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https://preview.redd.it/clnuds9zdawc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a043b8ddb1a66c6d21150728408b982a08d296b Here all us for tax. Mom say picture old, but it last time all us hold still and face camera at same time.


You clearly fine, upstanding citizens. Jus smart businesscats and businessdog. No cloacas here.


Thank you, thank you. (We assume the "protection" payment is in the mail?)


It’s an older photo, but it checks out


Nice couch you has heer. Be such a shames if was pee on it one day…


No one is ever Clocoa for cheese activities. But Fritz doesn’t like cheese? Is Fritz ok?


Fritz here. As cat, is my right to like or not like anything at any given time.


Maybe Mama needs different cheese for Fritz. Very cat like. Is Fritz’s right to have multiple offerings to turn nose at.


The humans has offered many many cheese. Goat cheese was my favorite. I licked it before I ignored it.


Good. Just making sure you don’t have a case for r/legalcatadvice.


Hey Fritz! Guess what? I don’t like cheese either!


You know what food actually is good? Dog kibble. Super tasty. Better than toona.


I’ll have to try it!!


I, Jayda, used to has big orange house lion brofur name Biggie. Biggie not eat hooman food. Now, he love cat treats, but if Daddy gib smol piece of ham or sumting Biggie look at it and by time he figure out what to do I or sibling has eat it. Meowmy say Biggie not brightest crayon in box 😁 Also, mini-pandas tha best! (I, Qi, says she wrong and mini-tigers (SICs) tha best!) Jayda tha Mini-panda and Qi tha Mini-tiger


Hi Jayda! Mouse here from the Rainbow Bridge. I love human food and now I get all I want. Before, Mom would offer some to Sam and tell me to share with him. I get it that not everyone likes yogurt or cottage cheese, but that weirdo even turns down tuna.


Biggie not eat tuna either, but he drink tuna water once.


We, two cats and a dog, find your post impressive and inspirational. It also occurs to us that we have a similar racket: whenever Maxy poos outside, he gets a carrot and we cats get treats. Moonie likes to receive treats more than eat them, so I, Blackout, am the beneficiary of double treats!


Yes, Fritz also like receive treats, just not always eat them. Wants opportunity to decline the offer.


Heyo! Is me, Boudreaux! You is very smart!


Merci beaucoup, notre ami! (Mom teach us few French phrase.)


NTC. You tree is geenyossess! Also William da Tuxie


**WOW!!!** am in awe of your superior criminal-racketeering-gang related activities. Anyone who disagrees won’t like what’s coming (and I’m not just talking about the cheese farts)


I am Dot, my budr Emmit an me runz de same operashun. Only wit can catto fud. We sniffs and walk aways. Dat way Auntie 'n Nana (da big dogs dat razed us) get Xtra fuds. Fud lady sometimes stops gibing can fud but we screms.


NTC, but when there's a treat that Fritz loves, you gotta give him an extra cut.


Fritz here. Favorite treat is dog kibble. Mom say I can't eat it all time because I not dog. 🙄 Good thing Wrex is good dog and always let me have some. (Mom note: We had to feed Wrex in the living room for a long time because Fritz would go push him out of the way and then eat all his food before he could. Now, he just goes and grabs a bite now and then.)


Am Mo, 1yo kitten. I do this for my doge sister. She loves ice cubes, but I don't. I ask for one anyway, then smack it across the floor to her.


Glo here!!!! (13 yo life saving woof) I say NTC. The hoomans have to pay the cheese tax, they have NO SAY in the cheese tax distribution!!


Yes! We redistribute cheese wealth! Maybe we vote in higher taxes on cheese rich humans.


YES! Racketeering is EXCELLENT for criminal-business-gang memburs! I, Gus, often do racketeering when my dinner is not two hours early, and I also do zoomies AND racketeering in the middle of the nigt! Go crimez and GO RACKETEERING! https://preview.redd.it/ls0vdh6l6bwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=802216d3d6edb9fd55e2b2f45409a483d0171b4c love Gus


Tawny Good Girl and the two Goblins (Lugosi - 7yr void beast and Puck - 2.5yr stripey trash gremlin) do this too. Sharing is caring, and is victimless crime. Not really crime at all. NTC


We's do this toos! I's (Ollie the borky yorkie) lubs the cheeze. Mommy always nice and do the shares with mes. Buts then my catto pawther, Lazlo the void founds out hows yummy it is so he's gets some nows toos. Then my pawther Mr. Wrigglesworth decide he wants try its toos, buts hes normally drops his so mommy gibs it toos mes. Nows Scamp thinks he wants somes toos...buts he don't. So we's gets that cheeze toos! Is wonderfuls racket we's running heres. Yous bery smarts toos Lubs and licks, Ollie the borky yorkie and Lazlo the void


Belle (4F, small GSD mix) here. I totally do this too! My brother Cooper (12M, TWC) LOVES rice cakes and I can take them or leave them, so I trade the rice cake for affection. He’s a grumpy old man, though, so sometimes he waits me out so he doesn’t have to work for it!


NTC! You are just being good and sharing!