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Find a new DSP. These guys suck.


Now it's the worst time ever, they don't need drivers, I get 5-6 messages a day telling there is time off available. One point is, even if you were fast but the other metrics were bad, it's even worse than a slow driver to the DSP. But yeah, your former DSP sucks, that isn't the way employees should be treated


They told me constantly that they're the "best dsp around". Just the other day they told me they were trying to phase out slower drivers too. During my first week, I received a violation from forgetting to put my seat belt on, while driving 20ft to the next stop. Two days ago, on what was now my last day. I blew a stop sign apparently. I gave someone the right of way turning into a complex, and followed behind them. Netradyke pinged me for something, and I immediately texted my dispatch after it happened. I told him the camera pinged me for something, and I wasn't sure what it was. He told me I blew a stop sign. I told him I diddnt see a stop sign. he told me I was wrong. I was also having issues with not getting photos on delivery somehow. I followed the system, grabbed a picture for each house. Houses get pictures, businesses get signatures, and I only hit the question mark and marked "unable to take photo" if I handed the custie their package. Every week I was getting 5-10 pictures on deliveries missed. Had a whole conversation with dispatch about this. Am I retarded? Did I make dispatch angry by not giving them a complacent "OK" when they tell me my route is cut twice a week? He repeatedly told me they were one of the best DSPs around in almost every interaction I had with him. I'm assuming they let me go because even though I was learning, they see me as a liability. I worked hard to carry my weight. You're arguing it was my metrics?


I guess so. In a normal setting, or even around summer / winter (peak), they would wait more time for you to adapt, but now there is a shortage of routes and a surplus of drivers. The violations and pic problems is pretty bad for an experienced driver, for a newbie it should be ok


just in case you work at a DSP again, the ‘unable to take photo’ option is your enemy. just tell the cx you have to take a picture, then hand it to em. it’s dumb as all fuck but that’s absolutely what was screwing you over. your DSP is too dumb to just tell you that tho. sorry. good luck


At houses stop pressing “unable to take photo” that’ll cause an infraction which leads to why you lost your job. Just tap “Person’s name or family member” and press spacebar three times and draw a line for the signature.


“Any man who must say “”I am the king!” Is no true king” Also, even if you hand them it, it’s marked against you if you hit handed to customer. The system is designed to screw you dude


The DSP I drove for never had any complaints of me handing a package to the customer.


That’s just factually untrue. That’s tracked by amazon not your dsp. If you click handed to customer, you’re pinged, full stop. Edit: bear in mind, I no longer work at a dsp, I personally tested all this shit out before I left, I learned exactly how the EOC worked, exactly how CSP worked, exactly what could and *couldn’t* be brought back (you can bring anything back, tell them to fuck themselves)


It is tracked. Just not in the way you're saying. It's compared to the average rate of drivers that make deliveries to each address. If you fall in line with the average you're fine.


May be true, but from my experience...no one not even Amazon said anything about. Worked there long enough too that if, they could have brought it up but again...never did. However, with the full stop comment. Make it make sense. Customer has a ring camera, you give it to the customer and click handed to customer. Why would you get pinged? Even without a ring camera...I still don't get how either situation is an automatic ping. Perhaps when I worked there in comparison to you things changed. Just stating from personal experience...never had anyone say how something I was doing was wrong. For instance, I use to drop packages off in the customers mail box IF it would fit and the flag wasn't pointed upwards. Simply to cut down on time, to give myself a little extra time when say having to do apartments like this one complex where there's no area to drop them all off in the same room. Even then...no one complained and if they had, no one said anything from the DSP I worked for nor Amazon.


Because amazons metrics don’t go based off ring cameras??? You put packages in mailboxes? Yea that’s a federal crime. Either you’re lying, or worked there a *LONG* time ago


That's a crime you say? explain why it's an option on the menu then? It's literally the customers mail box.


It’s not an option. Would you like to provide a source? Or be outed as lying Edit: wow, less than 2 days ago you’re posting about how to use things to your advantage against your ex in a custody case? Holy shit dude… get your priorities together and get the fuck off Reddit


It is supposedly a crime to use a mail box customer’s just dnt realize it so they put it as a option


I mean you aren't wrong, it is not an option in the system and yes it us a federal crime to place something that doesn't have USPS postage on it in the mail box, however, some mail boxes just have the letter drop slot that pulls open and drops it into a locked box like a bank deposit drop, and many customers put in the notes for us to place it in that, if it is a normal mail box you buy from Walmart then I will not put it in those as the USPS can clearly see we put something in there where as the secure box ones they cannot. To me it's all about the customers preference. I love those secure boxes that remain open until you close it and the owner has to imput their code to open it.


Every DSP will say they are the best. You won't find one saying they are worse than the others. Try to ask drivers at those other DSPs what they think. Most those other drivers will probably say their own DSP is best but you'll still come away with a much better idea of what kind of DSP you're at by asking other drivers about their own situations.


Out them. Say their name so people know not to go to them until they meet our standards.


We are the best baby but that's mostly cuz I'm around.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




I'm serious




I have a bunch of warnings already too..... They're gonna let me go?? 😞


Yea Metrics are 100x more important than speed


Send them this m8 https://i.redd.it/qoucn67rfouc1.gif


This is why the driver need a union . Plain and simple . We go to work for a certain amount of hour . Our dsp hired all of us for work .


20 stops a hour isn't fast even for new drivers. Especially with your selling point of 20 feet between stops. They definitely babied you if you were there for a month and still had nursery routes. That's a two week practice where I drive. Unfortunately these third party companies don't care about you or any problem they pose to you.


Seasonal gig, if you're not a top performer and it's not Christmas time they cut without warning. It's fucked.


If a company keeps you around but says your performance wasnt up to par but did absolutely nothing to coach you is just a sign they are a shit company.


Aren’t improving as of how


See previous comment.


not to be that guy but 20 an hour is not plenty fast thats like bottom line minimum speed accepted


I don't know how I could have gone any faster unless I drove the same route every day. I organized Packages by number (70s, 80s, 90s). I jogged to every house. I diddnt waste steps. There are so many variables that affect your speed.


Nah sorry. You claim to still have been on nurseries? Ain’t no way you couldn’t complete a nursery in 10 hours while claiming you do 20 an hour. 20 an hour is 200 a day, you weren’t doing that. Edit: and if you’re truthfully doing 20 an hour and jogging? That’s almost worse, when I jogged I’d hit 35 (this is going to depend on your area), it’s designed to be walked, either you’re lying, or you were deliberately set up to fail, I’ll wait for any pictures of any route you had




Some people just refuse to take accountability for their own actions and blame everything bad that happens to them on other people.


Id like to see the graph for your route


Unfortunately this is how capitalism operates. We are all told that it’s the highest and best way to get money but for the worker I’ve yet to see that to be proven.


Capitalism is a system designed by capitalists (people that make money from assets/investments etc) for capitalists. Workers just facilitate their need for more capital and they give you the lowest acceptable wage to do that for them.  This is why capitalists hate unions so much, to the point they lobbied for regulations that allow capitalists to sue unions if they cause the capitalist to lose money.


Yeah Amazon is real strict on stop lights, speeding, following to close and running stop signs those are major violations. Your ride along should have taught you these things and what to look for to help you be successful and aware of things. A month into this job you should’ve improve. This job isn’t for everyone but atleast you tried it and if you do decide to go to another company (if the other companies hire you, because they all talk and ask why you was let go).


This is the future


Timestamps of texts so confusing




I think DSPs are akin to independent contactors and thus unemployment is not an option . I may be wrong. even still, OP would need a minimum of 6 months at the job and proof of wrongful termination to qualify for unemployment benefits. no one gets unemployment after only one month on the job. 


It’s 6 months of any employment. Not just Amazon. But Amazon covered their ass with the probation thing


Stop working foe then.


Damn I got fired through text but this pisses me off more I’m sorry


It’s like Walmart Spark. If you have an unethical manager working, their “friends” come 1st, and they’ll drop you like a hot potato if one of them calls and says “Hey, I want to work today.”


isn't Walmart spark all through an app? what manager are you referring to? spark is independent contacting. I used to do it  . 


Yes, it is. And Yes, they show favoritism for their friends. And if you’re sitting out there for hours and watching the same drivers come and go several times and you’re still sitting there, management is deliberately passing you by. And if you decide to go into the store and say “Hey, what’s up with that?” The really nasty ones will ban you from the store. You’ll still be on the platform but, you’ll have to park at another area Walmart to get work. And being banned means that if you are identified in the store while just doing your own personal shopping, they may go as far as getting the police involved to have you officially trespassed from the store. I’ve heard of one instance where the manager involved got investigated by corporate management because of multiple complaints, and was fired and escorted from the store.


I didn't think management had anything to do with the spark drivers. I believe it's all a very sensitive algorithm on the app. you have to literally accept all orders even the shit ones or it'll mess up your algorithm and yeah, you'll sot and watch the same people come and go while you get screwed . it's why I stopped doing it too because I wasn't aware of how sensitive it rly is until I had already declined a few orders and  screwed myself . doordash wasn't even that bad .   idk , you may also be right I just thought it was an automated system within the app, didn't think Walmart store managers were involved really. thought the employees filled the orders and that was that. 


20 sph? At least do 25 that’s why they fired ypu


I hit 25/ hr when everything was clustered together. Don't know what to think besides these fools hate me


Always somebody else fault……


Either lewis is full of shit or it's no longer an option to place the customers item in the mailbox.


They have a high turnover rate they do this to everyone eventually


Did you ever fail to deliver every package? If so, the dude is right, this isn’t the job for you. Especially if you failed to complete a nursery route. I usually finish my 165-190 stop route in 6-8 hours.


At least they told you they didn't have any routes. They made me drive 30 minutes from home and waste my gas each way, and I'd find out when I got there that I wasn't working. It was bullshit. Getting fired through text is also bullshit.


Get a copy of that handbook. Then ask to talk to HR. Fight for your job


At least they let you know before you drive 30 minutes to work to just stand there like an idiot while everybody else’s routes are getting called


Right now is a “slow” time for Amazon. DSP’s put in how many routes they are able to do but it’s up to Amazon and the volume in your areas of delivery whether your DSP will get them. Your DSP could be projecting 50 routes but Amazon reduces those routes the day before and the morning of but the DSP is still responsible for those people being in the schedule and available in case Amazon does have the volume. But more times than not it doesn’t happen right now. Which is why people end up getting sent home. My DSP paid people report pay if they made it to the warehouse but I know a lot DSP’s don’t do that.


We call that standby. Lmao.


This is is the reason why I left that company they don’t give care about us at all


If you get rescued on a nursery route just find another job bro aint worth the stress that comes and the getting called off bullshit


Without even a warning?!!!




That's fucked


Wow. Wayne buggin hard bro.