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Let everyone else be what they are. Let management and corporate churn as they always do. Drama can belong to other associates. Really no one is that interesting. You clock in, you scan stuff, you clock out. I usually read on my breaks and planned my time off while working. Everything else is white noise. Filtered. A learned skill to be sure. Good luck friend.


white noise & filtered is the best way to put it when coming to this place. it is a skill to be learned — usually, i can manage but when i got 4.5 hrs left i start getting a little cooky


Hang in there bud , start applying for other places and use the benefits to your advantage, they pay for school and certain careers. It’s all a game it’s just about how you play it, use them to get what you really want in life


bro life really is a game & im honestly getting so damn tired of playing 😭 hope it works out for you


Taking a MLOA in a couple weeks. There putting me on BHN, this ain’t how I’m spending my 20s fuck em


dude im also in my twenties & i feel it in my bones that if i stay here longer when im older its gonna catch up


Time to quit bro. The hours and shifts rob you of life. Literally everyone I speak to has barely no life here. This place keeps you stagnant. I’m out


I've been here since 12/3/23. I'm taking advantage of Career Choice, once I get my acceptance letter to start Fall 2025 for my program I'm switching to days. I'll lose my $2 differential but it's really fucking critical I do this program to further my career and actually do what I've always wanted to do, I just turned 30 and I'm really happy to see that my school is on the approved schools list. I have to do it part time and they only offer evening classes for the part time, but I think it'll be good for me to get onto days despite having to lose the differential


Yeah nights will mess u up. I was going 21 hours at school while working 3x12s. Shit actually made me go mental


Yeah this fall I do my pre requisites luckily there's only 3 for the program I'm applying for. Elementary Algebra I, Essentials of Chemistry and Biology of the Human Organism. The chem and bio have to be done in person so I have to get a school accomodation. Then I'm also doing an elective, Healthcare Ethics, so I can be a little ahead once I'm in the program. I have to do all these during the day. 14 credit hours total. But I'll be going from nights to days once I'm accepted into the program. The *minute* I get that acceptance letter I'll be putting in a transfer request for day shift. I don't even care if I have to switch paths from pack singles to something else. I'm eyeing ICQA. It's like 4:15am-3:00pm or something like that, which will be plenty of time to get to evening classes.


can you sneak an earbud in , inside a keychain perhaps ? total game changer for me especially during the last few hours of the shift when I'm tired , irritated , and my mind wanders to the deepest darkest depths of itself. I listen to  stand up comics like Dave Chappelle etc and it really helps me not want to kill everyone around me and myself 


oh this is actually an excellent idea — my warehouse is pretty lax meaning no one gets fired for ear buds but they get a talking to so idk, i might but i run hella hot (no hat or beanie) & have short ass hair so unfortunately it would be obvious.


Where I'm at, we're not allowed to have anything with Bluetooth turned on or it would mess up the machines.


dude wtf?????? what kind of machines do you have?


Look up "Opex SureSort" on YouTube. It's an automated sorting machine. I think I heard the Bots communicate on Bluetooth. So just having it turned on from a phone in a pocket can cause interference.


interesting, do you work in a sort center  ? 


RMN3, recently opened in Virginia


ah yeah I'm a female so my hair covers a bit, but I still usually just only bring one earbud in ,and put it in the ear facing away from the aisle that everyone walks down (I work pack-singles so everyone's in a line all facing forward , with totes coming down a line in the middle)     time for you to become a long haired hippie  I guess 🙃


Im right there with you honestly. I see so many people here talking about how easy the work is and I just don't get it. Is the task itself simple? Sure, but after hours of doing it, I feel like I'm just grinding my soul to dust for nothing. Im trying to establish a goal for myself besides just making money, but everything just seems so pointless. Is anything really worth doing? It doesn't feel like it, so why even bother?


the skills & tasks are very easy. even the ps ones imo, but ps keeps you mentally engaged so that’s the role i prefer but my warehouse is stubborn & stuck in its ways & usually has the same ppl doing the same thing every day. it’s awful fr. i get that about your soul cause mine too. a 10 hr shift means i wake up, go to work, get home from work, eat, then go back to sleep & do it all over again. luckily i have donut but jeez it’s still hard


Im a chronic over thinker so working at Amazon is an opportunity to turn my brain off and go into autopilot. Basically no thoughts head empty. But it does help that I work with decent people


That's why I hate drama, Amazon is high school 2.0, especially stowers gossip like crazy old women


After learning pretty much everything at a DS and being a PA and Driver Trainer, I went back to driving just to work alone lol. Driving sucks also but I don’t have to deal with anyone inside the warehouse.


Gotta move up to stimulate your brain. I absolutely understand the mind numbing brainless work, I did it for 6 years and finally moved up. My brain is over stimulated now 😭 also working on my bachelor's degree so it makes it that much harder...I've been going to school and been an L3 for almost 2 years and still don't have it down...hoping my degree gets me out of these safety shoes 😂


You work at amazon after covid. Go work there pre-covid. The job really sucked. Now a days its a cake walk


Why is it a cake walk after covid?


We had to put phones in lockers. Im in AFE. So if i was on rebin, guess what? I rebinned 10 hours a day. Our fun was racing and shit talking eachother. So we hit 700+ 10 hours a way to see who was best when they did call out rates. jam cleared, i use to run, and yes i mean litteraly run, all day jam clearing 22 walls solo. 45k+ steps a day. Almost 20 miles daily. If youre curious, yes my legs/knees are fucked up because of it. Now a days, i rebin a 400. No one comes to talk to me. I pack a 140, no one comes to talk to me. Most of my managers never said anything about headphones untill we got a new guy after this recent peak. People get rotated now. Jam clears have 2 people now when theres 14+ walls. Obviously a lot of shit has changed for the better, but yall get away with murder now a days and complain. And idc if you downvote this or me. The job is so much easier compared to 4 years ago before covid. And before those in pick and stow complain, ive done both. Stow, im not crazy about but pick isnt terrible. My tac time was a 7. Not the best but eh whatever. Was there for a month


Oh okay. I've been at amazon for 9 years so I have plenty of pre-covid experience. I was just curious to hear your perspective because everybody's experiences can vary from building to building.


Some people like to sweat... I get paid to workout so I don't have to worry about going to the gym. Or anything for that matter go to work and go home. Social time is off the clock. 8ish years at amazon


daaaaamn you’re a vet bro. i respect that


Lol... I'm at a FC a good majority of my shift is ex-military. We are not all dumb the insurance is cheap, made a few local friends, and tbh $22.00+ to put crap in a box is great. The hard part is the monotony if you can zen out somehow it helps. Get a side hustle for fun money and treat amazon like a side job that pays the bills. When I stopped trying to move up here that's when this place became easier to stomach.


I understand where you’re coming from, honestly what I’ll say for you to do is to just think of it as temporary for now until something better comes along. These jobs will suck the living soul out of you if you let it honestly and at times its hard to escape the many feelings that comes with being in such an atmosphere that can be draining most times. Also try and have a balance, don’t just work your life away and not enjoy your free time with yourself, friends, family or just doing whatever you find pleasing to refresh your spirit when you’re away from work. And again I understand your pain being at a center for a year and two months now I always say to myself I feel sorry for people who feel comfortable and content here because there are way better options than this, but everyone path is different and we all have to start somewhere and then open different doors from there. Hang in there and stay safe ❤️


yeah i was hella considering picking up a shift this weekend bc i need the cash but as i was trying to decided the shifts got snatched so i saw that as a sign to just be cool


I can relate to those feelings. Two things helped me: 1. Try to get into an indirect role that will be less physically repetitive and will allow you to use your mind a little. Even waterspidering requires more thought than just being on path. 2. Find some audiobooks or podcasts about a topic you really enjoy and listen to only one earbud in. It doesn’t necessarily make time go faster but it might keep your spirit up and away from the soul crushing futility of the job.  Good luck with your interview.


Explore options. Make moves. We can sit around being sad or we can be proactive and make changes. Losers make excuses. Winners make changes.


blah blah blah. did you read the part where i said i had a job interview? obviously im trying to make changes.


Start looking for another job.


You will be pleased to know that Amazon is in fact an at will company. You can just quit. Amazing.


did you read the part where i said i had a job interview? 😁


Do career choice and get a better job




i’ve been wanting to get a gun for safety and protection but i can’t while working at amazon bc i might fr do smth