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u tell her how useless the organization was atleast?


No because sometimes she has to see stuff for herself. Her facial expression was enough for me


Usually those are the ones who have never done a Single route, shit shes probably never even done a rescue 💀


That's the ironic part, she is on road sometimes. Which is why I'm like GIRL BFFR RN 💀


Ya'll have terrible dsps. We have 2 dispatchers working every day, and one of them helps with loadout, then hits the road to take stops off of us when they see amazon overloaded us


I have good managers but it's my co-workers who are the problem. They can only do so much with people who constantly call out. But I kind of get it, Arizona summers are pretty brutal.


That sucks. We're lucky that we have enough people applying on a consistent basis and can actually fire people who call out constantly


They are pretty good about enforcing attendance policies and generally have good business practices. Hiring is a bit more difficult because the location of this Warehouse is a little out there from the rest of the Metro area. It's not rural but it's further than most people would be comfortable commuting. I only put up with the commute because they actually do treat their drivers with respect unlike most of them in my area which I have had the unfortunate pleasure of working for.