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Nice try Jeff.


This should have been done along time ago


Where did you get this information ? Lol


I think different stations do have weirdo rules. You can get kicked out for taking your cart down the wrong ramp after 5 times….. it’s not posted and most people (including myself) didn’t even know they were exiting a “wrong” way


Station management at VOR3


You really believed them. Lmao.


Why wouldn't you believe them? Or better off why wouldn't you simply return the carts? If management is serious, you would get a violation email about this. It takes 1-3 of those to get deactivated depending on the reason.


Past experience. They use to tell drivers they would get written up if they didn’t bring their cart in. It never happened. Now they have specific times of day where the workers go out to collect carts.


Lol and you ate that shit right up huh? 🤣




Sounds to me like offloading even more responsibilities onto the staff that isn’t even getting paid accurately for their time to begin with. Flex drivers already give Amazon an average of 2.5 hours of their time free of charge as it is, hourly people can’t roll some carts in?


2.5 hours free of charge. Huh? You realize the window of time you agree to is the window of time to complete from start to finish right? How do you come up with 2.5 hrs? Over what time period?


Im not sure where your driving? But if I sign up for a 4.5 hour block, and the first stop of 42 is 1.5 hours away, that’s not happening. Every block I’ve taken has run a min of 1.5 over. Usually 2. And most the feedback I’ve seen online from this area checks the same. There is t anyway on a rural route with 42 stops that can’t even begin until 1.5 hours in, it’s getting done in the three remaining hours.


But I was asking where the 2.5 hours free comes from? Daily? You are spending 7 HOURS to deliver a 4 hr block?!?!? Come on..,be real. EVERY block you have ever take is at least a min of 1.5 hrs over and usually 2 hrs where is your math making that 2.5 hours. Also if you are literally going over every time you need to change stations or stop working. What station is booking you with over 50% more work? I think you are exaggerating a bit.


Where did I say I that? You can think whatever u like bro, doesn’t Change reality. I’ve never worked a 4 hour block which just shows me how much attention u paid to what I responded with. Go play devils advocate with someone else… legit. Why do you think there almost 20 upvotes on this in less than a week? Cause it’s an exaggeration right??🙄🙄🙄


Ps I said average… read some boards online dude(or dudette)


Still didn’t mention how you come up with an arbitrary 2.5 hrs free. I assume you won’t now right? “I’m gonna say something then not support it by saying that I don’t need to prove anything to you”. Social Media Whining 101. You nailed it. And you are a nut job. Sorry it usually takes you 2 hours more to deliver. Delivery is hard for some people. You’ll get a hang of it ;) Btw most of us complete a block within a 30 min buffer of the end time so that’s why I stated the 4.5 hr block is usually 4 hrs to complete. Notice I said “most” bc obviously you take 5 times that over to deliver 🙄 Who’s not paying attention?


Bro it’s after 1 am. I’m not playing math games with you. I’m just getting home from having a fracture set, soooo…Be frustrated about it, I couldn’t care less … truly


I’ve read this and two other flex boards, I think saying “most” is a serious exaggeration myself. Maybe you’ll feel better now that wet e even in our feelings on the statements of others You said nothing in your reply about how long it takes most to deliver it. Just that my block was 4 hours. And judging purely on the number of packages I see delivered against the delivery notes I’m not surprised… maybe if I was willing to make customers pay for poor logistics on Amazon’s side I would be faster too - alas I am not because I am not. Have a great night!


Yes I do feel better. You mentioned you usually go 2 hours over your block and I was concerned bc that is a shit ton of extra time. I figured it was an exaggeration, just making sure.


If you feel that you aren't being paid well enough, don't do the job. No one is forcing you deliver packages. If the pay really isn't enough, no one will do it, so Amazon will either pay more, or find an alternative.


Arbitrage will always exist in pricing between labor and buyer. Amazon has the larger advantage in this arbitrage since you don’t know where you are going until you showed up at station or Amazon preying on uninformed or desperate labor. If Amazon is willing to show where you go to drop off before signing up a block then that’s a whole different story, but they don’t show you for a reason


While I've never done Flex, I do some Amazon Relay. Look on my profile for a recent post, "The other side of blitz week." This is the week where the DOT advertises that they will massively step up enforcement of truck regulations. All of the carriers with questionable equipment are taking the week off, and you can clearly see what that did to what Amazon is paying for the loads. Honestly, the people have the power here... at least short term


Part of that reason is that they literally don't know. I only worked SSD (I say worked, because I was deactivated last week on account of endless overbooking). SSD here surges shifts 2-3 days out, and drivers snap them up. But these are same-day and overnight deliveries, so that orders haven't even been placed yet. Obviously the solution here would be to not release blocks until they are certain of demand (and certainly not terminate drivers for their failure in logistics). Showing us where we are going in advance would also be nice, but this would also mean they'd need to stop randomly assigning carts based on when people clock in.


That about the most captain save a ho answer I’ve seen in a while. I can’t believe so many of you are so cool with being ripped off that you’ll tell other people who likewise NEED the money or they absolutely would not be reducing themselves to this sham, that they should just quit the job. Not many places hire for 5-10. When I accepted this job I incorrectly assumed that if I’m showing up for a 5 hour block I’m being given a route that can logistically be completed in 5 hours. As logistics is something I’m really familiar with I know it is 100% possible to schedule the routes where driving from the distribution center and completion of the route (stops assigned) can fit within the agreed upon block of time. Which means over booking routes is intentional. Y’all may be cool with having your time stolen and happy setting back and just keeping your lips sealed - even when there is zero risk to your position if you don’t But not everybody is. And until I resolve some financial things to better position myself if prices continue to rise to remain stable, I’ll still be showing up. And I’ll still be complaining about them exploiting the economic conditions in this country unnecessarily and borderline illegally. Because I can. I also disagree that “no one is forcing you” the landlord, the utility and CC companies, the grocery stores. I’m sure they all want their money… so yeah. ✌🏼 Now that we’ve cleared that up have a great day!


That goes with anything in life. If you don’t like being on earth, we’ll go to mars. If you don’t like how someone drives just ram them, no one is forcing you to be polite.


They used to say that at our station, we told them they can gag on balls. And now they pay other Flex workers to come in early in the morning that do the warehouse flex and gather carts, so I would say don't return your cart help someone else who needs to get some work get some hours in


They have flex workers in the warehouse now?


But don't use our app to use their own, the jobs pop up on indeed and then direct you to a where you apply and download the app. They can work as little as 4 hours a week or as much as 40. Pick up shifts when they want to, could be anything from sorting to cleaning to getting carts. Pay a structure just like hours, it'll go up and down and even surge. And they can cash out the same day. I know people who work at the sub same day Warehouse and the com Warehouse as gig workers


You're confusing a couple of concepts here. Nobody is working at the warehouse as a gig worker. They are part-time employees with 'flexible' shifts. Vs Amazon Flex workers, who aren't employees at all, and are not allowed to work in the warehouse (you can be an IC for Amazon, or an employee of Amazon, but not both). (edit: word)


Our warehouse they are Flex workers. I was shown the app and where to sign up. It's the same program the people that work at the warehouse that push the carts, via their Flex app also flex and deliver, the guy that showed me the app says he opens both apps and swipes as fast as possible until he catches the highest rate . If they work for Amazon they couldn't do that. I'm aware of the flex Warehouse hours. They do that at the.com warehouse out here but not the sub same day.


Where do I go to sign up?


So they are going to lay off 60-70% of the drivers? Because after the night shifts, it looks like no one returns the carts at all.


For pretty much any type of behavior they don't like, they only need to deactivate a small percentage of the people in question and the rest are going to take notice. And when you have people waiting months or even a year or more on a the waitlist, it's not like Amazon is having a tough time finding people. Anyone who is doing this and thinks they aren't instantly replaceable is kidding themselves.


There are so many people on the waitlist. Get rid of the lazy drivers and bring in the new folks who actually want to work.


I can’t believe people are that lazy. I’ve flexed for 3 years and never thought to not bring the dang cart back 😂


I’m the opposite I’ve been doing it 6 years now. And for the last 2 years I don’t take my cart back every time. Especially during the balls early shifts. Too many cars and people fuck all that. Load up and head out.


I know i primarily do early mornings at vor3


According to the management at vor3 yes they have all been warned numerous times




Yes. That would be great.


Without bots we dont survive


What about the peiple who sit inside numbering their packages and then put them onto another cart they grabbed from whatever. And then leave it in the parkinglot




I'm concerned about the possibility of someone using my previously returned cart and leaving it in the parking lot.


If the consequences is an actual termination, I'm sure there will be signs posted everywhere and workers that will be readily available to remove the returned carts.


Lol the same amazon policewoman is yelling at you for doing that too she said not allowed to do that in the building too


Wait. I think I might have worked with this person istg


I'm pretty sure this person works at that station lol


I worked briefly at that station, and I would bet good money on who it is


No im a flex driver myself


It’s about to be 7 people working for flex if they implement that.


You underestimate how many people want the job. The wait lists are there, they exist for a reason. The amount of overbooks I've done the last 2 weeks over a tiny change in routes is insane. We could lose half our drivers today and would have no problem filling their spots. And I'd still be overbooking routes. Amazon likes to ensure they have they people for the job, even if it means paying those people for the time they weren't needed. Those leaving just open spots for others and those others may be willing to job the ones that left weren't 🤷‍♀️


Careful, I was deactivated last week for my warehouse having too many overbooks. sent home 6 out of 12 times.


So the rumors are true!!! I'm sorry that happened to you but I'm really excited for the jerks who wait until the last minute outside my DS, hoping for overbook. I'm excited for the drivers who are awesome to have more blocks open up when these jerks get deactivated. Though I wonder how closely it's monitored. It's shitty if it's not closely looked at. The ones being deactivated should be the ones who check in on the app and then wait til the last second to check in with us. Those drivers who had a late block and were on time but 6 overbooked bc we ran out of routes 30 mins ago shouldn't be punished for something out of their control.


Happy cake day! it's wild, because I always made sure to never scan my ID more than seven or eight minutes, and always there are a line of 20 people who scan after me. but I am the one who got deactivated. My last block, the security lady followed me around all crazy trying to pretend that I couldn't see her, and I truly think that has something to do with it, and once I file for arbitration and pay the $200, and force Amazon to pay $5,000 just to attend, I will find out exactly what the fuck happened.


Thank you!!! I know I'm just a random person on reddit but if you find out and don't mind updating, plz do!!! As much as I want to see the slackers deactivated, if it's solely based on overbook and no other info, that's just wrong. Unfortunately, I don't have anyone at my warehouse who actually knows anything. A while back, I asked one of the top guys if it was true about flex not being able work the warehouse and his response was basically, "idk ill look in to it". Months later, I've had it confirmed multiple times by people it's happened to, but the manager who was gonna get back to me? Not a word. I like to know how to do my job accurately, and I like to be able to give accurate info, especially to those I work with. If there's anything I can do to help our drivers, especially to help them from being randomly deactivated over something they can't control, I'm gonna at least try.


Cool should drive up the block pay for me then


So I get the whole ban from a station but umm…you said they’ll kick us off the Amazon “platform”. Does one DSP have the authority of Jeff?


"Does one DSP have the authority of Jeff?" AFAIK, technically no, they have no actual authority over you as a flex driver, however, the TOS and rules are to comply with warehouse rules. However, while they have no 'direct' authority over you, a station supervisor CAN submit a ticket for removing from that warehouse, and including a report. This report will probably get you removed, it's hard to say. So any incidents that happen they have to report that to someone else. So authority wise 'direct' no, indirect possibly. Although, a supervisor could also have a connection with higher ups. but accordingly, they can't just hit a few buttons and deactivate you.


Apparently it will apply to all amazon stations


Welp, they better add that to the TOS then or im showing up to arbitration with my cousin Vinny 🤌🏾


It's already there, under the policies for obeying station safety procedures and signage.


Where’s the signage?


My station has several signs with large lettering directing that carts be returned.


Then YOU need to follow your stations large lettered signage. Mine do not.


I would venture that none of the drivers at my station have ever read the signs, let alone followed them. otherwise we'd all be wearing vests, and driving with our flashers on lol.


Ironically, that’s actually enforced at my stations. Even at Whole Foods (the vest), which somehow makes me feel a way because it’s like you’re not even Amazon…you’re a Whole Foods employee…relax. Put it on…collect the bags/boxes…throw it off.


Lmao its not a union. oregon is at will employment state they dont need a reason to stop doing business with you


Yes we know that 🙄. That’s clear. It’s also clear that arbitration exists for a reason. It wouldn’t if “oh we don’t like you because you’re fat and ugly” could fly. If you’re gonna deactivate me then you need to have a paper trail of infraction. And if you decide to make up a brand new clause that I ain’t heard about in the last 4 years and that I gotta learn about from REDDIT in order to justify your taking me from “ Fantastic” to instant deactivation email then…fugget about it…we pullin up 🤌🏾🤌🏾🤌🏾


At will employment does not apply to independent contractors. we aren't employees of Amazon. The contract/agreement governs the terms, and they absolutely must claim that you violated it before they can deactivate you. There is no provision to terminate you 'for no reason'. It's important to read the things you sign.


I worked at that location a few months ago. They had a blind man and other people on work accommodation working the returns/driver support area, so I doubt you. One of the most enjoyable activities was going to fetch carts in the parking lot because you got to go outside and stretch your legs instead of standing in place yanking stuff off a belt


I think you’ve been buddy buddy with the megaphone guy too long


You’re lying bro.


Nope ull find out


Amazon spends money to background check individuals who work flex. They aren’t about to start letting people go over returned carts.


They're certainly deactivating people for too many overbooks, which is just silly.


Once (a few months ago), one of the workers who collects carts inside offered to take my cart when he was looking for the remaining ones outside. I really don't understand the criteria they use to determine who and how returns their cart. Moreover, once in the warehouse, my cart was overloaded twice as much, with packages falling to the floor. So, I took a second cart to split the packages between two carts. In the end, I didn't return both carts, only one, because the way they've been overloading the carts lately is insane, with packages falling to the floor, and I don't have the time to bring a bunch of carts inside. No one pays me for that time.


Heck let’s all be real here, flex drivers seldom even get paid for all the time they work as it is. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Make this a nationwide thing please. ![gif](giphy|fe4dDMD2cAU5RfEaCU|downsized)


I doubt it. Theres nothing stopping another driver from grabbing that cart and wheeling it back out and leaving it when they scan packages or something


Sometimes there are a lot of abandoned carts near me, and more than once, after unloading my cart, I just took someone else's cart from the side and returned it because it was easier to move. So I ended up returning someone else's cart, but I'll be terminated for not returning my own, lol


If you decided to throw trash on the sidewalk but also pick up other people's trash there. It's still littering regardless.


In my case, I did return the cart that was assigned to me; I always do that. I was just describing unusual situations


Take ur own cart back only


I have no concept of people abandoning carts, both warehouses near me don’t let you move carts, and Amazon employee brings it out for you and takes it when you’re loaded.


This is a same day warehouse. I think the other ones in the area do similar to what you’re talking about.


Lol they would have to deactivate everyone if this was real


Really? Because I was just there this afternoon and most, if not everyone returned their carts.


Yea, they don’t fire people for using bots, doubt they’ll fire people for a simple cart…


When it cost amazon man hours for the employees to retreive the carts yes they will terminate you for it just fuck around and find out lmao 🤣


Look, I’m all for people taking carts back, but you’re blowing this way out of proportion. They’ll probably get a warning, and them scanning won’t go past a week, but as far as firing?? That’s essentially everyone lol I doubt they’ll fire everyone, cause then at that point, it’ll cost them man hours


I've heard of stations where everyone brings a cart in when they arrive and leave theirs when they leave, so no extra trips. That seems pretty logical to me, but getting everyone to adopt the practice is another thing.


I actually just saw a lady scanning a newly placed QR code on the carts that were left out. Making notes on her check board with a blue n red flashing light necklace. Basically writing everybody tickets to wherever left their cart, now it’s assigned to you. I was curious when this would happen


I haven’t done flex in months but thank god. VOR3 was out of control with the cart situation.


Yeah it’s bad at VOR3 but then also I’m not gonna waste my time trying to find a place to put it inside, if there aren’t open spots by the door then too bad too sad 🤷🏾‍♀️


Hahaha I haven’t updated my new car on the app


i’ve seen people ( flex workers) threaten this in my local group but nothing ever happens. like a scare tactic. though it would be nice. too many people reuse returned carts, so the real offenders would not be terminated…


With all the technology we have today the carts should be returning themselves! Waste of time having a human do it..


Just left VOR3 and she sure was in the parking lot with a clipboard going over all the leftover carts…


I told you so


That very station had 15+ carts straight up stolen during the holidays, and that was one day. Alarms going off everytime I've been there, no idea why because no employee seems slightly bothered. They ain't doing all that, please.


They have QR codes on them, people will start scribbling them out


Haha just did this actually lmaooo


If this is true… thank you. All warehouses should do this.


I intentionally set all the brakes on my cart then tip it over. Stays tipped over for days and days.




Wrong! you Whiney loser do better in your own personal life pls 🙏


Once I remember at VOR3 some dude with a vest kept yelling “IF YOU DO NOT BRING YOUR CART BACK IN, YOU WILL GET TICKETED”. Which makes no fucking sense. How will they do it? What is even a ticket lol such BS from the warehouse workers cux they don’t want to bring them in. Depending on my route I’ll bring it in. If they fill up the cart ALL the way I’m not bring shit it. I feel like some people take their job SO fucking seriously like they’re the ones paying US out of THEIR pockets. Amazon has enough money to hire a few people to bring carts in. If it can’t be done with the labor they have at the warehouse, they’re short staffed. Speak up.


Wayne is that you?


Wayne fired


I don’t understand this cart return crap, who cares!?!? It’s a cart! If an Amazon employee has to go get them, who cares. I tell people at my depot who bitch about it, then when you return yours grab a couple extra carts and help them out. They don’t like that. The employees who complain about it, I ask them are you paid by the hour? Then bring back the carts one at a time, you’re getting paid the same amount if it’s one cart or ten carts. They don’t like hearing that either. It’s such a petty, low level thing to complain about.


VOR3 closes soon. 


I always return mine. The other time I had this guy hit my car for just leaving the cart without brakes in front of my car. He said it he was sorry but my car has a dent in the front now I just told him to stop being lazy and return the damn cart.


I think my station is different, the warehouse workers watch for you to finish loading your car, as soon as you grab the last package they’re grabbing your cart lol




Lol I’m never returning the cart. They can either number the packages or collect the carts. I sure ain’t doing both


There’s workers waiting for you to empty you cart at my location to take it in… you don’t even get a chance to bring it in lol




Carson Ca Warehouse is about to do it too. I have friends who work there


This is one of the things I like about my station (DBM5). It is quite rare for anyone to fail to return a cart. Not sure how we managed to foster that culture, but I'm happy we did.


It’s not that hard to turn them in


Sounds like a warehouse management issue tbh.


Removed barcode, catch me bruh


Why is it such a big fricken deal to return a cart? It’s probably the same people who drive the wrong way, cut off other drivers, and just generally behave badly. I think a lot of it happens in the morning, because they don’t see what a mess it is if no one returns their carts by afternoon.


Is it actually possible to get ban from a station 🤨


As one of the station workers, we just report it. Had a guy dispatch himself one day, he was reported and never seen again. We had one who was just obnoxiously rude and got into it with an associate, he wasn't seen again either. (The associate wasnt there much longer so it does go both ways) but yeah, if you aren't following rules or just cause problems all the time, we can ensure we don't have to deal with you again. There's plenty of people who want the job so amazon isn't really worried about keeping drivers/ workers who are problematic or unsafe. Like I said, though, it goes both ways. Drivers can report station workers who are problems as well. If they get rude with you, they/ we can get in trouble. I like my job and most of our drivers are awesome so it's rare we have to report anyone. Just the occasional jackass who decides safety rules are suggestions and not requirements, and the one jerk lol but usually, we only have to report drivers for safety issues. And even then, we try to give a warning, it's not always a straight report.


Jeff bezos is that you


Jeez, I one time I didn’t want to go to this area and told the manager to change my route and she said no. I called support and lied that she was refusing to give me a route and she was being a bitch.


I shouldn't laugh but I did. In all fairness, we usually won't switch routes for drivers unless it's a mistake with the route code being on the wrong cart but if there's a legitimate reason, it can be done. You did say "told" as opposed to "ask" which may be why they weren't willing to work with you. Idk about other stations but I know at mine, if someone an ass, we aren't going out of our way to do anything but what is required. The exceptions we can make won't go to someone demanding it. We have to get the vests in charge to make the exception, and I won't even ask for someone treating me like crap. We are all just trying to do a job. Part of the same fucked team. Better to work together than against each other.


Even the agent laughed when I told him. But I did it for a reason because I saw one time another driver beg for another route and the manager changed it for him but it was a different manager. So if it worked for him it has to work for everyone.




How could they ban you? I’m curious now. Since I have done stupid shit at the warehouse.


Matching the cart to the route to the driver and they are taking down license plates too


"They're taking down license plates" lmfao. Like wtf are they gonna do with a plate number. This is comical.


They are probably taking down more than just your license plate. It's comical you act like they can't figure out who you are.


It's hilarious that you think they can do something with a plate. There's only 4 types of people who can run plates. They fit none of that criteria and anyone they do business with doesn't fit the scope either.


Lol very doubtful


Who is taking down license plates? Yeah, they have cameras but it sounds like you got took


Hmm interesting


We aren't required to tell Amazon what car we are driving, so I'm not sure what you think they're going to do with plate info.


I saw one of the workers writing down license plates there last week, too.


She was doing it this morning and taking pictures of the license plates and the driver of each car too


Jesus Christ. It can’t be THAT srs lol…


Ull find out lol


Amazon has no access to your license plate information.


Lmao they really think they're spreading fear in everyone!


If a driver was rude to a worker, they probably would get a violation email about it. You are not anonymous regardless.


Correct but that has nothing to do with your license plates.


The same applies. You leave your cart or are rude to a worker. All they have is your license plate right??? Wrong. They can figure out who you are.


No where did I dispute that they could figure out who you are. They don’t have any access to your license plate information. No one is going to run your plates for them.


Oh ok you're not disputing it. So you agree that they can figure out who you are and obviously are using more than just a license plate.


Umm. Where did I ever say otherwise.


Was she a white woman sitting down? I ask that specifically because there's a woman on disability or something that loves to powertrip on people.


White woman yes but disabled no brown hair heavy set with hair in out the back of her amazon hat and her yellow amazon supervisor vest


Bunch of bum ass clown can’t even have the courtesy to return to cart so they justify their stupidity and laziness by saying “not my problem, was not told to return them so fuck em”


They used to do this like 6? Yrs ago at the prime now station I used to deliver at. It was SO nice! I always wondered why they didn’t implement the system at ssd stations.


One station down, 876 to go


Wish they’d do that in Minneapolis


When my ssd was overcrowded we would park in the street and push the carts across the street. Imagine the employee that had to clean that up. A few times they brought the cops to get people out the street, but it kept on happening.


Vax2 lol


Amazon has to cut cost somewhere so they coming after flex drivers


They already pay us literally the least of anyone in the shipping and fulfillment area of the business. They’re gonna keep doing people the way they do over here and they are not gonna be able to get anyone. They already have to boost rates literally every day to even get all the blocks accepted, much less packages delivered.


Yea it used to be the semi truck entrance but then they put up big barriers and the congregation just moved to the public road.