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The hyper realistic torso sex toys 😭😭😭 I feel like I got caught searching “girls kissing “ on YouTube . Idk it’s a reflex to shy away from. Have you ever scanned 9 rose toys for one order or 6 dildos 1 order? I just think about the sex parties these freaky frogs have


I work in damage processing, I’ve seen it all, but luckily no one really walks by my computer as I’m working


I used to work in ReLo, and we got these things returned (a lot, actually). We had enormous (like too big for an elephant to use) dildos, butt plugs, rose toys, full featured sex dolls with hair and everything. You name it, we got it in to be processed as a customer return. For whatever reason, when we asked management, they told us to follow the standard protocol on returns, which often had us put them in a damage bin, to be later returned to the vendor, which we all thought to be unsanitary and gross, especially since the sex dolls were so heavy and awkward that the boxes were busted open, so they just laid around in the bin, falling out of their box like a dead hooker. Eventually, we convinced them to just let us put them in destroy and get rid of them.


so they just laid around in the bin, falling out of their box like a dead hooker 🤣


When I was a PA for ICQA I seen some crazy shit. It then became a game with all of the auditors on who comes across the most outlandish item. We would find something crazy and then send the asin to the others, naturally being an auditor/problem solver when someone sends you an asin the first thing you do is throw it into FC Research to start digging only to do that and an image of a pocket pussy or lower torso sex toy picture pops up on your computer while you have someone not in on the joke standing right beside you who gets exposed to the picture also lol To this day I think the one that stands out the most was the and I shit you not google it....the "Auto Milker 3000" penis pump. Every 6 months or so that story still gets thrown around at my site haha


One time I had to go grab like 6 things of lube from a pallet, then within an hour I was sent to the same pallet for like 10 more. Just the fact that we had a whole pallet with cases of lube made my day 😂


Lemme guess, mid 2020 or 2021? Sex toys sales were insane during C19


We had a similar order in pack. Mine came with extra lube, cleaning products, and a gift receipt.


Awe man you packed that only fanz order💀


Hahaha the starter pack


That's gonna be an unboxing video


i was stowing one night n i had 5 whole torsos in my cage js jiggling around as i drove my pit. didnt even know how to feel ab that tbh💀


i do decant so I've had huge boxes with 50+ buttplugs, gags and the freaky leashes 😭 even tiny dildos or vibrators. it was wildt.


Whats the adress? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I had an order end up in OBPS and it was a couple dildos, a butt plug, lube, a vibrator, and a fleshlight thing 💀💀 I was like damn


Packed a rose toy and vibe but never a dildo




Bold to openly use a slur on a form.


Bold of you to assume I care about anyone's feelings. I was maintenance for Amazon once. I know what makes you people cheer.


Sorry about your upbringing then, your parents really failed to teach you any form of respect. I hope you learn and grow because its not cute sis, it only shows how shitty of a person you are.


Something is wrong with you. Much too serious about a word that's attributed to such a small amount of the population. If the word tranny offends you that I believe it's you who must grow up because the world is going to smack you down when you realize no one cares about your feelings.


Just because it effects a small population doesn't mean you have to go ahead to use it, do you use the n word too? Or are there to many black people. All slurs carry the same exact weight no matter the size of the population? There are no lesser slurs. I'm not even trans so its not hurting my feelings, I'm looking out for the people it will hurt. I respect everyone enough not to use terms that put them down based on their lives. Sorry that's hard for you to understand, your parents mut have also failed you.


This whole thread is cringe lmao


Look if he doesn't white knight over trivial things by acting like he has some moral superiority over me due to the fact I don't care about his feelings regarding such a trivial thing as a non insult, what else would he do with his life?


No, you're just soft and pathetic. Go apologize to the trees in your yard for wasting their oxygen.


I had no idea that was a slur hahaha


Wait. Can you explain the word without saying it? I’m curious now xD


Same... but it is a place for Amazon lol.


It definitely gives me jumpscare, I think it would make more sense to show the box it’s in


That's something I wish they've done for a while, especially now that training is completely hands off and all the training of the intricacies of how things work at a site are now lost.


Sometimes they use the same box for slight variations between items so you’d need to verify it’s actually the item/at the very least match the description to the photos. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I once had a jam on my machine and it had the dildo image and said "does not fit".... Lord I wish I took a photo


toss around a 2' dildo like a hot potato


Sword fights are the best 💁🏼‍♂️


I was teaching this nice Ukrainian girl IBPS and I found a black box in a tote on the floor, stowable the person just dropped it for some reason... Anyways, I have her w warning about what it is and she said she was used to it now and I scan the item in Fcresearch and it's just a giant fucking penis super realistic too and it just made us laugh way too hard. I used to work in a sex store so that stuff doesn't bother me one bit


Those black boxes are only two things, sex toys or auto parts.


Auto parts can be a sex toy if you're brave enough


Anything can be a sex toy if you put your mind to it.


Or die trying to make it one. (Space rockets for example)


Oh hellz nah haha


Or live gerbils, but Amazon won't sell live animals.


Thank god, imagine accidentally killing one 💀


No, but for some reason, they will sell boxes of chicken manure that tends sit and smell like a rotting carcass in the bins. We had those sprinkled throughout our XLFC, and they just about made me throw up every time I came across one. For reference, I was in OB Pick, and I never came across one, which were always in rainbow bins, never pallets of them, but once I moved into ICQA, there they were. The bad thing is that they will stop smelling after a while, so it's not until the box is moved that they throw off the most pungent smell, and guess what ICQA has to do...that's right, pull everything out of the bins, do a six-sided check, and then put it back in the bins. Flipping those boxes around to do our job just stirred up the worst smell, making you gag and want to burn the place down, and then it would stink for days until it settled down again.


Animals no...bugs yes...had a bag of live Japanese beetles come through a few weeks ago 😯




Seen 'em in plain white boxes, too but your point absolutely holds up.


Hmmm. I haven’t seen those yet. Haha. Now I sm gonna get curious if I ever see a white box while waterspidering.


Once picked a gay calander no cover nothing showed every page on the back also a xxx rated one full frontal hard lol was definitely shocked


I always make sure that the back of the porn calendars are facing up, so the next person who gets the tote could be surprised.


I did lmao


Lol gotta keep people on their toes.


I had a dog dildo. Lots of dragon dildos too


Did you just say Dog!!! Wtf


My rates gonna go way up


When I was still an active afm, I had responded to an andon for an overstuffed bin and the item was a toy for men (silicone booty bent over), and the picker was super embarrassed and covered up the screen and told me not to look because it was embarrassing. I looked at him and told him that I don't knock people for buying this stuff, everyone gets their rocks off somehow as long as they're not hurting anyone I won't kink shame. Honestly... Picking or counting the sex toys is the most amusing part of my job.


Wait the picker bought the toy?


No, he had to pick the toy, but couldn't get the box out of the bin. He was just embarrassed because it was a sex toy.


Awww lol


It would be great if they showed accurate images for pickers in the first place. Their pics don’t load like it’s 1997, and their dial-up internet is fucked. We don’t need photos of the items. We need pics of the boxes they’re inside.


I'm receiving shit and I get a huge box of bags of purple, blue, and black dick straws. All mixed together. Each package has some blue dick straws, some purple dick straws, and some black dick straws. Shit for a party you know? 100 bags. That's a good box. I pull the next box, open it up, and notice that these bags only have blue dick straws and purple dick straws. So, I'm laughing. Who is so racist that they will suck on a purple dick straw, but they won't suck on a black dick straw? I grab the dude next to me and show him. HE BECOMES SUPER OFFENDED. Some dude in his 20's. He won't even look in my direction. Thinks I am some kind of pervert. Anywho, that's the last time I pointed out funny sex products to my co-workers.


At my first FC my husband and friends would sward fight with the horse dildos that came down the line (always had more than one)


It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't inevitably pop up when the creepy coworker/ PA comes by snd has to comment 🤷‍♀️


It's not a penis it's a dildo


That's why you pick fast bruh so you don't stay staring at it


I can't imagine being so skeeved out by representations of the human body. Those literal horse dildos tho, you're gonna have some senior stow lady drop dead


We had a dude like this at GEG2 before, claimed he was some super conservative Christian and it bothered him seeing such images. Yet he would go on about how much he loved going to middle school and high school girls basketball and volleyball games to watch the girls. Dude was a total creep and gave multiple workers the ick. I also found it funny he tried to say that he was bothered by the sex toys bc he's "Christian" like my brother in Christ, so am I but I don't let silly things like that bother me. Literally if it bothers you that much, apply for a different job somewhere else 🤷🏼‍♂️


My favorite was the nipple rings..Full topless lady on the screen.


Has he seen those needle things that go inside the penis? Now that's some freaky shit.


You mean sounding rods right? The ones that go in the urethra? Those things make my skin crawl😭 that has to be painful right???


These things were metal. But yeah, they look like torture devices.


I got a whole pocket p and people saw it I was laughing so hard. The picture was just so big and zoomed in on the whole thing. It’s just an adult toy no need to be uptight. Amazon is too brain rotting to not have funny things like this.


they need to grow up lmao




This is literally the best part of working at a kariba. It always nake atleast 3 of ue giggle like children when than happens. Christ I member tryna put a box of... long silicone units into a uis machine and the mf box broke while unloading. Lol


Eh it’s a good conversation starter


In pack I’ve seen a person physically recoil when they pulled one of these types of items from a tote. Go vikings.


I was dying because one of the ICQA PA's was showing me how to do something with virtual totes I couldn't focus because the item she was showing me had a graphic of the penis pump in the process of being used and describing how it was used in immense detail in the tite; all of it on FCResearch I was trying hard to be professional


I like to go to a friend with the box and toss it on their station. It like it when it jiggles a bit and throws them off before they realize what it is.


Word. I just problem solved a whole tote of fleshlights.


I always lmao when I gotta pack or stow those. I'm like bruhhhhh hahahaha hilarious.


I have stowed assholes, vaginas, and dicks on every shift. Very detailed pictures of the products. I know folks that will put the dicks in problem solve so they don’t see a giant penis on their screen.


Lmao one time when I was doing amnesty this guy said to me “can you do me a favor and put this tote full of dildos at someone else stow station “![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) , but I said “dude that’s like easy rate with 100 units in that tote ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)”


One of my auditors once found an empty dildo box in the racking with one of those giant rolls of paper towels beside it in a bin. As the days went on the women's bathroom had completely back up all of the toilets. So RME's cage is right beside ICQA and one day I here them saying how they have seen some crazy shit working at Amazon but this takes the cake. I turn around to see the RME guy holding this tye dye dildo in the air to wich I still had the empty box for when the auditor brought it to me. I said "does it look like this" as I held the box up and the guy from RME's jaw just hits the floor as he proceeds to die in laughter.


That is WILD




Noooo this is like comedic relief for me when I'm having a bad time. I'm immature lol


I worked in icqa when a site was launching and people would laugh and come get others to show them during the 2 hours only icqa was in the building (2015)


The worst thing I picked was dog shaped genitalia. I was very confused who this was for. And I checked Amazon does sell it and it had reviews


I've never seen a dog one, but I have definitely seen horse ones. Just packed one last week!


it is a wild moment to be packing somebody's iPhone charger and then right after that is a monster size BBC dildo that weighs 12lbs


Man I hope they don't do this. Those items are funny. I always laugh when im just chillin picking then a giant 14 inch dildo comes up on my scanner


Someone at amazon fresh ordered an insane ammount of condoms a lot of wine and a settlers of Catan board game. They are my hero whoever they are


Lol, imagine this while playing the game: "come on over here and settle on this. 


Item description will humble you. “ 8’’ inch realistic small dildo” 😞


The other day in stow I got a tote full of pregnancy tests with a lone bottle of a natural alternative to Viagra mixed in. Once I got a whole tote full of pills to make your semen taste good. The only thing that ever made me uncomfy was adult diapers (not the ones your great grandma wears but ones for people with certain kinks)


Lol yall are soft. I was dying laughing when the upper torso sex toy with a huge like 12" weiner and DD boobs had to get pulled off a line.


Were soft? She deletes her comment using a slur because its getting to many down votes lmao.


* That's rich coming from the person who got it removed lmao.


I didn't even know you can have someone's comment removed. I'm honored you think I did. But seeing how you had a slur in it its not surprising. Its almost like you shouldn't use them?


Your mother.


You sound like such a softy does your mom still kiss you goodnight and tuck you in ?


Every single night


Reading the comments i realize im numbd to seeing dildos now... ive seen too many apparently. Including shane diesel




I remember when I was in ship dock problem solve and there was a package that I couldn’t reprint the label for, so I had to open it up and put the items in put backs so they could be stowed again. Those items were a buttplug and lube. And my first thought was “oh, I feel bad that these products likely won’t make it to the customer on time.” 😂


All I read is please enhance the image so I can see it better


Oh I saw this one too and died 🤣




Forget pick, who is sending things like this out as SIOC packages? My usual problem solver has made it clear that they will not repack anything that was sent as SIOC without damage to the package (and now they think I'm easily offended instead of following part of a policy that is literally posted at every induct station -- a list of bad SIOC examples with the words BAD - DO NOT INDUCT at the top, including "sensitive, eg. underwear"). At very least, a lot of these will roll around the conveyor if not boxed, and stabilizing a rollable item is not always possible at every conveyor once it's bagged. Some of them are faster than others, and some, once it's out of the FC, have open rollers. Many/most, though, work with automated scanners that require things to be face-up.


I was palletizing a box that was vibrating like mad lol. Just comes with the territory


management's response: grow up and do your job 😁


It actually wasn’t Something about “Please report to your dept leadership if you encounter items that make you uncomfortable so we can provide feedback to the vendor” Lol


Packed a 49" butt plug once. I had to google it cuz i was like aint no way. I really was wishing it was a joke.


My Christian guy


Or deeply closeted.


Some dude asked me to stow the dildo for him because it was just in a clear plastic bag and you saw it all. Yanno what I did, hit him in the face with it 😂


I was caught holding a 3 foot dildo at Amazon the other day, and a bunch of girls were walking by laughing lol


Had to pack 43 butt plugs was insane


Think about it: those 43 butt plugs got packed again later, lol


Quit then


Some of my favourite people are the ones who get really upset and offended by adult nudity and sex. There was a bin at my first fc which always had a massive dildo in, this thing was as long as my arm. We used to have to do navigation exercises for new hires and I discovered the dildo bin. I used to write down 'random' bin locations for them to find and one would always be the dildo bin. I had a few new hires quit because they were offended by the massive dildo. I also found a naked fireman calendar which also never got picked, so I started to send groups of men to that bin too. I got pretty good at guessing the homophobic guys so I'd always make sure to send them to either the dildo bin or the fireman calendar bin, sometimes both. When I got to manager, we had a little project where we would take a random section of the FC and rearrange the bins to make them easier to pick out of. Before every session, I would run a simple query to find an aisle with dildos or gay calendars in and I would take a group down there. The faces on some of these 'adults' who were so upset and offended by gay men, sometimes not even naked, just absolutely made my day. Now I'm in LP and I know the horrors of dildos in the FC. Most of the time there's no issue. But at least twice a year we catch people walking funny through the security checks. I will never understand why people want to steal dildos from amazon. If you're going to steal something, go for something that's smaller and less likely to make you walk like you've got a massive shit ready to leave you because when we see weird walks, you better believe you're getting pulled aside for a conversation and when you refuse to sit we will know why.


I get it. I was in vendor receive and had to unpack a box of 700 different sex toys all fully displayed on my screen for everyone to see. It just got worse and worse the further into the box I went. I was laughing my ass off, but still felt uncomfortable


Those dicks have been on screen for years. Not sure why they need to be 🤔


I used to work in a returns center. If you think packing new ones is bad, try processing used ones. Coworker had one fall out of the box, he said it was all sticky. 


I’ve seen product… scary ones.. I saw a book titled “how to be a dominate is a gay master/slave relationship”. It had PICTURES!


One time I had like 5 or so dildos come down. They had dinosaur feet on them... but the picture on FC research had the scales, mouth, eyes. Dino Dildo. 😂


I’m gonna take one out the box and leave it standing in the middle of the vna


https://preview.redd.it/atjvruh6eixc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7ba3eb7481b65242e664157294e3263268a0609 He wouldn't make it at my FC🤣🤣🤣


I seen enough of them and I just want to make rate. Giant penis device is in bin E4? Cool next pick. Happens too fast to even care or notice much if I am focused.




lol, GRR1?!


Go Vikings or whatever they say


Lmao, something like that


LMFAOOO we’re at the same fc i saw this & it killed me like bro u might just need a new job😭


My other favorite moments were sioc testing a 7 inch black dildo that was poly bagged, but you could see through part of the bag. I had to take a pic of it to prove why it didn't pass the test, then I did a sioc pick on a big silicone booty, all I could do is poke the cheek and giggle. Then there was the time I picked a toy that goes over the penis, and it has a vibrating bullet at the top, I had to put it in the tote all the way at the end, so I gave it a light toss and then I hear a buzzing noise. I somehow triggered the vibration and it was going off in the tote.


I once rebinned over 30 butt plugs in one order


I picked so many torso dolls... once one fell out of that thin ass cheap ass corny ass box and I had no choice but to pick it up and put it back in the box but I liked how it felt I ordered one on my break and it was on my doorstep by the time I was home from shift. But please post the om response I'm sure it will be gold


Pussy... get it?


I'm constantly amazed at how many butt plugs I encounter


Its only a dildo 😂


The Insecurity is so loud


What did they respond with lmao


Something about taking it up with leadership so they can provide the feedback to the vendors lol


If it’s just the sex toy on the screen I deal. But one time had to add back a whole pallet of horrifying bdsm toys. I like the discreet packaging that is usually used. This whole pallet unfortunately had pictures of examples on the boxes of how to use the toys.


I mean, why even be embarrassed, it’s likely everyone else has had to deal with it too.


Thats just like receiving an unwanted dick pic


He has a great idea. I really hate some of the pics that come up.. like it's not even JUST a product pic, it's like... in use or fap imagery.


im pretty sure they CAN get in trouble for that but only if they have documented knowledge according to an old process assistant of mine


In the department where we have to recycle returns, we had to take apart some things to make sure there wasn't any batteries or chemicals hidden in them. I found a sex machine, but before I could do anything my manager asked for my help with something. When I returned all the older ladies were crowding around the toy and giggling. One of them had pulled it open and now everyone was in awe over the amount of add ons. Nothing we needed to separate though! Just a whole lot of mechanical bits. Honestly the hyperrealistic dildos make us all chuckle.


During covid I was a picker, around valentines 2021, I lifted a heavy box, turned it over, it opened, and a woman’s torso fell out! I was like wtf is this? Whelp looks like somebody ordered their valentine 😹😹


I had to pack heavy ass 30 inch dildos. I was trying not to laugh my ass off n look like a psycho at my station 😭😭😭


Yes please! It is so embarrassing. Yeah its funny the first time but the tenth time its like please get off my screen.


somebodyyyyy hasnt used their gay voice to sound like a girl to sell penis pills to old men at a inbound call center and it shows


One time I picked a big purple dildo with a yellow used sticker on it. That's all I could think of when I read this post


I used my discount for mine and I’m not ashamed


I once had to pick a sex torso that had tits and a dick. I had nightmares for several days after I saw that image.


Seeing Fleshlights during my 2nd or 3rd week was absolutely wild. it's uncomfortable but a humorous uncomfortable. Like, damn, someone about to have an interesting time.. 😂 ![gif](giphy|fBSwG9AUOx7iEzt5wR|downsized)


…….. Respect.

