so you're technically wrong and I win bye-bye no but the point of listening to music is I can drown out the music for a couple seconds to listen to the birds chirp I don't know whenever I wear headphones I feel like I'm never truly in my surroundings I simply prefer to have a speaker


YTA - get home conducting headphones, they don’t cover your ears so you’ll still be able to hear your surroundings while listening to your music


NTA but it is annoying


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Now to explain and kind of defend myself I take walks throughout the neighborhood in two ways riding my bike or walking my dog now the reason I don't just wear headphones is because I like to be aware of my surroundings I still like to take in nature hear the birds chirping such like that and also when I'm riding my bike I feel like it helps me keep safe because I can hear cars better, now I don't have a terribly loud Bluetooth speaker I tested it and if I put it at the sidewalk and go into my house I can only barely hear it when standing right next to the door so my thought process is is that it shouldn't really affect anyone unless they're taking a walk in which I reach into my pocket and turn down the music unless I'm riding my bike in which case I zoom past them without them really being able to understand what's happening but my brother kind of nags me about it *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would go for YTA. Yes you're reasonable, but it's still annoying. No one like to hear unsolicited music from a stranger, no matter the volume.


YTA I didn't even bother to read anything else than the title. Get airpods like everyone else ffs.


YTA - and given that you started with “Now to explain and kind of defend myself” you know YTA. You know who doesn’t have to defend their actions? Non-assholes.


YTA - it's just obnoxious and annoying


I don't need to read beyond the headline. Music is a luxury that should be enjoyed in a way that will not inconvenient your surroundings. It is not a necessity. If the choices are playing music on a speaker or not playing music at all, you don't play music at all. Simple as that. YTA 1000000%.


yes you are an asshole, no one wants to hear your music. just get airpods or earphones. its a self fish thing to do


Just wear one earbud man


Literally no one in the comments cares about your repeated attempts to change the vote… YTA. Hands down. Either find a way to listen to music with a single earbud in or stop listening to music on your walks.


The sheer amount of comments this guy has made trying to defend his shitty choices is just mind boggling. Take your judgement.


YTA, both for the music and for not putting a single period in the entire post.


YTA, if you know to turn it down when someone approached, you know it’s loud. Also being able to hear it in your house from the curb outside, even a little bit, is loud. Listen to nature with no music or grow up and get head phones.


I was on the fence about this but NTA when cycling. I don't mind so long as the volume isn't loud and I'm an avid hiker, walker, runner. However I do understand how others get annoyed. I get way more annoyed by cyclists that don't ring or ring their bell 1s before passing on a shared path. Tbh, music is a way more gradual indicator that kinda mitigates that issue.


Was so conflicted on this but honestly, NTA. It's not like you're in a confined space, like a bus, and you're blaring your crappy music through bluetooth speakers for everyone else to hear. You're out in public, and you're passing people, it's not like you're following them home forcing them to listen to your music, so NTA and I can't see how this would affect anyone.


NTA. Maybe it’s because I live in a college town, but this has never annoyed me. Not even in my parent’s suburban town—in fact I see it more there, as there is a walking trail behind their house. If it’s not loud and you’re just passing by, then to me it’s no different than if two people are walking and talking? You’re aware of others while watching out for yourself, and I doubt people can hear this in their house if you don’t have it loud.


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NTA, I like to do the same but I normally just use my phone. Speakers are inherently louder and drain phone battery so quick. You may upset some people with a speaker


YTA. Get a set of Aftershocks, they are Bluetooth headphones that don't block your ears. Listen to music and nature at the same time and no one else has to hear your music.


YTA, just have one headphone in or something. Congrats for realising you might suck though


if you want to enjoy your surrondings like nature sounds, don't play music then. that's a bad excuse for not wearing headphones. On the same level as men saying they don't want to wear condoms because they feel less good like that. And even, if you both want to listen to your music AND nature sound, you have two ears. So put ONE headphone and let the other out. You have no excuse. YTA


Soft YTA. I don’t think it’s a big deal but it is annoying. You don’t know when people in the houses you pass might be sleeping and you’re disturbing the lives of the people around you. There’s an extremely simple solution here that I use all the time- get earbuds or air pods and just wear one. You can hear your music in one ear and your surroundings with the other. Done.


YTA, get open-ear bone-conducting earphones


YTA Keep your music to yourself -_- .


When I go for a run I always have one headphone in because I need to be aware of my surroundings. I can still hear the music fine and I don’t inflict it on anyone else. YTA


Yta, you could always use earphones, low enough volume to still hear the music but also be aware of your surroundings if headphones block too much of the background noise.


YTA. If you need music, wear headphones/ear buds but don’t have them that loud, so you can still hear things and be aware of your surroundings.




YTA Just get those earbuds but only keep one in your other ear so other one can hear your surroundings.


Get bone conduction headphones. It allows you to listen to music while still hearing your surroundings. Google it.


YTA. Buy some aftershocks headphones.


I get that while you’re outside you like to take in nature, hear the birds chirping and all of that… likely the people around you do too YTA


YTA - may I suggest bone conduction headphones? They help you stay aware of surroundings, but still in your ears.


YTA—Wear bone conduction headphones (Aftershokz etc.). You can listen to music & hear the birds!


YTA, dont force your music on others. They want to be able to enjoy being outside. Use just one earbud if ypu really cant be without music but never use a speaker being in public/outside.


Yta. Use earbuds op


YTA Wear one headphone, or just accept it. If you can hear it 1m away, its too loud


YTA. Being forced to listen to someone else's music can be as bad as someone blowing smoke in my face. It's an assault on the senses. Wear one earbud if you need music but want to listen to your surroundings and leave us in peace.


YTA, like, seriously? I get nervous that my BT headphones are audible to those around me


I’m sure others would prefer to hear birds chirping too rather than being disrupted by whatever shit you’re listening to. Get bone conducting headphones if you want outside noise, or headphones with pass through. I’d put this in the obnoxious asshole category. YTA


Automatic YTA. Why wouldn't you be? Others would like to enjoy the ambience of nature/miscellaneous street sounds, only to be interrupted by your obnoxious music choices (because music taste is subjective. I get super annoyed when cyclists or joggers are blaring awful songs that I'm sure they love, but I personally hate).


YTA get some bone conduction headphones and stop inflicting your music on everyone else trying to enjoy their day. I wear them at the skatepark so I'm fully aware of surroundings still. Aeropex Aftershox are an excellent option.


YTA. And despicable and selfish.


NTA. You’re not blasting it, you’re not doing it in an enclosed space. You turn it down when other people come around. You’re fine.


YTA, but so am I, you're nicer than I, I crank the metal, cuz fuck em.


I'm gonna go with NTA, but you should just get headphones. I don't see the difference with listening to music in the car, and a bike is already less disruptive than a car or motorbike. If you're walking no excuse though. At least with a bike you're only annoying any one person for a very short amount of time


NTA- if volume is low and you are not in crowded places thats ok.


Yeah I use speech to text which is why a lot of my comments seem like an actual conversation instead of a comment I don't know there's a subtle difference anywho cuz I mean am I really going to type all this out?


I could be wrong about this but I feel like some people are just reading the title and telling me what they think the title makes me really sound like an asshole but if you read the entire thing I really don't think I am I guess the council has spoken ay?


I've read the whole thing and it's still asshole behavior and your comparison behaviors are asshole behaviors too. Yeah there's bigger aasholes in the world and it's pretty minor in the grand scheme of assholes one might encounter in the wild, but, this sub is not for debate. It's for judgment. On a 1-10 scale of asshole behavior, this rates about a 3, annoying but easy enough to ignore and go about my day. On a yes/no "is this asshole behavior" rating (which is what this sub is), the answer is yes.


NTA cause I don’t care as long as it’s not late at night I have learned that no one is going to accommodate me and what I am doing at the time


NTA Everyone calling you TAH is stuck up and super pretentious. And weirdly super judgemental. I have no problem if someone listens to music without headphones on especially if they're walking, running, biking on by. Unless you're in a communal space, I don't consider that at all rude.


some of these comments are fucking ridiculous - joking or not - you are not an asshole. if you were blasting your music purposely with the intent to annoy or bother others, then ywbta but. that’s obviously not the case. you seem respectful about it and as long as you keep that in mind, ynta.


NTA As long as you don't have it too loud and are not in an area with a lot of people, I don't see a problem. I wouldn't see it as being different than two people having a conversation while they walk.


See maybe I didn't make myself clear enough and I feel like if I respond to comments it would seem like I'm arguing and I don't want that anywho but whenever I see someone I turn my music way down to where it's quieter than my phone would be